The Newsletter8181 oct. 2018

La Lettre

Valerie Herzberg, Edouard Vidon

1 October 2018

European political and economic integration can only move forward on the basis of a share diagnosis involving missing factors, and an area of agreement regarding its mutual benefits. By obliging the Member States to pool their ressources regarding goals they have defined together, new defence industry initiatives would help accelerate the convergence of their economies.

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Michel Barnier will not run as lead candidate for the EPP

1 October 2018

In a letter addressed to the President of the European People's Party (EPP), Joseph Daul, published on Twitter on 28th September, Michel Barnier announced that he would not run to be the lead candidate for the party in the European elections in 2019. He explained that he must "remain committed" for the "successful conclusion" of the negotiations on Brexit and that it was "incompatible" with the EPP's electoral calendar. The party will choose its lead candidate during a congress on 7th and 8th November

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Presidential election 26th October Ireland

1 October 2018

On 26th October the Irish are being convened to ballot to elect their President of the Republic. Outgoing President Michael D Higgins will face five other challengers. The most recent poll by RED C, published in The Sunday Business Post on 16th September forecasts the outgoing President as the winner in the election with 67% of the vote. Sean Gallagher is due to come second with 15%, ahead of the Sinn Fein candidate, Liadh Ni Riada, who is due to take 7% of the vote and Gavin Duffy, who is due to win 6% of the vote. The President of the Republic of Ireland is elected for a seven year mandate that is renewable once.

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A code of practice against disinformation

1 October 2018

Online platforms, the main social networks and the advertising industry unveiled a Code of Practice on 26th September to counter disinformation. Mariya Gabriel, the Commissioner for the Digital Economy and Society, who was behind the measure welcomed the initiative whilst demanding that actors in the sector implement the self-regulatory code immediately as the European elections approach in 2019.

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The EU is to create an entity to trade with Iran

1 October 2018

Federica Mogherini, the High Representative of the Union, announced on 24th September the creation of an entity that will aim to trade with Iran after a meeting with signatories of the agreement on Iranian nuclear power in New York in the UN's General Assembly. The body will protect banking channels and oil flows to make the region secure and protect European players from sanctions inflicted by the USA since their withdrawal from the agreement last May.

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Negotiations for a new partnership agreement with the ACP countries

1 October 2018

On the sidelines of the UN General Assembly, the Commissioner responsible for International Cooperation and Development, Neven Mimica announced on 28th September the start of negotiations with the countries of Africa, the Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) to take their cooperation forward after 2020, notably in the fight to counter terrorism and climate change.

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CAP: further requirements after 2020

1 October 2018

During an informal meeting in Austria on 25th September European Agriculture Ministers drew up further requirements for the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). It should be more flexible as it faces the consequences of climate change, as wished by consumers, who want to buy food more locally and by farmers, who want a fair price for their produce. The CAP, the largest spending line in the Union's budget will be revised for the start of a new budgetary cycle (2021-2027).

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Adoption of a single digital portal

1 October 2018

On 27th September the Council adopted a regulation that creates a single digital portal. Available in the Union's 24 official languages, the platform will provide information and assistance on the most frequent European procedures (study abroad, work, Erasmus grant ...). The Single Portal or Gateway is there to reduce red-tape. The Council and Parliament must now sign the regulation that should enter into force in five year's time at the latest.

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Adoption of a legal framework for the European Solidarity Corps

1 October 2018

On 27th September the Council adopted a regulation creating a legal framework for the European Solidarity Corps until 2020. This programme based on Erasmus+ addresses young people aged 18 to 30, who are Union citizens or who are from neighbouring countries who want to do voluntary work for projects across all of Europe.

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Launch of European Supercomputer Project

1 October 2018

During the Competitiveness Council on 27th and 28th September, Ministers adopted a regulation creating a joint European business, EuroHPC, which will supervise the pooling of resources in the project to build a super-computer that will process big data. 23 Member States are taking part in EuroHPC, a public/private partnership that will start to work in 2019 with a budget of 1 billion euro. They discussed a draft action plan on artificial intelligence and debated the future research and innovation programme Horizon Europe. Ministers hoped that Horizon Europe, which will follow on the Horizon 2020 programme for the period 2021-2027, will have a budget that is twice as big as the present one.

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Electronic ID's now recognised in the Union

1 October 2018

The mutual recognition of electronic IDs by the Member States is now effective (as of 29th September, as part of the eIDAS regulation.

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Mario Draghi speaks to the European Parliament

1 October 2018

The President of the European Central Bank (ECB) spoke to the European Parliament on 24th September of a "relatively vigorous recovery of underlying inflation" in the euro zone and said he was confident about the continuation of the growth of wages, whilst stressing that these developments implied the upkeep of the rates at their present levels until next summer at least.

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Bank card fraud decreasing

1 October 2018

Bank card fraud has decreased for the first time since 2011 in the SEPA zone according to an ECB report published on 26th September. The measures taken by banks in the SEPA zone (EU, Liechtenstein, Norway, Iceland, Monaco, Switzerland, and San Marino) have led to a reduction in infringements. Online payments are still increasingly affected.

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European Agencies

Ariane 5 successfully makes its 100th launch

1 October 2018

The European rocket Ariane 5 succeeded its 100th launch on 25th September from the base in Kourou, French Guiana. It put two telecommunications satellites into orbit for a lifespan of 15 years; their aim is to improve fixed and mobile communications in Asia-Pacific. Ariane 5 will give way to a new, less costly version, Ariane 6 by 2023.

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Seizure of 31 million counterfeit products on the EU's borders in 2017

1 October 2018

Last year customs authorities seized 31 million counterfeit products on the EU's borders, representing a market value of 580 million euro, announced the European Commission on 27th September. Amongst the items seized 43% were "daily products that counterfeiting makes potentially dangerous," such as healthcare products, medicines, toys and electric equipment ..."

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An EU investigation into the Danske Bank scandal

1 October 2018

On 24th September the Commission ordered the European Banking Authority to investigate suspected cases of money laundering. The latter is said to have allowed the transit of suspicious flows to a total of 200 billion euro. The Commission wants to know why the European supervisory mechanisms did not function.

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Presentation of the 2019 budget

1 October 2018

On 26th September the Estonian government adopted its budget for 2019. Its priorities are to promote economic growth, increase the population, strengthen the country's security and to improve prosperity and social cohesion. The Finance Minister forecasts growth of 3% for 2019 and a budgetary surplus of 0.5% of the GDP.

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Discussions regarding the management of economic crises

2 October 2018

During the Eurogroup on October 1st the euro zone's Finance Ministers discussed the way that national economic stabilisers might be improved to reduce economic shocks. In an enlarged group, extended to their colleagues outside of the euro zone, they debated the reform of the European Stability Mechanism, particularly the toolbox to help countries in difficulty and the role played by the ESM in the management and prevention of crises.

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A controversial draft budget

1 October 2018

The Italian government presented a draft budget for 2019 on 27th September which provides for a public deficit of 2.4%. This is more than the Union requires and also what Italian Finance Minister Giovanni Tria want, but he had to submit to the leaders of the coalition government Luigi Di Maio and Matteo Salvini. The budget provides, amongst other things, for a basic revenue per household and the introduction of a flat tax.

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Most recent polls before the general election on 6th October

1 October 2018

On 6th October next general elections will be taking place in Latvia. The polls forecast that Harmony will come out ahead (a pro-Russian, left-wing party), followed by the Union of Greens and Farmers (ZZS) or the New Conservative Party (JKP). Hence voting will be fragmented and a government coalition will be difficult to establish.

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The government presents its 2019 budget

1 October 2018

On 26th September the Polish government presented its draft budget for 2019. Emphasis is placed on social programmes, infrastructures and defence. In 2019 the government is forecasting economic growth of 3.8%, inflation at 2.3% and a budgetary deficit of 1.8% of the GDP.

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Parliament dismisses the outgoing Prime Minister

1 October 2018

In Sweden the Parliament (Riksdag) dismissed the outgoing Prime Minister Stefan Löfven (SAP) during the inaugural session on 25th September. A majority of 204 MPs out of 349 threw out the vote of confidence, ie all the MPs on the right, centre and far right, less one voice. Mr. Löfven will remain in office to undertake current affairs, until a new government is formed. The new President of Parliament is Andreas Norlen (M), will meet with the political parties on 2nd October to see if a majority can emerge in the wake of the elections of 9th September.

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Result of the vote in the change of name

1 October 2018

During a referendum organised on 30th September, 91% of the Macedonian electorate voted "yes" to the question "Do you support membership of NATO and the EU by accepting the agreement made between the Republic of Macedonia and the Republic of Greece?" In particular the agreement attributes the name of North Macedonia to the country. The turnout rate in the vote, which was but of consultative nature, was however only 37%. The government now wants the Parliament to ratify the agreement in which a majority of two-thirds of the MPs will be necessary.

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President Erdogan visits Berlin

1 October 2018

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan was in Berlin between 27th-29th September. His aim was to bring tension between Turkey and Germany to an end and to normalise their bilateral relations, notably in the economic area. German Chancellor Angela Merkel insisted on the need for cooperation in the fight to counter terrorism and to avoid a further influx of migrants from Syria, whilst acknowledging "deep divisions" that remain between the two countries.

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Visit by Pope Francis in the Baltic Countries

1 October 2018

From 22nd to 25th September, Pope Francis travelled to the Baltic countries, 25 years after Jean Paul II. He encouraged these countries to associate freedom with solidarity and hospitality, notably warning Europe against "withdrawal", "walls and barricades" built due "out of fear for others".

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Council of Europe

Child refugees and migrants in Europe

1 October 2018

On 26th September the Council of Europe presented the progress achieved to guarantee the safety and appropriate treatment for child migrants entering Europe, as it emerges in the report "Refugee and migrant children in Europe" - Progress in the implementation of the Action Plan (2017-2019).

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One planet summit

1 October 2018

On 26th September in New York the second summit for the climate took place. Those taking part made several commitments. The European Commission suggested devoting 320 billion € (25% of the budget 2021-2027) to climate goals and to support sustainable investments in infrastructures via the InvestEU programme totalling 150 billion €.

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Annual inflation rate in the euro zone up to 2.1%

1 October 2018

Eurostat published its annual inflation rate estimate for September 2018 in the euro zone which totals 2.1%. Inflation growth is especially driven by developments in energy prices (+9%).

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Unemployment at 6.8% in the EU and 8.1% in the euro zone

1 October 2018

The unemployment rate in the euro zone decreased in August to 8.1%, its lowest level since November 2008, announced the European statistics office, Eurostat. In the EU it is stable at 6.8%, its lowest level since April 2008.

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Europeans support development cooperation

1 October 2018

According to the most recent Eurobarometer survey regarding European attitudes towards cooperation development, published on 25th September, 89% of Europeans believe that it is important to help populations in developing countries. Moreover, four out of five citizens believe that the role of the private sector is still crucial in terms of development cooperation. Most of those interviewed (69%) agree that providing financial aid to developing countries is an effective way of countering illegal migration.

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Plan of the supporters of a "Hard Brexit" for a free-trade agreement with the Union

1 October 2018

On 24th September the supporters of a hard Brexit advocated a free-trade agreement (FTA) with the European Union, calling on British Prime Minister Theresa May to give up her project to maintain close links with the EU after the UK's withdrawal. The Institute for Economic Affairs (IEA) presented its project for post-Brexit, deeming that the UK would draw no advantage from the "Chequers Plan", which provides for the upkeep of a close economic relationship with the creation of a free-trade area for industrial goods and agricultural products.

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Future relations with the UK

1 October 2018

The European Parliament has published a study on the EU's future relations with the UK after Brexit. This study assesses the respective goals and principles on which the negotiations are based as expressed publicly by each of the parties and analyses certain legal constraints and existing practices and precedents that shape cooperation between the EU and third countries. This helps evaluate the possibilities of any future partnership.

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Magnificent Venice!

1 October 2018

The exhibition "Magnificent Venice!" is presenting paintings, sculptures, drawings and other objects in tribute to Venice of the 18th century until 21st January 2019 at the Grand Palais in Paris.

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Gauguin & Laval in Martinique

1 October 2018

The "Gauguin & Laval in Martinique" exhibition at the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam from 5th October 2018 to 13th January 2019, brings together canvasses and drawings created by Paul Gauguin and his friend Charles Laval during their stay together in Martinique in 1887.

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Festival of Light in Berlin

1 October 2018

From 5th to 14th October the light installations projected on to the monuments and historic venues of Berlin will transform the city into an immense artistic stage. These shows will tell various stories and present diverse culture and art.

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Music Biennale Venice

1 October 2018

The musical performances of the Biennale in Venice will continue until 7th October. Keith Jarrett and Sebastian Rivas will be awarded a prize, the former for all of his musical work and the latter as the young hope of contemporary composition.

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Design Week in Vienna

1 October 2018

Vienna Design Week is taking place from 7th October in many museums and galleries across the town. The event aims to present and sell creations by contemporary designers.

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1st October

Eurogroup Meeting (Luxembourg)

les 1st-4th October

European Parliament - Plenary Session (Strasbourg)

2nd October

"Economy-Finance" Council (Luxembourg)

6th October

General Elections (Latvia)

Newsletter Archives

Civil society stands up to its leaders

When sleepwalkers awake: German plea for a new European security architecture

Europe and Putin: Should realism prevail over reality?

Technological and security issues: 2025, a pivotal year for women

The Italian economy and its European outlook

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Thomas de Robiano, Helen Levy ,Victoire Bortoli, Chloé Hellot, Natasha Hroneska, Sophie van der Heijden

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Eric Maurice

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
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The Sword and the Market - A Defence Union would strengthen European economic in...


The Newsletter n°818- version of 1 oct. 2018