Area : 338,145 km²
Borders : 2,654 km (Norway 727 km, Sweden 614 km, Russia 1,340 km)
Coastline : 1,250 km
Capital : Helsinki
Official language : Finnish, Swedish

Population : 5,602,800 (January 2024)
Crude natural change rate : -2.9‰ (2023)
Population repartition: 15.1% under 15 years old, 17.4% over 65 years old (est. 2023)
Foreign residents: 1.7% EU nationals, 2.9% non-EU nationals (2019)
Crude net migration rate: 2.3‰ (2023 est.)
First time asylum applicants: 5,335 (2023)
Life expectancy: men 79.08 years, women 84.98 years (2023 est.)
Religions: Lutheran 66.6%, Greek Orthodox 1.1%, other 1.7%, none 30.6% (est. 2021)
Ethnic groups: Finnish 87.6%, Swedish 5.2%, Russian 1.4%, others 5.8% (2018 est.)
Source : The CIA World Factbook
Currency: Euro
GDP: € 274 880 millions (2023)
GDP per capita (PPS): 36,760 € (2023)
GDP growth : -1.2% (2023)
Inflation: 0.8% (September 2024)
Public debt: 77.5% of GDP (Q1 2024)
Unemployment: 8.2% (September 2024)
Public deficit: 77.5% of GDP (Q1 2024)
Stock of foreign direct investment from the entire world: 29% of GDP (2022)
Performance sectors: wood, metals, telecommunications and electronics
Budget balance: -2.7% of GDP (2023)
Source : Eurostat, OECD, Trading Economics
Political system
Republic, parliamentary democracy
Head of State: Alexander Stubb (KOK) since 1st March 2024
Prime Minister: Petteri Orpo (National Coalition Party). He leads a coalition of 4 parties, formed with the Finns Party, the Christian Democrats and the Swedish minority party.
Unicameral parliamentary regime: The Eduskunta (Parliament of Finland) comprises 200 members who are elected for four years by direct universal suffrage
Political representation
Parliament composition (after the elections of 3rd April 2023)
- 48 seats KOK (National Coalition Party)
- 46 seats PS (The True Finns)
- 43 seats SDP (Social Democratic Party)
- 23 seats KESK (Centre Party)
- 13 seats VIHR (the Greens)
- 10 seats VAS (Left Alliance)
- 10 seats SFP (Swedish People's Party of Finland)
- 5 seats KD (Finnish Christian Democratic Party)
- 1 seat Liik (Movement Now)
- 1 seat Timo Vornanen /tv
Women's representations
- in the government: 12/19
- in the Eduskunta: 92/200
Next Elections:
On The Same Theme
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