To gain a better understanding of the issues at stake in the economic and financial crisis, the Robert Schuman Foundation has created a special page that brings together all the articles it has published on this subject.
10 Fact Sheets to explain Europe and the World Economic Crisis
The State of the Union 2016

Reforming the Euro Area and the European Union: What is the Right Way Forward?
Schäuble Wolfgang
The State of the Union 2015

The State of the Union 2014

The State of the Union 2013

The State of the Union 2012

Thierry Chopin, Studies Director at the Robert Schuman Foundation, associate professor at CNAM.
Jean-François Jamet, Economist, lecturer at Sciences Po.
The State of the Union 2011

The European Union and Crisis: the Albatross Syndrome
Jean-Dominique Giuliani, Chairman of the Robert Schuman Foundation.
The State of the Union 2010

Reform of Financial Capitalism: what opportunities are there for European leadership?
Jean-Pierre Jouyet, Chair of the Financial Markets Authority.
The State of the Union 2009

The European Union in the face of the Financial Crisis
Nicolas Véron, Economist (Research Fellow) at the Centre for European Thought Bruegel.
The State of the Union 2008

The Monetary Policy in a Globalised World : what are the new challenges?
Jacques de Larosière, Advsior to the Chairman of BNP Paribas.
No Member State, big or small, can face the present problems and challenges alone
The stability and growth pact does in fact include some room to manœuvre according to budgetary adjustment and these margins must be used.
Interview with Dalia Grybauskaite, President of the Republic of Lithuania
Interview with Alain Lamassoure, Chairman of the European Parliament's Budgets Committee
EI n°68-19/11/2012
Alain Lamassoure, Member of the European Parliament (European People's Party)
We must avoid Greece leaving the euro zone
Preparing a second phase of the Single Market Act to remove the main obstacles that are still preventing us from achieving the internal market's full potential
EI n°64 - 16/04/2012
Michel Barnier, European Commissioner for the Internal Market and Services.
G20: An overall solution to the crisis is only possible if there is cooperation
European federalism has to be established ...
EI n°60 - 24/10/2011
Didier Reynders, Former Belgian Finance and Institutional Reform Minister.
European Interview with Sylvie Goulard, MEP (ALDE,FR) on financial supervision
The Euro does not exist politically, there will have to be a political authority to represent it.
European Interview with Anne-Marie Idrac
Europe on the Eve of the G20.
Interview with Jean-Pierre Jouyet
Exclusive Interview with Jean-Claude Trichet
After the Washington Summit: the issues at stake in the financial crisis
Strengthening economic governance of the euro
« How can quantitative easing policies be brought to an end? »
The Juncker Plan: a real opportunity for Europe
What is the European Central Bank's logic?
The Juncker Plan - the vehicle for revived European ambition?
Circular economy and resource efficiency: a driver of economic growth in Europe
Capital Markets and Economic Imbalances: from one crisis to another
The Reform of the Economic and Monetary Union: political ambition or divide
"Social Europe", a lever for euro zone integration
EI n°292-21/10/2013
Thierry Chopin, Studies Director at the Robert Schuman Foundation, associate professor at CNAM
European public opinion: is this the end of pessimism?
Labour Costs and Crisis Management in the Euro Zone: A Reinterpretation of Divergences in Competitiveness
Financial reforms: progress or regression?
EI n°286 - 15/07/2013
Hubert Rodarie, Chief Executive Officer of SMABTP group in charge of investments and personal insurance
Entrepreneurs at the heart of the economic recovery in Europe
The terms of the crisis
EI n°278 - 13/05/2013
Sebastian Richard, Professor of European politics at University Paris I - Panthéon-Sorbonne
Europeans’ attitudes towards Europe: a downturn linked only to the crisis?
For a credible growth strategy for the euro zone: the obligation to produce results
The euro zone as revealed in Cyprus
EI n°273 - 08/04/2013
Sébastien Richard, Professor of European politics at University Paris I - Panthéon-Sorbonne
EU Banking Union: Sound in theory, difficult in practice
EI n°271 - 25/03/2013
Josef Ackermann, Chairman of the Management Board of the Group Zurich Insurance
Towards budgetary federation ?
EI n°270 - 18/03/2013
Alain Lamassoure, Member of the European Parliament (European People's Party)
The European tax on financial transactions: from principle to implementation
EI n°269 - 11/03/2013
Sébastien Richard, Professor of European politics at University Paris I - Panthéon-Sorbonne
The European budget agreement 2014/2020- the end of a (slight) budgetary suspense?
Banking Union in the roadmap for the euro: interim assessment on the eve of the European Council
European defence in the era of the budget crisis: an opportunity for more cooperation?
EI n°259 - 26/11/2012
Claude-France Arnould, Executive Director of the European Defence Agency
Budgetary balance and competitiveness: the Swedish example
EI n°258 - 12/11/2012
Sébastien Richard, Professor of European politics at University Paris I - Panthéon-Sorbonne
The Emerging European Social Model - an advantage in the face of the crisis
Financial Regulation after the "Subprime" crisis: what lessons can be learned and what reforms undertaken?
Europe afterward. Recommendations towards a global strategy to emerge from the crisis
EI n°243 - 11/06/2012
Thierry Chopin, Studies Director at the Robert Schuman Foundation, associate professor at CNAM.
The Euro crisis
EI n°240 - 14/05/2012
Edmond Alphandéry, Chairman of the Board of CNP Insurance, Former Minister of Economy.
The German Economic Model: A strategy for Europe
Future of the euro zone: proposals for political integration
In support of European Centres of Innovation and Industry
The European Union, a project to unify a continent, a project for the future
The Agencies give ratings, Europe is moving forwards
Does Europe have the means to guarantee itself? Euro Zone States: a community of destiny
Europe's Industrial Ambition
The European Trade Policy: towards less naivety
EI n°222 - 12/12/2011
Anne-Marie Idrac, Former French Secretary of State for Foreign Trade.
Europa farà da sé? Thoughts on the debt crisis in Italy
EI n°221 - 05/12/2011
Sébastien Richard, Lecturer in economy and public policy at the University of Paris X Nanterre.
The Impact of the Financial Crisis on Employment and the Social Inclusion of Young People. What should be done?
EI n°220 - 28/11/2011
Branislav Stanicek, Slovakian scholarship holder of the Robert Schuman Foundation.
Europe and the Crisis: what are the possible outcomes? Collapse, status quo or the continuation of integration?
EI n°219 - 21/11/2011
Thierry Chopin, Studies Director at the Robert Schuman Foundation, Associate Professor at the CNAM.
European Economic Government: the question is no longer when but how.
The Euro and the Debt Crisis: towards greater political integration
Can finance be used for European Integration?
The Euro's Stability: the need for true reform of financial activities
The euro has a future
EI n°201 - 11/04/2011
Mathilde Lemoine, Director of Economic studies and Market Strategy at HSBC France.
Europe and the Global Financial Crisis Explained in 10 Sheets
EI n°200 - 04/04/2011
Sebastian Paulo, Former consultant of the OECD and Lecturer at Sciences Po.
The Question of the European Fiscal Strategy
How do we return to a predictable European economic environment?
The Crisis over the 2011 Budget: “le choc des intransigeances” (the clash of the intransigeant)
EI n°187 - 29/11/2010
Nicolas-Jean Brehon, Lecturer in Public Finance Masters at the University of Paris I-Sorbonne.
The Euro Area in Autumn 2010: Economic policies on a Razor Edge?
German Ethic and the European Spirit: Can Germany guarantee the euro's stability?
Budgetary Crisis: how can we protect the future of Europe?
EI n°181 - 04/10/2010
Alain Lamassoure, Member of the European Parliament (European People's Party).
Seen From America: The Implications of the Economic Crisis for the European Union
EI n°139 - 15/06/2009
Justin Vaïsse, Senior Fellow, Center on the US and Europe - The Brookings Institution.
Views on the Turmoil and Internal Market
EI n°123 - 05/01/2009
Olivier Boutellis-Taft, Executive Director of the Federation of European Accountants (FEA).