The Newsletter48930 mai 2011

La Lettre

Pauline Massis-Desmarest

30 May 2011

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1 January 1970

Michel Foucher, geographer and diplomat, member of the Foundation's scientific board took part in the 3rd visio-conference on 27th May entitled "Dialogues d'avenir". You can watch this conference "La scène frontalière contemporaine."

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1 January 1970

Chair of the Robert Schuman Foundation, Jean-Dominique Giuliani explains in an editorial why the IMF has to be led by a European.

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1 January 1970

The Portuguese are being called to ballot on 5th June to renew the 230 members of the Assembly of the Republic, the only chamber in Parliament. The polls say that the two main parties are running neck and neck a week before the election. According to a poll by the Catholic University for the daily Diario de Noticias, the TV channel RTP and radio Atenna 1, the Social Democratic Party and the Socialist Party are running neck and neck just one week before the elections on 5th June. Each of these two parties is due to win 36% of the vote. However a poll by Eurosondagem for the weekly Expresso and the TV channel SIC Noticias places the social democrats ahead with 33.1% and 32.6% for the socialists. Finally a third poll by Intercampus for the newspaper Publico and TV channel accredits the PSD with 39.6% and the PS with 33.2%.

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1 January 1970

1,828,380 Macedonians (of whom 7,258 live abroad) are being called to ballot on 5th June next to elect the 123 members of the Sobrania, the only chamber in Parliament (the assembly will comprise three additional MPs due to the vote of the electorate abroad). The election result will depend on the Social Democratic opposition's ability to motivate the electorate which has still not decided, ie around 35% just one week before the election. The VMRO-DPMNE, which won the presidential election on 22nd March and 5th April 2009 and the local election on the same date, is in a strong position. According to the polls the party of outgoing Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski is due to stay in office.

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1 January 1970

The presidential election in Latvia takes place on 2nd June next. The Latvian president is elected by the 100 members of the Saeima for a four year mandate(renewable once). The outgoing President of the Republic Valdis Zatlers will be running against Andris Berzins, the Chair of Latvijas Unibanka. However on 28th May the outgoing president announced the dissolution of Parliament which has led to a political crisis.

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Our Publications


1 January 1970

On the occasion of a seminar on "the freedom of the press and the regulation of the media in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe" organised on 30th and 31st May 2011 by the Organisation de la Francophonie (OIF) together with the Council of Europe and the Robert Schuman Foundation, the Foundation has published a study on the developments in the freedom of the press in these countries since the end of the Soviet era. Author, Horia-Victor Lefter, offers an real overview of the situation analysing progress and regression in comparison with western standards.

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Financial Crisis


1 January 1970

On 23rd May the ratings agency Fitch downgraded Belgium from stable to negative. It explained this by the political crisis which it says is an obstacle to reducing the country's public debt. Moreover the Belgian National Bank published an economic barometer on 24th may indicating a decline in business confidence for the second successive month in all areas of activity. This decline is however more acute in the manufacturing industry.

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1 January 1970

According to figures published on 24th May by the national statistis institute, Statistics Finland, unemployment in Finland lay at 8.2% in April which implies a decrease of 1.1% in comparison with the previous year.

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1 January 1970

World recovery is now underway but it is taking place at a different pace depending on the country and region according to the latest edition of "Economic Outlook" by the OECD published on 25th May. "It is a sensitive time for the world economy and the crisis will not be over as long as our economies do not start to create a sufficient number of jobs," declared OECD Secretary General Angel Gurria. According to the report GDP rates should rise to 2.3% this year and 2.8% in 2012, for all OECD countries in line with previous forecasts made in November 2010.

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1 January 1970

The Norwegian national statistics office (Statistics Norway) announced on 26th May that unemployment lay at 3.3% in March 2011.

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1 January 1970

The Maltese national statistics office announced on 27th May that there had been a decrease of 54.2 million euros in the public deficit from January to April 2011 in comparison with the same period last year. It now totals 141.8 million euros.

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1 January 1970

On 23rd May the Greek Finance Minister George Papaconstantinou re-iterated the Greek government's determination to accelerate fiscal consolidation and structural reform in order to reach a deficit of 7.5% in 2011. To do this the government announced the implementation of a wave of privatisations of public companies such as the ports of Athens and Thessaloniki, the OTE (the Hellenic Telephone Company) etc ...

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1 January 1970

According to a press release published on 24th May the Ifo business climate index in Germany remained unchanged at 114.2 points in May after two months of successive decline. Moreover the federal statistics institute (Destatis) confirmed the provisional figures of 1.5% economic growth in the first quarter of 2011 on 24th May in Germany. Moreover Destatis said on 19th May in a press release that 40.4 million workers were working in Germany in the first quarter of 2011, ie 552,000 more people (1.4% more than last year).

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1 January 1970

On 25th May the Service for Research, Studies and Statistics, (DARES) published unemployment figures for April 2011. Although the number of unemployed decreased by 0.2% in comparison with March the numbers of job seekers with Pôle Emploi in April had increased by 3.3% in comparison with last year.

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1 January 1970

Sweden's GDP increased by 0.8% in the first quarter and although growth is slow this pace has been maintained over one year at 6.4%, which is amongst the highest rates in Europe, according to official estimates published on 27th May.

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1 January 1970

Italy has lost ten years of growth declared Emma Marcegaglia, leader of the confederation, Confindustria, on 26th May in a virulent speech during the annual assembly. "For three years we have continually called on our political leaders saying there was a need for growth and reform, but we didn't see that political priorities lay elsewhere," she said insisting that Italy had lost a decade "in terms of competitiveness and growth". Moreover to respect European parameters Italy had to reduce its public debt by 3% per year ie around 46 billion euros said the Italian Auditors Court on 24th May during the presentation of its 2011 report. Finally Italy has recorded the lowest growth rate in the EU over the last decade said the national statistics institute (Istat) on 23rd May as it presented its annual report on the country.

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Intellectual Property

1 January 1970

On 24th May the Commission adopted a global strategy that aims to reorganise the legal framework applicable to intellectual property rights. The aim is to enable inventors, creators, users and consumers to adapt to new opportunities offered notably by the digitial era and to open new trade opportunities. The new rules will establish a balance between promoting creation and innovation on the one hand, notably by guaranteeing fair remuneration and by encouraging investment by creators, and on the other promoting as wide an access as possible to goods and services that are protected by IPR's.

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1 January 1970

On 23rd May the European Commission announced that the launch of the first two operational satellites in the EU's global satellite navigation system would take place on 20th October. It is just the first in a series of launches that will take place from the European space port in Kourou, French Guyana. The launch of the Galileo satellites at an altitude of 23,600km will start providing its services in 2014. Regular launches will complete the fleet by 2019.

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1 January 1970

The European Commission has published its report on progress achieved in the Common Fisheries Policy over the last few years together with its suggestions for fishing opportunities in EU waters in 2012. The latest figures show that the state of fish stocks in European waters is slowly improving, but sufficient scientific data is still missing for the majority of the stocks, mainly due to inadequate reporting by Member States. The Commission will therefore be using a new method for setting fishing limits, notably cutting levels where insufficient data exist. The Commission's ideas will now be the object of a wide consultation over the summer and input will feed into its proposals for fishing opportunities for next year which will be adopted in the autumn.

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1 January 1970

On 25th May the European Commission and the 27 EU Member States reached agreement on the scope and the modalities for a comprehensive risk and safety assessment of EU nuclear power plants. These modalities aim to check on the safety of the Union's power plants in the event of natural disasters and accidents caused by human error. The stress criteria of plants against terrorist attacks put forward initially by Germany was not retained. A group of experts from the Commission and Member States was appointed to ensure the completion of these tests in the 143 European plants as of June 1st.

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1 January 1970

On 24th May the European Commission put forward measures that aim to improve the managemment of migratory flows from the South of the Mediterranean and the Western Balkans. These measures included three initiatives: no. 1 "dialogue on migration, mobility and security with the countries of the south of the Mediterranean," suggesting the establishment of a parntership for mobility between the Union and the countries of North Africa; no.2 which is already included in its 2010 report on immigration and asylum recommends policies on border control; no.3 proposes an amendment to the regulation relative to visas that would enable, in exceptional circumstances, the temporary re-introduction of visas for citizens of third countries.

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1 January 1970

On 25th May MEPs of the Parliamentary Committee "Women's Rights and Gender Equality" adopted a report by Rodi Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou (EPP, EL) calling on the Committee to put forward "legislation including quotas by 2012 to increase women's representation in company boardrooms, to reach 30% in 2015 and 40% by 2020." The report recalls that women only represent 10% of executives in the biggest companies on the EU stock exchange and only 3% of CEO's of these companies are women. MEPs approved a second report by Marina Yannakoudakis (ECR, UK) in support of the promotion of entrepreneurship amongst women, since only one woman in ten is an entrepreneur in the EU. Do these figures mean something to you? Say what you think and answer the survey by the Robert Schuman Foundation on female/male parity in Europe.

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1 January 1970

On 25th May the Special committee on the policy challenges and budgetary resources for a sustainable European Union after 2013 adopted its final report written by Salvador Garriga Polledo (EPP, ES). In the next multiannual financial framework MEPs are asking for an increase of at least 5% in comparison with the 2013 level, own resources and the suppression of contribution reductions. MEPs want to maintain the level of funding on the regional policy and agriculture and to increase investments in energy infrastructures. The report also suggests making additional savings in terms of the Union's administration. The report advises on aligning the budgetary structure according to the strategy for sustainable growth Europe 2020 with a financial framework until 2017 to be followed by five year cycles. The report will be examined in plenary session on 8th June and precedes the Commission's presentation of its proposals on 29th June.

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1 January 1970

On 23rd May the President of the European Parliament Jerzy Buzek reviewed the reform rules applicable to MEPs and lobbyists with MEPs of the Constitutional Affairs Committee. Set up on 10th April after the publication of accusations of corruption against four MEPs its aim is to enhance rules both for MEPs and for lobbyists. The group is thinking about a code of conduct for MEPs, in particular basing themselves on rules used by national parliaments. The working group intends to finish work by June. The final aim is to enhance citizens' confidence in Parliament.

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1 January 1970

On 23rd and 24th May in Brussels the 27 Foreign Ministers spoke of the situation in the Middle-East. They condemned the repression in Syria and decided to suspend all bilateral cooperation; they extended sanctions adopted on 9th May to 10 other Syrian leaders including President Bashar al-Assad. They decided to impose additional sanctions on Belarus, Iran, Syria and Libya which were published in the Official Journal on 24th May. The 27 Defence Ministers adopted conclusions in support of the pooling and sharing of military capabilities. Finally the 27 Development Ministers adopted a report for the European Council on development aid goals and allocated 200 million euros to development cooperation with South-Sudan.

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General Affairs

1 January 1970

On 23rd May in Brussels the 27 Ministers prepared a draft agenda for the meeting of the European Council on 23rd and 24th June. They plan to discuss the economic policy, migration and Croatia. The issue of Roma inclusion in Europe was discussed. Ministers noted a report by the presidency on the result of work on the integration of the Roma population into the EU which will be approved by the European Council. They also adopted conclusions on the regulations and supervision of the commodities and financial markets. They aim to improve cooperation between financial regulators and the authorities which regulate these markets.

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1 January 1970

On 28th May during the summit between the EU and Japan, Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan, the President of the European Council, Herman Van Rompuy and President of the Commission José Manuel Barroso committed to stepping up cooperation in nuclear security, energy and in response to natural or humanitarian disasters. Preparatory discussions to negotiate a free-exchange agreement and a global treaty between the Union and Japan were launched. WTO negotiations, climate talks, the Near East, North Korea and the UN reform were also discussed.

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1 January 1970

Transport, Telecommunications and Energy Ministers, who met on 27th May, agreed on the goals of first radio spectrum policy programme(RSPP) to facilitate access to broadband internet. They extended the present mandate of the European Network and Information Security Agency until September 2013 and they committed to enhancing cooperation in terms of cybersecurity. Ministers also approved the conclusions of the European Action Plan 2011-2015 for on-line administration and hope that Member States will take up the measures so that by 2015 50% of European citizens and 80% of businesses will be using on-line administrative services.

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1 January 1970

On 26th and 27th May High Representative Catherine Ashton travelled to Serbia and Kosovo. On this occasion she reminded these countries of their European future and that dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina was vital on this account. She met the Serb and Kosovar negotiators for talks. In Belgrade she met President Boris Tadic whom she congratulated on the arrest of Ratko Mladic. She also signed two agreements between the EU and Serbia with Interior Minister Ivica Dacic including an agreement for the exchange of confidential information. In Pristina she met Prime Minister Hasim Thaci with whom she discussed the liberalisation of visas, the role of EULEX and the Union's support to Kosovo. However she recalled that only the Member States could decided to acknowledge a state or not.

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1 January 1970

On 24th May the European Court of Justice condemned seven Member States (Belgium, France, Luxembourg, Austria, Germany, Greece and Portugal) for discrimination based on natonality in terms of accessing the profession of notary. In its press release the Court states that "notarial activities, as defined at present by the Member States in question, are not inlcuded in the exercise of public authority in the sense of article 45 of the EC treaty. As a result the condition of nationality demanded by the regulations of these States to become a notary constitutes discrimination based on nationality which is prohibited by the EC treaty."

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1 January 1970

On 30th May Germany decided to close its last reactors in 2022. This decision was announced after a meeting between the coalition's main leaders. German Environment Minister, Norbert Röttgen indicated that the agreement means that the seven oldest plants as well as the Krümmel plant will not be reactivated.

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1 January 1970

On 20th May the council of the Spanish ministries officially declared its decision to release 1,324 million € for the university year 2011-2012 in order to offer more school grants and education aid. This sum, the biggest ever awarded in Spain's education history, is due to benefit 1.7 million students ie a rise of 3% in comparison with last year.

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1 January 1970

The Finnish Parliament approved the final aid plan to Portugal on 25th May. Finnish participation in this aid plan totalling 78 billion € granted to Portugal by the EU and the IMF was finally approved by a wide majority. Of the 200 MPs in the chamber 137 voted in favour 49 against. Finland was the only country in the euro area whose Parliament had to approve the rescue plan.

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1 January 1970

On 24th May Croatian President Ivo Josipovic travelled to Helsinki and met his Finnish counterpart Tarja Halonen. She declared that Finland firmly supported Croatia's membership of the European Union and added that all of the Western Balkan countries could become Union members in the end as long as they respected European criteria. Both said they were satisfied with the present progress of negotiations and pointed to the quality of their bilateral relations, adding they might however be stepped up in the area of industry.

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1 January 1970

On 26th May before the start of the G8 Summit in Deauville the President of the French Republic Nicolas Sarkozy and his Russian counterpart Dimitri Medvedev announced that they had reached a final trade agreement on the provision of four French Mistral type warships to Russia. Discussions had been on-going since the signature of an initial political agreement for their construction in January 2011. The contract is due to be signed soon; "within the next 15 days", declared Mr Sarkozy.

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1 January 1970

On 26th and 27th May the heads of State and government of the G8 member countries (USA, Canada, France, UK, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia) met in Deauville under the French presidency. During the summit the G8 put a global financial package of 40 billion dollars forward in support of the Arab Spring and declared its support of the Japanese population that was struck on 11th March by an earthquake and a tsunami. Drawing the lessons of Fukushima they said there was a "constant need to reassess safety" in the nuclear area. Pleading in favour of a "civilised internet" the G8 said it supported the establishment of internet governance. With regard to peace and security the G8 criticised sharply the Libyan and Syrian regimes.

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1 January 1970

Latvian President Valdis Zatlers announced on 28th May on state TV that he was requesting the dissolution of Parliament, a measure that will be the focus of a national referendum in line with the Latvian Constitution. "We have to put an end once and for all to action taken against our people and our country. This is why I wanted to tell you directly that I have signed the presidential decree requesting the dissolution of Parliament and I have submitted this to the Constitutional court. The Decree takes immediate effect," he declared.

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1 January 1970

The citizens of Malta voted by referendum in favour of legislation for divorce announced Maltese Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi. The head of government who campaigned fiercely against the introduction of divorce into legislation acknowledged the defeat of the "no" vote in the referendum on 28th May. "It is not the result I wanted but the will of the people has to be respected," he said. Malta was the last country in Europe where divorce was banned.

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The Netherlands


1 January 1970

The Dutch government did not win the absolute majority in the Senate, whose 75 members were elected on 23rd May by 566 provincial MPs. The Liberal Party (VVD) of Prime Minister Mark Rutte, the Christian Democrats (CDA) and the Freedom Party (PVV) which made its entry into the Senate with 10 seats, only have 37 of the 75 senators' seats.

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1 January 1970

On 27th and 28th May the 17th meeting of the Presidents of the States of Central Europe took place. On the invitation of Polish President Bronislaw Komorowski, the leaders of the 20 countries in Central Europe met to discuss democracy and freedom. The way that Europe and the USA can help build truly democratic societies in Eastern Europe, North Africa and the Middle East was also the focus of debate. American President Barack Obaman on an official two-day visit to Poland also attended the summit.

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Czech Republic


1 January 1970

On 24th and 25th Czech President Vaclav Klaus travelled to Brussels on an official visit during which he met Belgian Prime Minister Yves Leterme. He spoke with the regional governments as well as with union representatives and the Federal Parliament. His visit ended with an interview with King Albert II and a speech at the University of Anvers.

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1 January 1970

On an official visit to Europe from 23rd to 28th May the President of the USA Barack Obama first travelled to Ireland, where he paid tribute to the Irish nation. In London, after making a State visit to Queen Elizabeth II, he gave a speech to British parliament recalling the two countries' common history. During his meeting with British Prime Minister David Cameron they announced closer work together in six specific areas (security, sciences, higher education, volunteer work and international development, cyberspace). Finally the American president visited Warsaw, Poland where he took part in a summit with all of the countries of Central and Eastern Europe.

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1 January 1970

Serb President Boris Tadic announced the arrest of former military chief of the Serbs of Bosnia, Ratko Mladic on 26th May - he is accused of genocide for his role in the Bosnian war (1992-1995) by the ICTY. He is due to be transferred to the Hague to appear before the ICTY. The EU's High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Catherine Ashton explained that the most natural answer would be to think of the future of Serbia in the EU. The President of the Commission, José Manuel Barroso congratulated Boris Tadic for his courageous work recalling the Union's firm support for Serbia's accession to the EU. The President of the European Council Herman Van Rompuy said he hoped that this announcement heralded the start of regional reconciliation. "It is an historic day for international justice," declared UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon. NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen stressed that "NATO had been the guarantor of security in the Balkans for nearly two decades and this day was a major step towards achieving a commpletely, free, peaceful Europe."

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Council of Europe


1 January 1970

On 25th May in an article in the Human Rights Comment, the Commissioner for Human Rights at the Council of Europe, Thomas Hammarberg denounced the growing persecution undertaken against the defenders of human rights in Belarus. As the country does not belong to the Council of Europe he recalled that Belarus citizens did not enjoy the advantages of the programmes and mechanisms set up by the Council in support of Human Rights, democracy and the rule of law. This is why Thomas Hammarberg asked "for the Belarus population not to be forgotten as well as for constructive support for the civil society of our European neighbour."

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1 January 1970

The French Economy, Finance and Industry Minister Christine Lagarde and the President of the Mexican Central Bank Agustin Carstens have said they are running for the post of Director General of the International Monetary Fund on 25th and 23rd May respectively. Bids for candidature are open until 10th June and the Director General will be appointed at the end of June.

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1 January 1970

G-20 governments have established more impediments to trade such as export restrictions, over the last six months than in any previous periods since the start of the financial crisis says a supervisory report published on 24th May by the WTO, the OECD and the UN Conference on Trade and Development. In spite of optimistic forecasts for 2011 the world trade outlook is dark because of a significant number of risk factors, in addition to the natural disaster that happened in Japan. Sovereign debt issues, food price rises, as well as social upheaval in the main oil exporting countries are the source of uncertainty for the near future.

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"Better Life"

1 January 1970

On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the OECD the Ministerial Forum and Meeting brought together world leaders, political representatives and other actors from the OECD countries and emerging countries on 24th to 26th May. The President of the European Commission Mr Barroso and the President of the European Council, Mr van Rompuy spoke in celebration of this anniversary. On 24th May the organisation presented an initiative that aims to measure the well-being of citizens in rich countries in view of improving their lives. To understand the living conditions of people in OECD countries the organisation launched an index called "Better Life" together with an internet site. The OECD index enables citizens in its Member States to compare their well-being against 11 criteria including housing, income, work and even education.

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1 January 1970

According to figures published by Eurostat on 24th May in the euro area the industrial new orders index declined by 1.8% in March 2011 in comparison with February 2011. In February the index rose by 0.5%. In the EU new orders declined by 1.9% in March 2011 after a rise of 1% in February. Excluding ships as well as railway and aerospace equipment, whose rates tend to be more volatile, industrial new orders declined by 1.1% in the euro area and by 1.2% in the EU.

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1 January 1970

According to a study published by Eurostat on 26th May imports from Japan into the EU have decreased by 30% over a ten year period. Indeed they dropped from 92 billion € in 2000 to 65 billion in 2010. Exports of EU goods towards Japan have also decreased declining from 45 billion € to 44 billion. Eurostat figures indicate a reduction in the EU's external trade deficit with Japan, declining from 47 billion in 2000 to 21 billion in 2010.

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1 January 1970

The Finnish Institute of International Affairs published a study on 25th May entitled "Guardians of Subsidiarity: National Parliaments strive to control EU-Decision-Making." Author Kaisa Korhonen studies the European powers of national Parliaments which vary from one state to another and whose main task it is to check that the European Parliament is respecting the subsidiarity principle. She suggests political cooperation between national parliaments should be enhanced in order to improve the effectiveness of collective supervision of European legislative power.

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1 January 1970

The College of Europe has published a speech by Didier Reynders, the present Belgian Deputy Prime Minister, Federal Minister of Finance and Institutional Reform within, in its series "Cahiers de recherche politique de Bruges" on the theme "Vers une nouvelle "gouvernance économique".

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1 January 1970

The International Committee of Jurists has published its sixth "Practioners Guide" entitled "Migration and International Human Rights Law". This guide analyses the protection offered to migrants by international law and the means to implement this on an international and national level.

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1 January 1970

The Research and Information Group on Peace and Security (GRIP) published its 2011 compendium "Military spending, production and arms' transfers" bringing together the main statistics relative to world military spending. According to this report world military spending totalled 1,552 billion euros in 2009 which represented 2.6% of the world GDP and around 220$ per habitant.

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1 January 1970

The Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS) has published a study by Daniel Gros entitled "External versus Domestic Debt in the Euro Crisis". The author maintains that external debt is the vital element in the crisis in some euro area countries in which it was mainly held by external creditors. The author recommends that Greece and Portugal focus on reducing their external debt.

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1 January 1970

The European Court of Auditors has published a special report on the efficiency and efficacy of the EU's contributions channelled by UN organisations into countries affected by war. The study by Karel Pinxten, Member of the Court, stresses that Europeaid channelled a total of 4,000 million euros over the period 2005-2009. Using a sample of 19 UN projects that were funded by the EU between 2006-2008 in Iraq, Afghanistan and Sudan as a base, the report believes that most of them were badly designed, with barely half achieving their main goals.

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1 January 1970

The 57th Issue of the quarterly review "Géoéconomie" has just been published by Choiseul. It is devoted to the defence industries. Because of the emergence of new competitors and a drastic decrease in budgets the main actors in the sector have been obliged to re-think their strategy to face world competition.

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1 January 1970

The main works of German composer Georg Friedrich Händel (1685-1759) will be presented during the Händel festival that will take place from 2nd to 12th June in Halle (Germany), his native town.

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1 January 1970

The Liechtenstein Museum in Vienna is presenting an exhibition until 20th September entitled "Brueghel, Rubens, Jordaens ... Masterpieces of European painting in the Hohenbuchau collection." This collection notably includes paintings of the 17th century and mainly Dutch and Flemish baroque. Many great artists, from Brueghel to Momper, Rubens to Jordaens, Ter Brugghen to Honthorst are represented in this collection.

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1 January 1970

From 2nd June to 11th September the Bucerius Kunst Forum in Hamburg (Germany) is devoting an exhibition to British painter William Turner (1775-1851), entitled "William Turner. Painter of the Elements". 95 water colours and paintings are on show. The five themes of the earth, air, fire and water and their interaction illustrate Turner's landscape painting over several decades.

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1 January 1970

The Centre of the Vieille Charité in Marseilles is hosting an exhibition until 28th August "L'Orientalisme en Europe: de Delacroix à Matisse" which is showing 120 paintings and sculptures by European artists. This exhibition offers a vast overview of orientialism across Europe.

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1 January 1970

The Fort de Bard in the Aoste valley in Italy is presenting an exhibition devoted to Catalan artist Joan Miro (1893-1983) until 1st November; the exhibition is entitled "Joan Miro. Poem". Visitors can see nearly 200 works - paintings, drawings, prints, lithographies, sculptures, ceramics which the artist made between 1947 and 1980.

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1 January 1970

The 54th international exhibition of modern art - the Biennale of Venice will be taking place from 4th June to 27th November. It is called "ILLUMInations" and brings together 83 artists from the world over. There are also 89 national pavillons and 37 parallel events.

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1 January 1970

The 18th edition of the International Theatre Festival of Sibiu (Romania) is taking place until 5th June. This year the motto is "Communities"; the festival offers a number of cultural events with international and Romanian plays, musical performances and dance, conferences and debate ...etc

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les 30th-31st May

"Competitiveness" Council ()

les 30th-31st May

Seminar on "The Freedom of Expression and Democratic Developments in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe" - Sofia ()

2nd June

Presidential Election in Latvia ()

5th June

General Elections - Macedonia ()

5th June

General Elections - Portugal ()

les 6th-7th June

"Employment, social policy, healthcare and consumer" Council ()

les 9th-10th June

"Justice and Internal Affairs" Council ()

10th June

"Energy" Council ()

Newsletter Archives

What the European Parliament should ask of future Commissioners

The European Union between the United States and China: should we choose between equidistance and following?

What future for European defence?

Europe in a fragmented global economy: making the most of the single market and competition policy

European Defence and Russia

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Stefanie Buzmaniuk, Helen Levy

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Eric Maurice

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
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The Newsletter n°489- version of 30 mai 2011