The Newsletter75618 avr. 2017

La Lettre

Jean-Dominique Giuliani

18 April 2017

The electoral campaign in view of the French presidential election has witnessed the confrontation of 11 candidates. None of them are happy with the European Union. Four of them want to leave the Union directly. All of the others want to reform it to some degree or another. Has it become, as François Hollande suggested on 16th April on the commemoration of the battle of the Chemin des Dames, the "scapegoat of all of our relinquishments?" Or more simply has this revealed a French malaise, a kind of reflection that shows the French a deteriorated image of their national ambition? Or is it an easy derivative of increasingly evident anger, given the unexplained upheavals ongoing in science, economy, politics and therefore in society? There is something quite specific about French politics. This presidential election reveals all of its negative aspects. Could the election of a new president show us the positive sides and transform them into a new national impetus that is more favourable towards European engagement? Will France make a return to Europe. This is one of the issues at stake in this election.

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Order the "Schuman Report on Europe, the State of the Union 2017"

14 April 2017

The 2017 edition of the "Schuman Report on Europe, the State of the Union 2017" has been published by Lignes de Repères in both French and English. You can find this book, which is vital for the comprehension of Europe in bookshops or on the Foundation's site. You will notably find an article on the French presidential election written by Christian Lequesne. Order your copy now!

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"For a few stars more ... What European policy for France?" has been published

14 April 2017

The Chairman of the Foundation, Jean-Dominique Giuliani has published "For a few stars more ... What European policy for France?" Just one week before the French presidential election he notes what the new president could and should do. Order your copy now!

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Low growth regions and European policy

14 April 2017

On 11th April the Commission presented a report on the paths to follow for regions in the Union with low growth rates in order to support regional growth strategies thanks to the cohesion funds allocated by the Union to these regions.

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Assessment of the situation in Hungary

14 April 2017

The European Commission is concerned about some of the controversial laws that have recently been passed in Hungary. On 12th April the European executive looked into the reforms as well as a project to "manage" the "foreign" funding of NGOs, which is against EU law.

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Partnership for Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean

14 April 2017

On 11th April the Maltese Presidency concluded a temporary agreement with parliament so that the EU can take part in the partnership that aims to develop innovative solutions or the provision, sustainable management of water and the production of food in the Mediterranean region.

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Extension of restrictive measures against Iran

14 April 2017

On 11th April the Council extended its restrictive measures against Iran until 13th April 2018 in response to the country's serious infringement of Human Rights.

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Annual report of the European Central Bank

14 April 2017

On 10th April the ECB published its annual report. Mario Draghi stressed the economic uncertainty that marked the beginning of 2016 that declined at the start of the year, in spite of growing political uncertainty.

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Merkel and the leaders of five multilateral organisations debate the challenges of globalisation

14 April 2017

On 10th April in Berlin the German Chancellor Angela Merkel and the leaders of five multilateral organisations met to debate the challenges born of globalisation and the best way to rise to these.

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New Bulgarian government coalition

18 April 2017

On 13th April Boyko Borissov, the former Prime Minister, head of the GERB which won the elections on 26th March announced that he had formed a government coalition with the nationalist parties of the Patriotic Front.

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Madrid Declaration of the countries of the Southern European Union

14 April 2017

On 10th April the countries of the southern European Union (France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Greece, Malta and Cyprus) held their 3rd summit and signed the Madrid Declaration. They confirmed their continued will to cooperate in several areas and to defend the unity of the EU in the face of Brexit.

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Stability Programme 2017-2020

14 April 2017

On 12th April the French Finance Minister Michel Sapin presented the stability programme 2017-2020 which provides for a public deficit of 2.8% of the GDP in 2017. It will be communicated at the end of the month to the European Commission.

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CAP 2020: MPs of four European countries join forces

18 April 2017

On 11th April the Chairs of the European Affairs and Agricultural Committees of Ireland, Italy, France and Poland adopted a joint declaration aiming to strengthen the CAP and to influence upcoming negotiations on the CAP 2020.

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Uncertainty just a week before the election

18 April 2017

Just six days before the first round of the French presidential election on 23rd April Emmanuel Macron (credited with 24% to 22%) leads in three pre-election polls published on 17th April ahead or equal to Marine Le Pen (23% to 22%). Then come François Fillon (between 21% to 19.5%) and Jean-Luc Mélenchon (19.5% to 18%).

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Massive protests in Budapest

18 April 2017

On 10th April Hungarian President Janos Ader promulgated a law obliging foreign universities to have a campus in their country of origin. The day before between 60,000 and 80,000 demonstrators protested against this bill in Budapest.

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G7 Energy: no agreement on climate change

14 April 2017

On 9th and 10th April during the G7 Energy Ministers meeting the US expressed its reticence about the commitments made by the G7 during the signature of the Paris Agreement. As a result of this a joint declaration was not adopted.

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Meeting of G7 Foreign Affairs Ministers

18 April 2017

On 10th and 11th April the Foreign Affairs Ministers of the G7 acknowledged the need to adopt to a changing international environment, which are influencing their interests and security. They adopted the Declaration on Responsible States Behaviour in Cyberspace and endorsed the G7 Statement on Non-proliferation and Disarmament.

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Italy adopts a plan to reduce the budgetary deficit

18 April 2017

On 11th April the Italian government adopted reforms that aim to reduce the country's deficit by 3.4 billion €, in line with the requirements of the European Commission which had asked Italy to review its 2017 budget.

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Snap election on 8th June

18 April 2017

British Prime Minister Theresa May called on 18th April for a snap election to take place on 8th June. To validate the organisation of the election the Prime Minister still has to win the approval of parliament by a two-thirds majority.

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Elections and boycott in Albania

18 April 2017

The Albanian parliament will vote to elect a new president of the Republic on 19th April, two months before the general elections. The opposition's boycott of these elections is also preventing the launch of judicial reform deemed to be vital at the start of negotiations to join the EU with Brussels.

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Accession Protocol NATO

18 April 2017

On 11th April Donald Trump signed the USA's ratification instrument for the Membership of Montenegro to NATO. This followed the vote on 28th March on the Senate's approval in support of the ratification.

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EU Financial Assistance of 100 million €

14 April 2017

On 12th April the Council decided to provide macro-financial assistance to Moldova to a maximum total of 100 million €, 60 million of which will be loans and 40 million will take the shape of subsidies.

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Constitutional referendum in Turkey

18 April 2017

During a referendum on 16th April the Turks approved by a short majority (51.4% of the vote) the constitutional reform put forward by President Erdogan thereby establishing a presidential regime. This vote weakens the country and takes it away from Europe.

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Council of Europe

Justice, Social Cohesion and the freedom of the media remain major challenges in Kosovo

17 April 2017

The Commissioner for Human Rights, Nils Muižnieks, published a memorandum on 10th April indicating that justice, social cohesion and the freedom of the media remain major challenges in Kosovo.

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Supervision of the Decisions of the European Court of Human Rights

18 April 2017

In order to improve the transparency of the execution process of judgments of the European Court of Human Rights, the Department for the Execution of Judgments of the Council of Europe has published country factsheets.

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Russian veto on the resolution condemning the chemical attacks in Syria

14 April 2017

On 12th April Russia vetoed a UN resolution condemning the chemical attacks in Syria perpetrated by the Assad regime.

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Multilateral agreement to counter hybrid threats

14 April 2017

On 11th April several EU Member States and also that of NATO (Germany, USA, Finland, France, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, UK, Sweden) signed a protocol agreement in Helsinki for the creation of a "European Centre of Excellence for Countering Hybrid Threats".

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Visit to Washington by Jens Stoltenberg

14 April 2017

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, who was visiting the US on 12th April said he was pleased with the country's continued commitment to the Alliance.

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Reduction in tax rates on income tax in the OECD

14 April 2017

According to an OECD report published on 11th April, tax rates on labour incomes of a average worker in the OECD countries continued to decline for a third consecutive year in 2016, totalling 36% of labour costs.

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Employment rate up in the fourth quarter

14 April 2017

According to an OECD press release published on 13th April the employment rate in the OECD area was up to 67.2%. Regarding the euro area it lay at 65.7%, up by 0.2% in comparison with the third quarter.

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The HCR requests the suspension of asylum seekers being sent to Hungary

14 April 2017

On 10th April the High Commission for Refugees (HCR) asked the "countries of the EU to stop temporarily sending all asylum seekers to Hungary" notably due to a new Hungarian law that orders the detention of asylum seekers, which is worsening a situation that is already difficult for the refugees living in the country.

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Emergency relocation and the protection of children

14 April 2017

On 12th April the Commission adopted its 11th report on the progress of relocation and emergency resettlement programmes. An action plan for improved protection of child migrants was adopted by the Commission.

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Italy adoption of a plan to receive migrants better but in fewer numbers

18 April 2017

On 12th April the Italian Parliament finally adopted a plan for the improved reception of asylum seekers but which is designed to facilitate expulsions and halt arrivals. The plan aims for a maximum distribution around the country with a goal of 2.5 asylum seekers for every 1000 inhabitants.

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EU Justice Dashboard

14 April 2017

On 10th April the Commission published its annual Justice Dashboard. This document aims to help national authorities improve their justice system by providing comparative data.

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Greece supported economically by tourism

14 April 2017

The World Travel and Tourism Council indicated in its report on Greece that the total contribution of the tourist sector represented some 18.6% of the Greek GDP in 2016 (32.8 billion €). The Greek economy and employment therefore largely rely on this sector.

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British report on the referendum on 23rd June 2016

14 April 2017

On 12th April a report by the British House of Commons pointed to certain dysfunctions in the organisation of the referendum on the Brexit on 23rd June 2016. Foreign interference (China and Russia are under suspicion) might have influenced the vote negatively. The collapse of the Home Office's website is said to have prevented tens of thousands of citizens from registering to vote on electoral sites.

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More than two billion people use contaminated drinking water

14 April 2017

According to a WHO report published on 13th April nearly 2 billion people in the world use contaminated drinking water.

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How the United States of Europe can save France

17 April 2017

Patrice Franceschi has published "Combattre!" with the Martinière publishing house - his work explains how the United States of Europe can save France.

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Cambridge Literary Festival

14 April 2017

The city of Cambridge is hosting the literary festival until 23rd April with meetings, thematic workshops on the art of reading and writing and the promotion of literature with some major names from the literary world and translation in participation.

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Jazzkaar Festival in Estonia

14 April 2017

From 21st to 30th April Estonia will be following the jazz beat with many concerts organised as part of the Jazzkaar Festival.

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Treasures from the Wreck of the Unbelievable - Damien Hirst

18 April 2017

Damien Hirst is running an exhibition at the Palazzo Grassi and at the Punta della Dogana of Venice showing a major artistic project until 3rd December under the title of Treasures from the Wreck of the Unbelievable.

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"Picasso Primitif" at the Quai Branly

17 April 2017

The Quai Branly-Jacques Chirac Museum is running an exhibition until 23rd July showing the works of Picasso and his close links to the art of Africa, the Antipodes, Americas and Asia.

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les 21st-23rd April

Spring Session of the IMF and the World Bank (Washington DC)

23rd April

Presidential election (1st round) (France)

Newsletter Archives

The challenges facing European agriculture: Crisis or opportunity for transformation?

European support to the defence industry - Mid-term review of the European Defence Fund

Greenland:a geostrategic challenge for the European Union in the age of Trump 2.0

Polish Presidency of the Council - A paradigm shift in Poland's European policy

De Gasperi-Schuman: the origins of the European Project

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Charles de Marcilly, Helen Levy ,Laurent Boulay, Hanna Létang, Béatrice Manole,Elise Mathevon, Lorène Weber.

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Eric Maurice

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
Contact Us!

Election/France, Budget/France/Italy, G7/Diplomacy, Referendum/Turkey


The Newsletter n°756- version of 18 avr. 2017