The Newsletter7796 nov. 2017

La Lettre

Arnault Barichella

6 November 2017

The international community reached a new accord to tackle climate change during the 21st Conference of the Parties (COP) held in Paris in 2015. The so-called 'Paris Agreement', signed by 195 countries, represents the most comprehensive and far-reaching climate accord ever achieved. Consequently, President Trump's decision to withdraw the United States from the Paris Agreement in June 2017 sent shockwaves through the international community. How should the EU respond to this setback? The COP23 conference held in Bonn in November 2017 should provide Europe with the opportunity to assert its leadership role in the climate regime.

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French-German Business Forum

5 November 2017

On 8th November in Berlin, Jean-Dominique Giuliani, Chairman of the Foundation will be speaking at the French-German Business Forum 2017" co-organised by Les Echos and the Handelsblatt.

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Europe Day at the ESCP Paris

6 November 2017

ESCP Europe is organising a European day on 10th November with a round table in which the Foundation's Chairman, Jean-Dominique Giuliani will be taking part.

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Action plan for wage equality

5 November 2017

The First President of the European Commission, Frans Timmermans and Commissioners Marianne Thyssen and Věra Jourová spoke on the occasion of Wage Equality Day on 31st October. They announced the presentation of an action plan that will aim to counter the gender wage gap.

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President of the Commission visits Portugal

6 November 2017

The President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, travelled to Portugal where he met Prime Minister Antonio Costa. Following the forest fires that ravaged Portugal this year and particularly at the beginning of October, Mr Juncker declared that he wanted to re-open enhancement process of the European Civil Protection Mechanism and to revive the Portuguese forest restoration project.

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Conclusions of the "Agriculture and Fisheries" Council

7 November 2017

The "Agriculture and Fisheries" Council expressed its concern on 6th November about the impact of the free trade agreements on "sensitive" agricultural products such as beef, ethanol and sugar. Ministers asked the Commission to include the Member States more in the negotiations. The Council discussed land management and the use of sustainable pesticides.

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Eurogroup: preparation for the December summit on the euro

7 November 2017

The Eurogroup met on 6th November in two groups - firstly in its usual configuration, then with the 27 Ministers of the Member States, but without the UK. Although investment in human capital, the presidency of the Eurogroup and Greece were mentioned as part of the EU19 "euro zone" format, the meeting of 27 focussed mainly on the need to complete banking union and tax governance.

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Euronest Parliamentary Assembly sets its priorities

6 November 2017

The Euronest Parliamentary Assembly in which members of the European Parliament and the Parliaments of Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus, Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia sit met on 30th October to 1st November in Kyiv. MPs declared that more work was expected to be undertaken in terms of strengthening the freedom of the press and they regretted the continuing differences in wages between men and women in the labour markets of the countries involved, with some gaps rising to nearly 50%.

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EU-Egypt: adopted of the cooperation framework 2017-2020

5 November 2017

On 30th October the EU adopted a multi-annual cooperation framework with Egypt for the period 2017-2020. This programme defines the priorities and the distribution of financial resources with Egypt and with a special focus on youth and women.

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EU-Cuba - provisional implementation of the first agreement

6 November 2017

On 1st November the first agreement between the EU and Cuba entered into force for a temporary period of time. This mainly comprises a cooperation and political dialogue agreement.

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Entry into force of the EU-Mongolia partnership agreement

5 November 2017

On November 1st the partnership and cooperation partnership between the EU and Mongolia entered into force. Signed in 2013 this agreement aims to extend cooperation in the areas of sustainable development, climate change, justice and security, human rights and to facilitate trade and investment.

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The Croatian Prime Minister hopes to integrate the euro zone within 7 years

5 November 2017

Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic announced on 30th October that he hoped his country would integrate the euro zone within the next 7 to 8 years. To do this Croatia will have to reduce its public debt and adopt the European Exchange Mechanism (EEM-2) in the three years preceding the country taking up the presidency of the Council of the European Union in 2020.

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European Arrest Warrant issued against Carles Puigdemont

6 November 2017

The stand off between Madrid and Barcelona took on a new dimension on 2nd November since 8 former Catalan ministers have been imprisoned and a European arrest warrant has been issued against Carles Puigdemont. He was allowed to remain free according to terms set by the Belgian court, the country in which he has taken refuge. Further elections will take place in Catalonia on 21st December.

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Interministerial meeting of the Nordic and Baltic governments

5 November 2017

Helsinki hosted an interministerial meeting on 1st November bringing together the governments of five Scandinavian countries (Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Iceland) and the three Baltic countries (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania) to discuss regional issues, notably energy and security, as well as regional cooperation.

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Nordic Council advocates a common foreign, security and defence policy

5 November 2017

The Nordic Council that rallies the Scandinavian countries (Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Iceland) and three autonomous territories (Feroe Islands, Aaland Islands and Greenland) met on 1st November to draft a new common foreign, defence and security policy for 2018-2022.

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Promulgation of the anti-terrorist bill

5 November 2017

The President of the French Republic Emmanuel Macron signed the bill strengthening domestic security and the fight to counter terrorism on 30th October - thereby ending the State of Emergency that was established after the attacks on 13th November 2015. It entered into force on 1st November.

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The Netherlands

Referendum on the new secret intelligence bill

5 November 2017

The Dutch electoral council announced that a referendum would be held on the legislation providing law enforcement authorities with far-reaching surveillance powers following a petition launched by the students of the University of Amsterdam that gather more than the vital 300,000 signatures for the organisation of a vote of this nature. Indeed according to the students this new bill will allow people's phones and computers to be tapped or pirated at will. The referendum will occur jointly with the local elections on 21st March 2018

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Northern Ireland: London takes over budget

5 November 2017

Because there was no agreement between the nationalist left (Sinn Fein) and the conservative unionists (DUP) in Northern Ireland, British Secretary of State James Brokenshire announced on November 1st that Ulster's budget would be put forward by the British government. A decision which adds to the repeated threats of an administrative return of power to London.

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The British Parliament approves the publication of Brexit impact studies

6 November 2017

On 1st November the British Parliament approved a motion thereby forcing the government to publish 58 impact studies of the Brexit on the UK. The government decided not to oppose this but warned that publication of such documents might make negotiations with the EU even more difficult.

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The Bank of England raises its main rate to 0.5%

5 November 2017

The Monetary Policy Committee of the Bank of England decided on 2nd November to raise its main rate from 0.25 to 0.50%. Since 2007 and the international financial crisis the Bank of England had not raised its main rate.

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Gavin Williamson - new Defence Minister

5 November 2017

After the resignation of Michael Fallon in the wake of accusations of sexual harassment on 1st November, Gavin Williamson was appointed a Defence Ministers on the 2nd.

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Start of negotiations for the formation of the government

6 November 2017

Following the general elections of 28th October in Iceland, Katrin Jakobsdóttir, the leader of the Left/Green Movement was asked by President Guðni Thorlacius Jóhannesson on 2nd November to form a government. This movement which comprises 4 parties in all took 32 seats of the 63 available, i.e. the absolute majority in the Alþing, taking the lead over the Independence Party of outgoing Prime Minister Bjarni Benediktsson (16 seats).

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Norway allocates 116.7 million € to Greece

5 November 2017

Representatives of the Norwegian and Greek governments signed a protocol agreement on 31st October in which Norway commits to supporting Greece to a total of 116.7 million euro, notably for the development of businesses and the creation of jobs.

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The French President defends the anti-terrorist bill

5 November 2017

The President of the French Republic Emmanuel Macron gave a speech to the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg on 31st October. He notably defended the values of the Court.

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Increase in the GDP by 0.6% in the third quarter

5 November 2017

According to figures published by Eurostat on 31st October the EU and euro zone's GDP rose by 0.6% in the third quarter of 2017.

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Unemployment down in September

5 November 2017

Unemployment lay at 7.5% in September 2017 in the European Union, and at 8.9% in the euro zone said Eurostat on 31st October.

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Euro zone annual inflation rate down to 1.4%

5 November 2017

The euro zone's annual inflation rate was estimated at 1.4% in October 2017 against 1.5% in September said an estimate published on 31st October by Eurostat.

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Economic Sentiment rising in October

5 November 2017

On 30th October the European Commission published the figure of the Economic Sentiment index for the month of October. This index has continued its upward trend rising by 1.1 point in the Union and by 0.9 points in the euro zone, thereby reaching its highest level since 2001.

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Commission on the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund Report

6 November 2017

The Commission published its report on the results of the 2015 and 2016 assessment by the European Globalisation Fund (EGF). The Funds enabled aid to nearly 19,500 workers in their bid to adapt to the consequences of globalisation with 9,072 of them finding work again after one year.

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The Paradise Papers reveal international tax saving scheme

6 November 2017

New revelations over tax evasion have just been unveiled by the ICIJ - an international consortium of investigative journalists and its media partners - "Le Monde" - "The New York Times", "The Guardian", "Asahi Shimbun" .... The investigation is based on 13.4 million documents that have mainly come from the legal firm Appleby in Bermuda. The leak is said to have been made in 2016 and was revealed for the first time in a press release by the lawyers' practice itself on 27th October 2017.

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Brive Book Fair

6 November 2017

The 36th Brive Book Fair is taking place from 10th to 12th November. Over 300 authors and hundreds of publishing houses will be participating.

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Between symbolism and freedom - Achille Calzi

6 November 2017

The international museum of ceramics in Faenza, Italy is running an exhibition until 18th February entitled "Between Symbolism and Freedom. Achille Calzi," devoted to this Italian artist (1873-1919).

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French painting 1820-1880

6 November 2017

With the exhibition "Praised and ridiculed. French Painting 1820-1880", the Kunsthaus of Zürich is running an exhibition from 10th November 2017 to 28th January 2018 of French 19th century artists like Meissonier, Cabanel, Gérôme and Bouguereau who were marginalised as the years went by in spite of the innovative nature of their art work.

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Monochrome - Black and White

6 November 2017

The National Gallery in London is showing the exhibition "Monochrome: Painting in Black and White". From the Middle Ages to the 21st century - whether it was on glass, vellum, ceramic, silk, wood or canvass ... more than fifty pieces of work by Dürer, Ingres, Rembrandt alongside modern artists like Richter, Chuck Close and Bridget Riley are on show to the public.

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Rembrandt: power and powerlessness of the body

6 November 2017

The Augustinermuseum of Freiburg-im-Breisgau is showing 100 etchings focusing on the human body. Until 28th January 2018 the Dutch master will illustrate his vision of the body via raw, realistic scenes.

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Expressionist art by independent artist Gabriele Münter

6 November 2017

On the 140th anniversary of his birth, 130 works by Expressionist artist Gabriele Münter will be on show until 8th April 2018 at the Lenbachhaus Museum in Munich - 40 of which have never been on show before. Münter painted at a time when women were not yet admitted into the State academies. Her house in Murnau was a major meeting place for the avant-garde.

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Degenerate Art - confiscated and sold

6 November 2017

Until 4th March 2018 the Kunstmuseum of Bern and the Bundeskunsthalle of Bonn are showing simultaneously works from the heritage of Cornelius Gurlitt. The works acquired in the 1930's and 40's by the art trader Hildebrand Gurlitt, Cornelius Gurlitt's father are on show in their historic context.

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Opening of the Museum "Louvre Abu Dhabi"

6 November 2017

The Louvre Abu Dhabi will be opening its doors on 11th November and will become the first universal museum of the Arab world. Linking Abu Dhabi with the Louvre, this museum will present works of historic, cultural and sociological interest - there are ancient and modern pieces from the world over.

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6th November

Agriculture and Fisheries Council; Eurogroup Meeting (Brussels)

6th to 17th November

UN Conference on the Climate (COP23) (Bonn)

7th November

"Economic and Financial Affairs" Council (Brussels)

9th November

"Justice and Internal Affairs" Council (Brussels)

10th November

"Foreign Affairs" Council (Brussels)

12th November

Presidential election (2nd Round) (Slovenia)

13th November

"Foreign Affairs Defence" Council (Brussels)

13th to 16th November

European Parliament Plenary Session (Strasbourg)

Newsletter Archives

Europe and Putin: Should realism prevail over reality?

Technological and security issues: 2025, a pivotal year for women

The Italian economy and its European outlook

The challenges facing European agriculture: Crisis or opportunity for transformation?

European support to the defence industry - Mid-term review of the European Defence Fund

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Charles de Marcilly, Helen Levy ,Vincent Le Méau, Aurélien Pastouret, Félicia Schröder,Romain Vadans, Jean-Baptiste Welschinger

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Eric Maurice

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
Contact Us!

How Europe can and should become the guardian of the Paris Agreement on Climate ...


The Newsletter n°779- version of 6 nov. 2017