The Newsletter53925 juin 2012

La Lettre

François Lépine, Marc Lavédrine

25 June 2012

Just as the Council and European Parliament have come to an agreement that should open the way to a directive establishing a single European railway system, the Robert Schuman Foundation has published a European Issue by François Lépine and Marc Lavédrine, Deputy Director and Delegate General of the Transalpine-Lyon-Turin Committee respectively focusing on the European Transport Policy. They present the proposals submitted by the Commission in October 2011 regarding the trans-European transport networks (TEN-T), then they look into the emblematic case of investment in the transport sector which this high speed railway link between Lyon and Turin represents. They then draw up recommendations for the launch a European legal and financial framework that is adapted to this type of large scale project.

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Front page!

Update of the Atlas's Politcal Data

25 June 2012

Following the formation of a new Greek coalition government led by Prime Minister Antonis Samaras and the appointment of the new French government on 21st June, the Robert Schuman Foundation has updated its political map of Europe and the political data on France and Greece that feature on the site This site is linked to the "Permanent Atlas of the European Union" co-directed by Jean-Dominique Giuliani and Pascale Joannin, respectively Chairman and General Director of the Foundation. The book is available on the Foundation's site. Order it!

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Banking Union? Budgetary? Political? A recipe to emerge from the crisis

25 June 2012

To emerge from the crisis many believe that the EU has to make a federal leap. Just a few days from the European summit on 28th and 29th June the Chairman of the Robert Schuman Foundation clarifies the terms of the debate. He mentions the strengthening of three levels of integration: banking, budgetary and political union.

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Follow up to the ratification of the Budgetary Treaty

25 June 2012

Just as the ratification of the Stability, Coordination and Governance Treaty is planned on 29th June in Germany, the Foundation has published a summary table of the TSCG procedures in the various EU Member States. Just as the Letter is being finalised this week 7 countries out of 25 have ratified the TSCG, more commonly known as the European Budgetary Pact.

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Analysis of the election one week before the Icelandic Presidential Election

25 June 2012

Around 240,000 Icelanders are being called to elect their president of the Republic on 30th June next. The outgoing head of State, Olafur Ragnar Grimsson is running for his fifth term in office. Five other people are standing for election: Thora Arnorsdottir, Ari Trausti Gudmundsson, Herdis Thorgeirsdottir, Hannes Bjarnason, Andrea Olafsdottir. According to the latest poll by the Capacent Gallup institute for the TV channel RUV, Mr Grimsson is due to win on 30th June with 44.8% of the vote; 37% is due to go to Thora Arnorsdottir. Ari Trausti Gudmundsson is due to win 10.5%, Herdis Thorgeirsdottir, 5.3% Andrea Olafsdottir, 1.7% and Hannes Bjarnson 0.7%.

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Financial Crisis

Unemployment up in the UK in May

25 June 2012

On 20th June the UK national statistics office announced a rise in the number of job seekers in May 2012. Analysts forecast a decline in this number which instead of decreasing by 3000, rose by 8100. However according to quarterly statistics the number of people without work declined by 51,000 over the period February to April 2012, the rate of unemployment remained at 8.2% in the first quarter of 2012.

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Declaration by the G20 leaders

25 June 2012

In their final declaration on 18th and 19th June the leaders of the G20 countries said that they were determined to "promote growth and employment" and to act together to "strengthen recovery", "to reduce tension on the financial markets", "to strengthen demand" and to "re-establish confidence". They declared that the G20 euro zone members would take the "necessary steps to protect the stability and the integrity of the euro zone, to improve the functioning of the financial markets and to put an end to mechanisms which meant that difficulties in banking led to problems for the States and vice-versa." Other subjects under discussion included support to world economic stabilisation, employment, social protection, international trade, the reform of the financial sector, the volatility of raw materials prices, sustainable development and the fight to counter corruption.

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Spain makes an official request for aid from the euro zone

25 June 2012

On 21st June the Spanish Economy and Competitiveness Ministry announced that it had received the results of the resistance tests undertaken on 14 Spanish banking groups representing around 90% of the Spanish financial sector by two independent auditing companies. These studies reveal that the Spanish banking system would need between 16 and 26 billion euros in a basic situation and from between 51 to 62 billion euros in a second more pessimistic scenario, which takes on board more difficult conditions. On 25th June the Spanish Economy Minister, Luis de Guindos, sent a letter requesting aid from the euro zone to the President of the Eurogroup, Jean-Claude Juncker on behalf of the Spanish government without providing details of the plan that has to be ready by 9th July, the date of the next Eurogroup meeting.

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Finnish MPs approved the ESM

25 June 2012

On 21st June the Eduskunta, the only chamber in the Finnish parliament, ratified the treaty establishing the European Stability Mechanism (ESM) 104 in support, 71 against. Hence in one payment the country will contribute 1.44 billion euros to the Stability Mechanism.

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Minimum Agreement on the Growth Pact

25 June 2012

On 22nd June the leaders of Germany, Spain, France and Italy met in Rome in a bid to agree on the European crisis before the European Council on 28th and 29th June. They agreed on the growth pact. The plan is due to total 130 billion euros. They also spoke in support of the introduction of a tax on financial transactions between voluntary countries. On the issue of strengthening Monetary Union there is still disagreement. Although everyone supports the introduction of banking union and even budgetary union the means to do this are still unclear. The German Chancellor believes that the recapitalisation of the banks via a rescue fund is not a viable long term solution. She is against euro bonds whilst the French President is requesting their introduction within the next 10 years.

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Conclusions of the Eurogroup Meeting

25 June 2012

On 21st June the 17 euro zone Economy and Finance Ministers declared that they were expecting Spain to "establish its formal request for financial assistance by 25th June". They also listened to the conclusions of the IMF's annual assessment of the euro zone's budgetary and financial situation and declared that they "were mostly in agreement" with these conclusions. Moreover they took "note" of the "determination" of the new Greek authorities to "stay with the euro and honour the commitments made by Greece with regard to the EU and the euro zone." Finally ministers discussed Portugal's budgetary and financial situation as well as the preparation for the launch of the European Stability Mechanism.

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The main issues addressed by the Economy and Finance Minsiters

25 June 2012

On 22nd June the 27 European Finance Ministers declared that work would continue towards removing barriers and obstacles to the single European services market and that this would lead to a rise in growth and jobs. They also decided the end of the excessive deficit procedure against Germany and Bulgaria. This brings the number of States that are still in deficit to 21. Moreover they decided to lift the suspension of payment regarding the cohesion funds in Hungary. Later the Council approved the temporary recommendations made by the Member States as part of the European Semester 2012. These recommendations concern the economic policies presented in their national reform programmes.

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Slovakian MPs ratify the European Stability Mechanism

25 June 2012

On 22nd June the Slovakian Parliament ratified the European Stability Mechanism , (ESM) the common permanent structure that is designed to fund the countries that are in difficulty in the euro zone, which is due to enter into force July 1st. Of the 144 MPs present out of 150, 118 voted in support of the mechanism's ratification, 20 against and 5 abstentions. The Social Democratic Party (SMER-SD) led by Prime Minister Robert Fico, who enjoys a comfortable majority of 83, received the support of the opposition SDKU-DS and the minority Hungarian party, Most-Hid.

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Romania receives 320 million euros in aid from the IMF

25 June 2012

On 22nd June the IMF announced that it was releasing 320 million additional euros in aid for Romania. This sum is designed to be preventive financial assistance. The Romanian government has now received 2.7 billion euros in aid from the IMF. According to this government it is just a "safety net" and it does not intend to use it for loans. The IMF granted its aid to the country in March 2011 and for a two year period, thereby enabling Romania to borrow up to 3.7 billion euros . The IMF believes that Romania's economic results are good and that growth will recover in the second half of 2012.

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More women on executive boards

25 June 2012

On 19th June Viviane Reding, the Vice-President of the European Commission and Commissioner for Justice and Fundamental Rights met European professional associations, business schools established in Europe and woman company heads to review the participation by women and male/female equality on executive boards. The "Board Ready Women" list continues to grow and business schools are trying to train future graduates so that women, who hold more than 60% of university degrees, represent more than 14% of the members of executive boards in European companies that are floated on the stock exchange.

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European Commission Studies of Linguistic Competence

25 June 2012

On 21st June the European Commission published two studies regarding European fluency in foreign languages. The first is a special Eurobarometer survey entitled "The Europeans and their Languages" which amongst other things reveals that 98% of the Europeans interviewed believe that speaking another language is an "advantage" for the future of their children. On the same day results of the first European survey of linguistic competence were published - 54,000 young people aged 14 and 15 were interviewed in 14 EU Member States. It revealed that only 42% of those were competent in the first foreign language that they studied and barely 25% were fluent in the second language they were studying.

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Agreement on the Single European Railways System

25 June 2012

On 19th June MEPs and the Council came to an agreement establishing a single European railway system. To be fully adopted the directive still has to be approved in plenary session by the European Parliament in July, then by the Council. Several things have been established, such as the obligation for the independence of supervisory organisations, and the deadline for the directive's transposition (30 months after its entry into force). This project is a reformulation of three other directives in the "first railway package" that aimed to simplify, clarify and modernise the applicable legislation. The aim is to stimulate growth and to improve investment conditions in the sector.

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The State of Progress in the Common Agricultural Policy

25 June 2012

On 18th June the 27 EU Agriculure and Fisheries Ministers assessed a draft regulation regarding rural development. On this occasion although all of the States agreed about the general orientation to give to the CAP, differences emerged regarding the funding of rural development programmes. Ministers looked into an interim report concerning the reform of the CAP that started in October 2011, a report which included measures they said provided "a true picture of the debate within the Council". Issues regarding the protection of animals, antimicrobial resistance, organic agriculture and the situation of the milk market and milk products were also addressed.

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Conclusions of the Employment, Social Policy, Healthcare and Consumers Council

25 June 2012

On 21st June the 27 Employment and Social Policy Ministers met to discuss the development of employment policies in Europe. They took note of the "employment package" put forward by the European Commission and of the report on the position of workers. On this last point they reached part agreement on the "programme for social change and innovation". They also came to part agreement on the annual European programme in the healthcare sector for the period 2014-2020 and debated crossborder health threats.

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Progress towards Iceland's accession

25 June 2012

On 22nd June the fourth ministerial meeting of the membership conference took place with Iceland. It was decided that three new chapters would be opened in accession negotiations concerning the transport, social and employment policies and also financial supervision. The decisions taken on 30th March during the conference's meeting involving four chapters were also approved. Hence the chapters on competition policy, energy policy were opened, whilst those concerning the protection of health and consumers and foreign, security and defence policy were launched and then temporarily closed.

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Readmission agreement of illegal immigrants between the EU and Turkey

25 June 2012

On 22nd June the 50th EU-Turkey Association Council took place. This meeting provided an opportunity to discuss Turkey's difficulties in satisfying the Copenhagen criteria and ongoing impediments because of this in its accession negotiations. Moreover the EU and Turkey signed a readmission agreement concerning illegal immigrants on 21st June, a day after a European agreement to grant visa facilities to Turkish citizens said the European Commission. The Commissioner for Internal Affairs, Cecilia Malmström, welcomed the signature of this agreement which "will, in our common interest, help us to control borders and manage immigration better . The Danish government wanted to organise the official signature of this readmission agreement before the end of its six-month presidency of the EU on 30th June.

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Adoption of further sanctions against Syria

25 June 2012

On 25th June the EU adopted a further series of sanctions against Syria which target new entities and extend the embargo to the sale of arms. It is the 16th series of sanctions taken by Brussels against Damas. Six companies and administrations, as well as one person have been added to the list of frozen assets and visa bans. The EU says it is prepared to step up its sanctions against Iran over the next few months in view of the lack of progress in negotiations regarding its controversial nuclear programme.

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European Council

Van Rompuy wants retirement to be linked to life expectancy

25 June 2012

The President of the European Council, Herman Van Rompuy is suggesting to involve all of the Member States in the reform of their retirement systems in association with life expectancy, in an interview that was published on 24th June in the newspaper "Die Welt am Sonntag". "We can provide recommendations to the Union as a whole, as for example a link between the age of retirement and life expectancy," explains Herman Van Rompuy. In his opinion it is decisive "not only to make recommendations (...) but to make them binding." This issue is to be debated in the European Council on 28th and 29th June. The Robert Schuman Foundation has published a summary table in order to understand better the retirement systems in the 27 EU Member States.

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No nuclear agreement with Iran

25 June 2012

After two days of talks on 18th and 19th June in Moscow no agreement was met over the nuclear issue in talks between the major powers and Iran. The former repeated their request for Iran to stop its uranium enrichment programme and to close its underground factory in Fordo. Catherine Ashton, the EU's High Representative and the group's emissary 5+1 (USA, Russia, China, France, UK, Germany) declared that there were significant differences over vital issues between both sides." A meeting was programmed on 3rd July to clarify the situation. According to Ms Ashton "the decision is in Iran's hands and we are expecting the country to decide whether it wants to face up to a problem that involves the entire international community."

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European Agencies

Nearer to the secrets of the universe

25 June 2012

On 20th June the European Space Agency gave its final greenlight to the launch of the satellite Euclid. This satellite was designed to analyse black matter that is responsible for the expansion of the universe - it will be launched in 2020. With a budget of over 800 million euros, a space telescope 1.2 metres in diameter and its 10 billion light years of observations scientists hope to progress towards knowledge about the universe.

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Enhancement of the role played by the Bundestag regarding European issues

25 June 2012

On 19th June the German supreme judges decided to oblige the government to involve the Bundestag more in future decisions that increased European integration. The Bundestag's increased participation will be the counterweigt to the greater transfer of competences over to the EU said the judges, demanding "effective and early involvement by the Bundestag in the decisions taken regarding what the government wanted. The Greens had complained about the procedure to adopt the European Stability Mechanism. The decision of the experts in Karlsruhe does not affect the ongoing ratification process; MPs now have to give their decision on 29th June.

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Ratification of the Budgetary Treaty and the ESM in parliament planned for 29th June

25 June 2012

The main German opposition parties announced on 21st June that there would be agreement with Angela Merkel's government that opens the way to the parliamentary ratification of the Stability, Coordination and Governance Treaty (TSCG) and the European Stability Mechanism (ESM) planned for 29th June. The ESM will not be able to enter into force on July 1st in the wake of the announcement by Joachim Gauck, the German President, that he would delay his signature, a vital condition for the ratificiation in Germany. The German Constitutional Court in Karlsruhe asked the German President to delay his signature so that it could look into an appeal made against the text by the radical left, "Die Linke", and some other German MPs.

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A transfer of competences towards Brussels will require a referendum

25 June 2012

The German Finance Minister, Wolfgang Schäuble, said that he supported convening a referendum in order to review the German Constitution to enable the transfer of more competences over to Brussels in an interview with Der Spiegel on 25th June. "We can give more rights to Brussels but the German population will have to vote on this", declared Mr Schäuble, when asked about the transfer of competences, a move he personally says would go against the German Constitution. "I think that could happen quicker than I thought just a few months ago," he added stressing that European leaders "want to put forward real proposals for greater integration" at the European Council on 28th and 29th June. He did not want to talk of any dates but believed that it was absolutely possible for this to happen within the next five years.

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Agreement on Anti-Corruption Reform

25 June 2012

Austrian Social Democrats of the SPÖ, conservatives of the ÖVP and the Greens came to agreement on 19th June over a reform that aims to counter corruption in political environments after the scandals of recent years. "Transparency is the best means to avoid corruption," said Karl-Heinz Kopf, the ÖVP group leader. The "transparency package" also plans for a reduction down to 3,500 euros - instead of the present 7,260 - concerning the limit on the obligatory declaration made by parties regarding the private donations they receive. A national donor register will also be introduced and MPs are liable for prosectuion if they accept bribes, even if there is no proof of influence peddling. The text is to be put to parliament in an extraordinary session on 27th June.

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The Spanish Congress ratifies the European budgetary pact

25 June 2012

The Congress of Deputies, the lower chamber of the Cortes Generales in Spain, ratified the European Stability, Coordination and Governance Treaty (TSCG). The text was approved by the absolute majority in plenary sssion by 311 MPs against 19.

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Appointment of the Ayrault II government

25 June 2012

On 21st June François Hollande, President of the Republic of France, on the initiative of his Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault, appointed the members of a new goverment. Few changes have been made to the previous one. Four new ministers have been appointed: Guillaume Garot, responsible for Agrofood, Annie Marie Escoffier for Decentralisation, Thierry Repentin for Vocational Training, and Hélène Conway for the French Expatriates. Parity has been strictly respected with 19 men and 19 women in government. Delphine Batho is now Ecology Minister and Nicole Bricq, Foreign Trade Minister.

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Antonio Samaras becomes Prime Minister of Greece

25 June 2012

After winning the general elections on 17th June the head of the centre-right Greek party, New Democracy, Antonis Samaras was appointed Prime Minister on 20th June. The latter gained the support of the Panhellenic Socialist Movement (PASOK) and the Democratic Left (DIMAR), which was necessary to form a coalition government. Mr Samaras appointed his cabinet on 21st June comprising 38 members, including 17 ministers. The new team includes one woman, Olga Kefaloyanni, who will be Tourism Minister. The ministers were sworn in during the afternoon before they had even met for their first council. The head of government said that the renegotiation with the EU and the IMF of the aid plan to Greece would be his priority.

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Presentation of further amendments to the Hungarian Parliament

25 June 2012

On 21st June the Hungarian government announced that it wanted to put forward further amendments to the law governing the Hungarian Central Bank. Parliament will then have to vote on this within two weeks. Letters have also been sent to the European Commission, the IMF and the ECB to keep them informed of these modifications. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban then informed the President of the Commission José Manuel Barroso that he did not want to interfere in the appointment of the Bank's Vice President or of any other member of the Bank's Monetary Council.

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Interview with Mario Monti in the European Press

25 June 2012

On 22nd June the President of the Italian Council, Mario Monti granted an interview to six European newspapers including the "Monde", "La Stampa", "El Pais" and "The Guardian". He defended Italy's economic results saying that the country would not require any international aid. He also spoke of the need for greater European integration to emerge from the crisis and called on the European Council, that is due to meet on 28th and 29th June to "act quickly", "from a financial, economic and political point of view". When asked about what a "nightmare scenario" might be he said that in a situation like this "there would certainly be increasingly fierce speculative attacks against all countries" and that "most of Europe would have to continue to bear extremely high interest rates." He also discussed the danger of the rise of an anti-European in countries affected by the crisis.

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Resignation of the Justice Minister in Latvia

25 June 2012

Latvia Justice Minister Gaidis Berzins resigned on 21st June after a disagreement with Prime Minister Valdis Dombrovskis regarding property restitution rights of Jews killed during the Second World War. He justified his resignation saying that the head of government wanted to create a new committee responsible for this issue whilst, in his opinion, this had already been settled in 2010.

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Interview with Joseph Daul for "The Ukrainian Week"

25 June 2012

On 19th June the newspaper "The Ukrainian Week" published an interview with the President of the European People's Party at the European Parliament, Joseph Daul. On this occasion he declared that he would support the head of the Ukrainian opposition, Yulia Timoshenko, until she was released. In his opinion the EU must support civil society, guarantee the independence of the media and support cooperation with NGO's. European aid must lead to the promotion of democracy by helping those who work for the establishment of the rule of Law and the Protection of Human Rights. He recalled that MEPs were prepared to help the Ukrainians as soon as they asked for it: "We call for solidarity with those who are fighting for the revival of democracy in Ukraine."

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Yulia Tymoshenko's trial postponed until 10th July

25 June 2012

The Ukrainian prison service announced on 24th June that it would not transfer Yulia Tymoshenko to court on 25th June for the continuation of her trial (in spite of the protest that this affair is still causing) because of her state of health. Ms Tymoshenko is suffering from slipped discs "and will not be taken to court, since she wrote a letter in which she refuses to attend the trial" indicated the prison service. The former Prime Minister spoke of the conclusions made by her German doctor Karl Max Einhäupl. On 25th June 2012 the Urkrainian courts announced that it would postpone the opposition leader's trial. The hearing that was due to be held on 25th June, will now take place on 10th July ie one week after the end of the sporting event, Euro 2012.

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"The future we want"

25 June 2012

After several days of negotiations the Member States of the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20) came to agreement on 22nd June. The final Rio+20 document entitled "The future we want" calls for a great deal of work designed to launch the process in view of achieving sustainable development goals, as well as strengthening the UN Environment Programme (UNEP). Governments from the world over, the private sector and civil society, also committed to mobilising 513 billion dollars to fund sustainable development. Of all of the funds promised 323 billion dollars will go to the Secretary General Ban ki-Moon's initiative "Renewable energy for all" which should guarantee universal access to clean energy by 2030.

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Kofi Annan meets Robert Mood in Geneva

25 June 2012

UN and Arab League Special Envoy, Kofi Annan and the head of the UN's observers mission, Robert Mood held a joint press conference in Geneva on 22nd June regarding the situation in Syria. The international emissary notably said that Iran should be involved in work that aimed to put an end to the Syrian crisis. He also called on the international community to increase pressure on the parties committed in the conflict. Mr Mood said it was unacceptable for civilians to be trapped in the midst of the violence. From a diplomatic point of view Kofi Annan assessed the situation with Mr Mood on the future of the observers' mission, whose mandate expires on 20th July but whose operations have been suspended since 16th June.

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The OECD warns of corruption in Greece and Slovakia

25 June 2012

The OECD's working group on corruption finalised two reports on 20th June, one concerning Greece, the other Slovakia; they encourage the two countries to takes appropriate steps. Greece failed to open an inquiry into a transnational corruption scandal. Twelve years after its signature of the Convention to counter corruption, Slovakia still has to introduce a really effective and binding regime. The working group formulated a series of recommendations for each of these countries whilst stressing the positive aspects of the work achieved by Slovakia in this area, even though a great deal still has to be clarified.

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In 2011 the Member States granted protection to 84,100 asylum seekers

25 June 2012

According to figures published by Eurostat on 19th June, the EU granted protection to 84,100 asylum seekers in 2011 in comparison with only 75,800 in 2010. Most asylum seekers were Afghan (16% of those received), Iraqi, Somalian (11%). In 2011 365,600 decisions concerning asylum requests were taken in the EU. The recognition rate (requests that end positively) totalled 25% in the Court of First Instance, 19% on appeal. The countries which granted asylum the most were Germany, the UK, France, Sweden, the Netherlands, Italy.

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GDP varied greatly in the EU in 2011

25 June 2012

According to figures published by Eurostat on 20th June in 2011 the GDP per capita expressed in buying power standards varied in the Member States between 45% and 274% of the EU average. The highest percentages were recorded in Luxembourg (more than two and half times the EU's GDP average) and the Netherlands (30% above the average) The lowest figures were recorded in Cyprus (10% below the average) or in Slovenia and Malta (between 15% and 25% below the average). Spain and Italy lie around the EU average.

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Protection of Personal Data

25 June 2012

On 19th June the European Data Protection Supervisor presented a report to the European Parliament's Civil Liberties, Justice, and Internal Affairs Committee. This report reveals significant progress in terms of personal data protection. Targeted visits of European institutions and agencies that were not meeting their objectives, as part of the new implementation policy, show that they are on the right path to fall in line with the regulations. The EDPS published a record number of opinions, notably on the revision of the European legal framework as far as data protection was concerned, which will remain a priority on the 2012 agenda.

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What future for the Eastern Partnership?

25 June 2012

The Finnish institute for International Affairs (FIIA) has published a study on the future of the Eastern Partnership. "A rocky road towards Europe: the prospects for the EU's Eastern Partnership Association Agreements", shows that the democratic fragility of the area makes the signature of further agreements uncertain, whilst the stalemate in which relations between the EU and Ukraine find themselves discredit the partnership. In the author's opinion the EU must now distinguish between countries in the area with which it will be able to form a complete, ambitious partnership and those with whom it will have to be satisfied with more limited cooperation agreements.

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EU/India Trade Relations

25 June 2012

The Foundation for International Relations and External Dialogue (FRIDE) has published a study on trade relations between the EU and India: "EU-India Free Trade: make or break". The authors analyse the development of relations since the euro zone crisis and the decline of Indian growth. They conclude that a free-trade agreement between the two powers has to be signed quicky so that confidence can be re-established and mutual prosperity strengthened.

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The Bundeskunsthalle in Bonn is celebrating its 20th anniversary with Anselm Kiefer

25 June 2012

Twenty years ago the Art and Exhibition Centre of the Federal Republic of Germany (Bundeskunsthalle) opened its doors in Bonn. This museum has already put on nearly 18 exhibitions and attracted 16.5 million visitors. Until 16th September it is putting on a vast exhibition of the work by Anselm Kiefer (borin in 1945). For the first time the biggest private collection of work by Anselm Kiefer, belonging to Hans Grothe, is on show to the public with around 30 sets of work dating from the 1980's to the present.

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Irving Penn at the Modern Art Museum of Malmö

25 June 2012

The Modern Art Museum of Malmö is holding an exhibition of a selection of nearly 100 photographic works by Irving Penn until 2nd September. The photos on show review Irving Penn's work and highlight the diversity of genres that he addressed, from fashion photography (with the "Vogue" magazine) to still life and the portrait.

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Chopin Festival in Paris

25 June 2012

The 29th Frederick Chopin Festival is taking place in Paris until 14th July. During this event not only will works by this illustrious composer be played by young pianists but also works by later, notably Russian composers, whose music was influenced by Chopin. And then on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the birth of Claude Debussy, the final performance will be dedicated to him.

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25th June

Foreign Affairs Council (Luxembourg)

26th June

General Affairs Council (Luxembourg)

les 28th-29th June

European Council (Brussels)

30th June

Presidential Election - Iceland ()

1st July

Cyprus takes on the Presidency of the Council ()

les 2nd-5th July

European Parliament - Plenary Session (Strasbourg)

Newsletter Archives

The European Union between the United States and China: should we choose between equidistance and following?

What future for European defence?

Europe in a fragmented global economy: making the most of the single market and competition policy

European Defence and Russia

Cyprus: 20 years of membership of the European Union, between singularities and a theatre of geopolitical oppositions.

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Magali Balent, Pauline Massis Desmarest, Inga Groth, Charles de Marcilly, Pierre Thibaudat ,Perle Baillard, Fabrice Laffargue, Mélanie Laplace, Camille Stephan, Marion Zosi.

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Pauline Massis Desmarest

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
Contact Us!

Ratifications/Budgetary Treaty-Greece/Government-Banking Union-Sanctions/Syria


The Newsletter n°539- version of 25 juin 2012