The series of shipwrecks in the Mediterranean has led to an urgent situation regarding the European migratory policy. According to the International Organisation for Migration (IOM), more than 1,750 migrants perished in the Mediterranean between January and April 2015 – this is 30 times more than during in the same period in 2014. Given these catastrophes an extraordinary European Council is being organised on 23rd April and ten new measures were put forward on 20th April by the European Commission – these include the strengthening of surveillance and rescue missions at sea. The Robert Schuman Foundation has put together an information file on the theme of immigration, bringing together all of its publications on this subject covering developments in Europe.
Migration at the heart of the EU-Arab League Summit
Time to build a future proof migration and asylum policy
The Salzburg Summit: A Salutary Shock?
European Union/African Cooperation: the externalisation of Europe's migration policies
Schengen: from resistance to resilience?
Models of Integration in Europe
Models of Integration in Europe
Post-Cotonou, the modernisation of the ACP partnership
Dublin and Schengen - Restoring confidence and strengthening solidarity between Member States of the European Union
The free movement of people: principle, stakes and challenges
Europeans and the Migratory Issue
EI n°403 - 19/09/2016
Pascal Perrineau, university Professor at Sciences Po and director of CEVIPOF (the Centre for Political Research at Sciences Po
What type of reform of the common European asylum regime are we heading toward?
EI n°400 - 11/07/2016
Corinne Balleix, responsible for the European Immigration and Asylum Policy at the French Ministry for Foreign Affairs, she is the author of La politique migratoire de l'Union européenne, Paris, La Documentation française, 2013.
The EU-Turkey Agreement and its implications
The Schengen area in crisis - the temptation of reinstalling borders
The crisis of the common asylum policy in the European Union
EI n°367 - 12/10/2015
Henri Labayle, Chair Jean Monnet; Professor at the University of Pau and the Adour Region, GDR CNRS 3452.
Political Asylum in Europe: responding to the challenges of the Mediterranean
EI n°365 - 07/09/2015
Vincent Cochetel, Europe Bureau Director of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees.
The Challenge of Illegal Immigration in the Mediterranean
What type of cooperation given the challenges raised by migratory flows?
EI n°340 - 19/01/2015
Catherine Wihtol de Wenden, Research Director at the CNRS (CERI-Sciences-Po).
The Free Movement of People in the European Union: principle, stakes and challenges
A review of post-Lampedusa: What type of EU migratory cooperation with third countries?
Rescue at sea, asylum and immigrants fundamental rights. What is the European Union’s Approach?
The Return of the Borders
EI n°92 - 18/07/2016
Michel Foucher, Geographer and diplomat. He is the holder of the Applied Geopolitical Chaire at the College for World Studies (FMSH-ENS Ulm). A member of the Robert Schuman Foundation's Scientific Committee, of the Scientific Council of the International Diplomatic Academy and of the Centre for Higher European Studies, he was Ambassador for France in Latvia and director of the Policy Planning Staff of the French Foreign Affairs Ministry. He has written many works and has just published Le retour des frontières, CNRS éditions, 2016.
Inaction is sometimes more costly than action
Refugee crisis: a further East-West rift in Europe?
EI n°88 - 26/10/2015
Lukáš Macek, Director of undergraduate studies (Central and Eastern Europe) at the Institute for Political Studies of Paris (Sciences Po) in Dijon.
The policy of the free movement of European citizens must not be questioned
Immigrants who fit in well can add value to European society, stimulate it and facilitate its opening onto the world
Note of the Robert Schuman Foundation n°26
The State of the Union 2018: The Schuman Report on Europe

The State of the Union 2016: The Schuman Report on Europe

The State of the Union 2015: The Schuman Report on Europe

State of the Union 2014: Schuman Report on Europe

"The European Union seen through statistics" - Maps "External migrations: the EU and surrounding territories", "External migrations: Entry into European territory", "The EU and Asylum Requests"
Alain Fabre/Gérald Stang.