Facebook, Twitter: are these the unavoidable tools for the future of European democracy?

Democracy and citizenship

Pauline Massis-Desmarest


30 May 2011

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Massis-Desmarest Pauline

Pauline Massis-Desmarest

Editor in Chief of the Letter, and Internet Communication Manager at the Robert Schuman Foundation. She has a Masters in European Politics from the Institute for European Studies, Brussels (ULB).

On 30th May last European Issue 207 on "Facebook, Twitter, are these the unavoidable tools for the future of European democracy?" It appeared that this text, which was withdrawn from our site immediately, employed a number of analyses taken from the internet without systematically mentioning who the authors were.

We would like to express are apologies here and also our thanks for the interest the public shows in the Robert Schuman Foundation.

They may rest assured that it is always our concern to improve and ensure that our work continues to contribute to research and debate in Europe by means of original articles.

Our quest for quality is, and remains, our aboslute rule.

Publishing Director : Pascale Joannin

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