Area : 65,300 km²
Borders : 1,574 km; Belarus 680 km, Latvia 576 km, Poland 91 km, Russia (Kaliningrad) 227 km
Coastline : 90 km
Capital : Vilnius
Official language : Lithuanian

Population : 2,655,755 (est. 2023)
Crude natural change rate : -5,7 ‰ (2023)
Population repartition: 14.9% under-15 years, 20.0% over 65 years (2023)
Foreign residents: 0% % EU nationals, 3% non-EU nationals (2021)
Crude net migration rate: 15.7 ‰ (2023)
First time asylum applicants: 575 (2023)
Life expectancy: men 72.5 years, women 81.7 years (est. 2023)
Religions: Catholics 74.2%, Orthodox 3.7%, Old Believers Orthodox 0.6%, Evangelical Lutherans 0.6%, Evangelical Reformers 0.2%, others 0.9%, non-believers 6.1%, unspecified
Ethnic groups: Lithuanians 84.6%, Poles 6.5%, Russians 5%; Belarusians 1%, others 1.1%, unspecified 1.8% (est. 2021)
Source : Eurostat, The CIA World Factbook
Currency: Euro
GDP: € 73,792.8 million (2023
GDP per capita (PPS): €15,330 (2023)
GDP growth : 0.3% (2023)
Inflation: 0.4% (September 2024)
Public debt: 37.4% (Q2,2024)
Unemployment: 8.7% (September 2024)
Stock of foreign direct investment from the entire world: 44,3% (2022)
Budget balance: -2.5% of GDP (2024)
Source : Eurostat, Trading Economics, World Bank
Political system
Republic, parliamentary democracy (Constitution of October 25th 1992)
Head of State: Gitanas Nauseda (independent), elected on May 26th 2019 and reelected on May 26th 2024 for 5 years by direct universal suffrage.
Prime Minister: Gintautas Paluckas of the LSDP (Lithuanian Social Democratic Party), since December 12, 2024. He leads a coalition government with the Niemen Dawn (NA) and the Union of Democrats (DSVL).
Unicameral parliamentary system: The Parliament (Seimas) comprises 141 seats. The representatives are elected for four years. Mixed system: 71 representatives are elected in single constituencies and 70 in a nationwide vote according to a proportional system.
Political representation
Composition of the Parliament (since October 2024):
- 52 seats LSDP (Lithuanian Social Democratic Party)
- 28 seats TS-LKD (Homeland Union-Christian Democrats)
- 20 seats NA (Niemen Dawn, populist)
- 14 seats DSVL (Union of Democrats ‘For Lithuania’, ecologist)
- 12 seats LS (Liberal Movement)
- 8 seats LVŽS (Union of Lithuanian Farmers and Greens, ecologist-conservative)
- 3 seats LLRA - KŠS (Electoral Action of Poles in Lithuania - Alliance of Christian Families)
- 2 seats independents
- 1 seats PLT (Freedom and Justice, conservative)
- 1 seats NS (National Alliance, far right)
Women's representations
- in the government: 4/15
- in the Seimas: 37/141
Next Elections:
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