The Newsletter8198 oct. 2018

La Lettre

Sofia Fernandes, Frank Vandenbroucke

8 October 2018

After the proclamation of the European Pillar of Social Rights in Göteborg in 2017, the Union was supposed to establish three priorities, for functional reasons but also on the grounds of political legitimacy: promoting upward convergence in social standards and performance; guaranteeing fair mobility for its citizens and investing in European Human Capital.

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Radical Movements in Europe

8 October 2018

Jean-Dominique Giuliani is taking part in the Licra's Autumn University in Le Havre on 12th October on the theme of European radical movements.

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Europe, an inestimable treasure

8 October 2018

Le Figaro published an article by Jean-Dominique Giuliani in which he suggests that Europeans have every reason to be proud of the European Union.

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Alexander Stubb is to bid to be the EPP's lead candidate

8 October 2018

Finn Alexander Stubb announced on 2nd October in Strasbourg that he would be bidding to be the European People's Party's lead candidate in the European elections in 2019. Stubb, who was an MEP and several times a minister and also Prime Minister is the second candidate to announce that he would be running, after Manfred Weber, the leader of the EPP group in the European Parliament. He is standing as the candidate of the "new generation". The party will choose its candidate during a congress in Helsinki on 7th and 8th November.

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Harmony leads in Latvia but not guaranteed to be in government

8 October 2018

Following the general elections in Latvia on 6th October, 7 parties will be represented in the Saiema. Harmony (left, close to Russia), won 19.9% of the vote KPV LV (populist) 14.06%, the New Conservative Party 13.6%, For Development 12%, National Alliance 11%, the Greens and Farmers 10% and New Unity (centre right), 6.7%. Everything hinges on the question of the next government coalition.

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European Council

Meeting between Donald Tusk and Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar

8 October 2018

"The EU wants a relation as close and as special as possible with the UK", declared the President of the European Council Donald Tusk after a meeting with Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar on 4th October in Brussels. Two weeks prior to the next summit, vital in terms of coming to agreement over Brexit, Tusk repeated that the Union was supporting Ireland in the negotiations with the UK to come to a solution that respects the peace process in Northern Ireland, as well as the integrity of the Single Market and Customs Union.

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The EU condemns a Russian cyberattack

8 October 2018

The British government revealed on 4th October that the Russian military intelligence service was behind the attack in The Hague in April against the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW). The attack was thwarted by the cooperation of the Dutch and British intelligence services. The President of the European Council, Donald Tusk, the President of the Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker and the High Representative, Federica Mogherini "deplored" the act that "undermines international law and institutions."

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European Solidarity Corps enters into force

8 October 2018

The European Solidarity Corps entered into force on 5th October. Many projects supporting private and public organisations in terms of strengthening cohesion, solidarity and democracy have been launched. This programme, inspired by Erasmus+ is addressed to Young people aged 18 to 30, European citizens and those from its neighbourhood who want to volunteer for projects across Europe. The Commission put forward a budget of 340 million euro until 2020.

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The European Parliament approves a quota of European creations

8 October 2018

On 2nd October MEPs approved the imposition of 30% of European programmes on the audiovisual media 452 votes in support, 132 against; this includes video on-demand platforms; MEPs also strengthened the rules surrounding the protection of children. This legislation will apply to all media distribution services, including those like Netflix, YouTube and Facebook, as well as live-streaming on video sharing platforms.

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The European Parliament cancels aid of 70 million € to Turkey

8 October 2018

On 2nd October MEPs approved the cancellation of 70 million € in aid to Turkey, 544 in support, 28 against and 74 abstentions, as a sanction for the regime's infringements of human rights and the freedom of the press. The proposal which focuses on Turkey's so-called "pre-accession" funds was approved during a vote organised in the Parliament's plenary session in Strasbourg.

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Debate over the state of the rule of law in Romania

8 October 2018

Together with the Romanian Prime Minister, Viorica Dăncilă on 3rd October Parliament held a debate regarding the situation of the rule of law in Romania. Members of the Civil Liberties Committee and the Commission's Vice-President Frans Timmermans, called on the Prime Minister to overthrow a controversial reform of the legal system and support the fight to counter corruption. The latter defended her government's actions and maintained that it had never deviated from the values of Europe. A resolution on the issue will be voted on in the next plenary session in November.

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Estonian Prime Minister speaks to MEPs

8 October 2018

Estonian Prime Minister Jüri Ratas spoke to Parliament in Strasbourg on 3rd October. He defended the Union's unity as it faces migratory pressure and the importance of open borders within the Union. He defended the role of small countries, "the Union's mortar" and insisted on the need for an ambitious multi-annual budget and greater defence cooperation in terms of the Atlantic Alliance.

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Parliament pushes for cleaner cars

8 October 2018

On 3rd October MEPs approved a Commission proposal, 389 votes in support, 239 against and 41 abstentions, that aims to reduce vehicle CO2 emissions by 40% by 2030 and to step up the insertion of low-carbon cars into the market so that they represent 35% by 2030. Parliament also asked the Commission to table, within two years, plans for a real-world CO2 emissions test using a portable device.

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Parliament adopts the free-flow of non-personal data

8 October 2018

On 4th October Parliament adopted a regulation on the free-flow of non-personal data, 520 votes in support, 81 against and 6 abstentions. The text relates to commercial data or that generated by machines. Parliament provides for possible restrictions in the event of a public security threat and a code of practice to facilitate the transfer of this data within the Single Market. Personal data is still protected by the regulation regarding data protection. (GDPR).

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Reform of Eurojust

8 October 2018

MEPs adopted a reform of Eurojust (the European agency for judicial cooperation) on 4th October, 515 votes in support, 64 against and 26 abstentions. The new governance system takes on board the creation of the European Prosecutor's Office by 2021 and the European Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The Council has to validate formally these new rules.

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VAT: reduced rates for electronic publications and anti-fraud measures

8 October 2018

The Economy and Finance Minister approved the introduction of three proposals in the area of VAT: VAT rates applicable to electronic publications, a generalised temporary reversal of liability mechanism and a series of measures for faster "solution" in terms of VAT. MEPs also voted and approved several resolutions regarding VAT.

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Meeting between Kurz and Putin in St Petersburg

8 October 2018

Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz, whose country is currently presiding of the Council of the European Union met with Russian President Vladimir Putin in St Petersburg on 3rd October. Discussions focused on economic relations between the two countries, notably in terms of energy cooperation, as well as the future of the gaspipeline project Nord Stream 2. Other international and regional issues such as the situation in Syria and Ukraine were also discussed.

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Discussion regarding the reform of the WTO

8 October 2018

During an informal trade Council that took place in Innsbruck on 5th October, Minister re-iterated the wish to modernise the WTO. They also prepared the signature of the free-trade agreement and investment protection with Singapore, which is to take place during the Europe-Asia Summit on 18th and 19th October.

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Court of Justice

Parliament can adopt budgetary acts outside of Strasbourg

8 October 2018

The Union's Court of Justice deemed on 2nd October that the European Parliament can exercise its budgetary powers in Brussels and not just in Strasbourg, its seat, if the good functioning of the procedure depends on it. France asked for the cancellation of several budgetary acts since the Parliament finally adopted the Union's budget for 2017 during a session in Brussels and not in Strasbourg.

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Court of Auditors

Validation of the EU 2017 budget

8 October 2018

On 4th October the Union's Court of Auditors validated the EU's 2017 budget, observing a 2.4% error margin in terms of payments, which is down in comparison with the previous years. Auditors did however recall that the Union has to make "realistic" commitments given that its budget represents 1% of the Union's GNI and that it should not "make promises that it cannot deliver."

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Chancellor travels to Israel

8 October 2018

As part of the 7th German-Israeli intergovernmental consultations on 3rd and 4th October, German Chancellor Angela Merkel travelled to Israel to speak of innovation and technology. She also travelled to the Yad Vashem Memorial.

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The CSU will probably lose its absolute majority in Bavaria

8 October 2018

On 14th October the CSU will probably lose its absolute majority in Bavaria and will therefore be forced to form a coalition. Surveys are predicting that it will only win around 33% of the vote - the Greens are due to come second with 18%, then the SPD with 11% and the AfD with 10%, which would be the first time this party would enter the regional parliament of Bavaria.

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Declaration on the bioeconomy

8 October 2018

In view of the Finnish Presidency of the Council in the second half of 2019 Prime Minister Juha Sipilä started a tour of Europe's capitals with a meeting on 2nd October with Portuguese Prime Minister Antonio Costa, then Spaniard, Pedro Sanchez. Whilst strengthening their trade cooperation - in terms of telecoms and forestry - they reviewed various issues that will be on the agenda of the Finnish Presidency - post-Brexit negotiations, migration, multi-annual financial framework.

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Draft bill in preparation for a no-deal over Brexit

8 October 2018

The French government is to present a draft bill to Parliament at the beginning of November that is designed to prepare for the hypothesis of a no-deal between the EU and London over Brexit, in order to counter a number of legal loopholes. This draft bill was presented on 3rd October. It will enable the executive to take directives to settle the difficulties that Brext will cause in many areas of Franco-British cooperation.

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Two scenarios for the Greek budget in 2019

8 October 2018

On 1st October the Greek government presented its 2019 budget. Based on the good results of its public finances, the government hopes that its creditors will allow it not to reduce retirement pensions, as provided for as part of the commitments taken to end the aid plans. In this case the primary budgetary surplus would be 3.56% of the GDP, just above the minimum set by the country's creditors. In the event of a reduction in pensions, the primary budgetary surplus would be 4.14%. The draft budget provides for growth of 2.5% and a reduction of employment down to 18.2%.

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Two Europeans win the Nobel Prize

8 October 2018

On 2nd October Frenchman Gérard Mourou and Canadian Donna Strickland, who are laser specialists were awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics for the development of a method to generate high-intensity, ultra-short optical pulses. British biochemist Sir Gregory P Winter was awarded the Nobel Prize for Chemistry on 3rd October. They won due to their work on the "phage display in peptides and anti-bodies." This technique have given rise to phage therapy, an alternative to antibiotics.

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A new collegiale presidency in Bosnia-Herzegovina

8 October 2018

The electorate of Bosnia-Herzegovina elected a new collegial presidency on 7th October. Nationalist Milorad Dodik won the seat reserved for the Serbs with 53.79% of the vote, the Croatian community voted for the social-democratic Zeljko Komsic, 52.83% and the Bosniaks elected a conservative candidate, Sefik Dzaferovic of the SDA party with 36.89% of the vote.

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The robot Mascot successfully lands on the asteroid Ryugu

8 October 2018

The Franco-German space robot, Mascot landed on 3rd October on the asteroid Ryugu 300 million kilometres from Earth. It was released by the Japanese probe Hayabusa-2 and its mission is to transmit data to the probe so that better knowledge of the Solar System's birth can be gleaned. This is a world first for this type of mission.

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Gender equality: Europe in the lead

8 October 2018

On 4th October Equileap published a study on gender equality is some 3000 businesses in 23 countries which had over 2 billion dollars in market capitalisation. It emerges that out of 20 world businesses the most respectful of equality between men and women, 12 are European.

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Report on World Trade 2018

8 October 2018

In its annual report on world trade published on 3rd October the WTO lays out the future landscape of trade linked to technological developments now ongoing. The internet of things, artificial intelligence, 3D printing and blockchains will have deep effect on world trade and could add about 34 percentage points to the growth of trade by 2030.

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The role of trade integration for shared prosperity

8 October 2018

In a report published on 1st October with the IMF and the World Bank, the World Trade Organisation defends the idea of re-invigorated trade to foster more inclusive growth and to increase productivity world wide. The report stresses that to achieve these goals, reform is necessary in many areas, particularly the trade of services, digital technologies and foreign direct investments, as well as access to goods markets and regulation cooperation.

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"Autumn Chamber Music Festival" in Latvia

8 October 2018

"Autumn Chamber Music Festival" is a time for concerts ranging from classical to jazz. Created in 1993, it is the biggest and oldest music festival in Latvia. Concerts are taking place everywhere in Latvia from 9th to 20th October.

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Jazz Festival in Vilnius

8 October 2018

This festival brings together world and contemporary jazz artists. The styles are very diverse: classical, modern, improvisation, experimental. The 31st festival is taking place from 11th to 14th October.

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Contemporary Art Festival in Budapest

8 October 2018

The contemporary art festival at the CAFe Budapest is taking place until 21st October. This year the festival focuses on artists from the Baltic States and the work of Béla Bartók, the famous Hungarian composer and pianist.

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International Film Festival in Warsaw

8 October 2018

The International Film Festival of Warsaw is focusing on directors of Central and Eastern Europe this year and will be taking place from 12th to 21st October for the 34th year running.

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"Inside Bruegel" in Vienna

8 October 2018

On the occasion of the 450th anniversary of the death of the master of Flemish Renaissance, the Museum of Fine Arts in Vienna is devoting an exhibition to Bruegel until 13th January.

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Miro Exhibition at the Grand Palais in Paris

8 October 2018

More than 150 pieces of work covering 70 years of creation, including some which are unique in France by the famous painter Joan Miro have been brought together at the Grand Palais in Paris until February 4th 2019.

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9th October

"Environment Council" (Luxembourg)

11th and 12th October

"Justice-Interior" Council (Luxembourg)

14th October

General elections (Luxembourg)

15th October

"Foreign Affairs Council" "Agriculture and Fisheries" Council (Luxembourg)

Newsletter Archives

Civil society stands up to its leaders

When sleepwalkers awake: German plea for a new European security architecture

Europe and Putin: Should realism prevail over reality?

Technological and security issues: 2025, a pivotal year for women

The Italian economy and its European outlook

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Thomas de Robiano, Helen Levy ,Victoire Bortoli, Chloé Hellot, Natasha Hroneska, Sophie van der Heijden

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Eric Maurice

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
Contact Us!

Social Europe: from slogan to reality


The Newsletter n°819- version of 8 oct. 2018