The Newsletter77723 oct. 2017

La Lettre

Lukáš Macek

23 October 2017

The European question in the general elections that took place in the Czech Republic on 20th and 21st October 2017 is simple and serious: Will Prague become the third Central European capital to break with the post-1989 liberal, pro-European consensus? Will the Czech government that emerges after the elections join the ideological and cultural battle highlighted by Viktor Orban and now join the true iron fist of Poland, Jaroslaw Kaczynski? Andrej Babis and his party, ANO easily won the election. But two questions remains: with which parties will he govern? And which political line will he follow?

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Andrej Babis 'ANO' wins the Czech general elections

23 October 2017

ANO, led by billionaire Andrej Babis easily won the general election in the Czech Republic on 20th and 21st October with 29.64% of the vote and 78 seats. The Democratic Civic Party (ODS) came second with 11.32% of the vote and 25 seats, followed by the Pirate Party (P), 10.79% and 22 seats, the nationalist party, Freedom and Direct Democracy (SPD) won 10.64% and 22 seats, the Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia (KSCM) 7.76% and 15 seats, the Social Democratic Party (CSSD) of outgoing Prime Minister 7.27% and 15 seats, the People's Christian Democratic Party (KDU-CSL), 5.80% and 11 seats; Tradition, Responsibility, Prosperity 09 (TOP 09), 5.31% and 6 seats and the Mayors and Independents (STAN) 5.18% and 6 seats. In all 9 parties will be represented in the House of Deputies. Andrej Babis is due to become Prime Minister but which with coalition?

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Outgoing head of State Borut Pahor favourite in the first round of the Slovenian Presidential election

23 October 2017

Outgoing President of the Republic, Borut Pahor easily won the first round of the presidential election that took place on 22nd October in Slovenia. He won 47.07% of the vote. He will face Marjan Sarec, Mayor of Kamnik on 12th November in the second round - the latter won 24.96% of the vote.

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Conference on the Weimar Triangle and the Visegrad Group

23 October 2017

On 26th October in Bratislava, Charles de Marcilly, Manager of the Foundation's Brussels office is taking part in a conference entitled "Weimar Triangle and Visegrad Group: which contribution to the future of the Union?"

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European Council

Donald Tusk's roadmap

22 October 2017

On 18th October President of the European Council, Donald Tusk unveiled a roadmap for the next two years. He hopes to reconcile "unity with dynamism" with a more political approach to European summits, a better implementation of decisions in the Member States and a regular assessment of the Bratislava process.

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Conclusions on Migration, Digital, Security and External Relations

22 October 2017

On 19th October the heads of State and government adopted conclusions on migration, digital Europe, security, defence and external relations. In terms of migration they are determined to maintain an overall, pragmatic approach and to implement this each time it is necessary.

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Conclusions on the state of progress in the negotiations with the UK

22 October 2017

On 20th October the heads of State and government deplored the lack of "adequate progress" made to be able to move on to the second phase of negotiations for the Brexit and notably the absence of any real offer on the part of the British regarding their financial obligations. They invited the negotiator in chief to start internal discussions regarding the future relation with the UK in the event of progress by December.

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New measures to counter terrorism

22 October 2017

On 18th October the European Commission presented a series of measures that aim to guarantee greater protection to European citizens against the terrorist threat. Amongst these feature an action plan to protect public spaces and the strengthening of the EU's external action in terms of countering terrorism with the creation of a future European Intelligence Unit.

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First assessment of the EU/US data protection shield

22 October 2017

On 18th October the European Commission published its first annual report on the functioning of the EU-US data protection shield. The shield could, amongst other things, be improved by the appointment of a permanent mediator and greater cooperation between the authorities monitoring the implementation of the rules in terms of protecting private life.

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Reform of posted work: vote on text in Employment Committee

22 October 2017

The first stage of the reform of the directive on posted work moved onto a new stage in the European Parliament on 16th October. The "Employment and Social Affairs" Committee indeed adopted a balanced "text that opens the way to an improvement of the protection of workers and to a sharper manner to counter social dumping," said Elisabeth Morin-Chartier (EPP, FR) the text's co-rapporteur.

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Emissions by the aviation sector: MEPs and Council come to agreement

23 October 2017

On 18th October MEPs and the Council came to agreement over the regulation that aims to extend the measures in force applicable to aviation activities beyond 2016 as part of the regulation on the Union's Emission Trading System (EQTS) and to prepare the implementation of the world market mechanism as of 2021.

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Meeting of European Affairs Ministers

23 October 2017

On 17th October the 28 European Affairs Ministers the draft conclusions of the European Council of 19th and 20th October. They also debated the state of progress in negotiations linked to the Brexit.

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Tripartite social summit

23 October 2017

On 18th October the social tripartite summit took place bringing together the Presidents of the European Council, the European Commission, Business Europe and the Secretary General of the European Trade Union Confederation. The social dimension of Europe was discussed as well as the participation of social partners in the reforms and the need for investment in education and the digital industry.

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Social Rights Pillar: greenlight for the proclamation of the text

24 October 2017

On 23rd October the Social Affairs and Employment Ministers unanimously came to agreement over the text proclaiming the European social rights pillar. Ministers also gave their green light for the text to be signed on behalf of the Member States during the Göteborg Summit that will take place on 17th November.

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Posted workers: the Council comes to agreement

24 October 2017

On 24th October the Council came to an agreement over posted workers. The new proposal aims to modify certain elements of the 1996 directive. Amongst the main steps forward feature the obligation of remuneration of posted workers in line with the laws and customs of the receiving country, as well as a period of posting of 12 months that can be renewed for 6 months.

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Structural reform in the euro zone

23 October 2017

On 18th October, ECB President Mario Draghi maintained that the monetary easing policy in force in the euro zone, typified by low interest rates, provided a unique opportunity to undertake structural reforms, the conditions for the resilience of the economies.

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European Agencies

Airbus purchases Bombardier's C series

22 October 2017

Airbus CEO, Tom Enders and his Bombardier counterpart, Alain Bellemare announced on 17th October that Airbus will be buying a majority of the shares in Bombardier's C series.

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Sebastian Kurz asked to form a government

22 October 2017

On 20th October the President of the Austrian Republic, Alexander van der Bellen officially asked Sebastian Kurz, leader of the ÖVP who won the general elections on 15th October to form a government. This declaration opens the way to negotiations in the aim of forming a coalition.

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Meeting of G6 Interior Ministers on migration and terrorism

23 October 2017

The European G6 Interior Ministers, who met in Sevilla agreed on the need to form more links and to strengthen solidarity with key countries in Africa to counter migration. Regarding the fight to counter terrorism, they advocate stepping up the exchange of information and intelligence via channels like Interpol, Europol and via the European directive on PNR (passenger files).

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Suspension of the Catalan government and re-establishment of legality

23 October 2017

On 21st October Mariano Rajoy triggered article 155 of the Spanish Constitution, placing Catalonia under the government's supervision. The Spanish Prime Minister asked the "Senate to allow the government to proceed to the destitution of the President of the Generalitat" Carles Puigdemont and hopes for regional elections within a "maximum timespan of six months."

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Visit by French Prime Minister Edouard Philippe to Brussels

23 October 2017

On 16th October French Prime Minister Edouard Philippe travelled to Brussels to meet his Belgian counterpart, Charles Michel and the President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker. They discussed the fight to counter terrorism and the creation of a Franco-Belgian work group on penal action against crime and terrorism. With the Commission's president, discussions also focused on France's budgetary trajectory and on Paris's exit of the "excessive deficit" procedure.

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New anti-terrorist law adopted by Parliament

23 October 2017

The draft law on internal security and the fight to counter terrorism which will replace the state of emergency on 1st November was adopted by the Senate on 18th October 244 votes in support, 22 against.

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G7 Interior Ministers' Meeting

23 October 2017

The meeting of G7 interior Ministers took place in Ischia on 19th and 20th October. Devoted to countering terrorism the meeting led to in-depth dialogue with the representatives of the Internet giants regarding questions of internet use for terrorist ends. The goal was to launch an action plan aiming to prevent terrorist content automatically.

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Presentation of the 2018 budget

23 October 2017

On 16th October the Italian government approved its 2018 budget which provides to bring the budgetary deficit down to 1.6% of the GDP. The draft will be submitted to the European Commission and is due to be adopted in parliament by the end of the year.

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Resignation of the Interior Minister

23 October 2017

Portuguese Interior Minister, Constança Urbano de Sousa resigned on 18th October whilst the government is coming under increasing criticism for its management of the forest fires that have caused 100 deaths in under four months.

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Theresa May meets Jean-Claude Juncker

23 October 2017

On 16th October British Prime Minister Theresa May dined with the President of the Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker and the EU's negotiator in chief for the Brexit, Michel Barnier. They discussed progress towards the UK's exit and came to agreement to step up negotiations over the next few months.

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The British government sets an ultimatum on Northern Ireland

23 October 2017

On 19th October the Minister responsible for Northern Ireland, James Brokenshire set 30th October as the deadline for the creation of a coalition government in Northern Ireland otherwise the English parliament would take control of the province.

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Theresa May addresses message to European citizens living in the UK

23 October 2017

In an open letter dated 19th October Theresa May addressed a message to the three million European citizens living in the UK. The British Prime Minister maintained that the status of European citizens remained her priority and that the government would do everything it can so that Europeans living legally in the UK to be able to stay.

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Council of Europe

Parity: report on the glass ceiling in Europe

23 October 2017

On 17th October the Council of Europe published a report noting the progress achieved since 2003 by 46 European States as far as the participation of women in public and political life is concerned. A great deal remains to be done since the share of women in the lower house of parliament is above 40% in Finland and Sweden only, whilst none of the 46 countries achieves the 40% representation mark in the upper house.

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Russia condemned for infringing articles 6 and 7 of the Convention

23 October 2017

The European Court of Human Rights delivered its conclusions on 17th October in the Navalnyye vs Russia case. It condemned Russia for having infringed article 6§1 that provides for a fair trial, as well as article 7 that provides that no one can be sentenced to prison for an act that is not classed as an infringement of the law in force.

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OECD: employment up to 67.6%

23 October 2017

Employment in the OECD zone is up by 0.2 points to 67.7% in the second quarter of 2017, according to OECD figures published on 17th October. The highest increases have been observed in Greece (0.8%), Portugal (+0.6%), Spain (+0.6%) and Slovenia (+0.5%).

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Euro zone surplus

23 October 2017

According to Eurostat the euro zone recorded a trade surplus of 16.1 billion euro in August 2017. The EU is in deficit by 5.1 billion euro over the same period.

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Inflation: 1.8% in the Union, 1.5% in the euro zone

23 October 2017

The EU's annual inflation rate lay at 1.8% in September 2017 against 1.7% in August 2017. The euro zone's inflation rate lay at 1.5% in September 2017, stable in comparison with August announced the European Statistics Office, Eurostat on 17th October.

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Public confidence in the EU and its Parliament continues to rise

23 October 2017

64% of EU citizens say that their country has benefited from being a member of the EU, ie a 4% increase in comparison with 2016. Moreover, 33% of those interviewed have a positive image of the European Parliament which is 8 points more than last year.

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Who are the Greeks?

23 October 2017

Georges Prevelakis, Professor at the University Pantheon-Sorbonne, member of the Géographie-Cités Laboratory and associate member of the CERI (Sciences Po) published the work "Who are the Greeks?" (Qui sont les Grecs?) with the CNRS in which he looks into the identity of the Greeks, notably in light of the present crises that are striking the country.

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Portraits by Cézanne at the National Gallery of London

23 October 2017

The National Portrait Gallery of London is showing portraits by Paul Cézanne from 26th October 2017 to 11th February 2018. For the first time ever 50 of the 160 portraits that Cézanne painted have been brought together in one exhibition from private and public collections.

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Karlsruhe and the Metamorphoses of Cézanne

23 October 2017

From 28th October 2017 to 11th February 2018 the Staatlich Kunsthalle of Karlsruhe is presenting a retrospective of Paul Cézanne. The exhibition looks anew at landscapes, the portraits and still life by the painter that aim to renew painting on the foundation of classical art.

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Meteor Festival Bergen

23 October 2017

The Meteor Festival, the biggest theatre festival in Norway is putting on many shows until 28th October.

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International Jazz Festival Umeå

23 October 2017

The town of Umeå in Sweden, considered to be the Nordic capital of jazz is hosting its international jazz festival from 25th to 29th October.

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Kaltern Pop Festival

23 October 2017

From 26th to 28th October the third Kaltern am See pop festival will be taking place in South Tyrol. For three days the festival is offering concerts by artists from all over Europe.

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The Hansen's Secret Garden

23 October 2017

Until 22nd January the Jacquemart-André Museum shows us the Ordrupgaard collection created by the Danish couple Wilhelm and Henry Hansen. This couple brought together a unique collection on Impressionism and post-Impressionism between 1916-1918.

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Picasso Lautrec Exhibition at the Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum in Madrid

23 October 2017

For the first time ever two major artists of modern art are on show together in an exhibition which shows the influence Toulouse-Lautrec had on the young Picasso, as well as the links between their works. Until 21st January 2018 the Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum is showing around 100 pieces of work.

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Ferdinand Hodler Exhibition at the Leopold Museum in Vienna

23 October 2017

The Leopold Museum is running the most complete retrospective to date until 22nd January 2018 on Ferdinand Hodler (1853-1918). Hodler was a major source of inspiration for many artists of the Viennese modernist movement like Gustav Klimt, Koloman Moser, Oskar Kokoschka and Egon Schiele.

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23rd October

"Employment and Social Policy" Council (Luxembourg)

23rd to 26th October

Plenary Session - European Parliament (Strasbourg)

24th October

Telecommunications Council (Luxembourg)

26th October

ECB Governors' Meeting (Frankfurt/Main)

Newsletter Archives

Europe and Putin: Should realism prevail over reality?

Technological and security issues: 2025, a pivotal year for women

The Italian economy and its European outlook

The challenges facing European agriculture: Crisis or opportunity for transformation?

European support to the defence industry - Mid-term review of the European Defence Fund

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Charles de Marcilly, Helen Levy ,Vincent Le Méau, Aurélien Pastouret, Félicia Schröder,Romain Vadans, Jean-Baptiste Welschinger

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Eric Maurice

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
Contact Us!

Czech Republic: which government and which political line after the elections?


The Newsletter n°777- version of 23 oct. 2017