The Newsletter77325 sept. 2017

La Lettre

Thierry Chopin

25 September 2017

The reform of the European political system and of the euro zone a minima supposes the prior clarification of the goals that are to be reached: is it a question of "simply" reforming the present institutional system whilst retaining the community rationale on which the Union's institutions are based – i.e. according to a rationale of a balance of interests and not of power? Or is it a question of going further and of transforming the European political system into one that is truly parliamentary, with a government that is accountable to parliament, or even into a presidential system, with its corollary, the introduction of a regime and the effective separation of powers?

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Front page!

Brexit: Theresa May between the lines

23 September 2017

Jean-Dominique Giuliani delivers an initial analysis of the British proposals to revive negotiations over the UK's exit of the EU (Brexit) which have been made possible by Theresa May's speech in Florence on 22nd September.

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4th Term in Office for Angel Merkel

25 September 2017

The German general elections on 24th September were marked by a smaller victory than expected for Angela Merkel's CDU, who did however win her fourth term in office with 33%. The election was also marked by a breakthrough by the nationalist rightwing (AfD), which came third behind the SPD, which achieved its lowest result ever. Angela Merkel must now form the only coalition possible after the SPD's decision to no longer take part in the government, i.e. a unique, so-called Jamaican coalition with the liberals of the FDP and the Greens.

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Geopolitics Nantes

23 September 2017

The 5th edition of Geopolitics Nantes is taking place from 29th to 30th September 2017. Jean-Dominique Giuliani, Chairman of the Foundation is speaking on the theme "Brexit, Trump, Putin China: what does the future hold for Europe?"

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For a smart, innovative and sustainable industry

23 September 2017

On 18th September the European Commission reiterated the principles of its industrial strategy.

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Responding better to cyberattacks

23 September 2017

On 19th September the European Commission announced further measures to rise to the challenge of cyberattacks. It is suggesting the strengthen the Union's Cybersecurity Agency, the creation of a dedicated Research Centre and the introduction of a European framework facilitating a rapid response to attacks.

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Stimulating growth of the EU's border regions

23 September 2017

On 20th September the European Commission published a communication aiming to stimulate growth and cohesion of the Union's border regions by introducing "the border point of contact" who will be responsible for facilitating access to work, trade, and to improve public services.

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Entry into force of the EU-Canada trade agreement

23 September 2017

The Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement between the EU and Canada entered temporarily into force on 21st September in advance of ratification by all of the Member States.

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Plan to reform corporate tax in the Union

23 September 2017

On 21st September the Commission presented its project for a "fair taxation of the digital economy" and notably the major web companies (GAFA). It is notably offering a Common Consolidated Corporate Tax Base (CCCTB) for companies with a turnover higher than 750 million €.

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For a true Capital Markets Union

23 September 2017

On 20th September the European Commission proposed reforms to deepen financial integration and to promote "employment, growth and investment" in Europe. These measures will strengthen mandates, governance and the financing of the European Supervisory Authorities (ESAs) and will place emphasis on the development of sustainable finance and FinTech.

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Brexit: Barnier welcomes the "constructive" speech by Theresa May

25 September 2017

Michel Barnier, the Union's negotiator in chief spoke immediately after the speech delivered by Theresa May on 22nd September in Florence. Although he acknowledged the "constructive" spirit shown by the British Prime Minister he did however ask for details about the "real implications" of her commitments, notably regarding European citizens' rights in the UK.

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Meeting between Emmanuel Macron and Antonio Tajani

23 September 2017

During a joint press conference on 22nd September the President of the European Parliament Antonio Tajani announced that French President Emmanuel Macron would present his proposals for reform to the European Parliament "in October or November."

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Towards a unified European electricity market?

23 September 2017

The 28 European energy ministers who met in Tallinn on 20th September discussed the Energy Union and notably a unified electricity market. On 19th during the Conference on the future of the electricity market the "e-Energy Declaration" was signed.

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Improving air links and transport networks

23 September 2017

On 20th and 21st September the 28 European Transport Ministers discussed in Tallinn making safe air traffic in Europe as well as the Trans-European Transport Network (RTE-T).

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End of excessive deficit procedure against Greece

25 September 2017

Estonian Finance Minister Toomas Tõniste announced the end of the excessive deficit procedure undertaken against Greece since 2009, when the Greek deficit represented 15% of its GDP. The European Commission forecasts an excess of under 3% in 2017 and 2018, after the budgetary excess of 0.7% of 2016.

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Conclusions of the General Affairs Council

25 September 2017

On 25th September the 28 European Affairs Ministers prepared the European Council of 19th and 20th October, which in theory is meant to conclude negotiations between the EU and the UK on the issue of citizens' rights, Ireland and the exit bill due by the British to the EU. Ministers also discussed the Commission's priorities for 2018.

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Countering youth unemployment to defence the European project

24 September 2017

ECB President Mario Draghi said on 22nd September that mass unemployment that is affecting young Europeans might threaten "social cohesion" and "confidence in the institutions." Youth unemployment is indeed twice as high as the global average of the euro zone with peaks at 40% in Greece and Spain.

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Absolute resolution on the part of the government in the face of the Catalan project for a referendum

25 September 2017

On 20th September the head of the Spanish government Mariano Rajoy called on the Catalan separatists to put an end to "an escalation in radicalisation and disobedience" maintaining that the referendum on 1st October was an "illusion" after the twenty raids and seizure of millions of voting slips and convocations by the Spanish police.

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Part renewal of the French Senate

25 September 2017

The part renewal of the French Senate on 24th September strengthened the right wing majority with 159 elected for the Republicans (LR) against 81 for the Socialist Party (PS) and 28 for the "Republic Onwards" (LREM).

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Publication of White Paper on Defence

23 September 2017

The Lithuanian Defence Ministry published a new White Paper on the Defence Policy on 18th September.

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The Netherlands

The Netherlands: Speech from the Throne

23 September 2017

The King of the Netherlands Willem-Alexander spoke on 19th September during the "States General". The speech aimed to set the tone for the government's main orientations, but the political stalemate in which the country has found itself since the general election on 15th March last means that no coalition agreement, on which four political parties are working, has yet been found.

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The British government's position on security and defence

23 September 2017

The British government would like to maintain as close a link as possible in terms of security and defence with the EU, according to a document published on 18th September. The British are prepared to copy the existing cooperation models between the EU and third countries for a certain time, as for example with the USA, which are part of Europol. Long term the UK would like to sign a global agreement with the Europeans.

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Theresa May: speech on the UK's relations with the EU

24 September 2017

On 22nd September the British Prime Minister delivered a speech on the future relationship between the EU and the UK in which she called for an "innovative partnership". She also asked for a two year transition period post-Brexit.

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The 2018 defence budget increases

23 September 2017

As part of the 2018 budget the Swedish government provided on 20th September that it would increase civil and military defence credits by 2.7 billion SEK per year as of next year.

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General Elections on 28th October

23 September 2017

After the withdrawal of one of the parties in the coalition which placed the government in a minority, a further election is now due to take place on 28th October in Iceland. The Icelandic Prime Minister Bjarni Benediktsson announced this is request for a snap election had been accepted by the President of the Republic.

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Sovereign wealth fund rises to 1,000 billion $

23 September 2017

Norway's sovereign wealth fund (Statens pensjonsfond Utland), the biggest in the world, rose on 19th September for the first time over 1,000 billion $, announced the Norwegian Central Bank.

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On million € for a joint force for the G5 Sahel

23 September 2017

The Danish Foreign Minister announced on 19th September that the fight to counter terrorism and illegal migration in the Sahel region would be stepped up. Denmark decided to finance a joint force of 5 member States of the G5 Sahel to a total of one million € (Mauritania, Chad, Mali, Niger and Burkina Faso).

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Council of Europe

Implementation of the decisions of the ECHR (European Court of Human Rights)

24 September 2017

The Committee of Ministers, which met on 21st September adopted 39 decisions regarding 21 Member States regarding the implementation of the decrees and decisions taken by the ECHR. Final resolutions were also adopted by the Committee for 267 decrees and decisions taken by the Court.

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Eradicating violence towards women

23 September 2017

The EU and the UN announced the launch of the "Spotlight" initiative on 20th September. This fund has been provided with 500 million € to enable the strengthening of legislative and political framework and the introduction of preventive measures against all types of violence against women and girls.

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2017 forecasts revised upwards

23 September 2017

The WTO has revised world growth upwards and announced on 21st September that merchandise trade is due to increase by 3.6%, notably thanks to Asia and North America. However trade growth is due to slow to 3.2% in 2018.

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Acceleration in the world's economic growth

23 September 2017

On 20th September the OECD published its economic outlook and interim assessment. It also revised its world growth figures upwards that are due to be 3.5% in 2017 and 3.7% in 2018 against 3.1% in 2016.

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France has to clarify its public spending reductions

23 September 2017

The conclusions of the annual review of the French economy by the IMF were published on 20th September. Although the IMF has reviewed its growth forecasts up by 0.1 points in comparison with July (to 1.6% this year and 1.8% next year), the IMF differs from the French Finance Ministry regarding the deficit forecasts.

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Reducing CO2 emissions to fulfil 2030 objectives

23 September 2017

The European Court of Auditors said on 19th September that the EU's annual reductions of CO2 should will have to increase by 50% to achieve the goals set for 2030. The Court also stressed that energy production and its use are responsible for 79% of the Union's greenhouse gas emissions.

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Exhibition Maria by Callas

23 September 2017

Until 14th December, the Seine Musical is paying tribute to the singer Maria Callas, on the 40th anniversary of her death (16th September 1977) with an exhibition devoted to one of the main legends of opera.

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Vienna Design Week

23 September 2017

From 29th September to 8th October the 11th Vienna Design Week is opening its doors to the public. More than 100 events, exhibitions, installations, guided tours are planned together with the museums of Vienna and designers from the world over.

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Festival by the Sea

23 September 2017

The pop rock music festival By the Sea, is taking place in Margate in the UK, from 29th September to 1st October. For this third year many groups will be performing live.

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Book Fair of Göteborg

23 September 2017

The Centre of Swedish exhibitions of Göteborg, Sweden is hosting the biggest book fair in Scandinavia from 28th September to 1st October. The Göteborg Book Fair promotes Scandinavian authors and is typified by a great opening to the world.

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International Film Festival - Bergen

23 September 2017

From 26th September to 4th October, the Norwegian town of Bergen is hosting the annual Film Festival (BIFF). The festival is presenting as many Norwegian as international films and provides a view of many Scandinavian films.

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Exhibition on Pop Art at the Maillol Museum Paris

23 September 2017

Until 21st January 2018 the Maillot Museum is running an exhibition on the "Pop Art - Icons that Matter" from the Whitney Museum of American Art, New York. This exhibition offers an anthology of American art including emblematic pieces of Pop Art.

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Paul Klee Exhibition at the Beyeler Foundation

23 September 2017

From October 1st to 21st January 2018 the Beyeler Foundation is hosting an exhibition devoted to Paul Klee, notably the artist's abstract art. This retrospective includes around 100 pieces of work from all of the stages of his career - as of 1913 - and brings together some precious loans from many establishments and private, renowned collections from Europe and elsewhere.

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Jean Fouquet. The Diptyque of Melun at the Gemäldegalerie of Berlin

25 September 2017

Until 7th January 2018 the Gemäldegalerie of Berlin is showing the Dyptique of Melun painted by Jean Fouquet in the middle of the 15th century and whose various parts belong to the Museums of Antwerpen, Louvre and the Gemäldegalerie. This altarpiece was ordered by Etienne Chevalier, the treasurer of King Charles VII.

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25th September

"General Affairs" Council (article 50) (Brussels)

29th September

Digital Summit (Tallinn)

les 2nd-5th October

European Parliament Plenary Session (Strasbourg)

Newsletter Archives

Europe and Putin: Should realism prevail over reality?

Technological and security issues: 2025, a pivotal year for women

The Italian economy and its European outlook

The challenges facing European agriculture: Crisis or opportunity for transformation?

European support to the defence industry - Mid-term review of the European Defence Fund

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Charles de Marcilly, Helen Levy ,Vincent Le Méau, Félicia Schröder,Romain Vadans, Jean-Baptiste Welschinger

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Eric Maurice

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
Contact Us!

Editorial, Elections/Germany, Cybersecurity, Taxation/Digital, Growth


The Newsletter n°773- version of 25 sept. 2017