The Newsletter n°874 — 13 janv. 2020
La Lettre
Louis Caudron
13 January 2020
Europe and Crisis: advantages and shortfalls
13 January 2020

Zoran Milanovic, former Prime Minister, is elected president of the Republic in Croatia
12 January 2020

La Fabrique Défense
13 January 2020

Competition Policy and Industrial Policy: towards a reform of European Law
13 January 2020
Meeting between Ursula von der Leyen and Boris Johnson
12 January 2020

Swearing in of European Commissioners
14 January 2020
Start of the Croatian Presidency of the Council
12 January 2020

Joint declaration on the security situation in the Middle East
12 January 2020

Press release on the situation in the Eastern Mediterranean
12 January 2020
Joint declaration on Libya
12 January 2020
Conclusion of the Foreign Affairs Council
13 January 2020
Christine Lagarde's Priorities
12 January 2020

Illegal immigration at lowest level since 2013
12 January 2020

Stepping up aid operations for asylum
12 January 2020
Report on migration 2018
12 January 2020

Visit by the Chancellor to Moscow
13 January 2020
Investiture of the Right-Green government coalition
12 January 2020

Visit by the Prime Minister to Paris
13 January 2020

Narrow majority for Pedro Sanchez as head of government
12 January 2020

The Supreme Court does not acknowledge Oriol Junqueras as MEP
13 January 2020
Robert Abela becomes Prime Minister
13 January 2020

Green light by the House of Commons for the Brexit Agreement
12 January 2020

Government in Northern Ireland
13 January 2020
Visa Agreement
12 January 2020

Resignation of Prime Minister Zoran Zaev
12 January 2020

Inauguration of the TurkStream pipeline
12 January 2020

Report by the Anti-Torture Committee on Denmark
12 January 2020

GRECO report on France
12 January 2020
Increase in inflation in the euro zone
12 January 2020

Unemployment at its lowest level since 2000
12 January 2020
Report on the protection of European intellectual property
13 January 2020

American Artists in Brussels
13 January 2020

Celtic Music in Glasgow
13 January 2020
Museum Night in Basel
13 January 2020
Once upon a time there was Sergio Leone
13 January 2020
Rijeka and Galway, European Capitals 2020
13 January 2020
Reading Night in France
13 January 2020
les 13-16 January 2020
Plenary Session at the European Parliament (Strasbourg)
20 January 2020
Foreign Affairs Council (Brussels)
20 January 2020
Eurogroup Meeting (Brussels)
Europe and Putin: Should realism prevail over reality?
Technological and security issues: 2025, a pivotal year for women
The Italian economy and its European outlook
The challenges facing European agriculture: Crisis or opportunity for transformation?
European support to the defence industry - Mid-term review of the European Defence Fund
The Editors of the Newsletter :
Stefanie Buzmaniuk, Helen Levy ,Zélie Barbet, Camille Boulat, Myriam Benallaoua
N°ISSN : 2729-6482
Editor-in-Chief :
Eric Maurice
Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin
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