The Newsletter77830 oct. 2017

La Lettre

Sabine Choquet

30 October 2017

Since 2010 Europe has faced an unprecedented migratory crisis and its Member States are struggling to agree on the attitude that they should adopt. The parties on the far right have, over the last few years, succeeded in mobilising an increasing share of the electorate, as they have established a parallel between the rise in migratory flows, terrorism, the rise in Islamic fundamentalism and membership of the European Union. In this context it seems opportune to review the main models of immigrant integration models around Europe and in the Americas, to assess whether some are better adapted to rise to the challenges of the challenges mentioned here.

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Commission Work Programme 2018

29 October 2017

On 24th October Frans Timmermans, the First Vice-President of the European Commission presented the Commission's 2018 Work Programme to the European Parliament. This roadmap notably aims to create a specific budgetary line for the euro zone in the Union's budget and to transform the European Stability Mechanism (ESM) into a dedicated monetary fund.

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Erasmus+ budget up by 8%

29 October 2017

The European Commission published a new call for proposals for Erasmus+, the EU's programme for mobility and cooperation in education, training, youth and sport. The 2018 budget is due to lie at 2.7 billion euro, i.e. an increase of more than 200 million in comparison with 2017.

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New strategy for outermost regions

29 October 2017

On 24th October the Commission put forward a new strategy for the outermost regions, the nine regions that lie thousands of kilometers away from Europe, to help them fully express their potential. On 27th October Jean-Claude Juncker attended a Conference of the Presidents of the Outermost Regions in Cayenne.

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Horizon 2020

29 October 2017

On 27th October the European Commission presented its 30 billion euro investment plan as part of the Horizon 2020 programme for the funding of research and innovation. Included in the 30 billion euro, 2.7 will be devoted to the creation of a European Innovation Council.

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Economic policies of the euro zone

30 October 2017

MEPs adopted a resolution on 26th October on the euro zone's economic policies. This resolution notably aims to optimise the economic policies within the zone to promote "increasing convergence" and an improved application of community legislation.

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Adoption of the common electronic system for the Schengen Area

30 October 2017

The new entry/exit (EES) system of the Schengen Area, adopted by MEPs on 25th October will apply to individuals subject to a visa obligation and to those admitted for a short 90 day stay. The name, portrait photo and even the fingerprints of citizens of third countries will be registered.

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Vote on glyphosate postponed until 9th November

30 October 2017

The European Commission has delayed the vote glyphosate for the renewal of the glyphosate licence until 9th November. On 24th October MEPs approved a resolution targeting the ban on the use of glyphosate by 2022.

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Trade negotiation guidelines with Australia and New Zealand

30 October 2017

On 26th October MEPs announced their priorities for the future trade negotiations that that the EU will undertake with Australia and New Zealand. They hope that emphasis will be placed on SME's, the protection of farmers and that a clear distinction will be made between trade agreements and those regarding investment. In November the Council will have to adopt its negotiation mandate.

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Sexual Harassment: zero tolerance

30 October 2017

On 26th October MEPs called for a European strategy against all sex based violence and for measures to counter the low rate of reporting of abuse.

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The Sakharov Prize 2017 attributed to the Venezuelan Democratic Opposition

29 October 2017

On 26th October European Parliament attributed its Sakharov Prize 2017 for the "freedom of thought" to the Venezuelan Democratic Opposition including the national assembly and all political prisoners.

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EU budget 2018

30 October 2017

On 25th October the European Parliament adopted a resolution on the Union's budget for 2018. MEPs approved additional funds in areas deemed priority like growth, employment, security and climate changes thereby setting the budget at 162.6 billion euros (1.2% in comparison with the Commission's budget), in commitments and 146.7 billion euros in payments (+0.9%). Negotiations will now take place with the Council so that a final agreement can be reached.

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Security: improving the instrument contributing to stability and peace

30 October 2017

On 27th October the Council and Parliament came agreement on improving of the instrument contributing to stability and peace (IcSP). This agreement will enable Europe to finance more widely the building of support to security and development (CBSD).

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Conclusions of the "Telecommunications" Council

29 October 2017

On 24th October Telecommunications Ministers responded to the European Council's call which hopes for an acceleration in negotiations to complete the digital single market. They agreed on an action plan aiming to establish a digital market by the end of 2018 to optimise the joint fight to counter cyberattacks and to spread e-administration across the EU.

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Budget 2018: the Council rejects Parliament's amendments

30 October 2017

On 25th October the Council announced that it could not accept all of the amendments put forward by Parliament regarding the increase in the EU's 2018 budget. This refusal has led to the triggering of three weeks of discussion under the conciliation committee. The latter will meet between 6th and 17th November.

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Eastern Partnership: 9th annual assembly for the civil society conference

30 October 2017

The Civil Society Conference for the Eastern Partnership took place on 25th to 27th October in Tallinn. Discussions highlight the cooperation between the governments of these countries and civil society, democratic governance and the place of civil society in the fight to counter disinformation and the promotion of quality media.

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The ECB will cut its support to the economy by half as of January 2018

29 October 2017

ECB President Mario Draghi announced on 26th October that the European Central Bank will be reducing its public and private debt purchases from 60 to 30 billion euro per month between January and September 2018. Interest rates will remain at their present level and will only rise "well after" the end of assets' purchases.

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European Agencies

Ladislav Hamran elected President of Eurojust

29 October 2017

Ladislav Hamran, who was until now Vice-President of Eurojust, was elected its President on 24th October by the Agency's College. The former Slovakian Prosecutor will therefore be replacing Michèle Coninsx as head of the European agency responsible for cooperation between Europe's judicial authorities.

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Wolfgang Schäuble become President of the Bundestag

30 October 2017

On 24th October Wolfgang Schäuble was elected president of the Bundestag, the German lower house of Parliament, 501 votes in support, 173 against and 30 abstentions.

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The future Chancellor in negotiations with the FPÖ for a coalition

29 October 2017

Sebastian Kurz, the future Chancellor and leader of the ÖVP announced on 24th October that he was inviting the far right FPÖ to exclusive negotiations in view of forming a coalition government. FPÖ head, Heinz-Christian Strache accepted the proposal and discussions started on 25th October.

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Catalonia declares its independence, Rajoy asks for Puigdemont's dismissal

30 October 2017

On 27th October the parliament of Catalonia voted for the region's independence 72 votes in support 10 against. The Catalan MPs on the opposition benches left parliament before the vote on the resolution by the secessionists in a sign of protest. The Spanish Senate approved the implementation of article 155 of the Constitution and therefore the tutelage of Catalonia. Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy therefore dismissed the President of the Generalitat of Catalonia Carles Puigdemont, his government, the head of the regional police and the Catalan government representatives in Madrid and Brussels. Mariano Rajoy announced the dissolution of the Catalan Parliamentand and the organisation of a snap election on 21st December.

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Arctic Council Meeting in Finland

29 October 2017

On 26th October the Arctic Council met in Oulu in Finland. The representatives of the governments of 8 countries, including three EU members (Sweden, Denmark, Finland) and six indigenous communities discussed environmental issues regarding the Arctic.

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Action plan for the implementation of the CETA

29 October 2017

On 25th October the French government adopted an action plan aiming to monitor the implementation of the comprehensive economic and trade agreement with Canada. This action plan focuses on the control of the respect of environmental, climate, sanitary, economic standards, as well as the fight to counter fraud.

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The ESM pays out 800 million euro so that Greece can pay off its debts

30 October 2017

On 26th October the euro zone gave the greenlight for the disbursement of 800 million euro as part of the bail out to Greece so that it can "pay off its debts" said an European Stability Mechanism press release.

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Meeting between the French President and the Irish Prime Minister

29 October 2017

Leo Varadkar, the Irish Prime Minister travelled to Paris on 24th October to meet French President Emmanuel Macron. They focused their talks on the ongoing Brexit negotiations and said they both wanted to see a reform of Banking Union, the migration policy and defence.

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Latvia and Russia make the demarcation of their joint border official

29 October 2017

On 25th October the Latvian Foreign Affairs Minister welcomed the signature of the document making the mutual recognition of the common 214km long border with Russia official. This follows a long negotiation process initiated on 27th May 2007 by the establishment of the Demarcation Commission between the two countries.

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Three building permits delivered by Latvia for the Rail Baltica Project

29 October 2017

The VDTI, the authority that manages the Latvian railways gave the go-ahead on 25th October for three building permits that will launch the Rail Baltica project in Latvia. The latter that will link Berlin to Helsinki running along the Baltic Sea to the east is an integral part of the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T).

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The Netherlands

New Dutch government

29 October 2017

On 26th October following the general elections on 15th March 2017 the Dutch government led by Mark Rutte was appointed by King Willem-Alexander. It comprises 17 ministers, 6 of whom are women and is supported by a four party coalition (VVD, CDA, D66 and CU) representing 76 seats out of 150 in the lower house of the Dutch Parliament (Tweed Kamer).

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The Independence Party leads in the general elections but without a majority

30 October 2017

On 28th October elections took place in Iceland. The Independence Party of Prime Minister Bjarni Benediktsson came out ahead winning 16 seats of the 63 available in Parliament (Althing). However no party has been guaranteed a majority of 32 seats. The Left-Green Movement led by Katrin Jakobsdottir won 11 seats, ahead of the Social Democrats (7 seats) and the Pirates (6 seats).

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Bente-Angell Hansen heads EFTA's Surveillance Authority

29 October 2017

On 25th October 2017 Bente Angell-Hansen, the present Ambassador for Norway in Vienna was appointed as the new President of the Surveillance Authority of the European Free Trade Alliance (EFTA) which includes Norway, Iceland, Switzerland and Liechtenstein. She will officially enter office on 1st January 2018.

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NATO-Russia Council Meeting

29 October 2017

NATO-Russia Council met on 26th October to discuss three issues: Ukraine, Afghanistan and the reduction of risks. Although points of view diverge massively as far as Ukraine is concerned, the meeting was at least "frank and open" said NATO Secretary General, Jens Stoltenberg. Regarding Afghanistan, although analyses differ, all sides share the same interest of ensuring security and stability in Afghanistan in the fight to counter terrorism.

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Public deficit and public debt

30 October 2017

According to figures published by Eurostat on 23rd October the EU's public deficit slowed from 2.4% to 1.7% of the GDP between 2015 and 2016, whilst the public debt dropped from 84.5% to 83.2% of the GDP. In the euro zone the deficit dropped from 2.1% of the GDP in 2015 to 1.5% in 2016 whilst the debt contracted from 89.9% of the GDP to 88.9%.

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Degas: the passion for perfection

30 October 2017

100 years after the death of Degas in September 1917, the Fitzwilliam Museum of the University of Cambridge is celebrating his work until 14th January 2018 with an exhibition showing more than 60 pictures, sculptures, prints ... Divided into themes these works illustrate how Degas constantly experimented with techniques, as well as his desire to widen his means of expression.

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Comic paintings in Renaissance Italy

29 October 2017

With the "La Grande Bouffe. Comic Paintings in Renaissance Italy", the Museum of Soissons is exploring a little known phenomenon of Italian art. Until 11th March 2018 Renaissance canvasses celebrating Bacchus and the good life are on show alongside more contemporary works and images from Marco Ferreri's film "La Grande Bouffe".

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AirWaves Festival opens in Reykjavik

29 October 2017

The Iceland AirWaves Festival is starting in Reykjavik and will run from 1st to 5th November. This festival is deemed to be one of the best in terms of alternative, avant-garde music.

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Carl von Diebitsch and the Neo-Moorish style

30 October 2017

The Museum of Architecture of the Technical University of Berlin is running an exhibition until 10th January on architect Carl von Diebitsch (1819-1869), who was one of the first architects to look into Andalusian Islamic decoration. Hence the exhibition present studies of architecture and projects by Carl von Diebitsch on the neo-Moorish style.

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The Impressionists in London

29 October 2017

From 2nd November 2017 to 7th May 2018 the Tate Museum of London is running the exhibition "Impressionists in London, French artists in Exile (1870-1904). This exhibition explores the period when French artists fleeing war took refuge in London and met artists, sponsors and British landscapes which all has influence over them.

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The Pitchfork Rock Festival

30 October 2017

From 2nd to 4th November 2017 the 7th Pitchfork Music Festival is taking place at the Grande Halle of the Villette. Independent rock in the US formed the base of this festival and after the festival's import into France, it now specialises in pop, rock and folk, electro, jazz and hip-hop. "With a great affection still for alternative rock" the festival has now become a "true reference in this domain."

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6th November

Agriculture and Fisheries Council; Eurogroup Meeting (Brussels)

7th November

Economy and Finances Council (Brussels)

Newsletter Archives

Europe and Putin: Should realism prevail over reality?

Technological and security issues: 2025, a pivotal year for women

The Italian economy and its European outlook

The challenges facing European agriculture: Crisis or opportunity for transformation?

European support to the defence industry - Mid-term review of the European Defence Fund

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Charles de Marcilly, Helen Levy ,Vincent Le Méau, Aurélien Pastouret, Félicia Schröder,Romain Vadans, Jean-Baptiste Welschinger

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Eric Maurice

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
Contact Us!

Migration: which integration models are there in Europe?


The Newsletter n°778- version of 30 oct. 2017