The Newsletter77218 sept. 2017

La Lettre

Corinne Deloy

18 September 2017

On 15th October next, 6.4 million Austrians aged 16 and over will be appointing the 183 members of the National Council (Nationalrat), the lower house of Parliament. 16 political parties are running in the election which is record. According to the most recent poll by Research Affairs, published on 14th September, the ÖVP is due to come out ahead with 35% of the vote. It is due to draw ahead of the Liberal Party (FPÖ), which is due to win 25% and the SPÖ, which is due to win 24% of the vote. The Greens-Green Alternative, NEOS, New Austria (NEOS), a liberal party led by Matthias Strolz, and the Peter Pilz List are due to win 5% of the vote each. In view of these voting intentions, a government coalition with the ÖVP and the FPÖ, led by Sebastian Kurz seems to be the most likely option.

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Front page!

Germany, an election at the heart of Europe

17 September 2017

Jean-Dominique Giuliani assesses the new German policy after the elections of 24th September and summarises the main challenges to which the new German majority will have to rise.

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A fourth mandate for Angela Merkel?

17 September 2017

The Bundestag elections are taking place on 24th September next. Angela Merkel seems to be on course to win a fourth mandate. Indeed, according to the most recent Infratest Dimap poll, her party is credited with 37% of the vote whilst her social democratic rival from the SDP is due to win only 20%. The question remains about the other party which will form a coalition with her.

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Judicial Reform: the Commission sends a reasoned opinion to Poland

17 September 2017

On 12th September the European Commission issued a reasoned opinion to Poland regarding its judicial reforms that are said to be threatening the independence of the justice system and of being discriminatory against women. Poland has one month to comply with the European requirements otherwise the Commission might turn to the ECJ.

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Speech on the State of the Union: JC Juncker wants to take advantage of the "favourable winds"

17 September 2017

Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission, gave his speech on the State of the Union on 13th September. He called to take advantage "of a rise in confidence" in Europe to strengthen Member States' integration by extending the euro, the Schengen area and cooperation. Read on Jean-Dominique Giuliani's editorial on this issue.

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New code of conduct of Commission members

17 September 2017

During the speech on the State of the Union on 13th September, President Juncker announced the updating of ethic rules applying obligatorily to Commission members. The "waiting period" has been extended to two years, the idea of conflict of interest defined, transparency increased and an enhanced independent ethics committee established.

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Trade: new framework for the filtering of direct investments

17 September 2017

During his speech on the State of the Union on 13th September President Juncker put forward a framework for the filtering of Foreign Direct Investments (FDI's) in the EU. The Commission will created a cooperation mechanism with the Member States and will play the role of a filter to guarantee "national security" and "public order".

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Reform of the Citizens' Initiative and Political Party funding

17 September 2017

Frans Timmermans, the Commission's First Vice-President announced on 15th September that the age required to support a European Citizens' Initiative would be reduced from 18 to 16, whilst greater transparency regarding the financing of European parties will be introduced.

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Creation of a special committee on terrorism

17 September 2017

European Parliament has approved the list of 30 members of the new special committee on the fight to counter terrorism. This committee should identify the dysfunctions in terms of the fight to counter terrorism and cross-border cooperation. Nathalie Griesbeck (ALDE, FR) has been elected to chair this committee.

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EU States step up their cooperation against gas shortages

18 September 2017

An EU country that faces gas shortages will be able to call on the other Member States according to a resolution adopted by European Parliament on 12th September. The new cooperation rules established four "risk groups" within which the States will be able to implement preventive emergency measures in the event of a supply crisis.

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Single Residence Permit for third country citizens

18 September 2017

On 13th September MEPs adopted a single residence permit for third country residents. Member States have been concerned since 2009 about the extent and the sophistication of the falsification of the model in force at present.

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Development of free WIFI everywhere in Europe

18 September 2017

MEPs adopted a new initiative on 12th September that aims to develop free internet access in public places across Europe. By 2020 the WIFI4EU initiative should enable more than 6000 local communities in the EU to deploy rapid, free WIFI connection.

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The EU increases the European Fund for Strategic Investments

17 September 2017

On 13th September the Commission welcomed the agreement between the European Parliament and the Member States regarding the European Fund for Strategic Investments that will be brought up to 500 billion euro by 2020 and be extended to new sectors like sustainable agriculture and fishing.

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Informal Eurpoean Development Ministers' Meeting

17 September 2017

European Ministers responsible for Development met in Tallinn on 11th September notably to address the issue of the external investment plan, the new European tool to help investment in the countries of Africa as well as those neighbouring the Union.

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Discussions on migration and the fight to counter terrorism

17 September 2017

On 14th September the 28 European Ministers of Justice and Internal Affairs discussed immigration and the fight to counter terrorism.

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Economy and Finance Ministers' Meeting

18 September 2017

The 28 Economy and Finance Ministers met in Tallinn on 15th and 16th September. They discussed the need to develop new rules on digital tax and to counter fiscal optimisation strategies implemented by large web companies (GAFA). They committed to reach a joint agreement by December.

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Extension of sanctions linked to actions taken against Ukraine

17 September 2017

On 14th September the EU decided to extend the sanctions taken out against Russia until 15th March 2018 because of the latter's infringement of Ukraine's territorial integrity.

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Eurogroup Meeting

18 September 2017

The euro zone must first pinpoint its internal problems before thinking about institutional reforms that are supposed to regulate it declared the 19 Finance Ministers of the euro zone on 15th September. The reviewed the progress achieved in the ongoing economic adjustment programme in Greece.

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Acting against disinformation on the Internet

17 September 2017

The EU's diplomatic service has launched an internet site designed to counter on-line disinformation. The site called "EU vs. Disinfo" is devoted to the compilation of false information or mistaken rumours, playing them off against real facts, together with documented statistics.

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Climate: the world is progressing towards the Paris Agreement

18 September 2017

In Montreal on 16th September the Environment Ministers of around 30 countries resolutely moved towards the implementation of the Paris Agreement. They reasserted the "irreversible and non-negotiable" nature of the agreement in spite of the USA's withdrawal, that was re-iterated by the White House due to terms "that were not more favourable towards the Americans."

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Court of Justice

Google challenges the Commission's fine

17 September 2017

Following the Commission's decision on 27th June imposing a fine of 2.42 billion € on Google for abuse of dominant position on the search engine market, the American giant appealed to the ECJ in a challenge against this decision.

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Rejection of the implementation of the precautionary principle regarding GMOs

17 September 2017

In a decision delivered on 13th September the ECJ maintained that "Member States may not adopt emergency measures" regarding GMOs "unless there is clear evidence that there is a serious risk to health or the environment." The precautionary principle is rejected because GMOs have "already been the focus of a full scientific assessment."

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Opening of car fair in Frankfurt

18 September 2017

Until 24th September around 1000 exhibitors from 39 countries are presenting their innovations at the 67th International Car Fair in Frankfurt. Chancellor Angela Merkel stressed on 14th September the importance of this sector for the labour market and growth and insisted on the vital nature of reviving confidence in it after the Volkswagen scandal.

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Estonia commits to Ukraine territorial integrity

17 September 2017

Estonian Foreign Affairs Minister Sven Mikser met his Ukrainian counterpart Pavlo Klimkin on 14th September 2017. The crisis in the east of Ukraine was discussed in particular and Mr Mikser reasserted the EU's commitment to maintaining the integrity of the Ukrainian territory, as well as the priority given to the Eastern Partnership. The Estonian Minister of the European Council intends to maintain a constant commitment regarding the Ukrainian issue.

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Refugees: Finland prepared to double its reception quota

17 September 2017

Finnish Prime Minister Juha Sipilä said he was prepared to raise the refugee quota hosted by his country to 2000 in order to relieve the distribution system between the EU's Member States. Following a downturn in the situation in Syria the initial quota of 750 refugees per year was raised to 1,050 in 2015.

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Jean-Yves Le Drian in Russia: establishment of the Trianon Dialogue

17 September 2017

The French Foreign Affairs Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian and his Russian counterpart Serguey Lavrov signed the Trianon Dialogue on 11th September that focuses on the launch of a Franco-Russian forum. The latter aims to develop exchange and cooperation between Russian and French societies.

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Meeting between the German Chancellor and the French Prime Minister in Berlin

18 September 2017

On 15th September German Chancellor Angela Merkel and the French Prime Minister Edouard Philippe met in Berlin. Edouard Philippe defended the reforms undertaken in France and prepared the way for the next European proposals made by President Emmanuel Macron just days after the election of the Bundestag in Germany and a very likely fourth mandate for the Chancellor.

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London is still the world's leading financial market

17 September 2017

The Global Financial Center Index published the ranking of the top world financial markets on Monday 11th September and London remains at the top with a 24 point lead over the second market, New York. Frankfurt lies 11th whilst Luxembourg and Paris lie in 14th and 26th respectively. Will it be the same after Brexit?

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The House of Commons

17 September 2017

On 12th September the House of Commons voted in support 326 votes in support against 290 the bill repealing European law. This bill enables the repeal of the European Communities Act of 1972 and to transpose European law into British law.

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Military manoeuvres with NATO

17 September 2017

Until 29th September half of the Swedish army together with 20,000 American, French, Danish, Estonian, Lithuanian and Finnish troops will be simulating a mock attack of Stockholm and the island of Gotland. This exercise named "Aurora 17" aims to test the response capability of NATO's troops against aggression from a third country.

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Ramush Haradinaj, new Prime Minister

18 September 2017

After three months of negotiations following the general elections, Ramush Haradinaj, former chief of the Liberation Army of Kosovo was appointed Prime Minister of the country. Accused of war crimes by the ICTY and finally acquitted Mr Haradinaj was also arrested in France in January 2017 on Serbia request before being released in April.

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Employment up by 0.4% in the EU and the euro zone in the second quarter

18 September 2017

The number of people in work increased by 0.4% in the EU and the euro zone between the first and second quarter of 2017 announced Eurostat on 13th September. In comparison with the same quarter the previous year employment increased by 1.5% in the EU28 and by 1.6% in the euro zone.

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EU and euro zone surplus

17 September 2017

According to Eurostat figures published on 15th September the euro zone recorded a trade surplus of 23.2 billion € in July 2017, and the EU a surplus of 8.8 billion €.

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Inflation rate rising

18 September 2017

According to a Eurostat study on 18th September the annual inflation rate of the euro zone lay at 1.5% in August 2017, against 1.3% in July 2017. A year ago it lay at 0.2%. The EU's annual inflation rate lay at 1.7% in August 2017, against 1.5% in July 2017. A year ago it lay at 0.3%.

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Grand Palais

18 September 2017

From 21st September to 29th January 2018 the Grand Palais is organising an exhibition paying tribute to the American photographer Irving Penn, who was notably made famous for his shots of celebrities like Alfred Hitchcock, Pablo Picasso and Salvador Dali.

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International Cinema Festival in San Sebastian

18 September 2017

From 22nd to 30th September the 65th International Film Festival is taking place in San Sebastian - this is deemed to be one of the biggest festivals in the country.

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Zurich: Photographic exhibition by Miroslav Tichy

18 September 2017

Until 5th November photographs by Czech artist Miroslav Tichy are on show at the "Photobastei" in Zurich. The female body is the focus of this artist's work who sometimes draws over his pictures, associating painting and photography.

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Paris: "L'Europe autrement", the photographic exhibition by Atelier Néerlandais

18 September 2017

From 21st September to 17th December the Atelier Néerlandais with "L'Europe autrement" (Europe otherwise) is offering a vision of Europe via three series of photographs: "Parliaments of the European Union" by Nico Bick, "Nation" by Otto Snoek and "The Europeans" by Henri Cartier-Bresson.

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Basquiat Exhibition "Boom for Real" in London

18 September 2017

The Barbican in London is running an exceptional retrospective devoted to the artist Jean-Michel Basquiat from 21st September to 28th September 2018. It is the first time that the UK is hosting a major retrospective devoted to this prodigy of contemporary art who died in 1988 aged 27.

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24th September

General Elections (Germany)

24th September

Senatorial Elections (Part renewal) (France)

25th September

"General Affairs" Council (article 50) (Brussels)

Newsletter Archives

Europe and Putin: Should realism prevail over reality?

Technological and security issues: 2025, a pivotal year for women

The Italian economy and its European outlook

The challenges facing European agriculture: Crisis or opportunity for transformation?

European support to the defence industry - Mid-term review of the European Defence Fund

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Charles de Marcilly, Helen Levy ,Vincent Le Méau

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Charles de Marcilly

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
Contact Us!

Editorial, Speech State/EU, Elections/Germany, Eurogroup, Counter/Disinformation


The Newsletter n°772- version of 18 sept. 2017