The Newsletter72819 sept. 2016

La Lettre

Pascal Perrineau

19 September 2016

The issue of immigration have never been as high on the political agenda of European democracies since the migratory crisis, significant since the beginning of the 2000's, erupted due to the increased flows of Syrian refugees coming from Turkey and Lebanon, and the worsening conflict in Libya, Eritrea, Afghanistan and Kurdistan. This crisis, in its premise, as well as in its development, seems to be affecting European public opinion and is contributing towards the political and electoral strengthening of national-populism in Europe.

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General elections in Lithuania on 9th and 23rd October

19 September 2016

The next general elections will take place in Lithuania on 9th and 23rd October. The Seimas, the only chamber in parliament, comprises 141 members, elected every four years according to a mix voting method. The most recent poll forecast a win for the Social Democratic Party (LSP) of outgoing Prime Minister Algirdas Butkevicius with 17.2% of the vote ahead of the Farmers' and Greens Party (LVZS) 13.4%, the Homeland Union-Christian Democrats (TS-LKD), 10.7%, the Labor Party (DP), 6.6%; the Liberal Movement (LRLS) 6.3% and For Order and Justice (TT) 5.1%. The formation of a government coalition comprising three or four parties will be inevitable.

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Europe and Sovereignty

19 September 2016

In partnership with the Egmont Institute and Eurodéfense France the Robert Schuman Foundation is organising a seminar in Brussels on 29th September called "Europe and Sovereignty: reality, limits and perspectives". Enrolment on-line.

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The Council approves the European border and coastguard

18 September 2016

On 14th September the Council approved the regulation regarding the European border and coastguard. This regulation extends the competences of the FRONTEX agency and improves work between this agency and the national agencies responsible for monitoring the borders.

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Emergency aid on the Bulgarian border

19 September 2016

On 16th September the European Commission announced emergency aid of 108 million € to help Bulgaria in the management and protection of its borders.

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Financial Crisis

Stable GDP growth for G20 in the second quarter of 2016

19 September 2016

According to a study published by the OECD on 13th September, the real GDP of the G20 remained stable at 0.7% in the second quarter of 2016.

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European Council

Informal Summit in Bratislava

18 September 2016

On 16th September the 27 heads of State and government of the EU, except for the British, met in Bratislava for an informal summit that aimed to provide new impetus to the European project. They defined a "roadmap" with priorities dominated by the protection of the external borders, the fight to counter terrorism and the revival of European defence.

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Speech on the State of the Union

18 September 2016

On 14th September Jean-Claude Juncker, the President of the European Commission gave a speech on the State of the Union to the European Parliament calling for greater solidarity in order to rise to challenges such as youth employment, digital economy, security and defence and the protection of the borders.

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The Commission doubles and extends its investment plan

18 September 2016

On 14th September the President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker suggested not only doubling the duration and capacity of his investment plan but he also put forward a new plan devoted for Africa and the Middle East in order to prevent economic migration.

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Copyright reform

18 September 2016

On 14th September the European Commission presented its draft for the reform of copyright laws via two regulations and two directives.

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CETA: negotiations continue this week

19 September 2016

On 18th September the European Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmström and Chrystia Freeland, the Canadian International Trade Minister made a joint declaration expressing the importance of the EU-Canada Agreement (CETA) and the need for transparency and communication in negotiations.

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For better connectivity for citizens and businesses

19 September 2016

On 14th September the Commission presented a revision of the European telecommunications regulation to increase investment in broadband networks to improve competitiveness and to accelerate public access to wifi for all citizens.

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Resolution on the respect of fundamental rights in Poland

19 September 2016

On 13th September MEPs approved a resolution calling on the Polish government to settle the constitutional crisis which is affecting the country and to respect the three month time limit set by the Commission on 27th July.

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Dalai Lama in Strasbourg at the Council of Europe and at the European Parliament

19 September 2016

The Dalai Lama made an exceptional four day visit to Strasbourg during which time he met the leaders of the Council of Europe and MEPs of the Foreign Affairs Committee.

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Julian King, new and last British Commissioner

19 September 2016

On 15th September after a hearing by the Civil Liberties Committee, MEPs accepted, 394 votes in support, 161 against and 83 abstentions, the candidature of Julian King as Commissioner for Security Union.

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Position on the draft budget 2017

19 September 2016

On 12th September the Council officially took position over the EU's draft budget for 2017 recalling its priorities i.e. solving the migratory crisis and stimulating the European economy.

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Informal Meeting of Agriculture Ministers

18 September 2016

The Agriculture Ministers met on 12th and 13th September to discuss the position of farmers in the supply chain and unfair trade practices.

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Extension of sanctions linked to actions that comprise Ukraine's territorial integrity

18 September 2016

On 15th September the Council extended the EU's sanctions by six months until 15th March 2017; the latter target actions taken against Ukraine's territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence. These sanctions comprise the freezing of assets and a ban on entering the EU affecting 146 people and 37 entities.

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Court of Justice

Clarification of EU law on third country citizens

19 September 2016

In its decisions C-165/14 and C-304/14 of 13th September, the Court of Justice deemed that EU law does not allow another Member State to automatically refuse the issue of a residence permit to a third country citizen if the latter has the exclusive guardianship of a minor citizen of a Member State. The Court deemed that a Member State could not automatically expulse a third country citizen simply on the grounds of his/her criminal record.

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Court of Auditors

Report by the European Court of Auditors on the Western Balkans

19 September 2016

The European Court of Auditors published a report on 13th September on the support given by the EU to the Western Balkans (Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia) via the pre-accession mechanism.

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European Agencies

Vega launches 5 satellites

19 September 2016

In the night of 15th and 16th September the European launcher Vega put five satellites into orbit from the Space Centre in Kourou, French Guiana.

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France and Germany want to revive the European Defence policy

19 September 2016

French Defence Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian and his German counterpart, Ursula von der Leyen jointly sent a document on 11th September to the High Representative Federica Mogherini in which they set out proposals for the revival of the European Defence policy.

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Visit by French President to Romania

19 September 2016

Romanian President Klaus Johannis hosted his French counterpart François Hollande to exchange views on an economic and university partnership.

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Scottish Parliament examines Single Market access

19 September 2016

On 12th September the European and External Relations Committee at the Scottish parliament published a report in which it indicates that access to the European Single Market must be the government's priority. If access were to be lost it examines the various options that would remain to the Scottish government

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House of Lords warns the British government

19 September 2016

On 13th September the Constitution Committee at the House of Lords published a report in which it announced that the British government must not trigger article 50 without previously consulting parliament.

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Nuclear Power plant at Hinkley Point approved

18 September 2016

On 15th September the British government approved, under certain conditions, the EDF project for the nuclear power plant at Hinkley Point to a total of 21.1 billion €

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King and Prime Minister's speeches to the Swedish Parliament

19 September 2016

In their speech to the Riksdag on 13th September the King of Sweden, Carl XVI and his Prime Minister Stefan Löfven expressed the need to continue strong European cooperation.

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The IMF releases 1$ billion for Ukraine

18 September 2016

On 14th September the IMF announced that it had completed its second review for the extended fund facility to Ukraine. The completion of this review heralds the disbursement of around 1$ billion.

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Franco-German visit to Ukraine

18 September 2016

Visiting Ukraine on 14th and 15th September 2016 the German and French Foreign Affairs Ministers agreed with their Ukrainian counterpart on a 7 day ceasefire in the separatist regions in the east of Ukraine. Russia supported this decision.

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Rising employment in the EU and the euro zone

19 September 2016

According to a survey published by Eurostat on 13th September the number of people in work increased by 0.3% in the 28 Member States and by 0.4% in the euro zone in the second quarter of 2016 in comparison with the first quarter.

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EU annual inflation at 0.3% and that of the euro zone at 0.2%

19 September 2016

According to Eurostat estimates published on 15th September the EU's annual inflation rate increased by 0.3% in August 2016 against 0.2% in July. That of the euro zone rose to 0.2% in August 2016, which was stable in comparison with July.

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International goods trade and current account surplus

19 September 2016

According to two Eurostat surveys published on 15th and 19th September the EU registered a surplus in its international goods trade with the rest of the world as well as a surplus in its current account.

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Regional Yearbook 2016

19 September 2016

On 14th September Eurostat published its 2016 Regional Yearbook, which presents a wide range of regional statistics.

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Education at a Glance by the OECD

19 September 2016

On 15th September the OECD published "Education at a Glance 2016" in which it gauges the work undertaken by countries to promote and improve their education system.

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Tribute to Pina Bausch in Berlin

19 September 2016

Until 9th January 2017 tribute will be paid to the German dancer and choreographer Pina Bausch at the Bundeskunsthalle in Berlin via an exhibition, film screenings, performances and interactive activities.

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Konvergencie Chamber Music Festival Bratislava

19 September 2016

The Konvergencie International Chamber Music Festival is taking place until 25th September in Bratislava. Seven events are being organised around this theme: concerts, screenings, and exhibitions.

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René Magritte at the Pompidou Centre

19 September 2016

More than one hundred paintings by René Magritte have been brought to the Pompidou Centre in Paris for an exhibition from 21st September 2016 to 23rd January 2017.

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Two exhibitions on Rembrandt in Stuttgart and Paris

19 September 2016

Until 8th January 2017 the Staatsgalerie of Stuttgart is devoting an exhibition to the master of European Baroque, Rembrandt, entitled "Rembrandt's Shadow". The Jacquemart-André Museum in Paris is running an exhibition entitled "Rembrandt in confidence" until 23rd January 2017.

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19th to 22nd September

UN General Assembly (New York)

20th September

General Affairs Council (Brussels)

23rd September

Informal meeting of Foreign Affairs Ministers (Bratislava)

24th September

Meeting of Electoral College to elect the President of the Republic (Estonia)

Newsletter Archives

Review of the 9th Legislature of the European Parliament

What to take away from the European law on artificial intelligence

A "commissioner" responsible for defence issues

European agriculture and Ukrainian agriculture complement each other

Ukraine's accession to the European Union brings added value and serves historical justice

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Charles de Marcilly, Helen Levy ,Léa Degorre, François Frigot, Lucas Mehler,Benjamin Penassou, Athina Reuter

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Eric Maurice

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

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The Newsletter n°728- version of 19 sept. 2016