Area : 2,586 km²
Borders : 359 km (Belgium 148 km, France 73 km, Germany 138 km)
Capital : Luxembourg
Official language : French, German and Luxembourgish

Population : 666,430 (2023)
Crude natural change rate : 16.9‰ (2023)
Population repartition: 15.9% under 15 years old, 14.8% over 65 years old (2023 est.)
Foreign residents: 38% EU nationals, 9% non-EU nationals (2021)
Crude net migration rate: 11.4‰ (2023 est.)
First time asylum applicants: 2,685 (2023)
Life expectancy: men 80.7 years, women 85.8 years (2023 est.)
Religions: Christian (predominantly Roman Catholic) 70.6%, Muslim 2.3%, other (includes Buddhist, folk religions, Hindu, Jewish) 0.4%, unaffiliated 26.7%% (2020 est.)
Ethnic groups: Luxembourger 52.9%, Portuguese 14.5%, French 7.6%, Italian 3.7%, Belgian 3%, German 2%, Spanish 1.3%, Romanian 1%, other 14% (2022 est.)
Source : Eurostat
Currency: Euro
GDP: € 79,309.6 million (2023)
GDP per capita (PPS): 83,320 € (2023)
GDP growth : -1.1 % (2023)
Inflation: 0.8 (September 2024)
Public debt: 27.2 of GDP (Q1 2024)
Unemployment: 5.9% (August 2024)
Stock of foreign direct investment from the entire world: 4,905.5% of GDP (2022)
Budget balance: -1.3 % (2023)
Source : Eurostat
Political system
Constitutional monarchy
Head of State: Grand Duke Henri since 7th October 2000.
Head of Government: Luc Frieden (CSV) since 17th November 2023. He leads a coalition government between the Christian Social Party (CSV) and the Democratic Party (DP).
Unicameral political system: The Chamber of Deputies (Châmber vun Députéirten) is made up of 60 deputies, elected for five years
Political representation
Composition of the Châmber vun Députéirten (after the elections on 8th October 2023)):
- 21 seats CSV (Christian Social People’s Party)
- 14 seats DP (Democratic Party)
- 12 seats LSAP (Luxembourg Socialist Workers’ Party)
- 5 seats Alternative Democratic Reform Party (ADR)
- 4 seats Dei GrenG (The Greens)
- 2 seats PPL (pirate Party)
- 2 seats Déi Lénk (Left Party)
Women's representations
- in the government: 5/15
- in the Châmber vun Députéirten: 22/60
Next Elections:
On The Same Theme
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