The Newsletter77111 sept. 2017

La Lettre

Thierry Chopin, Fabien Ganivet, Elie Renard

11 September 2017

With the terrorist attacks that have recently hit France, Belgium, Germany, the UK and Spain, the countries of Europe in particular are confronted with an unprecedented challenge to the terms of their collective security. The transnational nature of the terrorist threat that took on a new dimension as of 11th September 2001 has rarely been as evident. Without negating the central roles played by the States in terms of the fight to counter terrorism, the reality of common security interests that bring the various countries of the continent together has to be recognised, including the need to consider certain "regalian"" issues in close cooperation with the various Member States so that State action finds its legitimate extension and full efficacy in a powerful Europe that will at last assert itself as an area of strengthened security, effective protection of its citizens and sovereignty.

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Front page!

Europe enters a new phase

11 September 2017

Jean-Dominique Giuliani deems that a new phase is opening for Europe in the wake of the proposals made by Emmanuel Macron and Jean-Claude Juncker.

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The Court of Justice rejects the Hungarian and Slovakian appeals

11 September 2017

In a decision delivered on 6th September the Court of Justice (ECJ) rejected the appeals made by Hungary and Slovakia which are against the plan to relocated migrants dated September 2015. The European Court deems that these quotas "help effectively and in a balanced manner" to the relief of both Greece and Italy.

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Interim report on the migratory issue

11 September 2017

On 6th September the European Commission highlighted the positive results in the joint management of migratory flows established as part of the partnership for migration. It call for the strengthening of existing measures in order "foster the socio-economic resilience of the countries of origin and transit," and to improve commitment on the part of the Member States.

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Developing Long Term Placements for Apprentices

11 September 2017

Marianne Thyssen, the European Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs, Skills and Worker Mobility announced on 4th September that more than 50,000 offers for long term placements were to be made available to apprentices by 2020. At present 1% of the 650,000 apprentices in Europe undertake placements abroad for more than 6 months.

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For a world alliance for trade without torture

11 September 2017

On 7th September Cecilia Malmström, on the initiative of the European Union, Argentina and Mongolia the European Trade Commissioner announced the launch of a world alliance for torture-free trade. It will officially be created on 18th September during the UN General Assembly in New York.

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Security Union: the Commission reveals its priorities for 2017

11 September 2017

On 7th September the Commission published a report on the measures taken in terms of security since 2016 and notably in view of strengthening security on the Union's external borders, of improving information exchange between Member States, of restricting the room that terrorists have to manoeuvre and of preventing radicalisation.

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Michel Barnier wants to speed up negotiations with the UK

11 September 2017

Michel Barnier, the EU's chief negotiator for the Brexit declared on 7th September that he wanted to speed up negotiations with the UK. The same day the European Commission published five documents providing guidelines on Northern Ireland, Customs Union and data protection.

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Jean-Claude Juncker asks Budapest to respect its European obligations

11 September 2017

In a letter dated 5th September the President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker exhorted Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban to respect his obligations in terms of the migratory crisis reminding him of his duty to "stand" with Europe.

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Position on the 2018 budget

10 September 2017

On 4th September the Council gave its position on the 2018 budget privileging growth, employment, security, as well as the migratory issue.

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Informal meeting of Agriculture Ministers

11 September 2017

During an informal meeting in Tallinn on 5th September the EU's Ministers for Agriculture and Fisheries discussed measures for the management of risks of the future Common Agricultural Policy (CAP).

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EUCYBRID 2017, the first cyberdefence exercise

11 September 2017

During the informal meeting that was held in Tallinn from 6th to 8th September European Defence Ministers took part in a cyberattack exercise that aimed to test their response capacity. EUCYBRID 2017 notably simulated attacks on a European HQ.

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Defence Ministers commit to increasing their cooperation

11 September 2017

During an informal meeting in Tallinn on 7th September the Defence Ministers said they supported strengthening the Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO) and joint missions in Sub-Saharan Africa if the situation made this necessary.

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Four finance ministers demand a common digital economy tax

11 September 2017

France, Germany, Italy and Spain signed a joint proposal for a new tax on the digital giants (GAFA), ahead of the informal Finance Ministers' Council on 16th September in Estonia.

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Court of Justice

European Court to reassess the fine imposed on Intel

11 September 2017

An appeal made by Intel, the American manufacturer of digital chips against the 1.06 billion € fine imposed in 2009 by Brussels for abuse of dominant position is to be reassessed by the European Court of Justice it said on 6th September. The case has been sent back to the court so that it can examine the arguments put forward by Intel.

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ECB optimistic about recovery

10 September 2017

The ECB is maintaining its main rate at zero and is continuing its programme to purchase massively both public and private debt, announced the bank's President Mario Draghi on 7th September. It will decided on the "calibration of its instruments" on 26th October taking into account the outlook for inflation and the development of exchange rates and accordingly it will unveil the details of a future reduction in its support to the economy.

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Angela Merkel at the Bundestag

11 September 2017

On 5th September at the Bundestag, Angela Merkel delivered a positive picture of Germany's economic and social situation, calling on the country 'not to lie back on its laurels' and to continue on the path of industrial and technological development. She reasserted a firm position regarding North Korea and Turkey, advocating a "peaceful and diplomatic" solution for these issues.

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Request for opinion of the ECJ regarding the trade agreement with Canada

11 September 2017

On 6th September the Belgian Foreign Affairs Minister Didier Reynders asked the opinion of the European Court of Justice regarding the EU's trade agreement with Canada (CETA), notably regarding the compatibility of the Investment Court System with the European Treaties.

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Madrid determined the invalidate the draft referendum in Catalonia

11 September 2017

On 7th September the Catalan Parliament adopted a bill to guide a unilateral self-rule referendum that is due to take place on October 1st. The Constitutional Court, that has been referred to by the Spanish government temporarily suspended the bill whilst the High Court takes a final decision regarding the legal nature of this referendum.

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Emmanuel Macron launches his project to reform Europe

10 September 2017

French President Emmanuel Macron delivered a speech on 7th September at the Parthenon in Athens, the "cradle of democracy". He hopes to bring in a "new method" to reform Europe "with six months of consultation and democratic conventions."

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Meeting of the Presidents of the Lower Houses and position on North Korea

11 September 2017

The 15th Conference of the Presidents of the Lower Houses of the G7 countries took place in Rome on 8th September. The two main themes addressed during the various sessions were international cooperation for the prevention of terrorism and energy transition for sustainable development.

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No "two speed Europe"

11 September 2017

Polish President Andrzej Duda said on 5th September that "a two speed Europe" might exclude some Member States from the decision making process, which might then lead to further division.

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Brexit: parliament votes in support of the "Repeal Bill"

11 September 2017

In the night of 11th to 12th September MPs in the UK's House of Commons voted in supported of the bill repealing European law 326 votes against 290. This bill enables the repeal of the European Communities Act of 1972 and the transposition of the European laws already adopted into British law. Theresa May declared that this bill will provide "Brexit" with "certainty and clarity".

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"March for Europe" in London

11 September 2017

On 9th September thousands of demonstrators turned out into the streets of London in protest against Brexit just days before the vote on the bill that will repeal European legislation (11th September). According to Vince Cable, leader of the LibDems this third "people's march for Europe" is said to be the start of a powerful pro-European movement.

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Elections in Norway: the right just manages to stay in power

11 September 2017

Erna Solberg, the outgoing Norwegian Prime Minister announced victory for the right in the elections that took place on 11th September, as it won 89 seats out of 169. The coalition between the conservatives and the Progress Party will therefore remain in office, a first in over 30 years, with the promise of reducing obligatory payments and a reduction in dependency on hydrocarbons.

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Respect of private life and correspondence

11 September 2017

The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) delivered a decision on 5th September in the Bărbulescu vs. Romania case. The Court condemned Romania for infringement of article 8. Indeed national jurisdictions did not protect the right to private life and the correspondence of Mr Bărbulescu, who was dismissed from his work for having used his professional messaging system for private ends.

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Visit by NATO's Secretary General to Estonia

11 September 2017

On 6th September Estonian Prime Minister Jüri Ratas and NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg visited the military base of Tapa to inspect the missions undertaken by the troops of the tactical group and to gain a general overview of its arsenal and its infrastructures.

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The WTO invalidates the judgment against Boeing in its dispute with Airbus

11 September 2017

The WTO's Appellate Body invalidate a previous judgment on 4th September which had accused the USA of illegally financing Boeing, which was constitutive - according to its European competitor - of unfair practice.

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Report on Anti-Dumping Measures

11 September 2017

The WTO's Appellate Body declared on 5th September in its analysis report that it had not found any legal basis in the European Anti-Dumping Agreement in response to Indonesia's allegation that the costs engaged by a single economic entity could not be deducted during the process of calculating a product's dumping margin.

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Stable growth and inflation slightly up

11 September 2017

The OECD countries are due to continue with stable growth, notably the euro zone - according to the most recent figures published by the OECD on 5th and 7th September. Inflation in the OECD zone increased slightly to 2% in July 2017, in part via a 3.7% increase in energy prices.

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GDP up by 0.7% in the EU and by 0.6% in the euro zone

11 September 2017

On 7th September Eurostat published its economic indicators for the second quarter of 2017. The GDP increased by 0.7% in the EU and by 0.6% in the euro zone in comparison with the previous quarter.

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European businesses boost their growth

11 September 2017

According to a Markit report published on 8th September European technology businesses are driving growth along and are recording the best scores for the 5th month running. On 5th September Markit confirmed the sound growth of the euro zone's economy, carried along by strong expansion in the manufacturing industry.

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Start of the Munich Beer Festival

11 September 2017

Munich is hosting the 184th Beer Festival (Oktoberfest) from 16th September to 3rd October 2017. It is the biggest fair in the world, which pays tribute yearly to Bavarian tradition and culture.

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Europe Heritage Days

11 September 2017

From 16th to 17th September the 34th European Heritage Days are taking place. Nearly 17,000 monuments are opening their doors and offering more than 25,000 events.

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Mythological misalliances by Max Pirner on show in Prague

11 September 2017

In Prague the works of Czech painter Max Pirner, a personality of the Jugendstil, are on show until 3rd December in the National Gallery, on the theme of liaisons between fantastic creatures or mythological misalliances.

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Contemporary Art at the Berlin Art Week

11 September 2017

In Berlin the "Art Week" is taking place for the 6th time from 13th to 17th September. Visitors will be able to visit temporary exhibitions, see films and Berlin's art scene.

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Korean Art and Catholicism

11 September 2017

The Vatican Museum is presenting the exhibition "On earth as in heaven. Seoul and 230 years of the Catholic Church in Korea". The 183 works on show bear witness of how knowledge of the Bible, which is still strong has spread across Korea over the centuries.

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London Design Festival

11 September 2017

From 16th to 24th September the London Design Festival will bring together the world's greatest designers for seminars, shows and also for the launch of many products.

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Paris Biennale

11 September 2017

For the 29th time the Antique Biennale opened its doors to the public until 17th September at the Grand Palais in Paris. The event which hosts amateurs of art from the world over, is now an annual event - the "Paris Biennale".

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11th to 14th September

Plenary Session of the European Parliament (Strasbourg)

13th September

Speech on the State of the Union 2017 by the President of the European Commission (Strasbourg)

14th September

Justice and Home Affairs Council (Brussels)

15th September

Eurogroup Meeting (Tallinn)

Newsletter Archives

Europe and Putin: Should realism prevail over reality?

Technological and security issues: 2025, a pivotal year for women

The Italian economy and its European outlook

The challenges facing European agriculture: Crisis or opportunity for transformation?

European support to the defence industry - Mid-term review of the European Defence Fund

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Charles de Marcilly, Helen Levy ,Vincent Le Méau

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Charles de Marcilly

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
Contact Us!

Editorial, ECB/Outlook, Revival/EU, Migration, Defence, Growth


The Newsletter n°771- version of 11 sept. 2017