The Newsletter n°875 — 20 janv. 2020
La Lettre
Bruno Deffains, Olivier d'Ormesson, Thomas Perroud
20 January 2020
Presentation of the Green Deal financing plan
20 January 2020

Programme for a Social Europe
20 January 2020
Referral to the European Court of Justice to protect Polish judges
20 January 2020
Nearly 20,000 young people will explore Europe in 2020
20 January 2020
Rejection of the draft Portuguese budget
20 January 2020
The Union's Humanitarian Aid in 2020
20 January 2020
Vision of the Conference on the future of Europe
20 January 2020

Resolution on citizens' rights post Brexit
20 January 2020
Rule of Law in Poland and Hungary
20 January 2020
Call for greater ambition regarding the climate
20 January 2020
Report on the implement of the common security and defence policy
20 January 2020
Eurogroup Conclusions
21 January 2020

Iranian nuclear deal: declaration and meeting
20 January 2020

Conference on Libya in Berlin
20 January 2020
Conclusions of the Foreign Affairs Council
21 January 2020
Opinion of the Advocate General regarding Hungarian NGO law
20 January 2020

Opinion of the Advocate General regarding counter terrorist methods
20 January 2020
National Strategy for the Bioeconomy
20 January 2020

G5 Sahel in Pau
20 January 2020

Dissolution of Parliament and snap election on 8th February
20 January 2020

Ursula von der Leyen's Visit
20 January 2020
New Maltese Government
20 January 2020

Meeting between the countries of the Visegrad Group and Austria
20 January 2020

Boris Johnson rejects a referendum on the independence of Scotland
20 January 2020

Venice Commission opinion on Polish judicial reforms
20 January 2020

Kazakhstan becomes the 50th GRECO Member State
20 January 2020
Report on violence against women in Italy
20 January 2020
World Economic Outlook
21 January 2020

Common EU-US-Japan position on industrial subsidies
20 January 2020

Survey on passenger rights
20 January 2020

Trade Surplus
20 January 2020

Increase in Inflation
20 January 2020
Report on European businesses and the new Chinese Silk Routes
20 January 2020

Art and Antiquities Fair in Brussels
20 January 2020

London Art Fair
20 January 2020
Mozart Week in Salzburg
20 January 2020
Edward Hopper in Basel
20 January 2020
21 January 2020
Economic and Financial Affairs Council (Brussels)
23 January 2020
Meeting of the Council of Governors of the European Central Bank (Frankfurt)
les 23-24 January 2020
Informal meeting of Justice and Internal Affairs Ministers (Zagreb)
27 January 2020
Agriculture and Fisheries Council (Brussels)
Europe and Putin: Should realism prevail over reality?
Technological and security issues: 2025, a pivotal year for women
The Italian economy and its European outlook
The challenges facing European agriculture: Crisis or opportunity for transformation?
European support to the defence industry - Mid-term review of the European Defence Fund
The Editors of the Newsletter :
Stefanie Buzmaniuk, Helen Levy ,Zélie Barbet, Camille Boulat, Myriam Benallaoua
N°ISSN : 2729-6482
Editor-in-Chief :
Eric Maurice
Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin
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