Area : 3,989,180 km² Coastline: around 80,000 km (EU), 42,673 km (Schengen Area)
Borders : null

Population : 448,387,872 (2023)
Crude natural change rate : -2.6‰ (2023)
Population repartition: 15 years of age 14.9% (2023), 65 years of age 21.3% (2023)
Foreign residents: 37.5 million (2021)
Crude net migration rate: 8.9‰ (2022)
First time asylum applicants: 1,129,800 (2023)
Life expectancy: men 78.9 years, women 84.2 years (2023)
Birth rate: 8.2‰ (2023)
Death rate: 8.2‰ (2023)
Total positive applications: 8.2‰ (2023)
Source : Eurostat, Ined, Insee
GDP: €16,962,390.6 million (2023)
GDP per capita (PPS): €37,610 (2023)
GDP growth : 1% (est. 2023)
Inflation: 2.6% (March 2024)
Public debt: €13,862,584.5 (Q4 2023)
Unemployment: 6% (May 2024)
Stock of foreign direct investment from the entire world: 62.8% of GDP (2021)
Public debt: (of GDP): 49.8% (2023)
Government revenues: (of GDP): 46.5% (2022)
Exports outside of the EU: €241,5 million (January 2023 est.)
importationsHorsUE: €252,9 million (January 2023 est.)
Trade balance: €-13,989.4 million (Q1 2023)
Source : Eurostat and OECD, Trading Economics, Access2Market statistics
Political system
Political representation
Euro Area Member Countries: 20 Member States of the European Union take part in the Single Currency
- Austria
- Belgium
- Croatia
- Cyprus
- Estonia
- Finland
- France
- Germany
- Greece
- Ireland
- Italy
- Latvia
- Lithuania
- Luxembourg
- Malta
- Netherlands
- Portugal
- Slovakia
- Slovenia
- Spain
Women's representations
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