The Newsletter63230 juin 2014

La Lettre

Gaël Brustier, Corinne Deloy, Fabien Escalona

30 June 2014

Just as the national results have been validated, and the composition of the groups in the European Parliament finalised this paper offers a round-up of the European elections 22nd-25th May 2014. It combines an analysis per party "family" and parliamentary group. In each case the nature and relation entertained with the European Union is explained followed by the results and effects of these imply.

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Award of the Franco-German Journalism Prize 2014

30 June 2014

The Franco-German Journalism Prize (PFAJ) 2014 will be awarded on 2nd July at 6pm in the offices of ZDF in Berlin. As part of this ceremony the Grand Media Prize will be given to former French President Valéry Giscard d'Estaing and to former German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt. The five other prizes (video, audio, written, multi-media and young talent) will also be given on 2nd July. The Franco-German Grand Media Prize rewards people or organisations which are present or active in the media and who have acted in support of relations between France and Germany and also the European context. This prize is part of the Franco-German Prize for Journalism.

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For parity in the EU's institutions in 2014

29 June 2014

Jean-Claude Juncker was appointed on 27th June to preside over the European Commission. The European Parliament is about to re-elect Martin Schulz on 1st July as its president. Where are the women in this organisation? At this pace the EU will find itself in the same position as in 2009 looking desperately for a woman so that not all of the post are occupied by men. Pascale Joannin, the Foundation's General Manager proposed as early as March that since the European Commission now comprised an even number it would be good if 14 women Commissioners were appointed out of the 28 and suggested that of the 4 main posts to renew in 2014 (president of the Parliament, Commission, European Council and High Representative) two should be given to women. It does not appear however that the European leaders are going down this path. Several MEPs have just signed an article to demand that the States all put forward one man and one woman for the post of Commissioner. It is urgent to act before 16th July when the next European Council takes place.

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Financial Crisis

Rise in number of job seekers and growth reviewed downwards in France

29 June 2014

On 26th June the French Labour Minister published the employment figures in France for May 2014. They notably indicate that the number of job seekers increased in May with +24,800 people out of work, ie a rise of 0.7% in comparison with April. The ministry indicates that the number of people registered with the unemployment agency has increased by 34,300 people ie a rise of 0.7% also. Moreover the French statistics institute published its growth forecasts for France 2014 on 24th June. According to the INSEE France will experience growth of 0.7% in 2014, ie 0.3 points less than planned by the government. Growth will be driven downwards by foreign trade in deficit as well as domestic demand and consumption which will be too low - and all of this as investments have already declined.

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Netherlands: Deficit and government debt revised downwards for 2013

30 June 2014

The Dutch national statistics office published a new estimate on 27th June 2014 that revises the deficit and government debt levels downwards for 2013 in comparison with estimates published in March 2014. The government deficit is estimated at 2.3% of the GDP (in comparison with an estimate of 2.5% in March) and the debt is estimated at 68.6% of the GDP (in comparison with 73.5% in March 2014). According to the latter figures the Netherlands are therefore closer to fulfilling European criteria of a government deficit below 3% of the GDP and debt below 60% of the GDP.

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Column by German and Italian Finance Ministers for trade and growth

29 June 2014

The German and Italian Finance Ministers, Wolfgang Schäuble and Pier Carlo Padoan, signed a column in the Wall Street Journal on 26th June 2014 defending a reform programme for Europe in the area of trade and growth. They stressed that in their countries the parties in government were approved during the European elections which shows that a pro-European programme can bring results during an election. The two ministers indicate that in spite of an improvement in Europe's economy the crisis is not over and that priority lies in privileging policies that will restore growth. In this sense they call on European leaders to make structural reform and for greater European integration - so that the Union has a strong economic strategy and that European citizens are confident again.

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The economic climate declines in the euro zone, and remains stable in the European Union

29 June 2014

In June the economic sentiment indicator (ESI) declined in the euro zone (decrease of 0.6 points reaching 102) whilst remaining stable in the EU. The business climate indicator (BCI) in the euro zone declined by 0.14 points to reach +0.22.

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Recession weaker in Cyprus than forecast

30 June 2014

The Cypriot economy, shaken by the financial crisis, which obliged it to turn to a 10 billion euro rescue plan in March 2013 and to adopt draconian terms, is due to suffer slighter recession in 2014 than previously forecast. According to the governor of the Central Bank of Cyprus, Chrystalla Geordhadji, who held her first press conference on 25th June 2014 since her appointment in April, the banking sector, which collapsed during the crisis, is starting to recover. In all, the economy contracted by 4.1% in the first quarter of 2014, a recession below the 5% recorded in the last quarter of 2013 she explained.

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Portugal: government deficit declines

30 June 2014

Portugal's government deficit dropped to 6% of the GDP in the first quarter of 2014 against 10% at the same time last year announced the Portuguese statistics institute (INE) on 27th June 2014. The imbalance of government accounts is estimated at 2.4 billion euro over the first three months of the year whilst it totalled 3.9 billion in the first quarter of 2013. The reduction of the deficit in the first quarter can be explained by a 5.4% reduction in government spending and a rise of revenues of 3.2% said the INE in a press release.

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European Council

Presidency of the Commission, strategic priorities, Ukraine, Georgia, Moldova, Albania

28 June 2014

Jean-Claude Juncker was chosen on 27th June 2014 by the 28 heads of State and government to preside over the European Commission, 26 voted in support 2 against (UK and Hungary). His appointment is due to be finalised by the European Parliament on 16th July. The European leaders will meet again for an informal dinner on 16th July to discuss the other EU posts. Moreover they adopted a strategy for the next five years, which notably plans for a revision of the migratory policy on the EU's borders and the energy and climate policy. This will focus on the revival of economic growth and employment by making better use of existing flexibility in the present stability and growth pact. Moreover the EU finalised the association agreement with Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova. It finally acknowledged Albania's candidate status.

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Industrial action plan for European defence

29 June 2014

On 24th June 2014 the European Commission presented a report defining the measures to strengthen the single defence market by promoting a more competitive defence industry and by fostering synergy between civilian and military research. The action to take is clearly described: drafting of a roadmap for a global supply security regime Europe-wide, practical guidelines designed for regional authorities and SME's in order to clarify the possibility of financing a European project budget for dual usage goods and new preparatory action enabling an assessment of the value added the EU's contribution to research linked to the common security and defence policy (CSDP). In all this action will help to improve the effectiveness of the European defence and security sector and also strengthen the CSDP.

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New Commission Programme for more effective civil services

30 June 2014

The European Commission adopted a proposal on 26th June 2014 which aims to establish a new programme (ISA2) to help Member States modernise their civil services and provide interoperable digital services both nationally and on a European level. This interaction is vital in that many businesses and private parties settle in a European country other than their own. Therefore they often have to make electronic contact with the Member States' civil services. This new programme aims to facilitate this cooperation.

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Reduction of roaming tariffs as of July 1st

30 June 2014

On 24th June 2014 the European Commission announced that the maximum roaming tariffs on mobile calls will be reduced in Europe as of July 1st with notably a reduction of more than 50% of tariffs applicable to the downloading of data. Roaming costs are a surcharge applied by service suppliers for the use of a mobile, smartphone or tablet abroad. As of July 1st, VAT apart, the downloading of data or internet navigation will not exceed 20 cts per megaoctet ie a reduction of 55.5% in comparison with the ceilings in force at the moment which were reduced a year ago.

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Visit by the President of the European Commission to Serbia

30 June 2014

The President of the European Commission made an official visit to Serbia on 29th June where he was welcomed by Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic and the head of the EU's delegation in Serbia Michael Davenport. During this official visit the President of the European Commission met Serb President Tomislav Nikolic and Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic. During the joint press conference José Manuel Barroso stressed that the EU supported Serbia's "path to Europe". Regarding dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina Mr Barroso believes that both sides have shown courage and that it is now time to complete what was agreed in the Brussels Agreement. "In spite of the economic crisis the EU's door will be open to all of the countries in the Western Balkans," added Mr Barroso, who will visit Tirana, which has now officially become a candidate country for EU membership.

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Far right fails to create a group in the European parliament

30 June 2014

The deadline to form the groups in Parliament was set for 23rd June 2014 at midnight. Marine Le Pen, President of the Front National has therefore failed to form a group that would include at least 25 members from 7 different countries, as confirmed by its Dutch ally Gert Wilders of the Freedom Party (PVV). The aim of the alliance between Marine Le Pen and Gert Wilders was to "destroy [Europe] from the inside" following the thrust of Eurosceptic vote in the last European elections. Geert Wilders announced that he was relinquishing his seat in the European Parliament. He had tried to challenge the European law that provides that an MEP cannot also sit in a national parliament. He hoped to be able to accumulate his post as MEP with that of national MP. The European Court of Justice rejected his request. Hans Jansen, the fourth on the PVV's list will replace him in the Strasbourg hemicycle.

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Seven groups in the European Parliament in 2014 (as in 2009)

29 June 2014

The political groups had until 24th June to form officially. After several weeks of suspense about whether a far right group would emerge or not, this will finally not be the case and there will barely be any change - there were and still are 7 groups - in order of size, EPP (221 members), S&D (191), ECR (70), ALDE (67), GUE/NGL (52), Greens/EFA (50) and the EFD (48). The other MEPs will sit amongst the non-attached. The Parliament will hold its first session on July 1st to elect the president, its vice-presidents and questeurs.

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Albania, solidarity clause, European Semester

29 June 2014

On 24th June 2014 the 28 European Ministers notably decided to grant candidate status to Albania. They adopted a decision on the rules and procedures for the implementation of the solidarity clause that plans for the Union and its Member States to act together to help another Member State that is under terrorist attack or which has fallen victim to a natural or man-made disaster. Ministers also approved a maritime security strategy as an effective, comprehensive framework to face the challenges raised by maritime security.

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Boosting long-term investment in EU economy

29 June 2014

On 25th June 2014 the Council of the European Union agreed on a draft regulation that aims to increase the pool of capital available for long-term investment in the EU economy via a new kind of fund. These European long-term investment funds (ELTIFs), by virtue of the asset classes that they would be allowed to invest in, are expected to provide investors with long-term, stable returns. On this issue the Foundation published a text by Philip Maystadt on 31st March last: "Investing in and financing the European economy."

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Maritime Security Strategy

30 June 2014

On 24th June 2014 the Council of the European Union adopted the EU's maritime security strategy (EUMSS) which provides a global framework that contributes to a stable, safe, maritime area. The aim is to protect the Union's interests in terms of maritime security in view of a series of risks and threats in the world maritime context, like cross-border, organised crime, threats that weigh on the freedom of navigation, the proliferation of arms of mass destruction and environmental risks. The strategy covers both internal and external aspects of the Union's maritime security as part of an inter-sectorial, global approach.

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No new debts for Germany in 2015

29 June 2014

The German Chancellor Angela Merkel delivered her general policy speech to MPs in the Bundestag on 25th June whilst the German parliament has been debating the federal budget for 2015. During her speech the Chancellor notably promoted the fact that for the first time since 1969 Germany would establish a budget that would not be incurring any further debts in 2015 and that this development was an historic milestone in German history: with this kind of budget Germany can set the foundations to strengthen the country said the German Chancellor.

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State visit by German President to Portugal

29 June 2014

German President Joachim Gauck travelled to Portugal on a State visit from 23rd to 25th June 2014. During this visit he met his Portuguese counterpart President Anibal Cavaco Silva as well as Prime Minister Pedro Passos Coelho. He visited the headquarters of the main Portuguese government institutions and some of the country's key historic monuments - he also celebrated the 60th anniversary of the foundation of the German/Portuguese Chamber of Commerce. On 24th June the German President was guest at a State dinner at the presidential palace during which he highlighted the values shared by both countries - the quest for peace, freedom and democracy. Joachim Gauck lauded Portugal's courage in implementing the reform programme that aims to bring the country out of the crisis and recalled Germany's support to Portugal in this direction.

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Germany reduces its support to renewable energies

29 June 2014

On 27th June German MPs approved by a wide majority a draft bill reforming the support mechanisms to renewable energies which should put the energy transition in Germany back on course and bring the rise in electricity prices to an end. This law is, together with the introduction of the minimum wage, one of the leading projects in Angela Merkel's third government. Whilst the previous mechanism - which did produce results - 27% of the electricity used in the country in the first quarter came from renewable energies - cost nearly 20 billion euro per year, the new bill reduces significantly the subsidies granted to clean energies and provides that gradually the electricity produced by wind and sun that is due to represent 80% of total consumption by 2050, will be subject to market mechanisms.

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Agreement on South-Stream gas pipeline between Russia and Austria

30 June 2014

The President of the Federation of Russia, Vladimir Putin travelled to Vienna on 24th June where he met Austrian President Heinz Fischer and Prime Minister Werner Feymann. This visit mainly concerned the signature of an agreement between the two countries on the construction of the gas pipeline South-Stream, even though the two presidents did discuss the crisis in Ukraine during their press conference. Hence the Austrian President stressed the need for "more dialogue" rather than "not enough" because it would only be via dialogue that a settlement to the crisis in Ukraine would be found. For his part Vladimir Putin indicated that South-Stream was not in any way a Russian bid to turn away from Ukraine in terms of energy supplies and that the project, which is a long term one, was launched well before the start of the Ukrainian crisis.

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Charles Michel instructed to consider a coalition for the Belgian Government

29 June 2014

On 27th June 2014 the Belgian king appointed MR Chairman, Charles Michel, to discuss "possible ways to form a government," two days after Bart De Wever relinquished the task after failing to form a center-right majority.

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Early general elections in Bulgaria on 5th October

30 June 2014

Bulgaria's main political parties suggested on 27th June the organisation of early general elections on 5th October. These elections are a result of differences between the two parties supporting Plamen Oresharski's government. The government which was waiting for the parties to put a date forward has to resign by the end of July. For many long months now the executive led by Prime Minister Plamen Oresharski has been unable to recover the confidence of the Bulgarian population. According to the Bulgarian head of State an interim government is also due to be set up.

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First visit to Catalonia for the new Spanish king

29 June 2014

On 27th June a week after his accession to the Spanish throne Felipe VI travelled to Gerona in Catalonia - a region in open conflict with the government since the Catalan Parliament's decision to organise a referendum on its independence vis-à-vis Spain. In his speech delivered in Castilian and Catalan the King paid his respects to Catalonia indicating that he understood the specific nature of this region, stressing the points it shared with the rest of the Iberian peninsula. He advocated "sincere work together" between Catalonia and those in office in Madrid.

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Jyrki Katainen appointed commissioner for Economic Affairs

30 June 2014

Former Finnish Prime Minister Jyrki Katainen will replace Olli Rehn as European Commission for Economic Affairs until the end of the Commission's mandate in the autumn announced President José Manuel Barroso on 25th June 2014. Although this mission is only for the interim it augurs well for Mr Katainen, who at 42, announced his resignation as head of the Finnish government in April and his decision to join the European institutions. He is targeting an important post within the future Commission and will already have been at the helm of Economic Affairs for several months. Olli Rehn has been elected MEP at the European Parliament.

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Alexander Stubb, appointed Prime Minister of Finland

29 June 2014

On 24th June 2014 Alexander Stubb became the new Finnish Prime Minister. The Finnish Parliament gave the greenlight to his appointment as the country's new Prime Minister, 98 votes in support, 76 against. President Sauli Niinistö formally appointed him to office on the same day with a government comprising 17 Ministers, 8 of whom are women.

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What will France be like in ten years time?

29 June 2014

"France Stratégie", the former General Commissariat for Perspectives and Strategy published a report on 25th June 2014 entitled "What will France be like in ten years time?" Written on the basis of consultations undertaken in autumn 2013 in different shapes and form (thematic public debate, auditions, working seminars, consultations with social partners, dialogue with Assemblies, debates in the regions with local actors, launch of an on-line area, surveys ...) the report analyses the vital issues that French society has to address and the implications of these. The report also puts forward a series of priority guidelines for the next ten years. The President of the Republic, François Hollande and Prime Minister Manuel Valls, to whom the report was presented, said that they want France Stratégie to continue its work by exchanging information and opinion with social partners and civil society.

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Hungary develops its nuclear capabilities with Russia's help

30 June 2014

The Hungarian parliament gave its greenlight on 23rd June to a Russian loan of 10 billion euro designed to finance the modernisation of the Hungarian nuclear sector, whilst the opposition denounced increasing dependency on Russia. On 14th January the two countries signed a cooperation agreement for the addition of two new reactors in Paks, the only Hungarian nuclear power station that lies just 100 km from Budapest. This project which is enormous for a small country like Hungary would double the power plant's capacity, which already provides 40% of the country's electricity.

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Renzi announces his priorities for the Italian Presidency of the Council of the European Union

30 June 2014

On 24th June 2014 the head of the Italian government presented the main outline of the rotating Italian presidency of the Council of the European Union to the Chamber of Deputies, which will focus on three priorities: a new economic policy based on growth and employment, management of external borders and the strengthening of the EU's overall role in the international arena. He also insisted on a community of values specific to the EU to enable its revival, saying that the single currency was not enough for this project. Rome is also and especially advocating a more flexible interpretation of the stability pact and an "audacious and innovative" Presidency of the Commission. From an economic point of view Rome has set eight goals which include stepping up the review of the "Europe 2020 Strategy" on "sustainable and inclusive growth", increasing the resources granted to the "Youth Employment Initiative" and the "Youth Guarantee" in support of youth employment.

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Draft law abolishing banking secrecy in Luxembourg

30 June 2014

Just as Luxembourg finally lifted its veto on Banking Union in the first semester of 2014 and under the European directive on savings fiscality, the Finance and Budget Committee at the Luxembourg Chamber of Deputies studied a draft law on 25th June which would abolish banking secrecy in Luxembourg. This would allow the introduction of an automatic exchange of information on savings revenues. The law means that banks established in Luxembourg would be able to communicate interest payment information to the respective administrations on people who do not live in Luxembourg.

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New Commissioner for Luxembourg

30 June 2014

From the time the new European Commission chaired by Jean-Claude Juncker enters into office and the departure of Viviane Reding from her post as European Commissioner - now elected MEP - the LSAP has decided "to put forward Ms Martine Reicherts" indicated the 27th June the Deputy Prime Minister Etienne Schneider in an official press release. It is now up to the government Council that will meet on July 1st to approve the socialist proposition. Martine Reicherts is the former deputy head of cabinet of the President European Commission, Jacques Santer and is the present General Manager of the EU's Official Publications Office in Luxembourg.

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D. Cameron prepared to work with JC Juncker

30 June 2014

British Prime Minister David Cameron said on 30th June 2014 that he was prepared to work with Jean-Claude Juncker in a "balanced" relationship whilst he has to speak in Parliament after he failed to prevent the appointment of the new President of the European Commission. "During his campaign, Jean-Claude Juncker did say he was prepared to answer the concerns of the UK and his manifesto commits to working to achieve a fair deal," with our country, wrote the head of government in an article in the Daily Telegraph. "If by fair deal we can agree that - each at his own pace - we are moving towards distinct goals then there is a chance of working together," he added. "I am not against greater integration for the euro zone. I think it is inevitable. Euro zone members must take their own decisions. But I know that the British do not want to be part of that," he said.

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Candidate status granted to Albania

29 June 2014

On 24th June 2014, the 28 European Ministers decided in view of its assessment of Albania's continued progress, to grant Albania candidate status, subject to endorsement by the European Council. Following the granting of candidate status, the Council underlined that Albania should act decisively on all of the recommendations in the Commission's report and step up work to ensure a sustained, comprehensive and inclusive implementation of the key priorities, notably the reform of the civil service and the judiciary, the fight against organised crime and corruption, the protection of human rights and anti-discrimination policies, including in the area of minorities and their equal treatment, as well as the implementation of property rights.

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Montenegro and the European Union

30 June 2014

The fourth meeting of the Montenegro membership conference took place on 24th June. This conference looked into the 35 negotiation chapters, 12 of which were opened during the conference and 2 closed provisionally. On the same day the fifth Council meeting linked to the stabilisation and association agreement took place. It noted with satisfaction that the chapter selection process had been completed and that in all 12 new chapters had been opened, including the vital rule in chapter 23, judicial power and fundamental rights as well as chapter 23, justice, freedom and security.

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Ukraine: signature of the association agreement with the EU

30 June 2014

In a tense atmosphere and just as the ceasefire had been extended to 30th June, the economic chapter of the association agreement with the EU was signed on 27th June 2014. Whilst rebels shot down a Ukrainian helicopter killing the nine soldiers on board and endangered the fragile ceasefire on 24th June, the Foreign Ministers of NATO's member countries approved the drafting of a strong "responsive" action plan on 25th June and at the same time a package of measures designed to strengthen Ukraine's capability to defend itself. On 26th June 2014 Ukrainian President Poroshenko spoke to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. He reviewed the conflict on-going in Ukraine and laid out his proposals for peace in the separatist regions.

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Telephone conversations about Ukraine between Paris, Berlin, Kiev and Moscow

30 June 2014

On 29th June 2014 during a two-hour telephone conversation, the second in four days François Hollande and Angela Merkel again called on Vladimir Putin to act to help his Ukrainian counterpart Petro Poroshenko to end the situation in the separatist east. Threatened with economic sanctions by both the EU and the USA, unless there are some real results Mr Putin advocated for an extension to the ceasefire. For days the Western powers have been asking the Russian President to put all of his weight behind a rapid disarmament of the pro-Russian separatist rebels and for "infiltration" of arms and fighters to stop so that peace talks between the pro-European authorities in Kiev and the rebels can start. Mr Hollande and Ms Merkel "recalled clearly the expectations expressed by the Council on 27th June last and said they hoped that results would be achieved by 30th June." However on 1st July Petro Poroshenko declared the end of the ceasefire announcing that the military offensive would resume in the east.

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Council of Europe

Thorbjørn Jagland re-elected as Secretary General of the Council of Europe

29 June 2014

On Tuesday 24th June 2014 the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) re-elected Thorbjørn Jagland as Secretary General for a further five-year mandate. It is the first time since the creation of the Council of Europe in 1949 that a Secretary has been re-elected for a second mandate. He won 156 votes against 93 for his rival, former German Justice Minister Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger. He will start his new term in office as of October 1st 2014.

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The UNODC publishes its annual report on drugs

29 June 2014

On 26th June the UN's office against drugs and crime published its annual report on drugs in the world. The World Drug Report provides an overview of major developments on the drug market involving production, trafficking and consumption. The "World Drug Report 2014" provides a panorama of the latest developments in terms of cocaine, cannabis, and amphetamines. This report also focuses on the chemical products used in the manufacture of illegal drugs and their effect on consumers' health.

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European legal guide for Asylum, Borders and Immigration

29 June 2014

The European Court of Human Rights and the EU's Fundamental Rights Agency published an updated version of their "European Legal Guide for Asylum, Borders and Immigration" on 27th June. This is the first complete guide to European law on this issue which takes on board the ECHR's jurisprudence and also that of the European Court of Justice (ECJ). It also includes the EU's directives and regulations that are applicable in this area, as well as references to the European Social Charter and other instruments of the Council of Europe.

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EU surplus up in 2013

29 June 2014

According to figures published on 26th June 2014 by Eurostat the EU's international services trade has grown significantly over the last decade. The Union's export of services towards third countries rose from 367 billion euro in 2004 to 684 billion in 2013 whilst imports have also increased rising from 321 billion to 511 billion. Since exports have developed more sharply than imports the trade surplus almost quadrupled between 2004 and 2013 rising from 45 billion to 173 billion euro.

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Lyrical Art Festival in Aix-en-Provence

30 June 2014

The Lyrical Art Festival of Aix-en-Provence is expecting its audience between 2nd and 24th July 2014. Music, poetry, theatre, visual arts - all of these disciplines form the heart of this international festival of opera and classical music launched in 1948. It is one of the major lyrical festivals in Europe with a particular affinity for the operas of Mozart. The shows are spread across several sites: the Archevêché Theatre of Provence, the Jeu de Paume Theatre and the Maynier d'Oppède Theatre. The International Lyrical Art Festival of Aix-en-Provence is a member of RESEO (European network for the awareness of opera and dance) and of Opera Europa.

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68th Festival of Avignon

30 June 2014

The Festival of Avignon will take place from 4th to 27th July 2014. This year 1083 companies will be playing in 1307 shows. All styles are represented: theatre, music, dance, puppets, poetry. For the first time the "in" Festivals (official) and "off" (unofficial) will share almost the same agenda which is in fact a small revolution. "We have matched the "in" agenda as a sign of good will," summarised Greg Germain, the chair of the Avignon Festival and Compagnies (AF&C) association which is coordinating the incredible offer of shows put on by the "off".

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Opera Festival at the Verona Arena

30 June 2014

The 92nd opera festival at the Verona Arena is running until 7th September. As far as the 2014 programme is concerned 6 operas and three special events will be presented during the festival. The Verona arenas have been used since the 19th century for lyrical shows and are a vast area of graduated stands, which lend the productions their beauty. More than 15,000 spectators attend the shows every evening during the season.

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48th Montreux Jazz Festival

30 June 2014

The Montreux Jazz Festival will be taking place from 4th to 19th July. From the Rock Cave, to Music in the Park, the Studio, the "aftershows" and workshops, hundreds of free events will also be taking place alongside the concerts. The Rock Cave will put on two concerts per evening with the finest local musicians (The Rambling Wheels, Kruger, Camion, Forks, The Chikitas, Cheyenne) and also some international names The Lords of Altamont, Drenge, Archie Branson Outfit, Manu Lanvin, etc). At the foot of the Congress Hall, the main stage of Music in the Park is offering as usual non-stop music. Jazz, rock, world .... once the fee paying concerts are over the Montreux Lab Aftershows plan to put on some cutting edge electro music: Ellen Allien, The Hiiters, Etienne de Crécy, Michael Meyer, Koffi & The Gang DJ Pharoah, Gramatik, STWO, and other surprises.

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Copenhagen Jazz Festival

30 June 2014

The Copenhagen Jazz Festival will be taking place from 4th to 13th July 2014. On this occasion more than 1200 concerts will be taking place throughout the Danish capital. Major international names have confirmed their presence like Gregory Porter, Concha Buika, The John Scofield Überjam Band, Tinariwen, Christian McBride, Hiromi, Chick Corea and Stanley Clarke as well as many others. Information can be found on the event's site.

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International Karlovy-Vary Film Festival

30 June 2014

The International Karlovy-Vary Film Festival - held at the spa town in the Czech Republic - will be taking place from 4th to 12th July 2014. Created in 1946 in Marianské Lazne, this is one of the most prestigious events in Central Europe. It presents more than 200 films from around the world, the best of which will be awarded the prestigious prize, the Crystal Globe on the final night.

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les 1st-3rd July

Plenary Session of the European Parliament (Strasbourg)

3rd July

Council of Governors of the European Central Bank (Frankfurt)

Newsletter Archives

What future for European defence?

Europe in a fragmented global economy: making the most of the single market and competition policy

European Defence and Russia

Cyprus: 20 years of membership of the European Union, between singularities and a theatre of geopolitical oppositions.

Review of the 9th Legislature of the European Parliament

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Charles de Marcilly , Claire Darmé, Raphaël Frison,Jelena Isailovic, Marine Le Lann, Salomé Larcher, Ombline de Saint Leon, Sarah Witt

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Charles de Marcilly

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

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The Newsletter n°632- version of 30 juin 2014