The Newsletter7759 oct. 2017

La Lettre

Sébastien Richard

9 October 2017

In spite of the adoption of an enforcement Directive in May 2014 that was designed to improve counter fraud measures the posting of workers has become emblematic in a Europe that is now synonymous to social dumping. With this the European Commission presented a draft revision in March 2016 targeting the initial directive of 1996. The next few weeks are to be decisive - vote in the European Parliament on 16th October (committee) and on 26th (plenary), Council (employment) on 23rd. Over the last few months the European Commission has put forward several initiatives to enhance the rights of posted workers and to prevent the misappropriation of the original measure, whether this involves road hauliers and the coordination of social security systems; the introduction of dedicated Agency for mobile work within the European Union has also been suggested.

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Front page!

Inevitable Europe

8 October 2017

Jean-Dominique Giuliani notes that no political issue on the continent can now ignore the European dimension.

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Conference: "Europe" - how to fight back in the face of new challenges?

8 October 2017

On 16th October, Jean-Dominique Giuliani, Chairman of the Foundation, is giving a conference on the new challenges that await Europe at the Chamber of Trade and Industry in Nantes-St-Nazaire.

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Make Public Procurement an effective tool at Europe's service

7 October 2017

On 3rd October the Commission presented an initiative that aims to facilitate undertaking public procurement to stimulate investments in the EU and to strengthen the single market.

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Taxation: action against Amazon and Apple

7 October 2017

On 4th October the Commission demanded that Amazon reimburse 250 million euro to the Luxembourg Treasury which it is said to have been granted in "illegal tax benefits". It also intends to refer Ireland to the Court of Justice (ECJ) for not recovering 13 billion euro in "illegally levied tax benefits" by Apple which the Commission had however demanded in a decision dating back to 30th August 2016.

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Stimulating apprenticeship in Europe

7 October 2017

On 5th October the Commission adopted an initiative to develop apprenticeships in Europe. This aimed to established a European framework "for effective, quality apprenticeships" and is part of a new strategy launched in January 2016 in terms of skills for Europe.

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Clean seas and better governance of the oceans

8 October 2017

During the international conference "Our ocean" organised by the EU on 5th and 6th October in Malta, the introduction of 36 measures aiming to promote healthier, cleaner and safer seats was announced with the Union's commitment being raised to 550 billion €. The measures include steps to counter piracy in South East Africa and the Indian Ocean and to reduce plastic waste in the environment, as well as a satellite programme to monitor the ocean.

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In depth reform of the Union's VAT system

8 October 2017

The European Commission presented a programme on 4th October aiming to launch the biggest reform of the Union's rules on VAT in the last 25 years. This initiative will lead to an improvement and modernisation of the system both for the administrations and businesses.

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Insufficient progress in the negotiations with the UK

8 October 2017

The President of the Commission Jean-Claude Juncker and the Union's negotiator in chief Michel Barnier maintained on 3rd October that progress in the negotiations over the Brexit were "insufficient" to start the second phase regarding the future partnership between the EU and the UK. MEPs voted the same day on a resolution that moved in this direction.

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The fight to counter dumping

9 October 2017

MEPs and ministers came to agreement on 3rd October in view of protecting employment and industry in the Union against unfair practices by third countries. European legislation will be the first at world scale to take on board international environmental and labour standards. The Commission welcomed this agreement.

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COP23: revising goals upwards

8 October 2017

In view of the COP 23 that will be taking place in Bonn in November next MEPs adopted a resolution on 4th October including recommendations to the Union's institutions and the Member States. They notably call on the EU to put forward a "zero mission" strategy for 2050.

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Green light for the creation of a European Prosecutor's Office

7 October 2017

On 5th October MEPs gave their greenlight to the creation of a European Prosecutor's Office to counter fraud. The future authority will be tasked with undertaking investigations into people who damage the EU's financial interests - it will also be responsible for launching prosecutions.

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Fight to counter Cybercrime

8 October 2017

MEPs adopted a resolution on 3rd October asked for more involvement on the part of the Union to prevent attacks targeting vital infrastructures in democratic processes and to counter sexual abuse networks. MEPs said that the Union and its institutions "are very vulnerable to sophisticated attacks" by criminal organisations or those funded by States.

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Rules and Security Standards for passenger ships

8 October 2017

MEPs adopted new rules on 4th October aiming to strengthen ship passengers' safety standards. Data regarding passengers on ships sailing to or from European ports will be communicated digitally to national authorities to facilitate rescue operations in the event of an emergency.

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Declaration on e-administration

8 October 2017

On 6th October the European Ministers responsible for digital affairs for the EU Member States, as well as the European Free Trade Association (Liechtenstein, Norway, Iceland and Switzerland), signed the Tallinn Declaration on e-administration. The aim is to develop on-line administration for the next five years and to foster innovation both at national and European level.

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Conclusions of the Agrifish Ministers' Meeting

10 October 2017

On 9th October the 28 Agriculture and Fisheries Ministers came to an agreement on the fishing opportunities for certain stocks in the Baltic in 2018.

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Euro zone

Eurogroup Conclusions

10 October 2017

The euro zone Finance Ministers discussed the strengthening of the European Stability Mechanism (ESM) and its role in crisis management. The ESM might become a support mechanism to the banks' Single Resolution Fund (SRF). Jeroen Dijsselbloem, who will be leaving the chairmanship of the Eurogroup in January, also welcomed Portugal's excellent economic results and paid tribute to Wolfgang Schäuble who will now be presiding over the Bundestag.

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EU-India - road map progress

7 October 2017

During the 14th EU-India Summit in New Delhi the Presidents of the Commission and the European Council and the Indian Prime Minister recalled the strategic interest of the India-EU partnership and welcomed the progress already achieved. They adopted a joint declaration and contributions regarding the fight to counter terrorism, clean energy and climate change, as well as smart, sustainable urbanisation.

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Latest polls on the eve of the General Election on 15th October

9 October 2017

The campaign for the general elections that will be taking place on 15th October has been riddled with incidents after the revelations that have shaken the Social Democratic Party (SPÖ) in office accused of making false allegations against the favourite Sebastian Kurz (ÖVP).

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Speech by the King of Spain Felipe VI

7 October 2017

On 3rd October the King of Spain, Felipe VI, gave a concise, firm speech on TV denouncing the authorities of Catalonia which are said to have "systematically attacked legislation" with the organisation of the referendum on independence. This he said was "endangering both the economic and social stability of Catalonia and Spain." In the king's opinion this had led to an "extremely serious situation."

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Debate at the European Parliament over Catalonia

9 October 2017

During an emergency debate with MEPs on 4th October the first Vice President of the Commission Frans Timmermans said that it was high time to hold "dialogue" in respect of the "Spanish Constitution" to settle the political crisis in Catalonia. The leaders of the parliamentary groups recalled that the use of violence was intolerable, whilst insisting on the consequences of Catalonia's independence for Spain and its membership of the EU.

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Manifest in support of the respect of the Spanish Constitution

7 October 2017

A group of Professors of Spanish constitutional law published a manifesto for the respect of the Spanish Constitution on 29th September. After having written and signed the manifesto to support the autonomous status of Catalonia in 2005, they denounced the illegal nature of the referendum on 1st October due to the way it had been handled and its content.

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Infringement procedure against Hungary regarding the law on NGOs

8 October 2017

On 4th October the European Commission addressed a reasoned opinion - the second stage in the infringement procedure - to Hungary regarding its bill on NGOs benefiting from foreign capital. Hungary has one month to revise this bill, which discriminates and restricts disproportionately foreign capital given to NGOs and infringes the law of the freedom of assembly and the right to the protection of private life and personal data.

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Ireland wants a free trade area

7 October 2017

Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar declared on 4th October that he wanted to maintain a free-trade area between the UK and Ireland after Brexit and that his government had a "plan B" if negotiations between the UK and the EU did not lead to this result. On 5th he met Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon.

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The Netherlands

Resignation of the Defence Minister

8 October 2017

The Dutch Defence Minister Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert resigned on 3rd October following the publication of a report on the accidental death of two soldiers in Mali in July 2016. The report notes the Defence Minister's negligence who underestimated the importance of munitions' security and good medical installations. The chief of Defence Staff, General Tom Middendorp also resigned.

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Theresa May speaks of the possibility of failed negotiations

8 October 2017

As she spoke to the Conservative Party in congress in Manchester on 4th October the British Prime Minister Theresa May maintained that the UK wanted "successful" negotiations but that "it was up to the government to prepare for every type of situation."

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Supreme Court presided over by a woman

8 October 2017

Since 2nd October and for the first time ever, a woman, Brenda Hale, is presiding over the Supreme Court, the highest legal institution in the UK. On 5th she asked the House of Commons, for specific details regarding the legal relationship with the EU's Court of Justice.

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Draft Budget

8 October 2017

The Slovakian government presented its draft budget 2018 on 4th October. Public spending will increase by around 300 million € in comparison with the previous year. The deficit is due to decrease from 1.29% to 0.83% and economic growth is expected to grow by 4.2% against 3.3% in 2017.

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Law extending the Donbass's special status

8 October 2017

On 6th October the Ukrainian Parliament adopted a bill extending the Donbass's special status provided by the bill of 16th September 2014. The adoption of this law confirms the Ukraine's attachment to a peaceful settlement to the conflict under the Minsk Agreements.

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Council of Europe

Resignation of the President of the Parliamentary Assembly

9 October 2017

Pedro Agramunt, President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe announced on 6th October that he was resigning from his post for "personal reasons", after he was challenged for appearing in March 2017 alongside Bachar al-Assad during a trip organised by Russia, and for his links with Azerbaijan. The Parliamentary Assembly adopted destitution procedure in June.

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Current account in surplus by 41.9 billion euro

9 October 2017

On 4th October Eurostat published the current account of the EU's balance of the payments for the second quarter of 2017. It presented a surplus of 41.9 billion €. The balance of services is in surplus of 39.5 billion €.

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Employment continues to rise

7 October 2017

Employment increased by 1.5% in the EU and by 1.6% in the euro zone in the second quarter of 2017 in comparison with the same period in 2016 according to a quarterly report on the development of employment and the social situation in Europe. The EU now has 3.5 million more people in work, of whom 2.4 million are in the euro zone.

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Frankfurt Book Fair

7 October 2017

From 11th to 15th October the 69th book fair in Frankfurt - the biggest in the world - will be taking place. The guest of honour this year will be France. Emmanuel Macron and Angela Merkel will be attending the inauguration on 10th October. More than 7,000 exhibitors and 250,000 visitors from around 100 countries are expected to participate.

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Opening of the Saint Laurent Museum

8 October 2017

The Yves Saint Laurent Museum opened its doors in Paris on 3rd October. It presents a unique retrospective of Yves Saint Laurent's work, in the historic venue of the former house of haute couture.

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Exhibition on Caravaggio in Milan

9 October 2017

Until 28th January 2018 the Palazzo Reale of Milan is hosting an exhibition devoted to Caravaggio. It is a special exhibition with 20 works of art that illustrate the artist's creativity.

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"The Dutch in Paris" on show in Amsterdam

8 October 2017

From 13th October 2017 to 7th January 2018 the exhibition "The Dutch in Paris 1789-1914" at the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam offers a new view of the French capital. The works of George Hendrik Breitner, Kees van Dongen, Piet Mondriaan and Vincent van Gogh reveal their view of the City of Light.

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Festival of Lights Berlin

8 October 2017

The Festival of Lights in Berlin is on until 15th October - over 50 venues will be illuminated including the Brandenburg Gate and the Berlin Cathedral.

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Raphael Exhibition in Vienna

9 October 2017

Until 7th January 2018 the Albertina Museum in Vienne is devoting in an exhibition to Raphael, the great Renaissance artist. 150 works - from sketches to paintings and also detailed studies and compositions - are on show thanks to loans from museums such as the Uffizi Gallery, the Louvre, the Vatican and the Royal Collection of Queen Elizabeth II.

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Dali and Duchamp at the Royal Academy of London

9 October 2017

From 7th October 2017 to 3rd January 2018 the Royal Academy of London is running an exhibition covering the links between Marcel Duchamp and Salvador Dali. It highlights their common points in 80 paintings, sculptures but also photos, drawings, films and archive documents.

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Jazz Festival Stockholm

8 October 2017

The Swedish capital is hosting its Jazz Festival until 15th October. The festivities which are taking place on the island of Skeppsholmen, bring together artists from the world over.

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Gauguin the Alchemist at the Grand Palais

8 October 2017

From 11th October 2017 to 22nd January 2018 the Grand Palais in Paris is hosting the exhibition "Gauguin the Alchemist"; it is a unique opportunity to discover some 200 works by the post-Impressionist master including paintings, ceramics, wood carvings, graphic and decorative pieces of work.

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9th October

"Agriculture and Fisheries" Meeting Eurogroup Meeting (Luxembourg)

10th October

"Economy-Finance" Council (Luxembourg)

12th and 13th October

"Justice and Internal Affairs" Council (Luxembourg)

13th October

"Environment" Council (Luxembourg)

15th October

General Elections (Austria)

16th October

"Foreign Affairs" Council (Luxembourg)

Newsletter Archives

Europe and Putin: Should realism prevail over reality?

Technological and security issues: 2025, a pivotal year for women

The Italian economy and its European outlook

The challenges facing European agriculture: Crisis or opportunity for transformation?

European support to the defence industry - Mid-term review of the European Defence Fund

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Charles de Marcilly, Helen Levy ,Vincent Le Méau, Aurélien Pastouret, Félicia Schröder,Romain Vadans, Jean-Baptiste Welschinger

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Eric Maurice

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
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Editorial, EU-India, Seas/Oceans, VAT, e-Administration, Spain/Catalonia, Fight/...


The Newsletter n°775- version of 9 oct. 2017