The Newsletter53818 juin 2012

La Lettre

Alain Fabre

18 June 2012

After the Greek general elections the Robert Schuman Foundation has published a European Issue by Alain Fabre which analyses the present situation in the euro zone. After reviewing the dangers that might have prevailed if Greece had left the euro zone, a possibility that seems to be waning, the author talks of the need for all euro zone States to base their growth on "competitive foundations". He also discusses the danger that Europe is exposed to due to the present differences between France and Germany which are depriving the euro zone of "one of the most powerful means to settle its problems."

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Front page!

Talking Europe receives Nigel Farage and Graham Watson

18 June 2012

As part of the partnership between the Robert Schuman Foundation and the Audiovisuel extérieur de la France (AEF), the Foundation is broadcasting the most recent programme "Talking Europe" on its site; guests on the programme are MEPs Nigel Farage and Graham Watson. Interviewed by Christophe Robeet, the two MEPs have totally different views.

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Retirement systems in the EU

18 June 2012

At a time when debate over retirement pensions has re-surfaced in France with the issue of reducing the legal age of retirement, after the introduction of a law in 2011 to delay this, the Robert Schuman Foundation has published a table that summarises the retirement systems in th 27 EU Member States.

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A Left Majority in the French National Assembly

18 June 2012

The Socialist Party (PS) won the absolute majority of the seats in the National Assembly, the lower chamber in Parliament, in the second round of voting on 17th June. The PS won 80 seats, the far left 12 and various left 22. Europe Ecology-the Greens (EELV) won 17 seats, the Left Front 10. The PS is therefore free to undertake its policy and will not have to negotiate with the Left Front. The Union for a Popular Movement (UMP) won 194 seats, the Radical Party, 6 and the various right 14. The New Centre won 14 seats. The Democratic Movement (MoDem) won 2 seats, likewise the Front National. Turn out was the lowest ever recorded for a general election in France, 55.41%. Finally 155 women will sit in the new assembly (+48).

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New Democracy wins the Greek general elections

18 June 2012

New Democracy (ND) led by Antonis Samaras won the general elections that took place on 17th June in Greece. The centre right party won 29.66% of the vote and and 129 seats (+21 in comparison with the election on 6th May last) in the Vouli, the only chamber in Parliament. It ran ahead of the Radical Left Coalition (SYRIZA), led by Alexis Tspiras, 26.89% and 71 seats (+19), the Panhellenic Socialist Movement (PASOK) led by Evangelos Venizelos 12.28% and 33 MPs (- 8). Then came the Independent Greeks (AE) led by Panos Kammenos, which won 7.51% and 20 seats (- 13); Chryssi Avghi (Golden Dawn), a neo-Nazi party, won 6.92% and 18 MPs (- 3), the Democratic Left (DIMAR) 6.25% and 17 seats (- 2) and the Communist Party (KKE), 4.5% and 12 seats (- 14). Turn out totalled 62.47, slightly below the figure recorded on 6th May last (-2.36 points).

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Bujar Nishani, the new president of the Republic of Albania

17 June 2012

Bujar Nishani (Democratic Party, PDSH) was elected President of the Republic of Albania on 11th June. He won 73 of the 76 votes cast in the Assembly of the Republic, the only chamber in Parliament in the fourth round of voting, in which only the absolute majority is required. He is the 6th President of the Republic of Albania after the collapse of communism. The present President, Bamir Topi, will leave office on 24th July next. Bujar Nishani, aged 45 was previously Home Affairs Minister.

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Financial Crisis

Rise in unemployment in Greece

17 June 2012

According to the most recent figures published on 14h June by the Hellenic Statistics Authority, the unemployment rate totalled 22.6% in the first quarter of 2012 against 20.7% in the previous quarter. It totalled 52.7% amongst young people aged 14-25. On the other hand 26.5% of women do not have a job, against 19.7% of men.

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The Netherlands public deficit should be below the 3% of the GDP

17 June 2012

According to forecasts set on 14th June by the Economic Policy Analysis Bureau (CPB) the Netherlands' public deficit should be brought to under the European limit of 3% of the GDP in 2013 thanks to the austerity policy adopted by the Dutch parliament at the end of April. It is due to total 2.9% of the GDP in 2013 to lie at 2.6% of the GDP in 2017 after a slight increase in 2014 (3.1%). It is expected that there will be a decrease in buying power.

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Growth of nearly 3% forecast in Poland

17 June 2012

On 12th June Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk announced growth forecasts for the Polish GDP in 2013. It is due to rise ot 2.9%. The pace of growth will enable an increase in the minimum salary and retirement pensions. However the Polish Prime Minister stressed that financial discipline was necessary since the final draft budget was to be set after the Greek elections and the European Council on 28th and 29th June.

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14th ECB and its watchers conference

17 June 2012

On the occasion of the 14th ECB and its watchers conference on 15th June ECB President, Mario Draghi, delivered a speech on the role of his institution, which, in his opinion, it has fulfilled during the crisis and will continue to do so in the future : "the Eurosystem will continue to pay out aid to solvable European banks." He addressed issues concerning the ECB's monteary policy, Europe's agenda for growth as well issues linked to the long term future of the Economic and Monetary Union. He concluded by saying that in spite of the present challenges the Union's monetary policy, which relies heavily on the independence of the ECB, "is a sound base that has to be protected."

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The Spanish Economic Situation

17 June 2012

The Spanish Central Bank (Banco de España) published the total of the country's public debt. Hence in the first quarter of 2012 it totalled 72.1 of the GDP in comparison with 63.6% in March 2011.

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Belgium approves the European Stability Mechanism

18 June 2012

On 14th June Belgium's Chamber of Representatives adopted a draft law that focused on the approval of the European Stability Mechanism, the permanent mechanism for aid to European countries that find themselves in financial difficulties, after its approval without amendments by the Belgian Senate last week. The ESM will notably be provided with 80 billion euros which come directly from the States. Belgium will be taking part in the mechanism to a total of 3.4% of this sum, which represents 2.8 billion euros.

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World Bank forecasts low growth in 2012

17 June 2012

On 12th June the World Bank said that it forecast low growth in 2012, at around 5.3% for developing countries. Tension in high revenue European countries has affected profits made in the first four months of the year. Growth prospects in developing countries are strongly linked to developments in Europe. If the situation in Europe continues or worsens none of the developing countries will be spared low growth forecast in 2012, making the strengthening of these countries' domestic economies extremely urgent.

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Measures to reduce the Italian debt and boost growth

17 June 2012

On 15th June Mario Monti's government announced the sale of three state companies that should release around 10 billion euros in view of reducing the country's public debt and is over 120% of the GDP. These groups, Fintecna, Fincantieri, Sace, a building society and Simest - will be sold to the Italian Caisse de Dépôts. The government also decided to set up a facility in which "all state buildings" will be placed. Finally Mr Monti announced a 20% reduction in the number of executives and a 10% reduction in the number of other civil servants in the Presidency Council and the Economy Ministry. Amongst steps taken to boost growth are the revival of infrastructure projects via tax-exemption arrangements for public-private partnerships.

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European Council

EU/Mexico Summit

18 June 2012

On 17th June there was a summit between the EU and Mexico in Los Cabos. On this occasion representatives from both sides recalled the importance of the partnership between the EU and Mexico in terms of the economy, trade, security, Human Rights and the environment. The President of the Council of the European Union, Herman Van Rompuy declared that it was necessary "to strengthen the relationship between the Union and Mexico and to discuss the possibility of renewing the global agreement made in 2000." This summit led to "the establishment of the bases for future cooperation" according to European Commission President José Manuel Barroso.

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Agreement on Raw Materials with Greenland

18 June 2012

On 13th June the European Commission signed a cooperation agreement with Greenland on raw materials. To improve access for the EU's industrial sectors to cheap raw materials, the European Commission would like to increase cooperation with Greenland in two ways - whether this involves joint infrastructures and investments or the strengthening of capabilities in terms of exploration and the extraction of raw matierals. At present 58% of companies which explore in Greenland are Canadian or Australian. The share of EU companies operating in this country is only 15% (from Denmark, Germany, Czech Republic and the UK).

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Human Rights first, then an agreement on free trade

18 June 2012

In a resolution adopted on 13th June, MEPs declared that before signing a free trade agreement between the EU and Peru/Colombia, both of these countries had to commit towards protecting Human Rights, workers' rights and the environment. To this end MEPs would like the introduction of a roadmap that is both transparent and binding. The resolution acknowledges that a great deal of work has already been done in these countries but stresses that a great deal still has to be done to eradicate poverty, corruption and violence in Peru and Colombia. The text was adopted by 525 MEPs, 94 against and 67 abstentions.

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The EP's recommendations regarding the control of arms exports

18 June 2012

In a resolution adopted on 13th June MEPs declared that the UN Member States that are signatories of an Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) should deliver regular reports on the trade agreements they are involved in and which concern arms, notably the transfer of light weapons. These reports would then be assessed by a special UN unit. Hence MEPs believe that the ATT should include measures obliging States to make annual reports which specify the sites, the amounts and the recipients of arms transfers which they undertake and keep this data for a period of least 20 years. This treaty should also oblige the States to adopt national laws to ensure that measures taken to enforce it are credible.

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Better targeted legislation on economic governance

18 June 2012

On the occasion of the adoption of the "two pack" (two directives on economic governance) on 13th June, MEPs declared that the adoption of new regulation in this area should target growth. The European Commission's powers in terms of budgetary control should be the focus of better democratic control. According to Jean-Paul Gauzès (EPP, FR) "if such rules had been adopted two years ago we might have avoided the problems we are now encountering in certain Member States." The creation of a European Debt Redemption Fund to pool the debts of euro zone Member States which are over 60% of their GDP was also discussed.

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Less countries in the Generalised Preference System

18 June 2012

On 13th June MEPs approved the new plan for tarif preferences for developing countries that will enter into force on January 1st 2014. It is the first update of the generalised system of prefereces (GSP), that aims to exclude countries from this mechanism where revenue per capita has been over 4,000$ over the last four years. The measure is due to apply to emerging countries whose economic situation has improved sufficiently to enable them to compete against the EU on the international markets without requiring any particular status. The number of countries benefiting from the system will therefore drop from 176 to 75. However in view of the number of imports, measures aiming to protect the textile and clothing sectors have been included. The text was adopted 503 votes in favour, 107 against and 7 abstentions.

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A better use of opportunities on the single market for more growth

18 June 2012

In a resolution adopted on 14th June 554 votes in support, 41 against and 20 abstentions MEPs declared that if the opportunities offered by the common market were being implemented more effectively then European growth might be greatly stimulated. They therefore demanded the delivery of an annual report to indicate how citizens and businesses were benefting from the single market and to highlight any existing obstacles. They suggested the moblisation of resources that were not being used in the EU to counter youth unemployment and are calling for a 25% reduction in the administrative burden in the Union by 2015 and for a modernisation of civil services. MEPs have asked the Commission to create an identification system of States that restrict access to regulated professions.

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More investment to stimulate job creation

18 June 2012

In a resolution adopted on 14th June MEPs called for investment measures to stimulate employment in Europe. Investment should in their opinion be undertaken mainly in the green economy, healthcare and new technologies. They also welcomed the European Commission's proposal made on 18th April which spoke of the interest of having "decent" minimum wages "to help poor workers." Indeed since the start of the crisis more than 6 million jobs have been destroyed in Europe. The resolution was adopted 394 votes in support, 94 against and 114 abstentions.

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European Parliament in disagreement with the Council over Schengen

18 June 2012

During a special session on 14th June MEPs openly defended the free movement of people in the Schengen Area. Whilst on 7th June the Council had decided to exclude the Commission and the European Parliament from the governance of this area, MEPs rebelled, particularly Carlos Coelho (EPP, PT), and Renate Weber (ALDE, Romania). In their opinion, the Schengen Area is the Union's most tangible achievement. They also recalled that a majority of Europeans believed that the free movement of people was the biggest success in terms of European integration. Border control cannot therefore be legitimately justified for domestic security reasons. They added that in this time of crisis "it is dangerous to send out messages that plead in support of less Europe."

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Progress towards a new European regulation on Fishing

17 June 2012

As part of the reform of the common fisheries policy the 27 agriculture and fisheries Ministers came to agreement on 12th June for a draft regulation on this policy and a proposal for the organisation of a common fisheries market and aquaculture products. They welcomed progress presented in a report on the European Maritime Fisheries Fund. They identifed the positive points and those where work had to continue.

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Directive on Energy Efficiency Adopted

17 June 2012

On 15th June the 27 Ministers responsible for energy issues took note of a number of reports. The Danish presidency highlighted the progress made in two areas, energy infrastructures and safety on off-shore installations. Ministers finally looked at the 2050 roadmap for energy, as put forward by the European Commission as well as its strategy for renewable energies.

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The IMF approves further payment to Ireland

17 June 2012

On 13th June the IMF approved the seventh payment of 1.4 billion euros of the loan granted to Irelad in 2010, which totalled 23.5 billion euros. This step by the IMF is the reward for the reforms undertaken by Dublin and the support of the population to the government's measures. Unlike Greece and Portugal that are also receiving EU and IMF aid, Ireland has recovered growth even though this is weak, with the IMF forecasting 0.5% growth in Ireland in 2012.

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IMF Recommendations to Spain

18 June 2012

On 14th June the IMF declared that Spain's economic situation was due to become "very difficult", forecasting a "probable" contraction of economic activity "this year and the next", followed by "modest recovery" in terms of consumption and investment. In this context the IMF believes that the aid provided by the EU to Spain "is a chance to complete" the re-establishment of confidence which the government has committed to. It also believes that "further progress on a European level" and notably the completion of Economic and Monetary Union might help the country. It finally set out a series of recommendations for Spain regarding the restructuring of the financial sector, budgetary policy and "structural reform" - particularly the reform of the labour market.

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The Bundestag adopts a collective budget for 2012

17 June 2012

On 14th June the Bundestag, the lower chamber in the German parliament, adopted a collective budget for 2012 that has been made necessary by the early payment of Germany's share in the European Stability Mechanism (ESM). Germany's entire share in the ESM totals 22 billion euros, which means it will be paying 8.7 billion euros this year and making a corrective financial law necessary. With this collective budget the federal deficit now totals 32.1 billion euros and not 26.1 billion as initially planned.

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France and Germany revive the European Defence Industy project

17 June 2012

France and Germany are going to step up their cooperation in the area of defence, notably in terms of armaments, according to announcements made by the French Defence Ministry on 14th June. A letter of intent, which is "strictly technical" on this subject, was signd on the same day by the DGA (Direction générale de l'armement) and its German counterpart, which gives details about joint work in the areas of space, terrestrial capabilities (tanks) and drones.

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The Chinese President visits Copenhagen

18 June 2012

Chinese President Hu Jintao made an official visit to Denmark on 14th-16th June during which he spoke with Queen Margrethe II, then with Prime Minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt. The Chinese and Danish leaders discussed the economic crisis in the euro zone and more widely the world economic situation. Cooperation agreements regarding investments, customs duties, energy, environmental protection, agriculture, education and culture were signed. It is the first visit by a Chinese leader to Denmark.

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Resignation of the Culture Minister

17 June 2012

On 13th June the Hungarian Culture Minister Geza Szocs announced his resignation from Prime Minister Viktor Orban's government. The former poet took this decision after severe criticism was made of the new cultural policy. Indeed he was criticised for making major budgetary cuts to culture, likewise his ideological proxmity to the Hungarian far right. A short time after his resignation Viktor Orban asked him to become his special cultural advisor.

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Meeting between François Hollande and Mario Monti

18 June 2012

On 14th June the President of the Italian Council, Mario Monti hosted the President of the French Republic, François Hollande in Rome. In view of the European Council on 28th and 29th June the two leaders said they wanted to strengthen the means available to the EU in order to rise to the economic crisis and expressed their desire for a policy that fostered more growth. Mr Hollande declared that he had sent a"roadmap" to European Council President Herman van Rompuy summarising the three "principles" that France hopes to defend: the support of growth, greater financial stability and the strengthening of economic and monetary Union." Mr Monti declared that he shared François Hollande's goals and that Europe needed "new financial instruments" and that disagreements between the two leaders were "purely technical".

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Delay in the legal age of retirement

18 June 2012

The Latvian parliament decided on 14th June to delay the retirement age that is 62 at present to 65 over the period 2014-2025 in a bid to maintain its pension system, whilst the country's population is continuing to decline and grow older. Pensioners comprise around one quarter of the population of this former Soviet country that has 2 million inhabitants. The text was approved 49 votes in favour, 39 against and 0 abstentions.

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David Cameron obliged to give explanation before the Leveson Inquiry

17 June 2012

On 14th June British Prime Minister David Cameron was invited to explain himself before the Leveson Inquiry, which is investigating the Murdoch affair. For six hours the head of government, speaking under oath, had to justify himself live on TV regarding his involvement and that of his party in the telephone tapping affair. Qualifying the idea that there had been "explicit agreements" as "absurd", he denied that there had been any agreement with the Murdoch group, which it is said to have offered him favourable media coverage, notably during the electoral campaign in 2010.

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Kosovo receives EU roadmap on visas

17 June 2012

On 14th June the European Commissioner for Internal Affairs, Cecilia Malmström communicated a roadmap to the Kosovar government which, long term, should enable its citizens to travel without having to request visas in the Schengen Area countries. This document establishes a list of vital reforms to be made in order to guarantee free movemet, notably regarding the reintegration and readmission procedure, security documents, border management, the fight to counter organised crime and corruption and finally fundmental rights. The Commission will continue to follow the progress made by Kosovo according to the road map.

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Eugenia Tymoshenko in Paris

18 June 2012

On 15th June the Reception Centre for the Foreign Press in Paris invited Eugenia Karr-Tymoshenko, daughter of the Ukrainian oppositon leader, Yulia Tymoshenko to speak on the "Tymoshenko Affair and the Euro 2012". She said that "Ukraine was a dictatorship" because it falsified and filtered the information delivered to the people as well as that given to the international community. Reviewing her mother's situation and that of all imprisoned political opponents she explained that Ukraine did not implement the idea "of innocent before proven guilty" and that 99% of trials had already been decided before they had even started. In her opinion the present President Viktor Yanukovych wants to be a "Czar". Finally she thanked the EU for its efforts, such as the boycott of the Euro 2012, the regular calls made to the Ukrainian authorities regarding the need to release prisoners and the dispatch of two observers to her mother's appeal trial which will begin on 26th June.

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Giant telescope project approved by the European Southern Observatory

17 June 2012

On 12th June the European Southern Observatory approved the project to build a giant European telescope (E-ELT Extremely Large Telescope), in the north of Chile. The first scientific operations are due to take place next decade. It will be the biggest telescope in the world and it will observe visible light and the infrared. To make the launch of the programme valid two thirds of the Member States, at least ten, have to vote in support of its launch: Germany, Austria, the Netherlands, Czech Republic, Sweden, Switzerland have already voted in support and four other countries still have to confirm their "ad referendum" vote. Four additional countries are due to joint the other ten shortly.

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Opening of the Rio+20 Conference

18 June 2012

The UN Conference Rio+20 opened on 13th June in Rio de Janeiro. By 22nd June the States have to come to a consensus on sustainable development in order to eradicate the impoverishment of the environment and poverty in the world. Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff called "for all countries of the world to commit" to finding an agreement that corresponds with the planet's environmental and social requirements in spite of the international crisis." 20 years after the Earth Summit, Rio+20 is the biggest conference ever organised. 50,000 people are taking part. Ministerial negotiations that were started during the first days of the conference will continue until the official summit of heads of state and government on 20th-22nd June.

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Decline in empoyment in the euro zone in the first quarter of 2012

17 June 2012

According to figures published on 15th June by Eurostat for the first quarter of 2012 the number of those employed in the euro zone declined by 0.2% and remained stable across the European Union. The biggest decrease was recorded in the construction industry (-1.3% in the euro zone and -0.8% in the Union), and the biggest increase was recorded in communications (+1% in the euro zone and +1% in the Union).

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Surplus in the euro zone international trade

17 June 2012

According to Eurostat figures published on 15th June for the month of April 2012 the euro zone recorded an international trade surplus of 5.2 billion euros. The balance of trade in goods of the entire Union recorded a deficit on 12 billion euros in the same month. Exports decreased by 1.8% and imports by 2.2%. Exports have, for example, decreased towards Turkey (-6%) and Switzerland (-1%) whilst exports to Russia and Brazil soared (+20%). EU imports rose most in terms of Norway (+14%) and the biggest decrease was with India and Japan (-7%).

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Inflation decreasing in Europe

17 June 2012

According to figures published by Eurostat on 14th June the euro zone's annual inflation rate lay at 2.4% in May. In the EU it lay at 2.6% in the same month. The lowest annual rates were recorded in Greece and Sweden (0.9%) as well as in Bulgaria (1.8%). The highest rates were observed in Hungary (5.4%), Estonia (4.1%), as well as Cyprus and Malta (3.7%). Generally, alcohol, tobacco, housing and transport were affected by inflation the most. Communication, teaching and culture were affected the least.

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Success of European Strategic Partnerships

17 June 2012

The Foundation for International Relations and External Dialogue (FRIDE) published a study on 11th June entitled "Why EU strategic partnerships matter". It looks into the conditions for the success of European strategic partnerships stressing that this is a vital measure to enhance European identity, to defend the EU's values and interests and to develop multilateral cooperation.

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The future of the euro zone

18 June 2012

The Elcano Institute has published a series of analyses on the euro zone and its future. Author, Federico Steinberg, shows that the salvation of the euro zone depends on greater European political integration.

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Do Europeans still believe in the EU?

18 June 2012

Notre Europe has published a study entitled "Do the Europeans still believe in Europe?". It lays out the development of public opinion about the EU over the last 25 years. From a qualitative point of view it shows that Europeans are mostly aware of the need for a strong, united Europe as well as the existence of an historic, cultural community and of some common values. Europeans seem to support a wide field of action for the EU. However the Union is still seen through national prisms and "factors of disenchantment", which differ depending on the country, still exist. The study recalls that European integration should take on board public opinion so that it can continue and avoid self withdrawal.

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An analysis of the consequences of Russia's accession to the WTO

18 June 2012

On 13th June a study was published that analysed Russia's accession to the WTO (World Trade Organisation). Ordered by the European Parliament's Internationl Trade Committee, this report looks into the impact of Russia's membership on the country's economic situation. The first part observes that in spite of progress the country still faces major challenges which require the implementation of reform packages. The second part lays out the country's commitments. The third part notes the impact of accession on the Russian economy, the most important of these being the increase in foreign investments.

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Joana Vasconcelos in Versailles

17 June 2012

The castle of Versailles is hosting an exhibition devoted to Portuguese artist Joana Vasconcelos until 30th September. On this occasion 17 major pieces of work will be on show, including 8 that were especially made for the event, which are typifed by the use of textiiles and everyday objects. Joana Vasconcelos is the first woman artist to have an exhibition at the Château of Versailles.

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Jean-Jacques Sempé: "Un peu de Paris et d'ailleurs"

18 June 2012

On the occasion of Jean-Jacque Sempé's birthday, the Wilhelm Busch Museum in Hannover is showing more than 150 drawings and original sketches by the French artist until 23rd September. It is a unique retrospective in Germany entitled "Un peu de Paris et d'ailleurs - Ein bisschen Paris und anderswo." Together with Antenne Metropole, the Museum is offering visitors a cultural programme focused on the exhibition, concerts, readings, workshops and a family party on 14th July.

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"Impressionism: sensation and inspiration"

17 June 2012

The Hermitage Museum of Amsterdam is holding an exhibition, "Impressionism: feeling and inspiration" until 13th January 2013. Work by pioneers of the movement like Claude Monet, Camille Pissarro, Pierre-Auguste Renoir and Alfred Sisley are on show to the public alongside other influential French artists of the second half of the 19th century, Eugène Delacroix and Jean-Léon Gérôme. Amongst the paintings on show there are notably the "Woman in the Garden" by Monet and "Woman with Fruit" by Gauguin. These paintings that are part of collections from the national museum, the Hermitage in Saint-Petersburg, highlight the contrasts between the different artistic trends of time.

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31st year of the Fête de la Musique

18 June 2012

On 21st June it will be the 31st anniversary of the Fête de la Musique. This festival is popular, free and open to all amateur and professional participants who want to play and is open to millions of people who comprise the most curious, and most available of audiences. All types of musical genre are mixed together and address all kinds of public, with the aim of spreading the love of playing an instrument and of bringing the young and not so young from all walks of life into contact with all types of music.

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18th and 19th June

G20 Summit (Los Cabos (Mexico))

18th June

Agriculture and Fisheries Council (Luxembourg)

les 20th-22nd June

UN Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio de Janeiro)

21st June

Eurogroup Meeting (Luxembourg)

21st and 22nd June

Employment, Social Policy, Healthcare and Consumer Council (Luxembourg)

21st June

ECB Governors and General Council Meeting (Frankfurt am Main)

22nd June

Summit meeting between Mario Monti, François Hollande, Angela Merkel and Mariano Rajoy. (Rome)

22nd June

Economy and Finances Council (Luxembourg)

25th June

Foreign Affairs Council (Luxembourg)

Newsletter Archives

What future for European defence?

Europe in a fragmented global economy: making the most of the single market and competition policy

European Defence and Russia

Cyprus: 20 years of membership of the European Union, between singularities and a theatre of geopolitical oppositions.

Review of the 9th Legislature of the European Parliament

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Magali Balent, Pauline Massis Desmarest, Inga Groth, Charles de Marcilly, Pierre Thibaudat ,Perle Baillard, Fabrice Laffargue, Mélanie Laplace, Camille Stephan, Marion Zosi.

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Pauline Massis Desmarest

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
Contact Us!

Elections/Greece - Session/EP:Schengen - EU/Mexico - Table/Pensions


The Newsletter n°538- version of 18 juin 2012