The Newsletter63123 juin 2014

La Lettre

Julien Zalc

23 June 2014

Whilst at the height of the euro crisis some forecast the disappearance of the single European currency, and even quite simply the collapse of Europe, what do things look like now just as the end of the crisis now seems to be turning into a reality? Europeans are particularly concerned about the future. A great majority of them believe that the lives of the young generation will be more difficult than theirs has been. Europe must therefore prepare to rise to the major challenges of tomorrow. How? - by promoting all of its existing assets and especially by improving its weak points. Several things might influence the way Europeans see the future positively: improvements in the economic situation first and foremost, also changes that are due to be made to the European institutions in the follow-up to the last election.

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Schuman Report on Europe, the State of the Union in 2014

23 June 2014

Is 2014 a turning point for Europe ? The European elections and the renewal of the all of the Union's political institutions offer an exceptional opportunity to analyse how the European Union is developing. These questions are the focus of the Schuman Report 2014, a yearly work of reference on Europe. This 8th edition includes an exclusive analysis by the French Defence Minister, Jean-Yves Le Drian, who gives his view of European defence issues. This book, edited by Thierry Chopin and Michel Foucher, is published by Lignes de Repères. It is available in libraries and on the Foundation website in printed paper format and digital version (eReaders and tablets).

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Why and how Europe will remain at the heart of the world

23 June 2014

The Chairman of the Robert Schuman Foundation, Jean-Dominique Giuliani has published a book entitled "How and Why Europe will remain at the heart of the world - A small Treaty on optimism". Europe is no longer the centre of the world. It is not the leading military force. But to the world Europe is the heart that provides the pace, that feeds minds, culture and which attracts. It is the leading economic and trade power. According to Jean-Dominique Giuliani Europe has all the assets it needs to rise to the challenge. This book published by Lignes de Repères is available from bookshops and on the Robert Schuman Foundation site in paper format and in digital format for e-readers and tablets.

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New Hope for Europe

23 June 2014

Pierre Fauchon, Honorary Senator and member of the Foundation's Scientific Committee has published an article entitled "A new hope for Europe". He notes that "the Union's supporters still mainly form the majority in Parliament and that for the first time in history a European executive head has been appointed (in)directly by all European citizens." Pierre Fauchon believes that the likely appointment of Jean-Claude Juncker "will remain the main feature of this election because it is, possibly a decisive step forward, in terms of European integration."

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Financial Crisis

Slight decrease in unemployment in the Netherlands

23 June 2014

The Dutch statistics office announced on 19th June that in May and for the first time in 2014 unemployment had declined in the Netherlands after more jobs were created than destroyed. Unemployment also decreased in March but this followed people retiring from the job market. In May unemployment lay at 7% in comparison with 7.2% in April. The average unemployment level in the euro area is 11.7%.

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Fourth Troika Assessment Mission to Cyprus

23 June 2014

The Eurogroup said it was pleased with the conclusion of the fourth assessment mission on the adjustment programme in Cyprus. The 18 Eurogroup Ministers said they were satisfied with the continued good financial results recorded to date under the programme. They did however call on the authorities to give new impetus to the implementation of the structural reform programme in order to improve economic growth prospects. They lauded the government for the progress made in restructuring the cooperative credit establishments together with the finalisation of their capitalisation. Cyprus is therefore back on the path to the international markets following a three year exclusion said the Cypriot Finance Minister Harris Georgiades.

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The IMF deems the stability pact too complicated

23 June 2014

The IMF published a report on 19th June in which it reviews the development of the economic situation in the euro area. Although it highlights the progress made, particularly regarding market confidence and the action taken by the ECB, it does warn however about the complexity of the European growth and stability pact. "Mid-term ideas to simplify and strengthen budgetary governance must be explored," says the IMF which deems the European stability pact "too complicated with too many goals," notably in terms of the figures to be respected.

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Finland announces a recovery plan of 1.1 billion euro

23 June 2014

Finland announced a recovery plan on 19th June comprising new spending and tax reductions totalling 1.1 billion euro over five years in order to invigorate its economy that is in recession. The plan was announced by the five parties negotiating the formation of a new government of which Alexander Stubb is due to become Prime Minister after the resignation of Jyrki Katainen, who is to move to the European Commission. "We have done what we had to do and if we have to do more we shall continue work in order to give Finland renewed energy," declared Mr Stubb during a press conference in Helsinki.

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Moving towards a new Adriatic-Ionian macro-region

23 June 2014

On 18th June, the European Commission officially launched a new EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region in the form of a Communication and an Action Plan, to help its 70 million residents reap the benefit of closer cooperation in areas like the maritime economy, preserving the marine environment, completing transport and energy links and boosting sustainable tourism. This is the first EU 'macro-regional strategy' with participation on the part of so many non-EU countries (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Serbia) cooperating with EU members (Croatia, Greece, Italy, and Slovenia).

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Lighter, simpler, cheaper legislation

23 June 2014

On 19th June the European Commission published its first annual scoreboard. It reviews the results of the progress made since the presentation of the ambitious Commission programme in October 2013 to reduce the administrative costs. The Commission announces that there are new measures which aim to simplify the EU's legislation and to stimulate growth and employment. It is expecting therefore a continued effort on the part of all of the Union's institutions in order to make the relevance of regulation a priority.

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Flemish Nationalists (N-VA) join the conservatives in the European Parliament

23 June 2014

On 18th June 2014, the Belgian N-VA party decided to join the Conservatives and Reformists Group (ECR) of the European Parliament, whilst the door of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe (ALDE) was open to them. Guy Verhofstadt, president of the ALDE group said that the decision "is not good for the European project." He criticizes the N-VA for wanting to join a Eurosceptic group.

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The S&D and ALDE groups elect their European Parliament leader

23 June 2014

Guy Verhofstadt, former Belgian Prime Minister and candidate to lead the European Commission for the Liberal Group (ALDE) was re-elected as leader of the group in the European Parliament on 17th June. The group comprises 67 MEPs, the fourth group in the assembly. On 18th June Martin Schulz, former President of the European Parliament was re-elected as the leader of the alliance of progressive socialists and democrats who have 191 MEPs (2nd group in Parliament).

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Nigel Farage announces that he can form a group

23 June 2014

Nigel Farage, leader of the British UKip party and Chairman of the Europe of Freedom and Democracy Group (EFD) announced on 18th June 2014 that he could form a group in the European Parliament comprising 7 national delegations and 48 MEPs. The 24 UKip MEPs form the majority. There are also 17 Italian MEPs from the Five Stars Movement led by Beppe Grillo. "I am very proud to have formed this group with other MEPs and we commit to being the voice of the people," declared the UKip leader and EFD Chair Nigel Farage.

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Eurogroup meeting: growth, enlargement of the euro area, programme per country

23 June 2014

Euro area Finance Ministers met on 19th June 2014 for a Eurogroup meeting, focusing their attention on how to accelerate growth in the euro area. At the end of the crisis, priority will be placed on the creation of an agenda that concentrates on growth and employment. Ministers welcomed the Commission and the ECB 's convergence reports, which in line with the acting institutions confirm that Lithuania fulfills the criteria for the introduction of the euro. This opens the way for the preparation of a draft recommendation on the adoption of the euro by Lithuania on 1st January 2015. They welcomed the continued progress made by the aid programmes in Cyprus and Greece, and remain confident about fiscal consolidation in Portugal and in the decrease of the Irish deficit.

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Employment, Social Policy, Healthcare and Consumers: social policy, women, EURES

23 June 2014

On 19th and 20th June 2014 the 28 European Employment, Social Policy, Healthcare and Consumer Ministers held a debate on the European Semester 2014 in terms of employment and social policy and approved specific recommendations for each country. Ministers looked into the social dimension of the EU/EMU on the basis of reports drafted by the Social Protection Committee and they adopted conclusions on "women and the economy: economic independence from the point of view of part time work and autonomous work." They noted the progress on the EURES network reports and on a directive on women on company boards. Finally they gave guidelines for future work on two draft regulations concerning medical and in vitro medical measures in view of coming to a Council position in the autumn. They mentioned the effects of the economic crisis on EU healthcare systems suggesting the means to make them stronger.

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Taxation and Lithuania's membership of the euro area

23 June 2014

On 20th June 2014, the 28 EU Finance Ministers met in Luxembourg. During this meeting they agreed on an amendment to EU tax rules in order to prevent the double non-taxation of corporate groups deriving from hybrid loan arrangements. They adopted decisions closing excessive deficit procedures for Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, the Netherlands, Austria and Slovakia, thus confirming that the latter have reduced their deficits below 3% of the GDP. Ministers also approved a recommendation in favour of a proposal to allow Lithuania to join the euro area on 1st January 2015. It agreed with the Commission's assessment that Lithuania has achieved a high degree of sustainable convergence and therefore fulfils the necessary conditions for adoption of the euro.

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A new maritime security strategy

23 June 2014

On 24th June 2014 the 28 General Affairs Ministers met in Luxembourg. They notably adopted the EU's maritime security strategy (EUMSS) jointly drafted by the Member States, the Council and the Commission which covers both internal and external aspects of the EU's maritime security. It is a global framework that contributes to a stable, safe, world maritime area in line with the European Security Strategy (ESS). There are several areas in which European response can be strengthened: external action, awareness of maritime issues and the sharing of surveillance and information, the development of capabilities (technological, norms), risk management, key infrastructure protection, and response to crisis - finally research and innovation regarding maritime security, education and training. The strategy is due for completion by the end of 2014 by an Action Plan with different working chapters. This document might be approved by the heads of State and government during the next European Council on 26th and 27th June...

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Foreign Affairs Council: Ukraine, Afghanistan, Iraq

23 June 2014

On 23rd June 2014, 28 Ministers for Foreign Affairs confirmed strengthening the restrictive measures taken by the EU against the Syrian regime. They completed the technical preparations for the signing of the Association Agreement between the EU and Ukraine, with the intention of deepening political association and economic integration, and to establish a deep and comprehensive free trade area. For Thailand, they called on all parties to exercise maximum restraint, to respect human rights and fundamental freedoms. Concerning Afghanistan, they called on the new president to reach out to all Afghans and neighbouring countries, inviting them to contribute to the development of a stable, prosperous, fully sovereign Afghanistan, hoping that they will work together with the country. Regarding Iraq the ministers expressed their deep concern about the rapidly deteriorating situaiton. They condemned the attacks perpetrated by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant.

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Signature of Association Agreements with Georgia and the Republic of Moldova

23 June 2014

On 16th June 2014 the Council completed preparations in view of the signature of the association agreements between the EU and Georgia and Moldova. These agreements aim to deepen political and economic integration with the Union and will also lead to the introduction of a deep and comprehensive free-trade area with these two partners. These two agreements will be signed on the sidelines of the European Council on 27th June next at the same time as an association agreement between the EU and Ukraine.

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Negotiations on the Iranian nuclear issue continue in Vienna

23 June 2014

The EU head of diplomacy Catherine Ashton and of Iran, Mohammed Javad Zarif engaged in the 5+1 negotiations (Germany, China, USA, France, UK and Russia) were in session from 16th-21st June and say that they have started drafting a final document - whilst acknowledging that there a continued number of "differences". The 5+1 powers and Iran have been negotiating an historic agreement since the beginning of the year to guarantee that Iran will not try to acquire the atomic bomb in exchange for the lifting of international sanctions which deprive Iran of billions of dollars in oil revenues weekly. Iran and the major powers continue to believe that a final nuclear agreement is possible within the planned deadlines. They will meet again on 2nd July.

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Date for early general elections in Bulgaria

23 June 2014

The Consultative Council on National Security, which comprises the President and the representatives of the main Bulgarian political parties, decided on 17th June to set three possible dates for early general elections. These might be 28th September, 5th or 12th October. Following discussions at the Council President Plevneliev declared that the political leaders had agreed on possible dates. However the exact date will be set during one of the next meetings between the President and the parliamentary parties. Depending on this decision the Prime Minister Plamen Oresharski's cabinet will then set the date for its resignation.

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Felipe VI succeeds Juan Carlos of Spain

23 June 2014

After the announcement of the abdication of Juan Carlos and the ratification by the lower and upper Chambers of the Spanish Parliament, the King officially stepped down from the throne on 19th June, aged 76 after a 39 year reign. He left the throne to his son, Prince Felipe, whose coronation took place on 19th June. Now crowned, Felipe VI has taken over a country which is gradually emerging from the economic crisis but which faces many political, economic and social challenges. The new king will therefore have to assert his legitimacy vis-à-vis the Spanish republicans in order to bring the country out of the crisis in which it is now plunged.

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Spain: government announces reduction in taxes but refuses to raise VAT

23 June 2014

On 20th June the Spanish government approved a draft law that plans for the reduction of income and corporate tax as of 2015, and rejected the increase of VAT in spite of EU pressure. Income tax is due to drop by 12.5% on average as of 2015, maintained a government spokesperson, Soraya Saenz de Santamaria after the Council of Ministers. "It is a structural reform that plans for a general reduction in taxes for all: workers, businesses and families," she added. "A reform that hopes that after the effort made by Spanish society during the crisis, not only to reward people for the sacrifices made, but also to boost growth and create jobs," she said.

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Finland puts forward Jyrki Katainen as Commissioner for Economic Affairs

23 June 2014

Finland announced on 18th June that it was putting forward its former Prime Minister, Jyrki Katainen for a post at the European Commission after the departure of their Commissioner of Economic Affairs, Olli Rehn. "The government decided on 18th June 2014 to appoint Jyrki Katainen as Finland's candidate for the period 1st July-31st October 2014 at the European Commission", a statement said.

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Eight leftwing heads of government meet in Paris to discuss Europe

23 June 2014

French President François Hollande met with 8 centre-left leaning heads of government on 21st June. "The Luxembourg candidate Jean-Claude Juncker is supported by nine social democratic leaders of EU Member States," declared François Hollande. The choice to support a centre-right candidate for the presidency of the Commission should be counterbalanced by the appointment of a social democrat to take over the presidency of the Council from Herman van Rompuy. "We respect the spirit which governed the European elections, ie that the party that came out ahead should put forward the candidate that was presented - ie Mr Juncker," said Mr Hollande. "But," he added "there are other responsibilities that might go to names that are of a social democratic leaning." In Paris with Mr Hollande were Italian, Matteo Renzi, German Vice-Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel, Helle Thorning-Schmidt (Denmark), Victor Viorel Ponta (Romania), Robert Fico (Slovakia), Bohuslav Sobotka (Czech Republic), Joseph Muscat (Malta), Werner Faymann (Austria) and Elio di Rupo (Belgium).

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China invests in Greece, the port of entry into Europe

23 June 2014

Nineteen trade contracts between Greece and China totalling 4.6 billion dollars (3.4 billion euro) were signed on 19th June during a visit by Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang in Athens announced the Greek Economic Development Minister. "Greece may become the port of entry for China and the starting point of a trade corridor to Europe," maintained Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras during a joint press conference with his Chinese counterpart. Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang spoke of a flourishing future for the convalescent Greek economy which Beijing wants to use to strengthen its trade in Europe via the country's railways, ports and airports.

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Greece UNHCR notes an improvement in the reception of asylum seekers

23 June 2014

"The new service for processing asylum requests set up in Greece one year ago has enabled "notable progress" to be made in the administrative and human management of requests," deemed the UN High Commission for Refugees (HCR). "One year after the launch of a new asylum request service notable progress has been made in terms of the quality of the procedure which can be seen in the increase in the delivery of refugee status," said an HCR report in Greece which was published on the occasion of World Refugee Day.

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Inauguration of the Wallenberg Memorial in Budapest

23 June 2014

The Hungarian government unveiled a monument on 18th June in memory of Raoul Wallenberg, a Swedish diplomat. Raoul Wallenberg came to work in Budapest at the end of the Second World War and he actively took part in the rescue of Jews and other Hungarian citizens. The memorial is called "Do not forget!" and aims to recall that the Shoah should never happen again, declared Hungarian Foreign and Trade Minister, Tibor Navracsics, during the inauguration.

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Appointment of new Culture Minister in Poland

23 June 2014

Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk appointed Małgorzata Omilanowska Minister of Culture and National Heritage after the election of Bogdan Zdrojewski, her predecessor, to the European Parliament. The Polish government now includes four women out of a total 19 ministers. Małgorzata Omilanowska, an art historian, will notably be responsible for the programme for national revival that aims to protect and renovate Polish historical monuments with the aid of European and national funds.

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The UK and China commit to promoting their work together

23 June 2014

On 17th June during an official visit to the UK Chinese Prime Minister Li Kegiang was hosted by his British counterpart David Cameron and then by Queen Elizabeth II. China and the UK agreed to work together to take forward their bilateral cooperation in terms of growth, reform and innovation said a joint press release. In all no less than 30 billion dollars in transactions will be made over the next few days said the Chinese embassy. China and the UK also jointly committed to countering climate change.

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Andrej Kiska officially sworn in as President of Slovakia

23 June 2014

The new president of Slovakia, Andrej Kiska was sworn in on 15th June 2014 in Bratislava. The President of the Constitutional Court, Ivetta Macejkova, confirmed his powers. Andrej Kiska is the fourth Head of State since Slovakia's independence in 1993. He was elected by direct universal suffrage on 30th March 2014 easily winning against Prime Minister Robert Fico in the second round. Mr Kiska is the first president without a communist past in this country which joined the European Union in 2004 and the euro zone five years later. The new president replaces Ivan Gasparovic whose second five-year mandate as head of the country had come to an end and who could not stand again.

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Ukraine: the UN calls on armed groups to lay down arms

23 June 2014

The UN's High Commissioner for Human Rights (HCHR) published a new report on Ukraine on 15th June 2014 which describes the collapse of public order and the respect of the law in areas under the control of armed groups in the country's east with increasing proof of kidnapping, detention, torture and murder. The High Commissioner Navi Pillay exhorted the armed groups operating in the eastern areas of Donetsk and Luhansk to "stop going down this path, taking people into a dead end that will lead simply to misery, destruction, displacement and economic destitution."

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Ukraine: a woman heads the central bank

23 June 2014

Appointed on 19th June 2014 as President of the Central Bank of Ukraine, Valeria Gontareva has twenty years of experience in the financial sector which she will need in order to work towards stabilising the country rescued in extremis by the West. Aged 49, the first woman ever to lead the National Bank, Ms Gontareva has already showed her worth in posts of responsibility within financial institutions like the Dutch company ING or French Société Générale. She takes over from Stepan Kubiv, appointed after the fall of President Yanukovych, who, in this position, took part in the negotiations which led to the emergency disbursement of 17 billion dollars on the part of the IMF.

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Ukraine: a 14-point peace plan for the separatist East

23 June 2014

Ukrainian President Pyotr Poroshenko unveiled his peace plan for the separatist east on 20th June 2014 which includes dialogue with pro-Russian rebels who have committed "neither murder nor torture," in order to restore the country's integrity. A televised speech came after the entry into force of a one-week ceasefire decided by Kiev regarding its troops engaged since April in fighting against the rebels which to date has led to 375 deaths and the displacement of tens of thousands of people. The Ukrainian President and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin advocated dialogue on 20th June with the rebels as part of a peace plan put forward by Kievy that Moscow supports under certain conditions.

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Switzerland wants to introduce immigration contingents

23 June 2014

Switzerland unveiled a plan to introduce immigration contingents for short stays, cross border work and regarding people who want to stay permanently in the wake of the referendum on 9th February which brought "massive immigration" to an end. These measures announced on behalf of the government by Ms Simonetta Sommaruga, the Minister responsible for the issue, aim to implement the decision taken in the referendum earlier this year as the result of a decision by the sovereign people. At present there are no quotas regarding border workers who have a work contract, nor for seasonal workers.

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Council of Europe

Transparency of Party Financing in Europe

23 June 2014

In its report published on June 19th 2014, the Council of Europe's anti-corruption organisation, GRECO raised concern about the low impact of its recommendations on the transparency of the financing of political parties in many member countries. "It is clear that there remains a great deal to do to make the prevention of corruption in political life a priority," declared Marin Mrcela, President of GRECO. After a country by country presentation of the progress made in implementing GRECO's recommendations the report analyses the impact of the gender issue in corruption following a first pan-European conference on the question on 13th December 2013 in Prague.

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NATO 20th anniversary of Peace Partnership

23 June 2014

The Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council (EAPC) met on 17th June to mark the 20th anniversary of the Partnership for Peace (PfP) which has transformed Euro-Atlantic security and NATO by erasing dividing lines, inspiring reforms and building peace and security through consultation and cooperation based on common democratic values. Many EAPC members condemned Russia's actions and strongly called for it to abide by its international obligations, to respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, and reverse the illegal and illegitimate annexation of Crimea. A large number of EAPC nations reiterated that the only way forward is through a political solution to the crisis, which is undermining security for the entire Euro-Atlantic area.

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"Du Printemps arabe à l'automne islamiste?"

23 June 2014

Walid Pharès, Middle East advisor to Mitt Romney, is the author of a book entitled "Du printemps arabe à l'automne islamiste?" published by Hugo & Co. The author analyses developments in the geopolitical situation of the countries that experienced the rebellions of 2010 which he places in their historic context, going back to the 1990's. This enables the reader to understand the events that occurred in these Arab societies where fundamentalists and secular liberals oppose each other. He describes the "hijacking" and the confiscation of the Arab Spring by the Islamic forces and the resistance put up by groups of progressives and democrats since then., He invites the West to be aware of the issues at stake in terms of the world balance of power.

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Development of prices in 2013

23 June 2014

According to figures published on 19th June by Eurostat, in 2013, prices of services and consumer goods were very different depending on the Member State. Denmark (140% of the EU average) had the highest prices. Price levels of 10% to 20% above the EU average were seen in Ireland (118%) for example, whilst in Belgium and France (109% each) price levels of up to 10% below the EU average were observed. Spain (95%) lay just below the EU average whilst Greece (89%) lay between 10% and 20% below the average. The lowest price levels were seen in Bulgaria (48%).

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The USA by far the biggest investor in the Union in 2013

23 June 2014

The USA were by the biggest foreign investor in the EU in 2013 with 313 billion euro, with Brazil coming a distant second with 21 billion euro according to data published on 20th June by Eurostat. In all FDI's in the EU totalled 327 billion euro last year and those by the 28 in the rest of the world totalled 341 billion euro. Investments in the euro zone alone from third countries totalled 299 billion euro whilst those by the Monetary Union in third countries totalled 324 billion.

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Masks, mascarades and mascarons at the Louvre

23 June 2014

The Louvre Museum is running an exhibition entitled "Masques, mascarades, mascarons" until 22nd September in which the paradoxal function of the mask, the emblem of illusion is used by way of around one hundred drawings, sculptures, paintings or prints. The exhibition is structured around the idea that "in the West, since Ancient times there have always been masked men. The mask hides the face to the benefit of its double and this reveals something. It provides an air of mystery. It belongs to the holy and the profane, to truth and to vanity, to reality and fiction. It scares and seduces, imitates and deceives."

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The Mauritshuis opens its door again

23 June 2014

After two years of renovation and extension work the Mauritshuis will be opening its doors to the public again on 27th June. The re-opening will allow visitors access to a new exhibition of the world famous Dutch art collection. The museum enjoys a unique location, lying on the shores of a lake in the heart of The Hague, the historic town where the Dutch parliament and the royal family have their seats. Amongst the famous works of art on show is the masterpiece by Johannes Vermeer - The Young Girl with the Pearl".

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Dance Festival Montpellier

23 June 2014

The 34th Montpellier Dance Festival is taking place until 9th July 2014. On the programme are 53 performances of 17 different shows over 18 days. More than half of these will be presented at the Agora, the International City of Dance. It should be noted that 40% of the tickets will be available for between 5 and 12 euro so that this festival is open to all lovers of dance.

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El Greco at the Prado

23 June 2014

On the occasion of the 400th anniversary of the death of Domenico Theotocopuli, otherwise known as El Greco, (1541-1614 approx), the Prado Museum is running an exhibition on the artist's work from 24th June to 5th October in Madrid entitled "El Greco y la Pintura moderna" (El Greco and modern painting). This exhibition is one of the main events organised for this occasion and highlights the influence the artist had on the development of painting in the 16th century and right through the 19th and 20th centuries. 75 paintings will be on view with 25 by the Cretan artist revealing the wealth and complexity of this artist's influence over art movements.

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23rd June

Foreign Affairs Council (Luxembourg)

23rd June

General Affairs Council (Luxembourg)

26th and 27th June

European Council (Brussels)

Newsletter Archives

What future for European defence?

Europe in a fragmented global economy: making the most of the single market and competition policy

European Defence and Russia

Cyprus: 20 years of membership of the European Union, between singularities and a theatre of geopolitical oppositions.

Review of the 9th Legislature of the European Parliament

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Charles de Marcilly , Claire Darmé, Raphaël Frison,Jelena Isailovic, Marine Le Lann, Salomé Larcher, Ombline de Saint Leon, Sarah Witt

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Charles de Marcilly

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

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The Newsletter n°631- version of 23 juin 2014