Area : 312,679 km²
Borders : 3,071 km (Belarus 418 km, Czech Republic 796 km, Germany 467 km, Lithuania 104 km, Russia (Kaliningrad Oblast) 210 km, Slovakia 541 km, Ukraine 535 km) Coastline: 440 km (Baltic Sea)
Coastline : 440 km (Baltic Sea)
Capital : Warsaw
Official language : Polish
Source : The CIA World Factbook

Population : 36,620,970 inhabitants (2023)
Crude natural change rate : -3.7‰ (2023)
Population repartition: 15.4% under 15 years old, 19.9% over 65 years old (est. 2023)
Crude net migration rate: 0,1 ‰ (2023)
First time asylum applicants: 9,475 (2023)
Life expectancy: men 75.3 years, women 82.9 years (2023 est.)
Religions: Catholic 85%, Orthodox 1.3%, Protestant 0.4%, other 0.3%, unspecified 12.9% (2020 est.)
Ethnic groups: Polish 96.9%, German 0.2%, Silesians 1.1%, Ukrainian 0.1%, other and unspecified 1.7% (2011 est.)
Source : Eurostat, The World Factbook
Currency: Zloty (PLN) (exchange rate October 2024: 1€ = 4.35 PLN)
GDP: € 748,923.4 million (2023)
GDP per capita (PPS): € 14,880 (2023)
GDP growth : 0.1% (2023)
Inflation: 4.2% (September 2024)
Public debt: 52.3% of GDP (Q2, 2024)
Unemployment: 2.9% (August 2024)
Stock of foreign direct investment from the entire world: 38.6% of GDP (2022)
Performance sectors: furniture, automobile industry, shipbuilding, food industry, steel industry
Budget balance: -5.8% of GDP (2023)
Source : Eurostat, Trading Economics
Political system
Republic, parliamentary democracy (Constitution of 17th October 1997)
Head of State: Andrzej Duda (Law and Justice, PiS), elected on 24th May 2015 by direct universal suffrage (five-year term renewable once) and reelected on 12th July 2020
Prime Minister: Donald Tusk (KO) was elected President of the Council of Ministers by the Sejm on 11th December 2023 and has been in office since 13th December 2023. He leads a coalition government between the Civic Coalition, Third Way and New Left.
Bicameral parliamentary system: The Diet (Sejm) comprises of 460 members who are elected for a four-year term by proportional representation. A threshold of 5% of votes is necessary for a political party (8% for a coalition) to be represented in the Diet; some seats are reserved for representatives of ethnic minorities. The 100 members of the Senate are elected for four years by majority vote; representatives and senators are elected at the same time.
Political representation
Composition of the Siejm (since October 2023):
- 194 seats United Right Coalition (PiS/SP/Porozumienie/Kukiz'15)
- 157 seats Civic Coalition (KO)
- 65 seats Third Way Coalition (Trzecia Droga)
- 26 seats Left Coalition (Lewica)
- 18 seats Freedom and Independence Confederation (Konfederacja)
Composition of the Polish Senate (since October 2023):
- 42 seats Civic Coalition (KO)
- 34 seats United Right Coalition (PiS/SP/Porozumienie)
- 12 seats Third Way Coalition (Trzecia Droga)
- 9 seats Left Coalition (Lewica)
- 3 seats Independant
Women's representations
- in the government: 10/27
- in the Sejm: 135/460
- in the Senate: 19/100
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