After the 2008 economic crisis the States of the euro zone realised that the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) was not complete and that consolidation was required. Initiatives have been taken to this effect with the introduction of the financial solidarity mechanisms, the European Stability Mechanism and the project for banking union. However there is still major divergence in terms of Economic and Fiscal Union, notably regarding European involvement in national decisions and the timeliness of a common euro zone budget. Moreover the need to strengthen the institutions and for greater democratic legitimacy on the part of the EMU is increasingly evident, going hand in hand with a deepening of euro zone integration. After presenting the main direct effects of the economic and financial crisis on the European economy, the Robert Schuman Foundation offers its readers an instructive set of papers on “post-crisis” issues implied by the economic governance of the euro zone and on the proposals to improve its efficiency and its legitimacy.
State of the Union 2019

State of the Union 2018

State of the Union 2014

For geopolitics of the euro
« How to consolidate the euro zone ? »
« Tax harmonisation, Chapter I »
« Some truths about the euro. The euro, « this wretch, this mangy brute, the source of all misfortune »
« Strengthening economic governance of the euro »
The Euro is irreversible
How can quantitative easing policies be brought to an end?
One of the cornerstones of the European Union from an economic point of view is the principle of healthy, fair competition on the markets
What is the European Central Bank's logic?
Lithuania's entry into the euro zone and its impact on the European Central Bank
The ECB's health-check of the banks - a necessary but not sufficient step for reforming the euro
European Issue n°332 - 10/11/2014
Dominique Perrut, PhD in Economics (Paris 1), consultant and researcher in the financial sector in Paris, is the author of articles and work that focus on financial intermediaries, regulation and financial Europe (L'Europe financière et monétaire, Nathan; Le système monétaire et financier français, Seuil, coll. Points). Part-time University Professor he has taught European economics in France and Europe (1992-2012). He is now a researcher, and independent consultant. He works with several think-tanks and European NGOs.
Reforming the European Union: Which methods? Which options?
European Issue n°320 - 07/07/2014
Thierry Chopin, Studies Director for the Robert Schuman Foundation, Visiting Professor at the College of Europe and Associate Expert at the Centre for International Studies and Research (CERI-Sciences Po).
Economic and Monetary Union reform: political ambition or division
European Issue n°297 - 16/12/2013
Dominique Perrut, PhD in Economics (Paris-1), Associate University Professor at Angers University, Consultant in the financial sector in Paris, Qualified member of Finance Watch.
European economic government: the question is not ‘when’ anymore but ‘how’ (only available in French)
European Issue n°216 - 10/10/2011
Jean-François Jamet, University Lecturer at Sciences Po and Engineer of the Mines.
A European economic government: from slogan to reality? (2nd part, only available in French)
European Issue n°168 - 26/04/2010
Jean-François Jamet, University Lecturer at Sciences Po and Engineer of the Mines.
A European economic government: from slogan to reality? (1st part, only available in French)
European Issue n°167 - 19/04/2010
Jean-François Jamet, University Lecturer at Sciences Po and Engineer of the Mines.
The economic governance of the European Union: controversies and avenues for reforms (only available in French)
European Issue n°67 - 09/07/2007
Jean-François Jamet, University Lecturer at Sciences Po and Engineer of the Mines.
The State of the Union 2015

Strengthening the Governance of the Euro Area
Daniela Schwarzer, Director of the “Europe” programme for the German Marshall Fund in Berlin and Senior Research Professor at the School of Advanced Studies at John Hopkins University (Washington, D.C.). In Chopin, Thierry, Foucher, Michel (eds.) State of the Union 2015: Schuman Report on Europe. Paris: Lignes de Repères, 2015.
The State of the Union 2014

Which scenarios for Europe after the crisis?
Thierry Chopin, Studies Director for the Robert Schuman Foundation, Visiting Professor at the College of Europe and Associate Expert at the Centre for International Studies and Research (CERI-Sciences Po). In Chopin, Thierry, Foucher, Michel (eds.) State of the Union 2014: Schuman Report on Europe. Paris: Lignes de Repères, 2014.
The State of the Union 2014

Does the Euro Zone Crisis make it necessary to revise the European Treaties?
Jean-Claude Piris, French former Diplomat, Consultant on European law and international law. In Chopin, Thierry, Foucher, Michel (eds.) State of the Union 2014: Schuman Report on Europe. Paris: Lignes de Repères, 2014.
The State of the Union 2012

Governance of the European Union, two years after the Lisbon Treaty
Jean-Dominique Giuliani, Chairman of the Robert Schuman Foundation.In Chopin, Thierry, Foucher, Michel (eds.) State of the Union 2012: Schuman Report on Europe. Springer, 2012.
The State of the Union 2012

Europe – Afterwards. From Crisis Federalism to Pragmatic Federalism.
Thierry Chopin, Studies Director for the Robert Schuman Foundation, Visiting Professor at the College of Europe and Associate Expert at the Centre for International Studies and Research (CERI-Sciences Po) and Jean-François Jamet, University Lecturer at Sciences Po and Engineer of the Mines. In Chopin, Thierry, Foucher, Michel (eds.) State of the Union 2012: Schuman Report on Europe. Springer, 2012.
L'Union des marchés de capitaux, au service du projet européen et de la relance de l'investissement
L'Union des marchés de capitaux : quels contours, quelles priorités ?
The ECB’s health-check of the banks – a necessary but not sufficient step for reforming the euro
European Issue n°332 - 10/11/2014
Dominique Perrut, PhD in Economics (Paris-1), Associate University Professor at Angers University, Consultant in the financial sector in Paris, Qualified member of Finance Watch.
« Financial Reforms : progress or regression ? »
EU Banking Union: Sound in theory, difficult in practice
European Issue n°271 - 23/03/2013
Josef Ackermann, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Zurich Insurance Group.
Banking Union in the roadmap for the Euro: interim assessment on the eve of the European Council
European Issue n°261 - 10/12/2012
Dominique Perrut, PhD in Economics (Paris-1), Associate University Professor at Angers University, Consultant in the financial sector in Paris, Qualified member of Finance Watch.
Does Europe have the means to guarantee itself? Euro Zone States: a Community of Destiny
European Issue n°227 - 06/02/2012
Philippe Huberdeau, European Studies Director at Sciences Po.
The State of the Union 2013

EU Banking Union: Sound in theory, difficult in practice
Josef Ackermann, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Zurich Insurance Group. In Chopin, Thierry, Foucher, Michel (eds.) State of the Union 2013: Schuman report on Europe. Springer, 2013.
The State of the Union 2012

For a Political View of Financial Regulation
Jean-Pierre Jouyet, General Director of the Caisse des dépôts et consignations and Chairman of the Public investment bank. In Chopin, Thierry, Foucher, Michel (eds.) State of the Union 2012: Schuman Report on Europe. Springer, 2012.
The State of the Union 2011

Towards a New Framework for Monetary Policy
Jacques De Larosière, Chairman of the Scientific Committee of Agence France Tresor and Chairman of EUROFI. In Chopin, Thierry, Foucher, Michel (eds.) State of the Union 2011: Schuman Report on Europe. Springer, 2011.
The stability and growth pact does in fact include some room for manœuvre according to fiscal adjustment and these margins must be used
European Interview n°82 - 08/09/2014
Benoît Cœuré, Member of the European Central Bank’s Board.
The Euro is not only currency; it is the first of all the responsible and sustainable fiscal policy
European Interview n°73 - 22/07/2013
Dalia Grybauskaitė, President of the Republic of Lithuania.
Budgetary Balance and Competitiveness: the Swedish Example
European Issue n°258 - 12/11/2012
Sébastien Richard, Lecturer in European Policy at the University Paris I-Panthéon-Sorbonne.
Learning about and understanding the Budgetary Pact
European Issue n°253 - 01/10/2012
Jean-Dominique Giuliani, Chairman of the Robert Schuman Foundation.
The agencies give ratings, Europe is moving forwards
European Issue n°228 - 13/02/2012
Alain Fabre, economic expert at the Robert Schuman Foundation.
Budgetary Crisis: how can we protect the future of Europe?
European Issue n°181 - 04/10/2010
Alain Lamassoure, MEP, Chair of the European Parliament’s special Tax Committee.
‘Social Europe’, a lever for euro zone integration
European Issue n°292 - 21/10/2013
Thierry Chopin, studies Director for the Robert Schuman Foundation, Visiting Professor at the College of Europe and Associate Expert at the Centre for International Studies and Research (CERI-Sciences Po) and Alain Fabre, economic expert at the Robert Schuman Foundation.
Towards Budgetary Federation?
European Issue n°270 - 18/03/2013
Alain Lamassoure, MEP, Chair of the European Parliament’s special Tax Committee.
The Question of European Fiscal Strategy
European Issue n°198 - 14/03/2011
Alain Fabre, economic expert at the Robert Schuman Foundation.
For a fiscal federalism in the Euro Zone (only available in French)
European Issue n°178 - 19/07/2010
Franck Lirzin, Graduate of Polytechnique and EHESS, Engineer of the Mines.
Integration of fiscal policies: a major stake for the Franco-German couple (only available in French)
European Issue n°174 - 21/06/2010
Alain Fabre, economic expert at the Robert Schuman Foundation.
Towards a European Tax? Europe’s search for a genuine budget (only available in French)
European Issue n°164 - 29/03/2010
Alain Lamassoure, MEP, Chair of the European Parliament’s special Tax Committee.
The State of the Union 2014

A ‘tax core’ within the euro zone
Jean-Paul Betbèze, Chairman of the Scientific Council of the Robert Schuman Foundation, Founder of Betbeze Conseil SAS, member of the Cercle des économistes, of the CNIS office as well as of the Economic Committee for the Nation. In Chopin, Thierry, Foucher, Michel (eds.) The State of the Union 2014: Schuman Report on Europe. Paris: Lignes de Repères, 2014.
The State of the Union 2013

Towards a fiscal federation?
Alain Lamassoure, MEP, Chair of the European Parliament’s special Tax Committee. In Chopin, Thierry, Foucher, Michel (eds.) The State of the Union 2013: Schuman Report on Europe. Springer, 2013.
The State of the Union 2012

The Budget: For a European Solidarity Pact
Alain Lamassoure, MEP, Chair of the European Parliament’s special Tax Committee. In Chopin, Thierry, Foucher, Michel (eds.) The State of the Union 2012: Schuman Report on Europe. Springer, 2012.
The State of the Union 2012

The Budget: For a European Solidarity Pact
Alain Lamassoure, MEP, Chair of the European Parliament’s special Tax Committee. In Chopin, Thierry, Foucher, Michel (eds.) The State of the Union 2012: Schuman Report on Europe. Springer, 2012.
The State of the Union 2012

An Investment Strategy in the EU: A means to compensate for the Lack of Fiscal Transfers
Stefaan De Corte, Senior Research Officer of the Center for European Studies. In Chopin, Thierry, Foucher, Michel (eds.) The State of the Union 2012: Schuman Report on Europe. Springer, 2012.
The State of the Union 2011

An outlook on the European Budget: From Financial Solidarity to Budgetary Solidarity?
Alain Lamassoure, MEP, Chair of the European Parliament’s special Tax Committee. In Chopin, Thierry, Foucher, Michel (eds.) The State of the Union 2011: Schuman Report on Europe. Springer, 2011.
The State of the Union 2010

Towards a European Tax? Europe’s search for a genuine budget.
Alain Lamassoure, MEP, Chair of the European Parliament’s special Tax Committee. In Chopin, Thierry, Foucher, Michel (eds.) The State of the Union 2010: Schuman Report on Europe. Springer, 2010.
The State of the Union 2008

Europe’s other crisis: the common budget
Alain Lamassoure, MEP, Chair of the European Parliament’s special Tax Committee. In Chopin, Thierry, Foucher, Michel (eds.) The State of the Union 2008: Schuman Report on Europe. Paris: Lignes de Repères, 2008.
« The Social Dimension : at the heart of Europe »
« Reforming the European Union : a political and democratic imperative »
« The Future of Europe »
« How can we make Europe populaire again ? »
« Euro zone, legitimacy and democracy: how do we solve the European democratic problem ? »
« Economic and Monetary Union reform: political ambition or division »
« ‘Social Europe’, a lever for euro zone integration »
« What kind of European Integration for the 21st Century »
"Political Union": from slogan to reality
European Issue n°280 - 27/05/2013
Thierry Chopin, Studies Director for the Robert Schuman Foundation, Visiting Professor at the College of Europe and Associate Expert at the Centre for International Studies and Research (CERI-Sciences Po).
Towards a Genuine European Executive Power: from Governance to Government
European Issue n°274 - 15/04/2013
Thierry Chopin, Studies Director for the Robert Schuman Foundation, Visiting Professor at the College of Europe and Associate Expert at the Centre for International Studies and Research (CERI-Sciences Po).
A Political Union for Europe
European Issue n°252 - 24/09/2012
Thierry Chopin, Studies Director for the Robert Schuman Foundation, Visiting Professor at the College of Europe and Associate Expert at the Centre for International Studies and Research (CERI-Sciences Po), and Jean-François Jamet, University Lecturer at Sciences Po and Engineer of the Mines as well as François-Xavier Priollaud, Administrator of the National Assembly.
Future of the euro zone: proposals for political integration
European Issue n°232 - 12/03/2012
Jean Arthuis, MEP, Chairman of the Parliamentary Budget Committee.
The Euro does not exist politically; there will have to be a political authority to represent it
European Interview n°51 - 08/11/2010
Jean-Paul Betbèze, Chairman of the Scientific Council of the Robert Schuman Foundation, Founder of Betbeze Conseil SAS, member of the Cercle des économistes, of the CNIS office as well as of the Economic Committee for the Nation.
The State of the Union 2014

The political dimension of European economic integration
Benoît Cœuré, Member of the European Central Bank’s Board. In Chopin, Thierry, Foucher, Michel (eds.) The State of the Union 2014: Schuman Report on Europe. Paris: Lignes de Repères, 2014.
The State of the Union 2013

"Political Union": from slogan to reality
Thierry Chopin, Studies Director for the Robert Schuman Foundation, Visiting Professor at the College of Europe and Associate Expert at the Centre for International Studies and Research (CERI-Sciences Po). In Chopin, Thierry, Foucher, Michel (eds.) The State of the Union 2013: Schuman Report on Europe. Springer, 2013.
The State of the Union 2011

Europe and the Need to Decide: Is European Political Leadership Possible?
Thierry Chopin, Studies Director for the Robert Schuman Foundation, Visiting Professor at the College of Europe and Associate Expert at the Centre for International Studies and Research (CERI-Sciences Po). In Chopin, Thierry, Foucher, Michel (eds.) State of the Union 2011: Schuman Report on Europe. Springer, 2011.