The Newsletter72712 sept. 2016

La Lettre

Thierry Chopin, Jean-François Jamet

12 September 2016

The major challenges facing the Europeans – such as terrorism, the migratory crisis, and differently "Brexit" as well as the rise of anti-European populism – call for the redesign and revival of the integration of a united Europe . These various challenges should not be treated separately, in a fragmented manner but rather put in perspective and addressed in a structured way. They all bring into play the Europeans' ability to rise together to overcome the series of crises they are facing. However unity cannot be taken for granted. Indeed extremely strong political tension is threatening the cohesion and stability of the European Union.

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Front page!

Will Europe's year debut be a success?

11 September 2016

In an editorial published on his site, Jean-Dominique Giuliani, the Foundation's President explores the conditions for a revival in Europe.

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HDZ wins the general election in Croatia

12 September 2016

The HDZ won the general election in Croatia on 11th September with 36.6% of the vote and 61 seats of the 151 in Parliament. The social democrats of the SPD in coalition with other parties only won 33.5% and 54 seats. Most came third with 9.8% and 13 seats followed by Zivi zid with 8 sets. Turnout totalled 52.59%. Since it did not win the absolute majority the HDZ will have to form a coalition government.

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Europe and Sovereignty

12 September 2016

In partnership with the Egmont Institute and Eurodéfense France, the Robert Schuman Foundation is organising a seminar in Brussels entitled "Europe and sovereignty: reality, limits and perspectives." Enrol on-line.

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Financial Crisis

GDP up by 0.4% in the EU and by 0.3% in the euro zone

12 September 2016

According to an estimate published on 6th September by Eurostat over the second quarter of 2016 the GDP rose by 0.4% in the EU and by 0.3% in the euro zone.

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Informal Finance Ministers' Meeting

12 September 2016

On 9th and 10th September the 28 European Ministers for the Economy and Finance exchanged views on the future of economic policies, taxation and investment in the EU.

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A network of smugglers dismantled in Europe thanks to police cooperation

12 September 2016

A network of mainly non-European smugglers who were illegally smuggling migrants across Europe was dismantled on 6th September thanks to cooperation between several European police forces coordinated by Europol and Eurojust.

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Humanitarian aid plan of 348 million € for refugees

11 September 2016

On 8th September the EU signed a major humanitarian aid plan to a total of 348 million € in aid of the most vulnerable refugee families in Turkey.

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EU-Turkey Dialogue

12 September 2016

On 9th September 2016 the EU's High Representative Federica Mogherini met several members of the Turkish government in Ankara to discuss democracy, the refugee crisis and the liberalisation of visas.

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The Commission wants to improve aviation security and competitiveness

11 September 2016

On 7th September the Commission proposed the introduction of a single EU certification procedure on inspection and screening equipment used for aviation security.

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European Ombudsman asks for clarification over José Manuel Barroso's situation

12 September 2016

On 6th September Emily O'Reilly, the European Ombudsman, made an official request to the President of the European Commission for clarification over the situation of his predecessor, José Manuel Barroso.

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Nearly 160 billion € in VAT lost in 2014 in the EU

12 September 2016

According to figures published by the Commission on 6th September 159.5 billion € in VAT were not collected by the Member States in 2014.

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Table of projects financed by the EU budget in the world

11 September 2016

On 8th September the European Commission published an interactive map detailing the projects that are financed at present by the EU across the world.

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Guy Verhofstadt appointed as the European Parliament's representative for the Brexit

12 September 2016

On 8th September the Conference of Presidents of the European Parliament appointed Guy Verhofstadt, MEP and former Belgian Prime Minister as the EP's representative for the negotiations over the Brexit.

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Eurogroup Meeting

11 September 2016

During the Eurogroup meeting on 9th September the Greek government was encouraged to introduce any remaining reforms rapidly.

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Europe must become an international political and diplomatic force

12 September 2016

On 6th September Federica Mogherini, the EU's High Representative addressed the EU's ambassadors in Brussels calling for a stronger EU in world affairs.

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Court of Justice

Differences in treatment in protection against extradition

12 September 2016

In a decision C-182/15 dated 6th September the European Court of Justice recognises that a State is not obliged to grant the same protection to an EU citizen having been present on its territory as it does to its own citizens.

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ECB Council of Governors Meeting

11 September 2016

On 8th September the ECB's Council of Governors announced that the key rates were to be maintained and made no changes to its inflation forecast for the euro zone at 0.2% in 2016, 1.2% in 2017, and 1.6% in 2018. However GDP growth in the euro zone is now expected to be 1.7% for 2016 and 1.6% in 2017 then in 2018 against a previous 1.7%.

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European Agencies

Rosetta probe finds the little robot Philae

11 September 2016

Just one month before the end of its mission the European probe Rosetta has located the little robot Philae, the trace of which had been lost since its historic, turbulent landing in November 2014 on the comet Churyumov-Gerasimenko announced the European Space Agency (ESA) on 5th September.

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Agreement between ESA and Arianespace for the launch of a new satellite

11 September 2016

On 7th September the European Space Agency signed a contract with Arianespace for the launch of a new satellite, "Aeolus" at the end of 2017.

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No deficit in Germany's 2017 Budget

11 September 2016

On 7th September German Chancellor Angela Merkel spoke to the Bundestag on the occasion of the budgetary debate. On 6th Wolfgang Schäuble, the Finance Minister presented, for the third year running, a balanced budget for 2017.

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Postponement of the 2nd round of the Presidential Election in Austria

12 September 2016

Following defects found in some electoral equipment (envelopes, voting slips) - the Austrian government decided to postpone the 2nd round of the presidential election. Initially planned for 2nd October, it will now take place either on 27th November or 2nd December.

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The Irish parliament supports the Irish government against the Commission's decision over Apple

12 September 2016

On 7th September the Dáil Éireann (the Irish parliament) supported the Irish government's decision to appeal against the EU's decision regarding tax advantages granted to Apple deemed to be illegal State aid.

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The issue of exiting the EU at the British Parliament

11 September 2016

On 6th September the European Committee at the House of Lords started its inquiry into the possible effects of the Brexit on relations between Ireland and the UK. On 8th September David Davis, the British Secretary of State for Exiting the EU travelled to Ireland to discuss bilateral relations. On 5th September he gave a speech to the House of Commons.

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Nicola Sturgeon presents her general policy programme

12 September 2016

On 6th September Nicola Sturgeon, Scotland's First Minister presented her general policy for 2016-2017 which will mainly focus on education and healthcare.

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The IMF publishes a report on Slovenia

12 September 2016

On 7th September the IMF published a report on Slovenia calling for the country to continue the reforms it has started.

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The World Bank prepared to support Ukraine

12 September 2016

On 8th September the World Bank said it was pleased with the decision taken by the Ukrainian Ministers to approve the programme to re-establish and consolidate peace in the eastern regions of Ukraine. As a result the World Bank said it is prepared to continue providing aid to Ukraine.

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The summit on the UN's peacekeeping operations aims to improve the latter

12 September 2016

On 8th September during a summit on the UN's peacekeeping operations in London, the participating States expressed their satisfaction with the work and cooperation achieved, estimating that further improvements were necessary in order to overcome contemporary threats and to guarantee international peace and security.

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Survey on Cultural Facilities in European Capitals

12 September 2016

On 8th September in the context of the European Heritage Days on 17th and 18th September Eurostat published a survey on citizen satisfaction with the cultural facilities in their town.

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Statistical portrait of towns, agglomerations and suburbs of the EU

12 September 2016

On 7th September Eurostat published a file illustrating a statistical portrait of towns, agglomerations and suburbs of the EU.

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The Commission presents its Consumer Markets Scoreboard 2016

12 September 2016

On 6th September the European Commission published the Consumer Markets Scoreboard. This covers EU consumer ratings of 42 goods and services markets.

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Exhibition of Douanier Rousseau's Paradise Lost

12 September 2016

From 15th September 2016 to 15th January 2017 the National Gallery of Prague together with the Musée d'Orsay in Paris is organising an exhibition devoted to Henri Rousseau.

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Berlin Art Week

12 September 2016

The 5th Berlin Art Week is taking place from 13th to 18th September.

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Oktoberfest Munich

12 September 2016

Munich will be hosting the 183rd Oktoberfest from 17th September to 3rd October 2016. It is the biggest fair in the world paying tribute each year to the culture and traditions of Bavaria.

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49th International Puppet Festival of Zagreb

12 September 2016

From 13th to 18th September the 49th International Puppet Festival is taking place in Zagreb. Croatia.

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Scientific Festival for young people in Vilnius

12 September 2016

The International "Spaceship Earth" Festival is taking place until 17th September. This event aims to promote science amongst young people.

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64th International Film Festival of San-Sebastian

12 September 2016

From 16th to 24th September the 64th International Film Festival is taking place in San Sebastian.

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European Heritage Days

12 September 2016

The 33rd European Heritage Days will be taking place on 17th and 18th September in 50 countries of Europe.

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Kandinsky, Marc & Der Blaue Reiter Exhibition at the Beyeler Foundation

12 September 2016

The Beyeler Foundation is running an exhibition devoted to Kandinsky, Marc & Der Blaue Reiter (a group of Expressionist painters) until 22nd January 2017. This exhibition offers visitors a new approach to one of the most significant artistic turning points in the 20th century.

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Antiquarian Biennale in Paris

12 September 2016

Both professionals and amateurs of art will meet in Paris until 18th September at the Grand Palais for the Antiquarian Biennale.

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17th Dance Biennale in Lyon

12 September 2016

From 14th to 30th September the 17th Dance Biennale of Lyon is taking place. It aims to support new talent and reveal the world of dance in all of its diversity. An exhibition will run alongside the festival entitled "Corps Rebelles" at the Musée des Confluences reviewing the history of dance.

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les 11th-13th September

Informal Meeting of Agriculture Ministers (Bratislava)

les 12th-15th September

Plenary Session of the European Parliament (Strasbourg)

16th September

Informal meeting of the 27 heads of State and government (Bratislava)

20th September

General Affairs Council (Brussels)

Newsletter Archives

Review of the 9th Legislature of the European Parliament

What to take away from the European law on artificial intelligence

A "commissioner" responsible for defence issues

European agriculture and Ukrainian agriculture complement each other

Ukraine's accession to the European Union brings added value and serves historical justice

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Charles de Marcilly, Helen Levy ,Léa Degorre, François Frigot, Lucas Mehler,Benjamin Penassou, Athina Reuter

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Eric Maurice

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
Contact Us!

Editorial, Elections/Croatia, ECB, Postponement/Austria, Budget/Germany, Space, ...


The Newsletter n°727- version of 12 sept. 2016