The Newsletter77616 oct. 2017

La Lettre

16 October 2017

This report explores four major issues concerning the reform of the EMU which, in reality, more widely involves the future of the European Union: What are the conditions for the transfer over from tax competition to convergence? - Which comprehensive strategy should there be for investment in Europe? - What response should we give to the double executive and democratic deficit that typifies the governance of post-crisis Europe? - To what extent can "Social Europe" be a lever of integration?

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Front page!

French strategy for the Defence of Europe

16 October 2017

Jean-Dominique Giuliani speaks of the extremely interesting Strategic Review that has just been published in France. It is a major contribution to thought of a Europe that is trying to strengthen its defence.

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Sebastian Kurz, 31, future Chancellor of Austria

16 October 2017

Sebastian Kurz (ÖVP) won the general elections in Austria on 15th October with 31.4% of the vote and 61 seats. The populist FPÖ came second with 27.4% of the votes and 53 seats. The Social Democratic Party of outgoing Chancellor Christian Kern (SPÖ) came third with 26.7% and 52 seats. NEOS -New Austria, the Liberal party won 5% of the vote and 9 seats. The Peter Pilz List 4.1% of votes and 8 seats. It remains to see whether Sebastian Kurz, 31, is to make an alliance with the FPÖ.

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Completion of banking union is a priority

15 October 2017

On 11th October the Commission published a communication calling on the European Parliament and the Member States to adopt its proposals aiming to reduce risks and to strengthen bank stamina. This document notably addresses the European Deposit Insurance Scheme (EDIS), a project that was blocked in 2015 due to reticence on the part of Germany as far as sharing bank risks are concerned.

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"No major step forward" in the Brexit negotiations

15 October 2017

Following a further week of negotiations, Michel Barnier said on 12th October that he was unable to offer the European Council the opening of negotiations over the future relationship with the UK in spite of progress having been made regarding citizens' rights and the Irish issue. The EU's negotiator in chief is concerned about the "extremely worrying stalemate" over the bill that London has to pay. He does hope however that "decisive progress [...] will be made in the next two months".

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Conclusions of the Finance and Economy Ministers' Meeting

15 October 2017

On 10th October the 28 Economy and Finance Ministers approved a new system for the settlement of double tax disputes between Member States. They also adopted conclusions on the financing of the fight to counter climate change.

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Further sanctions against North Korea

15 October 2017

On 10th October the Council stepped up the Union's sanctions against North Korea by transposing sectoral sanctions set by resolution 2375 (2017) of the UN Security Council.

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Greenhouse gases: goals for the period 2021-2030

16 October 2017

The 28 Environment Ministers came to agreement on 13th October on the binding goals to reduce greenhouse gases covering the period 2021-2030. All Member States will have to achieve an annual emission level of between 0% to 40% below that of 2005.

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Conclusions of the Meeting of the Ministers of Justice and Home Affairs

16 October 2017

The Justice and Home Affairs Ministers adopted the regulation creating the European Prosecutor's Office on 12th and 13th October. 20 Member States are taking part. They also studied the Commission's proposal to amend the rules governing the temporary re-establishment of internal border controls in the Schengen Area.

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Response following the announcement by the President of the US of a new strategy for Iran

16 October 2017

Following the announcement by the President of the USA of a new strategy for Iran, the German, British and French leaders re-iterated their attachment to the Common Comprehensive Action Plan and its total implementation by all sides. Federica Mogherini, the EU's High Representative also took position in support of the respect of the agreement that focuses on the Iranian nuclear programme.

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Conclusions of the Foreign Affairs Council

16 October 2017

On 16th October the Foreign Affairs Council confirmed that the 2015 agreement on Iranian nuclear matters was a central pillar to the structure of nuclear non-proliferation in the world. The EU is determined for this agreement to be "totally and effectively implemented and has called on the USA to "maintain its commitment".

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European Agencies

Launch of the 5P Sentinelle Copernicus satellite

16 October 2017

A new European satellite programme Copernicus was launched from Russia on 13th October. "Sentinelle 5P" will map the planet daily and measure the presence of many gases that are influencing the health and climate of our planet.

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Opening of Book Fair in Frankfurt

15 October 2017

Angela Merkel and Emmanuel Macron inaugurated the Frankfurt Book Fair on 10th October. The French President advocated a truly "Cultural Europe".

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Rise in growth forecasts in Germany

16 October 2017

German growth raised its economic growth forecasts on 11th October to 2% in 2017 and 1.9% in 2018 announced the German Economy Minister Brigitte Zypries.

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Germany extends its border controls until May 2018

16 October 2017

Germany is to extend its border controls until May 2018, a decision that is justified by the "terrorist" threat and the fight to counter "illegal immigration" indicated the German Home Affairs Minister Thomas de Maizière.

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G20 Finance Ministers' Meeting

16 October 2017

Whilst growth has not been this high in five years, the G20 Finance Ministers, the IMF and the World Bank are advocating the continuation of reforms now more than ever before.

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Report on the cost of Russian sanctions

16 October 2017

On the request of the European Parliament the Austrian Institute of Economic Research published a report on the consequences of European sanctions against Russia and the counter sanctions launched by the latter. According to this report these sanctions represent a 30 billion euro loss for European exports notably in the agro-food area.

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Catalonia: final clarification deadline 19th October

16 October 2017

In a letter to the government dated 16th October, Carles Puigdemont explains that his "sincere offer of dialogue was not a demonstration of weakness but an honest proposal to find a solution to the relationship between the Spanish State and Catalonia." The Spanish government has now given him until Thursday to clarify his position.

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Debate over the future of the EU at the National Assembly and the Senate

15 October 2017

On 10th October the National Assembly was given a declaration by the government over the future of the EU - a debate then followed. The next day the French Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian spoke to the Senators.

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Priorities of the strategic review of the armies

15 October 2017

The strategic review of the armies the writing of which was given the committee chaired by MEP Arnaud Danjean was published on 13th October. This extremely valuable document makes a strategic analysis of the risks and threats that are affecting France and Europe and maintains again that France is seeking strategic decision making autonomy for Europe to which it intends to contribute.

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Emmanuel Macron confirms his wish to protect and transform the country

16 October 2017

On 15th French President Emmanuel Macron spoke in a major interview on TV for the first time since his election. He notably defended his project to "transform" the country "radically" and confirmed that he wanted to "protect France which is suffering".

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Adoption by MPs of a new electoral bill

15 October 2017

On 12th October the Chamber of Deputies adopted a new Italian electoral bill, Rosatellum, 375 votes against 215. It still has to be approved by the Senate.

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The Netherlands

Government coalition agreement

15 October 2017

208 days after the general elections on 15th March an agreement to form a government coalition was found between the VVD Liberal Party of outgoing Prime Minister Mark Rutte, the Christian Democrats of the CDA, the Democrats of D66 and the Christian Union (CU). The coalition agreement is entitled "Confidence in the Future".

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Interministerial meeting of the countries of Central and Eastern Europe

16 October 2017

On 9th October the Foreign Ministers of the countries of Central and Eastern Europe met in Warsaw to discuss regional security issues, notably following the military exercises Zapad 2017 undertaken jointly by Russia and Belarus in September last.

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Czech Republic

Last polls before the general elections on 20th and 21st October

16 October 2017

One week before the general elections in the Czech Republic, ANO the party led by Andrej Babis is forecast to come out ahead in the most recent poll with 26.18% of the vote, in spite of some recently revealed legal scandals. Indeed Andrej Babis has since 9th October been under prosecution for the embezzlement of European funds.

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The UK unveils its vision of the trade policy

15 October 2017

On 9th October the British government published its analysis regarding the future comprehensive trade policy and more particularly its vision of trade and customs relations with the EU.

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Council of Europe

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko speaks to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe

16 October 2017

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko declared on 11th October to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe that his country was waging a simultaneous war on two fronts - one to counter military aggression and to re-establish its territorial integrity and the other to implement difficult and complicated reforms.

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Stella Kyriakides elected President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe

15 October 2017

Stella Kyriakides (Cyprus, EPP/DC) was elected President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe after the resignation of Pedro Agramunt (Spain, EPP/DC) on 6th October. She won the election against Emanuelis Zingeris (Lithuania, EPP/DC) in the third round of voting.

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Audrey Azoulay, the next Director General of UNESCO

16 October 2017

On 13th October the 58 members of the executive council of UNESCO put Audrey Azoulay forward for the organisation's post of Director General 30 votes against 28. She is due to start her mandate on 15th November.

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New multinational brigade in Romania

15 October 2017

NATO's Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg inaugurated a new multinational brigade on 9th October as he visited Romania. This army is made up of troops from ten NATO member states, including Italy, Canada and Romania and it aims to make safe the Alliance's left flank whilst Russia's presence in the Black Sea is increasingly threatening.

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New world economic outlook

15 October 2017

The IMF revised its growth forecasts upwards for the euro zone in 2017 and 2018 notably due to the recovery of world growth and the decline in political uncertainty. In its six-monthly forecasts the IMF is expecting growth of 2.1% in 2017 (+0.2 points in comparison with the last forecast in July) and 1.9% in 2018 (+0.2 points in comparison with July).

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7th report on cohesion

15 October 2017

On 9th October the Commission published its 7th report on cohesion. It offers a policy to continue three main objectives: mastering globalisation, leaving no one behind and supporting structural reform.

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Exhibition on the opera at the V&A museum of London

16 October 2017

The Victoria and Albert Museum of London (V&A) is organising, together with the Royal Opera House, an exhibition devoted to the art of the opera. The exhibition is hosting visitors until 25th February 2018.

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"Being Modern: the MoMA in Paris" at the Louis Vuitton Foundation

16 October 2017

Until 5th March 2018 the Louis Vuitton Foundation is showing "Being Modern: the MoMA in Paris", a selection of 200 works of art (paintings, sculptures, drawings, prints, photos, films, digital work, performances etc ...) from the Museum of Modern Art of New York that is co-organising the exhibition.

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Toy museum: enter the universe of figurines

16 October 2017

The toy museum of Colmar is running an exhibition until 9th September on the universe of miniature figurines. From the lead soldier to Lego, more than 2500 figurines cover the stories of our childhood in which the imaginary is the main element.

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Monet Exhibition at the Vittoriano-Rome

16 October 2017

The Complesso Vittoriano of Rome is hosting an exhibition devoted to Monet from 19th October to 11th February. From the Japanese bridge to rural and urban landscapes, weeping willows and even avenues of roses - there are around 60 works by the leading artist of the Impressionist movement on show.

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International Fair of Contemporary Art (FIAC) Paris

16 October 2017

For the 44th time the FIAC is opening its doors from 19th to 22nd October at the Grand Palais where 193 art galleries covering modern and contemporary periods will be participating. Moreover the Hors les Murs programme is offering artists an opportunity to show their work to the public.

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16th October

"Foreign Affairs" Council (Luxembourg)

17th October

"General Affairs" Council (Luxembourg)

17th October

"Competitiveness" Council (Luxembourg)

19th and 20th October

European Council (Brussels)

20th and 21st October

General Elections (Czech Republic)

22nd October

Presidential Election (1st round) (Slovenia)

23rd October

"Employment and Social Policy" Council (Luxembourg)

23rd to 26th October

Plenary Session - European Parliament (Strasbourg)

Newsletter Archives

Europe and Putin: Should realism prevail over reality?

Technological and security issues: 2025, a pivotal year for women

The Italian economy and its European outlook

The challenges facing European agriculture: Crisis or opportunity for transformation?

European support to the defence industry - Mid-term review of the European Defence Fund

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Charles de Marcilly, Helen Levy ,Vincent Le Méau, Aurélien Pastouret, Félicia Schröder,Romain Vadans, Jean-Baptiste Welschinger

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Eric Maurice

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
Contact Us!

Strengthening the EMU's internal cohesion - and - Strategic Defence Review


The Newsletter n°776- version of 16 oct. 2017