The Newsletter7742 oct. 2017

La Lettre

2 October 2017

On 26th September at the Sorbonne Emmanuel Macron, President of the French Republic delivered his vision of the European project and put forward a road-map for the European Union. They are presented and summarised here based on his own words. Clearly inspired after in-depth thought his vision is primarily oriented to the future. Open to sharing with his European partners and to debate with the citizens, this road-map goes together with 77 proposals and concrete examples that could be implemented within the Union by 2024.

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Front page!

"United Europe was not achieved, and we had war"

2 October 2017

Jean-Dominique Giuliani develops the reasons why French President Emmanuel Macron quoted Robert Schuman in his speech at the Sorbonne.

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General elections in the Czech Republic

2 October 2017

On 20th and 21st October next the Czechs are being called to renew the 200 members of the House of Deputies, the lower house of Parliament. The most recent poll by CVVM credits ANO led by Andrej Babis with 30.9% of the vote ahead of the Social Democratic Party (13.1%), the Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia (11.1%), the Civic-Democratic Party (9.1%), Freedom and Direct Democracy (7.3%), Pirate Party (6.2%) and the Christian Democratic Union-People's Party (6.2%). Now it has to be seen what the next government coalition will be.

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Presidential election in Slovenia

2 October 2017

The Presidential election will take place on 22nd October. The 9 candidates are running including outgoing president Borut Pahor. According to the most recent poll, Borut Pahor is due to come out ahead in the first round of voting with 44.7%. He is forecast to take the lead over Marjan Sarec, who is due to win 17.2% of the vote and Ljudmila Novak, with 6.8% of the vote. Romana Tomc is forecast to come fourth with 5.2% of the vote followed by Boris Popovic with 2.4%. The four other candidates are due to win fewer than 2% of the vote. The second round will take place on 12th November.

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European Council

Brexit: Donald Tusk deplores the lack of "satisfactory progress"

2 October 2017

President of the European Council, Donald Tusk met Theresa May in London on 26th September. He acknowledged the lack of "satisfactory progress" in the negotiations regarding the Brexit but stressed that "that there was a more constructive and realistic state of mind" on the part of the British Prime Minister.

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Digital Summit in Tallinn

2 October 2017

The Digital Summit in Tallinn took place on 29th September. Organised as part of the Estonian Presidency of the Council of the European Union, this summit of heads of State and government mainly focused on e-governance, cybersecurity, the digital economy and the re-design of the labour market. The issue of taxation and major web companies was also addressed.

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The Commission sets a 880 million € fine on Scania

2 October 2017

On 27th September the European Commission set a fine of 880 million € on Scania, a Swedish distributor of lorries, buses and services, for having come to an agreement with five other European lorry manufacturers, thereby infringing European competition rules that lasted 14 years.

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Common European pillar for social rights

2 October 2017

On 25th September the European Commission announced that it had started new discussions with the unions and employers' organisations in view of "fairer and more predictable work contracts". Hence it is continuing the implementation of a common European pillar for social rights, that is designed to improve working and living conditions.

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Schengen: border controls up to 3 years

2 October 2017

The European Commission put forward the amendment of the Schengen border code on 27th September providing the possibility of re-introducing border controls for a maximum time of 3 years, in the event "of serious threats to public order and internal security" of a country.

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Security Union: counter illicit on-line content

2 October 2017

On 28th September the Commission put forward common instruments that aim to detect, delete and prevent the re-appearance of the illicit on-line content. It advocates notably investment in automatic detection technologies and the publication of transparency reports regarding the alerts that are received.

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New investment plan in the neighbouring countries and in Africa

2 October 2017

On 28th September the European Commission announced the launch of an investment plan designed to foster "more inclusive and sustainable development" in the countries of Africa and the European neighbourhood. This plan aims to "eradicate poverty" in the "fragile regions" of these countries, notably by creating "green energy".

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Launch of trade in support of Ukraine on 1st October

2 October 2017

On 29th September Cecilia Malmström, European Trade Commissioner and Natalia Mykolska, the Ukrainian Deputy Economic and Trade Minister welcomed the entry into force of the Union's autonomous trade measures in support of Ukraine. They pointed to the 23% increase in trade in the 1st semester of 2017.

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2018 Budget: the European Parliament approved 161.8 billion € in commitments

2 October 2017

On 26th and 27th September the European Parliament's Budget Committee approved a 161.8 billion € budget for 2018, ie 2.13 billion € more in comparison with the proposal made by the Commission. MEPs re-established the budgets of the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) and the Horizon 2020 programme whilst increasing the draft Europol, "Asylum, Migration and Integration" budgets and that of external action.

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The ECB confident about the return of inflation

2 October 2017

In a speech delivered on 25th September to the European Parliament's Economic Affairs and Monetary Committee, the President of the ECB Mario Draghi said he was optimistic about the return of inflation in the euro zone towards the goals set by the ECB. However "a significant degree of monetary accommodation is still necessary," to continue this trend.

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European Agencies

Virgo detects the first gravitational waves in Europe

2 October 2017

For the very first time the European interferometer Virgo - the result of work between France, Italy, Poland, the Netherlands and Hungary - detected gravitational waves matching the distortion of time and space following the merger of two black holes.

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Relocation of agencies based in the UK

2 October 2017

Due to the planned departure by the UK from the EU the HQ of the European Banking Authority (EBA) and the European Medicines Agency (EMA) will have to leave the UK. The European Commission hopes for a rapid decision regarding this transfer and published its assessment of the 27 offers received by the Member States in view of hosting these agencies.

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The head of the Spanish government speaks about the referendum in Catalonia

2 October 2017

Mariano Rajoy, said on October 1st that he did not acknowledge the legal or political validity of the referendum organised by Catalonia on the same day. On 2nd October however the EU called on the head of the Spanish government to re-establish dialogue, and the latter started discussions with the leaders of the main political organisations in the country to settle this institutional crisis.

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Emmanuel Macron delivers an ambitious speech on Europe

2 October 2017

The President of the Republic presented his vision of a new European project on 26th September - it focuses on three main ideas: sovereignty, unity and democracy. Emmanuel Macron notably suggests a new partnership with Germany and the signature of an "Elysée Treaty" on 22nd January next.

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Draft Finance Bill 2018

2 October 2017

On 27th September the French Economy and Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire and the Minister for Action and Pubic Accounts, Gérald Darmanin presented the draft finance bill 2018. This draft focuses on several goals: reviving purchasing power, countering unemployment, increasing competitiveness, supporting investment and innovation, supporting ecological transition, transforming the housing policy and supporting defence, justice and security efforts.

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34th Franco-Italian Summit in Lyon

2 October 2017

The 34th Franco-Italian Summit took place in Lyon on 27th September together with the President of the French Republic, Emmanuel Macron, and the President of the Italian Council Paolo Gentiloni. They discussed defence, internal security, environment, culture and education. Paris and Rome came to agreement to bring the crisis over STX-France, in which Fincantieri has won a de facto majority, to an end.

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G7 Employment, Science and Industry Ministers' Meeting

2 October 2017

The Employment Ministers of the G7 countries met on 29th and 30th September in Turin to discuss the changes ongoing in the world of work. They recognised the need to invest more in research and innovation, to adapt worker training to respond to new needs created by innovation whilst reducing inequalities and mass youth unemployment. Science Ministers met on 27th and 28th September and those from Industry on 25th and 26th September.

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An assessment of the new judicial reforms

2 October 2017

On 25th September Frans Timmermans explained that the EU was going to "study closely" the proposals made by Polish President Andrzej Duda to guarantee the conformity of his judicial reforms with the rule of law and the independence of justice. The Polish President gave up on his idea of modifying the Constitution to take judicial reform forward.

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Stepping up cooperation in Central and South East Europe

2 October 2017

The Commission's initiative on Central and South-Eastern European Energy Connectivity (CESEC) approved a new agreement protocol on 28th September in Bucharest. This protocol defines a joint approach to the electricity markets, energy efficiency and renewable energy development.

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New dynamic in negotiations but not enough progress

2 October 2017

After the fourth round of negotiations, British Minister responsible for Brexit, David Davis deemed on 28th September to have achieved "decisive steps forward." His counterpart, Michel Barnier, was not quite as enthusiastic but did however speak of a "new dynamic" since the British Prime Minister's speech on 22nd September in Italy.

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Theresa May commits to security and defence in Europe

2 October 2017

Even if the UK is leaving the EU, Theresa May promised on 29th September that her country will continue to defend Europe "unconditionally". "I want to say clearly that the UK will always be at its allies' side," declared the British Prime Minister during her visit with Emmanuel Macron of a NATO base in Estonia.

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IMF conclusions on Sweden

2 October 2017

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) gave its conclusions on the Swedish economy on 28th September. Swedish growth is robust and has enabled extremely low unemployment rates together with a budgetary surplus. Sweden should however promote more inclusive growth, fostering the employment of the less qualified and refugees and by improving access to housing.

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Launch of International Cyberstrategy

2 October 2017

The Norwegian Foreign Minister Børge Brende initiated the country's international cyber-strategy on 27th September on the occasion of the annual meeting bringing together the representatives of the USA, the Nordic and Baltic countries regarding cyber-security issues.

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Migration: resettlement programme for 50,000 refugees

2 October 2017

On 27th September the European Commission put forward a resettlement programme for 50,000 refugees mainly from North Africa and the Horn of Africa. It also suggested the introduction of pilot projects for legal migration and the reform of the common European asylum regime.

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Annual euro zone inflation rate stable at 1.5%

2 October 2017

The euro zone's inflation rate stabilised in September 2017 at 1.5% in comparison with the previous month revealed Eurostat estimates published on 29th September.

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Unemployment at 7.6% in the EU and at 9.1% in the euro zone

2 October 2017

According to a Eurostat study published on 2nd October, the unemployment rate lay at 7.6% in August 2017 in the European Union, down in comparison with the July figure of 7.7% and that of August 2016, when it lay at 8.5%. This is the lowest figure recorded since November 2008. In the euro zone unemployment lay at 9.1% in August 2017, stable in comparison with July 2017 and down in comparison with 9.9% in August 2016. This is the lowest rate recorded in the euro zone since February 2009.

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Europeans already see the advantages of free roaming

2 October 2017

According to a Eurobarometer survey published on 26th September 71% of Europeans know that roaming fees have been abolished and 72% consider this an advantage. After 15th June 31% of travellers continued their consumption of mobile data whilst abroad in comparison with 15% in the previous month.

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Report on world trade

2 October 2017

On 27th September the WTO published its annual report on World Trade. The 2017 report looks particularly into the links between technology and trade; it analyses how technology influences employment and wages and how governments can help businesses adapt.

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International Film Festival of Copenhagen

2 October 2017

Until 11th October the International Film Festival of Copenhagen is presenting some Danish and foreign films. This year the theme is Latin America.

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International Film Festival in Reykjavik

2 October 2017

The Icelandic capital of Reykjavik is hosting its International Film Festival until 8th October. Icelandic and foreign films are being screened, with particular attention being paid to young, avant-garde film makers.

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Johan Maelwael at the Rijksmuseum

2 October 2017

From 6th October 2017 to 7th January 2018 the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam is running an exhibition on Johan Maelwael, 1370-1415, one of the most famous medieval painters. He was notably the official artist of the Duke of Burgundy, Henry le Hardi.

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White Night in Brussels and Paris

2 October 2017

On 7th October from 7pm to 7am the towns of Brussels and Paris are organising cultural and artistic events throughout the night on particular theme. This year Brussels has chosen "power games" whilst Paris has opted for "living together".

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22nd festival of German cinema in Paris

2 October 2017

The Arlequin cinema in Paris is organising the 22nd Festival of German Cinema from 4th to 10th October. On the programme this year are the best German film productions - short films, first screenings as well as ciné-concerts.

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14th Biennale of Lyon "floating worlds"

2 October 2017

Until 7th January 2018 the 14th Biennale of Lyon is devoted to the second chapter of a trilogy on a "modern" theme. In the context of a globalisation that is generating constant movement and an acceleration of flows, the Biennale explores the heritage and scope of the idea of what "modern" means in contemporary art work. The Biennale is presented as an expanding, constantly changing, mobile, atmospheric landscape.

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"Between Cubism and Classicism" - Picasso at the Scuderie del Quirinale

2 October 2017

Until 21st January 2018 the works that Picasso created between 1915 and 1925 (paintings, drawings, water-colours, sketches and theatre costumes from the world over) are on show at the Scuderie Quirinale in Rome on the occasion of the 100 years of the artist's journey to Italy.

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les 2nd-5th October

European Parliament Plenary Session (Strasbourg)

5th and 6th October

Conference on the Oceans (Malta)

6th October

EU-India Summit (New Delhi)

9th October

"Agriculture and Fisheries" Meeting Eurogroup Meeting (Luxembourg)

Newsletter Archives

Europe and Putin: Should realism prevail over reality?

Technological and security issues: 2025, a pivotal year for women

The Italian economy and its European outlook

The challenges facing European agriculture: Crisis or opportunity for transformation?

European support to the defence industry - Mid-term review of the European Defence Fund

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Charles de Marcilly, Helen Levy ,Vincent Le Méau, Félicia Schröder,Romain Vadans, Jean-Baptiste Welschinger

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Eric Maurice

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
Contact Us!

Editorial, Macron/Europe, Digital/Tallinn, Elections/Slovenia-Czech Rep. Virgo


The Newsletter n°774- version of 2 oct. 2017