On 2nd of May 2018, the European Commission put forward a proposal for the next Multi-annual Financial Framework 2014-2020. To understand the EU budgetary system better and what is at stake in the next one the Robert Schuman Foundation has created a special page on which it presents all of the articles it has published on this issue.
Schuman Report 2019, State of the Union

Schuman Report 2018, State of the Union

The State of the Union 2017

The State of the Union 2016

The State of the Union 2015

The State of the Union 2014

The State of the Union 2013

The State of the Union 2012

The budget : For a European Solidarity Pact
Alain Lamassoure, MEP, Chair of the European Parliament's Budgets Committee
The State of the Union 2011

An Outlook on the European budget: From Financial Solidarity to Budgetary Solidarity?
Alain Lamassoure, MEP, Chair of the European Parliament's Budgets Committeen
The State of the Union 2010

Are we moving towards a European tax? Europe in search of a real budget
Alain Lamassoure, MEP, Chair of the European Parliament's Budgets Committee
The State of the Union 2009

The CAP Health Check : a critical analysis
Nicolas-Jean Bréhon, Teacher of Public Finance at the University of Paris I Sorbonne
The State of the Union 2008

Europe's other crisis : the common budget
Alain Lamassoure, MEP, Chair of the European Parliament's Budgets Committee
The Common Agricultural Policy and the challenge of subsidiarity
The budget of the European Union : what compromis between France and Germany ?
The budgetary impact of the Brexit on the European Union
Emmanuel Macron's Europe - A vision, some proposals
Returning meaning to the Common Agricultural Policy
What is the European Central Bank's logic?
The Juncker Plan - the vehicle for revived European ambition?
Jump-starting Investment
Circular economy and resource efficiency: a driver of economic growth in Europe
Towards Budgetary Federation?
Towards a new means of funding the Union
EI n°257 - 29/10/2012
Nicolas-Jean Brehon, Lecturer at the IHEDREA, the institute for Rural Legal Studies and Agricultural Economics
The CAP in quest of legitimacy
The Crisis over the 2011 Budget : the clash of the intransigeant
EI n°187 - 29/11/2010
Nicolas-Jean Brehon, Lecturer at the IHEDREA, the institute for Rural Legal Studies and Agricultural Economics
Budgetary Crisis: how can we protect the future of Europe?
EI n°181 - 04/10/2010
Alain Lamassoure, MEP, Member of the Budgets Committee at the European Parliament
The European Budget: a negotiation for the next financial framework for the European Union - what will the choices be?
EI n°170-171 - 31/05/2010
Nicolas-Jean Brehon, Lecturer at the IHEDREA, the institute for Rural Legal Studies and Agricultural Economics
Interview with Alain Lamassoure, Chairman of the European Parliament's Budgets Committee
EI n°68 - 19/11/2012
Alain Lamassoure, MEP, Member of the Budgets Committee at the European Parliament
"Europe has to finance itself with its own resourcess"
La Tribune, 7th July 2011
Alain Lamassoure, MEP, Member of the European Parliament's Budgets Committee.