Area : 505,370 km²
Borders : 1953 km (Andorra 63.7 km, France 623 km, Gibraltar 1.2 km, Portugal 1,214 km, Morocco (Ceuta) 6.3 km, Morocco (Melilla) 9.6 km)
Coastline : 4,964 km
Capital : Madrid
Official language : Spanish

Population : 48,797,875 (Q3 2024 est.)
Crude natural change rate : -2.4‰ (2023 est.)
Population repartition: 13.6% under 15 years old, 20.1% over 65 years old (2023)
Foreign residents: 4% EU nationals, 8% non EU nationals (2021)
Crude net migration rate: 13.2‰ (2023 est.)
First time asylum applicants: 162,420 (2023)
Life expectancy: men 81.2 years, women 86.7 years (2023)
Religions: Roman Catholic 58.2%, atheist 16.2%, agnostic 10.8%, other 2.7%, non- believer 10.5%, unspecified 1.7% (2021 est.)
Ethnic groups: Spanish 84.8%, Moroccan 1.7%, Romanian 1.2%, other 12.3% (2021 est.)
Source : Eurostat, The CIA World Factbook, Instituto Nacional de Estadística
Currency: Euro
GDP: € 1,498,324 million (2023)
GDP per capita (PPS): € 25,620 (2023)
GDP growth : 2.7% (2023)
Inflation: 2.4% (November 2024)
Public debt: 105.3% of GDP (Q2 2024)
Unemployment: 11.21% (Q3 2024)
Stock of foreign direct investment from the entire world: 56% of GDP (2023)
Budget balance: -3.64% of GDP (2023)
Source : Eurostat, OCDE, Trading Economics, Données mondiales
Political system
Constitutional monarchy, democracy, bicameral parliamentary system
Head of State: King Felipe VI since 19th June 2014
Prime Minister: Pedro Sanchez (PSOE), president of the outgoing government, announced a new coalition government between the PSOE and the Sumar party on 17th November 2023.
The Cortes make up the Spanish parliament, they comprise two houses: The Congreso de los diputados (Congress of Deputies) comprises 350 members who are elected for four years by direct universal suffrage; the Senado (Senate) comprises 266 members among whom 208 are directly elected and 58 are designated by the regions.
Political representation
Composition of the Congreso de los diputados (in December 2024):
- 137 seats PP (People's Party)
- 120 seats Socialist Group : 101 PSOE (Spanish Socialist Workers Party), 19 PSC (Socialist Party of Catalonia)
- 33 seats VOX
- 27 seats Plurinational Group SUMAR : 11 Sumar, 6 CatComú (Catalonia in common), 5 IU (Izquierda Unida), 2 Compromís, 1 CHA (Chunta Aragonesista), 1 MÉS (Més per Mallorca), 1 Más Madrid
- 8 seats Independents
- 7 seats ERC (Republican Left of Catalonia)
- 7 seats Junts per Catalunya (Together for Catalonia)
- 6 seats EH Bildu (Reunite the Basque Country)
- 5 seats EAJ-PNV (Basque Nationalist Party)
Composition of the Senado (in December 2024):
- 145 seats PP (People's Party)
- 89 seats PSOE (Spanish Socialist Workers Party)
- 9 seats Esquerra Republicana-EH Bildu
- 7 seats Confederal Left
- 6 seats EAJ-PNV
- 6 seats Plural Parliamentary Group (Junts, AHI, coalicion canaria, BNG)
- 4 seats Joint parliamentary group
Women's representations
- in government: 11/23
- in the Congreso: 156/350
- in the Senado: 113/266
Next Elections:
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