The Newsletter48823 mai 2011

La Lettre

Antoine Frérot

23 May 2011

Front page!

Freedom of Expression

1 January 1970

The international organisation for 'Francophonie' is organising a seminar on "The Freedom of Expression and Democratic Developments in the Countries of Central and Eastern Europe" together with the Robert Schuman Foundation and the Council of Europe on 30th and 31st May in Sofia (Bulgaria). Gérard Saint-Paul, a member of the Foundation's Scientific Board and Grand Reporter will speak at the inaugural session.

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1 January 1970

This year the Robert Schuman Foundation is launching an awareness raising campaign on the European citizens' initiative amongst women in Europe with the support of the European Commission, and in partnership with the Institute for Democracy Konstantinos Karamanlis. According to our survey 43% of women think that European policy on women's rights is inadequate. And you what do you think! Answer our survey on women and the European citizens' initiative straight away! We need to know what you think.

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1 January 1970

The Democratic Assembly (DISY) won the general election on 22nd May in Cyprus with 34.8% of the vote, 20 of the 56 seats in parliament (+2 in comparison with the previous election in 2006). It beat the Progressive Workers' Party (AKEL) of outgoing President Demetris Christofias which won 32.7% of the vote and 19 seats (+1). The Democratic Party (DIKO), AKEL's government partner came third with 15.76% and 9 seats (-2). The Movement for Social Democracy (EDEK) won 8.93% and 5 seats (=), the European Party (EVROKO), 3.88% (-1.9 points)and 2 seats (-1), the Ecologist and Environmentalist Party (KOP), 2.21% and one seat (=), the People's National Front (ELAM) 1.08%. Turnout (it is obligatory to vote in Cyprus) declined in comparison with the previous elections on 21st May 2006; it lay at 78.7% ie -10.4 points.

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Financial Crisis


1 January 1970

On 16th May the 17 euro area Finance Ministers gave their green light to the rescue plan totalling 78 billion euros in loans over three years for Portugal - a third of which will come from the IMF. In exchange Portugal has promised to implement an ambitious fiscal adjustment plan to reduce its excessive deficit by 2013 notably with a reform of its healthcare system and its civil service, a privatisation plan and structural reform. Ministers unanimously appointed Mario Draghi to succeed Jean-Claude Trichet as President of the European Central Bank.

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1 January 1970

According to the national statistics office (INE) which published its six monthly figures on 18th May on the Spanish economy Spain continued its economic recovery over the first quarter 2011 (+0.3%). It is the 3rd consecutive quarter after 7 semesters of economic contraction. This performance is mainly due to progress achieved in exports.

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1 January 1970

On 17th May European Economy and Finance Ministers approved the decisions taken by the Eurogroup the previous day. They adopted the decision to raise 15.3 billion euros on the markets between 23rd May and 15th July in order to be able to pay aid to Ireland and Portugal. They agreed on the regulations on short-shelling and they progressed in their negotiations with the European Parliament on the so-called "Economic governance" package. With regard to the climate they suggested a tarification system on carbon for international maritime transport and aviation in order to reduce emissions and an increase on the amount of money that is used to help to counter climate change. They welcomed the Commission's proposal to establish a "European Voluntary Humanitarian Aid Corps", that is part of the Lisbon Treaty to enable young Europeans to contribute towards the Union's humanitarian aid work.

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1 January 1970

In its conclusions on the German economy after its annual consultations with the government from 10th to 17th May the IMF congratulated Germany on its vigorous economic recovery and on the dynamism of its labour market. According to the IMF German growth may reach over 3% in 2011.

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1 January 1970

On 16th May the IMF announced that it has released 1.58 billion additional euros for Ireland as part of the international rescue plan. The released funds match the second and third part of the 21.8 billion euro loan that the IMF has promised to provide the country over the next three years in exchange for a certain number of reforms. On 18th May the European Commission announced the release of a second instalment of EU aid to Ireland as part of the rescue plan set up last year for this country with the IMF. This new payment of 3 billion euros comes in addition to the 12 billion already paid by the Europeans to date. Last year they promised Dublin loans of up to 45 billion euros over three years.

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1 January 1970

On 18th May the National Council, the lower chamber in the Austrian Parliament adopted the 2012-2015 financial framework. Austrian Finance Minister Maria Fekter said "the government has set clear goals for the next few years, until 2015: reducing deficit, increasing economic growth and reform." She explained that a reduction in public deficit down to 2% of the GDP was planned for the next four years.

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1 January 1970

On 20th May the IMF announced that it was lending 26 billion euros over three years to Portugal. The IMF decided to pay the first part of 6.1 billion euros immediately and this should settle investor fears over the country's debt situation.

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The Netherlands

1 January 1970

According to a report published by the Dutch statistics institute (Statistics Netherlands) on 19th May unemployment is declining in the Netherlands. It affected 392,000 people in April 2011. The reduction in the unemployed can be explained by a return to work by women and a reduction on unemployment benefits.

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1 January 1970

The Greek Prime Minister presented a pluri-annual plan of new measures designed to strengthen budgetary balance and reduce the country's debt in the hope of escaping a "reprofiling" of the enormous debt that has been promised by the markets and by some in the euro area. George Papandreou presented a mid-term budgetary plan during the Council of Ministers which is designed to "guarantee" an "end to the crisis" as well as "other major structural changes."

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European Council


1 January 1970

From 16th to 20th May the President of the European Council, Herman Van Rompuy was on an official visit to China. On 16th May he met Chinese President Hu Jintao to discuss strategic aspects of relations between the Union and China. The improvement of relations between citizens was the focus of the meeting with Chinese Prime Minister Wen Jiabo. Mr Van Rompuy discussed the EU's and China's international obligations from a human rights point of view. Finally on 17th May at the Party's School, Mr Van Rompuy prompoted shared responsibility, international cooperation and opening as the three principles to guide relations between the EU and China.

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1 January 1970

On 17th May the European Commission launched a consultation in view of proposing a regulation that will lead to a reduction in the use of plastic bags. On average each citizen uses 500 plastic bags per year. The consultation aims to help the Commission choose the best solution: either setting a price or a tax on plastic bags and the ban on their sale across the EU. This consultation is available on the internet until 9th August. Moreover 17th May the European Commissioner for Action on the Climate, Connie Hedegaard declared that greenhouse gas emissions by companies included in the emissions quota exchange system had increased in 2010. Indeed according to Member States' registers these emissions reached 1,932 billion tonnes in C02-equivalent ie a rise of 3% over 2009. It is still well below the threshold set for the exchange period 2008-2012 though.

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1 January 1970

On 19th and 20th May the President of the European Commission José Manuel Barroso travelled to Serbia and Kosovo. He announced that it was possible for Serbia to achieve the EU candidate status if it cooperated with the ICTY. Moreover on 17th and 18th May the Serb and Kosovar delegations met in Brussels for a fourth round of negotiations.

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1 January 1970

On 18th May the European Commission published a report assessing the pre-accession economic programmes of five candidate countries (Croatia, Montenegro, Macedonia, Iceland and Turkey) for the period 2011-2013.

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1 January 1970

On 18th May the European Commission put forward a directive on minimal standards in terms of rights, support and protection of victims of crime when they are in a Member State other than their own. The Commission also put forward a regulation relative to the mutual recognition of protective measures in the civilian area which will add to existing criminal proceedings rules.

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1 January 1970

As of 25th May 2011 Europeans will enjoy new rights and services with regard to land and mobile lines as well as internet. The new EU regulation on telecommunications that aims to make this sector more competitive and improve services provided to consumers, must be transposed into national legislation by this date. The new regulation includes the consumer's right to change telecommunications operator in one day without having to change telephone number, the right to greater clarity in the services offered and better protection of personal on-line data.

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1 January 1970

On 17th-18th May during the 5th EU-Latin America Parliamentary Assembly in Montevideo MPs adopted three resolutions on cooperation in the area of security and defence, on the promotion of employment for women and young people and on trade relations. In particular the Assembly said it supported renewed negotiations on the EU-Mercosur agreement. Moreover the Joint Parliamentary Assembly EU-ACP (Africa, Caribbean, Pacific) that met in Budapest on 14th to 18th May adopted five resolutions in support of the reconciliation process in Côte d'Ivoire, on the democratic uprisings in the Arab countries, on the future of democracy, on budgetary support as a means to distrubute public development aid and on water pollution.

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1 January 1970

Between 18th to 21st May the President of the European Parliament travelled to Armenia, Georgia and Azerbaijan. In Armenia and Azerbaijan he pleaded for a peaceful settlement to the Nagorny-Karabakh conflict suggesting additional European commitment; he stressed the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan. In Georgia he called for the continuation of reform. He also presented the Eastern Partnership and spoke of concerns over Belarus.

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1 January 1970

On 19th May the 27 Social Affairs and Employment Ministers adopted the conclusions on "the EU framework for national integration strategies for Roma until 2020". These conclusions are based on the communication presented by the European Commission on 5th April last. In order to improve Roma integration into the EU Ministers emphasise that it is up to the Member States, according to the subsidiarity principle, to implement policies. The EPSCO particularly insists on the development of access to quality services in terms of education, healthcare, lodgings and employment which are the four priority areas of integrated action. The Member States are also invited to set national goals to improve the availability and use of budgets and to appoint a national point of contact.

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1 January 1970

On 23rd May the 27 Foreign Ministers discussed the situation in the Middle East. They notably adopted conclusions on Syria, Libya, Bahrein and Yemen. They decided to implement additional sanctions against Belarus, Iran, Syria and Libya. Finally the Council also discussed the launch of the European External Action Service.

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1 January 1970

The 27 Culture, Youth and Sports Ministers who met on 19th and 20th May in Brussels came to a political agreement on the establishment of "European heritage labels" attributed to major historical places. They adopted the conclusions that aim to improve the quality of information available to enable the mobility of artists in the EU so that they can integrate the European employment market more easily.

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1 January 1970

On 17th May the 27 European Agriculture ministers notably endorsed the conclusions of the communication on honeybee health which invites the Commission to step up support and monitor this sector more. Moreover ministers signed agreements relative to the protection of geographical indications with Switzerland and Liechtenstein. This agreement will lead to the mutual recognition of designations of origin (AOC)on many products. This agreement will also cover new designations after validation by the competent mixed committees.

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1 January 1970

From 16th to 18th May the High Representative Catherine Ashton travelled to the USA. She met Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. They warned the Syrian regime of the need to stop violence and to launch a democratization process - they pointed to stepping up sanctions against the regime. They also spoke of Libya, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Iran. Catherine Ashton also met National Security Advisor Tom Donilon in Washington and Marc Grossman, American special envoy for Afghanistan and Pakistan. She also met King Abdullah II of Jordan

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1 January 1970

On 22nd May Catherine Ashton, EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy opened the EU office in Benghazi. The office is located in the Tibesti Hotel in central Benghazi which is home to the UN. Ms Ashton met Mustafa Abdul Jalil, the Libyan opposition leader with whom she discussed European support for border security and its reform, the economy, healthcare and education and also its support for civil society. She declared that she was in Benghazi to send an "important signal of our support for the Libyan people. It is the EU putting words into action."

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1 January 1970

On 18th May German Chancellor Angela Merkel appointed the new Economy and Technology Minister and head of the German Liberals (FDP), Philipp Rösler, as Deputy Chancellor. Philipp Rösler replaces Guido Westerwelle in this position.

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1 January 1970

German Defence Minister Thomas de Maizière presented the main outlines of the project to reform the German army on 18th May. The main element in this project is to reduce the number of soldiers by 220,000 at present to a maximum of 185,000 including 170,000 professionals (including reserves) and from between 5,000 to 15,000 volunteers for a year's service. Long term Germany is due to be able to deploy 10,000 soldiers abroad against 7,000 at present. Moreover the number of civilian employees will be reduced.

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1 January 1970

On 18th and 19th May the European Affairs Minister and Secretary General for Franco-German cooperation Laurent Wauquiez travelled to Berlin to meet his German counterpart Werner Hoyer. European issues of the moment, such as economic governance and the situation in the euro area, migratory issues and the Schengen area were the focus of their discussions. Ministers also spokes of enlargement and the upheavals in the Arab world.

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1 January 1970

According to figures published on 19th May by the statistics institute, Statistik Austria, 8,404,252 people were living in Austria on 1st January 2011 ie 28,962 people more (+0.3%) than in January 2010. Population growth in 2010 is clearly higher than that of 2009 (2009: +20,030 people).

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1 January 1970

On 16th May King Albert II asked the leader of the Walloon Socialist Party Elio di Rupo to form a government. The latter accepted. It is now working on a paper in view of forming a government coalition. If he succeeds in forming a government the probability that he will become Prime Minister is high. However there remains a serious challenge given the diverging positions maintained by both winning parties in the elections of 13th June 2010, the PS and the N-VA. At the same time by appointing Elio di Rupo the King has accepted the resignation of negotiator Wouter Beke.

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1 January 1970

Bulgarian Transport Minister Alexander Tsvetkov, notably criticised for the lack of progress he has made in terms of motorway construction projects resigned from his post on 18th May "for personal reasons" indicated the Ministry. Prime Minister Boïko Borissov announced the departure of his minister during a weekly government meeting just after Mr Tsvetkov left the room which led to speculation in the press about his dismissal.

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1 January 1970

The Left Alliance has joined the government that will comprise six parties with the conservatives of the National Coalition which won the general elections on 17th April said conservative leader Jyrki Katainen on 18th May who has been given the task of forming the executive. As planned the Social Democratic party (PSD), the second parliamentary group in terms of numbers will be represented in this "rainbow government" as will be the Greens, the Swedish People's Party that represents the Finnish Swedish-speaking minority and the Christian Democrats said Mr Katainen.

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1 January 1970

On 17th May France officially appealed to the European Court of Justice to cancel the European Parliament's deliberation reducing the number of parliamentary sessions in Strasbourg in 2012 and 2013. In its 2012 and 2013 calendars adopted on 9th March last the European Parliament regrouped two of the 12 sessions in the same week. In France's opinion this deliberation means the suppression of one of the twelve monthly sessions and thereby infringes protocol no.6 with regard to the establishment of seat in the institutions. France is supported by Luxembourg in its request.

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1 January 1970

On 13th May the President of the Republic of Korea, Lee Myung-Bak travelled to Paris to meet his French counterpart, Nicolas Sarkozy. Their meeting focused on Franco-Korean relations, the situation on the Korean peninsula as well as on international issues. The two heads of State also spoke of the work undertaken as part of the French Presidency of the G20 and Lee Myung-Bak confirmed his support of the French President's priorities notably those involving financial regulation and the reform of the international monetary system.

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1 January 1970

On 23rd May in Paris French President Nicolas Sarkozy inaugurated the conference devoted to strengthening the coherence of international work by States and organisations to improve the social dimension of globalisation. He was accompanied by the Economy, Finance and Industry Minister, Christine Lagarde, Labour, Employment and Healthcare Minister Xavier Bertrand and the Foreign and European Minister, Laurent Wauquiez. The Labour Ministers or Secretaries of State of the G20 the leaders of international organisations as well as the European commissioner for Employment and Social Affairs, Laszlo Andor were also present.

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1 January 1970

The population of Lithuania has declined by 10% over ten years following massive emigration towards other parts of Europe, according to the first results of a national census published on 16th May. The number of inhabitants in this Baltic country, an EU member since 2004, now totals 3.05 million in comparison with 3.48 million in the previous census in 2001.

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Weimar Triangle

1 January 1970

On 20th May Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski hosted his French counterparts Alain Juppé and German Guido Westerwelle as part of the Weimar Triangle Consultations which is celebrating its 20th anniversary in 2011. The ministers focused on the priorities of the future Polish presidency of the EU as well as on strategic and security issues. They also discussed the EU's relations with its Southern and Eastern neighbours,, notably Belarus and they met Moldovan Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Yuri Leanca.

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1 January 1970

On 17th May Queen Elisabeth II travelled to Ireland on an historical visit - the first since that of George V in 1911 when Ireland was not independent. With her host Irish President Mary McAleese, she paid tribute to the victims of the war of independence; as a strong sign of reconciliation she travelled to the site of a massacre committed by the British forces in 1920 during the war of independence. Above all the Queen laid great emphasis on her "deep compassion" for the victims of a joint troubled history and notably the war of independence in 1922.

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1 January 1970

After a number of sudden developments the Central Electoral Commission of Albania seems to be ready to declare Lulzim Basha victor of the local election in Tirana; Mr Basha (Democratic Party) was running against opposition leader Edi Rama (Socialist Party).

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1 January 1970

The Central Parliament of Bosnia elected its president and a committee leader responsible for the preparation of a new government on 20th may more than seven months after the elections. The Social Democratic Party MP (Multiethnic SDP), Denis Becirovic was elected leader of the chamber of representatives (lower chamber) of the Bosnian parliament. Milorad Zivkovic of the Independent Democratic Union (SNSD, Serbs) and Bozo Ljubic, leader of the Croatian Democratic Union 1990 (HDZ-1990) were elected Vice-Presidents of the Chamber.

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1 January 1970

On 19th May Moldovan Prime Minister Vladimir Filat travelled to Berlin where he met Chancellor Angela Merkel. In a joint press conference the two leaders pointed to the close bilateral relations that the two countries had and re-iterated the importance of finding a solution to the Tranistrian conflict. Negotiations are due to start again on this subject in June.

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1 January 1970

An inquiry by the International Criminal Court led to conclusions on 16th May of the direct involvement of Mouammar Kadhafi in the violence that has led to thousands of deaths in Libya since February. The ICC prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo announced that he had asked the judges at the court in The Hague to deliver arrest warrants for crimes against humanity against the Libyan leader and two of his close allies. These are one of his sons, Seïf al-Islam and the head of the secret services Abdallah al-Senoussi. "The evidence gathered shows that Mouammar Kadhafi personally ordered the attacks on unarmed Libyan civilians" declared Luis Moreno-Ocampo.

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1 January 1970

IMF Director General Dominique Strauss-Kahn who is involved in legal proceedings in the USA resigned on 18th May. On 20th May the IMF board presented the selection process for the next Director General who is due to be appointed before 30th June next.

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1 January 1970

According to a report by the OECD published on 18th May spending on long term care for the elderly in the OECD countries is due to double or triple by 2050 because of Europe's ageing populations. According to the OECD governments have to improve the budgetary viability of the policies and help workers in this sector. On this theme the Robert Schuman Foundation published a study by Florence Kamette entitled "The Cost of Dependency Care in the European Union."

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1 January 1970

The OECD published its "Environment Review" on Norway on 19th May. According to the report Norway's performance in terms of protecting the environment and sustainable development is good. The OECD stresses Norway's leading role in international work to counter climate change, deforestation and illegal fishing, and the doubling in environmental aid since 2006. The report now recommends the writing of viable policies to achieve its ambitious environmental and sustainable development goals, notably with regard to the climate and biodiversity.

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1 January 1970

There has been a further turnaround in the situation at the WTO in the ongoing legal battle between Airbus and Boeing as the organisation overturned part of its first decision against the European company. On 18th May the European Commission welcomed the WTO's decision in the Boeing/Airbus case saying that the main accusation put forward by the American company on subsidies that its European competitor is said to have benefited from had been rejected entirely. "I am particularly happy with this result," declared European Trade Commissioner, Karel de Gucht.

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1 January 1970

On 17th May the UN published a report entitled "Corruption in the Western Balkans: Bribery as experienced by the population". This report by the UN Office on Drugs and Crime reveals that one person in six has already experienced bribery at the hands of a civil servant over the last year. Enlargement Commissioner Stefan Füle stressed that the report "provided a useful panorama of corruption in the Western Balkans."

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1 January 1970

NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen met Estonian Prime Minister Andrus Ansip on 18th May. During his visit to Slovakia on 19th May he met Slovakian President Ivan Gasparovic and Prime Minister Iveta Radicova. During his speech on "NATO-value for security", he appealed for "a real strategic partnership" between the Alliance and Russia after warning Moscow against another Cold War. He said that the anti-missile shield in Europe was not directed against Russia.

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1 January 1970

On 16th May Eurostat published a study according to which the annual inflation rate in the euro area lay at 2.8% in April 2011, against 2.7% the previous month. The countries suffering the highest rates are Romania (8.4%), Estonia (5.4%), Lithuania and Hungary (4.4% each). Conversely the lowest inflation rates were seen in Ireland (1.5%), Czech Republic (1.6%) and in Sweden (1.8%).

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External Trade

1 January 1970

According to Eurostat figures published on 16th May the euro area's external trade recorded a surplus of 2.8 billion euros in March 2011 against the rest of the world. It lay at +2.7 billion in March 2010. At the same time estimates on the EU's trade balance in March 2011 reveal a deficit of 9.6 billion euros against -8.9 billion in March 2010.

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1 January 1970

The first Eurobarometer study on people's awareness of the use of chemical products in Europe was published on 18th May. The conclusions are positive and show that most Europeans acknowledge that chemical products are dangerous substances. However the report stresses that there is a major difference in the results depending on the Member State: Estonians and Danes are knowledgeable about dangerous products whilst the Portuguese and the Czechs are not so well informed.

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1 January 1970

The EU Security Research Institute has just published a paper on European defence perspectives 2020 in German "Perspektiven für die europäische Verteidigung 2020" published by Alvaro de Vasconcelos. The French version was published last summer. In this study the authors look at the various goals that Europe might target in the area of security and defence over the next 10 years.

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1 January 1970

Friends of Europe has published a report by Yannos Papantoniou, former Greek Finance Minister, entitled "The Lesson's of the Eurozone's Crisis that Should Shape the EU's G20 Stance". The author pleaded for a more proactive attitude on the part of the EU with regard to the G20 notably by offering a permanent secretariat to the G20 together with international rules on banking and in the financial area and by adapting world governance to emerging countries.

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1 January 1970

The Bruegel Institute has published a study by Guntram Wolff entitled "The Euro Area's Macro-economic Balancing Act". The author stresses the overlapping between the recently created European Systemic Risk Committee (ESRC) and the draft regulation on the prevention of imbalance (that would give powers to the European Commission) and sets out several recommendations to clarify their relations.

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1 January 1970

On 16th May European Ombudsman P Nikiforos Diamandouros presented his 2010 Report on complaints lodged by European citizens with regard to the EU administration. He recorded 2667 complaints in comparison with 3098 in 2009. He says that this decrease is due to a reduction in complaints outside of his mandate, stressing that there had been an improvement in information available by other means on his site. The report also includes a selection of cases that were examined in 2010. Amongst all of the European countries Spain and Germany registered the highest number of complaints (375 and 349). Moreover Luxembourg, Cyprus and Belgium had the highest number of complaints in proportion to their population.

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1 January 1970

The FRIDE (the Foundation for International Research and External Dialogue) published a study on 18th May "Pacifism unbound: Why Germany limits EU hard power?" Using Germany's rejection of committing to intervention in Libya as a base journalist Ulrich Speck tries to explain German hostility to "Hard Power" and intervention abroad. He aims to show that the building of an influential European foreign policy should take German pacifism into account.

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Civic Duty

1 January 1970

The new edition of "La Revue Civique" has just been published. It is mainly devoted to "the civic fracture" and issues involving "company public spiritedness"; it includes articles by a number of personalities such as Jean-Paul Delevoye, Dominique Baudis, Claude Imbert, Antoine Frerot. See also the editorial by Robert Schuman Foundation Chair Jean-Dominique Giuliani entitled "Europe, the UN and Libya".

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1 January 1970

The 6th edition of the EuropaVox Festival will take place from 25th to 28th May in Clermont-Ferrand (France) and offers the best of the European musical scene with over 50 concerts. Created in 2006 EuropaVox aims to communicate on Europe thanks to concerts but also thanks to a desire to foster meetings between professional musicians and media across Europe with activities that involve sharing European musical culture.

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1 January 1970

The Irish Museum of Modern Art (IMMA) is devoting an exhibition to the artists Frida Kahlo (1907-1954) and Diego Rivera (1886-1957) until 26th June; Kahlo and Rivera were the two central figures of Mexican modernism. The exhibition includes masterpieces from the collection of Jacques and Natasha Gelman.

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1 January 1970

The German Historic Museum in Berlin is putting on a new exhbition until 31st October entitled "Über Leben - Fotografien von Thomas Hoepker und Daniel Biskup" which was put together on the occasion of the 50th Anniversary of the construction of the wall (1961) and thirty years after the end of the Soviet Union (1991). Nearly 280 photos explore the events that took place during the building of the Berlin Wall and the end of communist domination in Eastern Europe from various angles. On 11th May German Chancellor Angela Merkel gave a speech during the exhibition's inauguration.

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1 January 1970

Until 3rd July the Ara Pacis Museum in Rome is exhibiting work by the leaders of Italian design - this collection belongs to the Italian Foreign Ministry and has been lent for the very first time to this museum of modern art. Entitled "The Palace of the Farnesina and its Collections" the exhibition provides a means to promote the peninsula's know-how in this area.

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23rd May

"General Affairs" Council ()

les 23rd-24th May

"Foreign Affairs" Council ()

23rd May

Presentation of the "Schuman Report, State of the Union in 2011" at the CERI, Paris ()

24th and 25th May

Forum e-G8 - Paris ()

les 26th-27th May

G8 Summit - Deauville ()

27th May

"Transport, Telecommunications and Energy" Council ()

28th May

EU-Japan Summit ()

les 30th-31st May

"Competitiveness" Council ()

les 30th-31st May

Seminar on "The Freedom of Expression and Democratic Developments in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe" - Sofia ()

Newsletter Archives

What the European Parliament should ask of future Commissioners

The European Union between the United States and China: should we choose between equidistance and following?

What future for European defence?

Europe in a fragmented global economy: making the most of the single market and competition policy

European Defence and Russia

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Stefanie Buzmaniuk, Helen Levy

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Eric Maurice

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

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The Newsletter n°488- version of 23 mai 2011