Area : 78,867 km²
Borders : 1,989 km (Austria 362 km, Germany 815 km, Poland 615 km, Slovakia 197 km)
Capital : Prague
Official language : Czech

Population : 10,900,555 (est. 2024)
Crude natural change rate : -12‰ (2023)
Population repartition: 16.2% under 15 years old, 20.4% over 65 years old (2023)
Foreign residents: 2.1% EU nationals, 3.1% non-EU nationals (2019)
Crude net migration rate: 8.7‰ (2023)
First time asylum applicants: 1,405 (2023)
Life expectancy: men 77 years, women 82.9 years (2023)
Religions: Catholic 7%, Protestants et Hussite 6%, others 9.1%, none 47.8%, unspecified 30.1% (2021 est.)
Ethnic groups: Czech 57.3%, Moravian 3.4%, others 7.7%, unspecified 31.6% (2021)
Source : Eurostat
Currency: Czech Crown (CZK) (exchange rate October 2024: 1€ = 25.23 CZK)
GDP: € 317,387.0 million (2023)
GDP per capita (PPS): € 18,480 (2023)
GDP growth : -0.1% (2023)
Inflation: 2.6% (September 2024)
Public debt: 43.4% (Q1 2024)
Unemployment: 2.6% (August 2024)
Stock of foreign direct investment from the entire world: 68.8% of GDP (2022)
Performance sectors: automobile industry, mechanics, chemistry
Budget balance: +1.3% of GDP (2023)
Source : Eurostat, BNP Paribas
Political system
Republic, parliamentary democracy (Constitution of 16th December 1992)
Head of State: Petr Pavel was directly elected on 28th January 2023. He took office as President on 9th March 2023.
Head of Government: Petr Fiala (ODS) was appointed Prime Minister on 28th November 2021. He leads the coalition 'Alliance Together' which includes 4 parties: the conservative liberal party (ODS), the Christian Democrats, the centre-right party TOP 09 and Mayors and Independents (STAN).
Bicameral parliamentary system: The House of Deputies (Poslanecka Snemovna) comprises 200 members who are elected for four years by direct universal suffrage by proportional representation; a 5% threshold is required to gain entry into the House. The Senate comprises 81 members who are elected for six years, with a third of the Senate up for election every two years.
Political representation
Composition of the Chamber of Deputies (since October 2021):
- 71 seats ANO 2011 (populist right)
- 34 seats ODS (Civic Democratic party)
- 33 seats STAN (Mayors and Independents)
- 23 seats KDU-ČSL (Christian and Democratic Union - Czechoslovak People's Party)
- 20 seats SPD (Social Democratic Party, far-right)
- 14 seats TOP 9
- 4 seats Piráti (Pirate party)
- 1 unaffiliated seat
Composition of the Senate (September 2024) :
- 27 seats Group ODS-TOP09
- 18 seats Group STAN
- 13 seats Group ANO-SOCDEM
- 12 seats Group KDU-ČSL
- 6 seats Sen21 - Piráti group
- 5 non-attached seats
Women's representations
- in the government: 1/17
- in the Chamber of deputies: 49/200
- in the Senate: 17/81
Next Elections:
On The Same Theme
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