After a year and a half of negotiations between the United Kingdom and the European Union a compromise on the text of the Brexit agreement was reached on November 14, 2018. At an Extraordinary Council in Brussels on 25 November 2018, the European Heads of State and Government approved the Treaty on the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union as well as the Political declaration on the future relations between the EU and the UK. The agreement has to be ratified by the British Parliament and by the European Parliament in order to enter into force on 29 March 2019. The regulation of the future relations between the United Kingdom and the European Union is one of the most important issues for the EU. The Robert Schuman Foundation offers a pedagogical dossier presenting the issues that led to the Brexit referendum, the negotiations, as well as the challenges for the future relations between the UK and the EU.
Schuman Report 2019, State of the Union

Schuman Report 2018, State of the Union

State of the Union 2017

State of the Union 2016

The European Union and the United Kingdom - What's next ?
McALLISTER, David (German Member of the European Parliament)
The State of the Union 2015

The UK and the EU: In or Out?
MENON, Anand (Professor of European Politics and Foreign Affairs at the King's College London)
The State of the Union 2013

POINT OF VIEW. Brexit: crisis of the exit in Great Britain
The UK’s renegotiation: What a fair deal between London and its European partners might look like - (anglais)
Great Britain: out of the dilemma
Le Figaro, January 24, 2013.
Thierry CHOPIN, Director of Studies at the Robert Schuman Foundation, Visiting Professor at the College of Europe in Bruges and Associate Expert at CERI, and Jean-François JAMET, Specialist in European Economics and Senior Lecturer at Sciences-Po Paris.
Brexit, the interest of a serene negotiation
“EU’s goal on Brexit talks: Divorce first”
“In search of a Brexit transitional deal”
Interview with George Parker “UK faces « catastrophe » without transition deal”
The Financial Times, Dec. 2016Jean-Claude PIRIS, “Article 50 is not for ever”, The Financial Times, London, oped, Sept. 2016
Jean-Claude PIRIS
“Brexit, article 50 and beyond”
“Chapter 6 - Britain Alone! The implications and consequences of UK exit from the EU” (Wolters Kluwer, Netherlands)
“Which options would be available for the UK in the case of a withdrawal from the EU?” (pages 111 to 137), May 2016
Jean-Claude PIRIS
« If the UK votes to leave, the seven alternatives to EU membership »
“Brexit is the easy bit”
“Constitutional Pathways: Which constitutional adjustments for the UK”
European Parliament, Constitutional Affairs Committee. Two documents by JC Piris (before the hearing, Sept. 3rd and after the hearing, Sept. 30th)
Jean-Claude PIRIS
“Preventing Brexit: could the Cameron option work: if not, what else?”
“Future relations between the UK and the EU”
“Reform of UK-EU ties possible without new Treaty, says Lawyer; Piris’s Proposals”
Differentiation as a double-edged sword: member states’ practices and Brexit
“Chapter 6 - Britain Alone! The implications and consequences of UK exit from the EU” (Wolters Kluwer, Netherlands)
“Which options would be available for the UK in the case of a withdrawal from the EU?” (pages 111 to 137), May 2016
Jean-Claude PIRIS
The UK’s renegotiation: What a fair deal between London and its European partners might look like
Two Europes
Thierry CHOPIN, Studies Director for the Robert Schuman Foundation, Visiting Professor at the College of Europe of Bruges and Associate Expert at the CERI. O. CRAMME and R. THILLAYE (ed.),Europe in search of a new settlement. EU-UK relations and the politics of integration, Policy Paper, London, February 26th 2013.
David Cameron's European Dilemma
Thierry CHOPIN, Studies Director for the Robert Schuman Foundation, Visiting Professor at the College of Europe of Bruges and Associate Expert at the CERI, and Jean-François JAMET, lecturer in European political economy at Sciences-Po Paris. Project Syndicate, January 18th 2013.
Wishful Brexiting - or the complicated transformation of what the British want into reality
Brexit: The transition period
Brexit means...? Or the urgency of defining Brexit before the Brexit happens
Brexit Disillusionment or the Revelation of the Cost of leaving the Union
“European Union, Brexit, USA: The strategic dimension of the new trade issues”
Transatlantic Relations after Brexit
EI n°409 - 31/10/2016
Arnault Barichella, graduated from Sciences Po & Oxford (St. Peter's College)
"Hard ou Soft Brexit "?
Strategic communications: East and South
After the UK's EU referendum: redefining relations between the two Europes
EI n°399 - 05/07/2016
Thierry Chopin, Head of Research of the Robert Schuman Foundation, Associate Fellow at the CERI‑ Sciences Po and Visiting Fellow at European Institute of the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE). Jean-François Jamet, Lecturer on European and International Economic Policy at Sciences Po.
Brexit, the possibilities of a continent
British referendum: what impact on justice and home affairs?
EI n°397 - 20/06/2016
Lecturer at Sciences Po Paris, also at University Paris II and the CELSA-Paris Sorbonne. He is the author of Politiques de l'Union européenne, La Documentation Française, 2013.
What danger is there of contagion in the event of a "Brexit"?
The Dutch rejected the Association Treaty between the EU and Ukraine
E(M)U and the United Kingdom: one or several Europe(s)?
Brexit or Britin : is it really colder outside?
EI n°355 BIS - 29/10/2015
Jean-Claude PIRIS, Consultant in EU law and Public International Law.
BREXIT: What Fair Deal between UK and EU Member States?
EI n°368 - 19/10/2015
Louise BORJES - Luis BOUZA GARCIA - Piotr BURAS - Thierry CHOPIN - Sergio FABBRINI - Juha JOKELA - Martin KOOPMANN - Christian LEQUESNE - Anand MENON - Pauline SCHNAPPER - Andrew SCOTT
The 2015 General Election in the United Kingdom
EI n°359 - 01/06/2015
Pauline SCHNAPPER, Professor of Contemporary British Studies at the University - Paris 3 Sorbonne Nouvelle, Member of the Institut Universitaire de France.
Should the UK withdraw from the EU: legal aspects and effects of possible options
EI n°355 - 04/05/2015
Jean-Claude PIRIS, Former General Manager of the Legal Services of the Council
The UK and the EU: In or Out?
EI n°354 - 27/04/2015
Anand MENON. Professor at King's College, London. He also directs the Economic and Social Research Council Programme on the UK in a Changing Europe. He has written on many aspects of contemporary Europe. He is co-editor of the Oxford Handbook of the European Union (OUP, 2012).
What future is there for the United Kingdom in the European Union ?
EI n°254 - 8/10/2012
Pauline SCHNAPPER, Professor of Contemporary British Civilization at the University Paris III Sorbonne Nouvelle and member of the Institut Universitaire de France.
43 years after their accession Britons decide to leave the European Union
Supporters and adversaries to the UK remaining in the European Union are running neck and neck in the polls just one month before the referendum.
The Scots say NO to independence
OEE - 29/09/2014
Corinne DELOY, Project manager at the CERI and author of the European Election Monitor.
Scotland's probable choice to remain part of the UK will not necessarily mean the end of the road to autonomy
OEE - 25/08/2014
Corinne DELOY, Project manager at the CERI and author of the European Election Monitor.