The Newsletter75510 avr. 2017

La Lettre

Elisabeth Morin-Chartier

10 April 2017

Europeans are very much attached to their systems of social protection. They match the historical, economic and social heritage of each country. Although work towards convergence has been started at European level, it remains nonetheless that articulation between the heterogeneous nature of the national systems and the mobility of their beneficiaries is complex. This study develops the issues at stake regarding the mobility of labour.

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"For a few stars more ... Which European policy for France?" has been published

10 April 2017

The Chairman of the Foundation, Jean-Dominique Giuliani has published "For a few stars more ... which European policy for France?" Working on the idea of "integration by example" this new essay reconciles national interests and European revival beyond the recurrent debate over sovereignty. Order your copy now!

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Order your copy of the "Schuman Report on Europe, State of the Union 2017"

10 April 2017

The 2017 edition of the "Schuman Report on the State of the Union" has been published by Lignes de Repères in both French and English. This vital work will help you understand everything there is to know on Europe and can be found in bookshops or from the Foundation's website. You will notably find an article on the directive on posted workers drafted by Elisabeth Morin-Chartier. Order your copy now!

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Financial Crisis

The growth of world productivity in turmoil

10 April 2017

On 3rd April Christine Lagarde, General Manager of the IMF presented a report on the slowing of productivity in the developed countries and possible solutions. According to the IMF countries should invest more in education, research and development.

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Eurogroup Declaration on the revival of investment and Greece

10 April 2017

On 7th April the 19 Euro Area Finance Ministers approved the principles in view of a reform of the investment policy in each Member State. They noted the progress achieved in discussions between the Greek government, the Commission, the ECB, the IMF and the European Stability Mechanism regarding the reforms adopted.

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Meeting with the President of the Helvetic Confederation Doris Leuthard

10 April 2017

On 6th April Swiss President Doris Leuthard and the President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker decided to take up negotiations again covering all issues after the Swiss Parliament's adoption in December of a law that is in line with the agreement on the free movement of people.

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Certification of vehicles

10 April 2017

According to a resolution adopted on 4th April MEPs amended the rules in the procedure of the procedure of vehicle qualification so that security tests are undertaken in a more independent manner.

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Visit by the German President to the European Parliament

10 April 2017

"The European Union is a precious asset that we must not abandon or relinquish to the opponents of Europe. We must protect it, care for it and improve it - this is our joint historic duty", explained German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier who was visiting Strasbourg on 4th April.

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Parliament: end of roaming fees

10 April 2017

MEPs lifted the remaining obstacle before the total suppression of additional roaming fees after the vote on 6th April. This will become effective on 15th June.

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Resolution on conditions for the approval of the agreement on the UK's withdrawal

10 April 2017

On 5th April MEPs adopted a resolution establishing their conditions in view of the final ratification of the agreement on the UK's exit of the EU. They notably recall that it is impossible to negotiate a new trade agreement without "tangible progress" on the withdrawal agreement.

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Human Rights in Russia

10 April 2017

MEPs exhorted the Russian authorities to free political prisoners including opponent Alexey Navalny in a resolution that they approved on 6th April.

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Medical Devices

10 April 2017

On 5th April MEPs adopted two regulations regarding medical devices which establish a stronger modernised European legislative framework. It is designed to guarantee greater protection for public health, patient safety and greater transparency of information for consumers.

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16 Member States are to create a European anti-fraud prosecutor's office

10 April 2017

16 countries have joined forces in a bid to launch a European prosecutor's office that is specialised in counter fraud work in the interests of EU financiers said the Council on 3rd April. This procedure makes it possible to overcome the opposition of some countries to the European project.

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Additional restrictive measures set against North Korea

10 April 2017

On 6th April the Council adopted additional restrictive measures against the People's Democratic Republic of North Korea. These measures complete and strengthen the sanctions set by the UN's Security Council's resolutions.

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Declarations on Syria

10 April 2017

During the conference on 5th April regarding the Syrian war in Brussels, participants from 70 countries and international organisations condemned the use of chemical weapons, acknowledged humanitarian requirements and agreed on a global approach.

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Court of Justice

Security and Study Visas

10 April 2017

According to an ECJ decision dated 4th April national authorities have wide ranging ability to assess whether someone applying for a study visa represents a threat, whether this might be potential, to public security.

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Mario Draghi defends the monetary policy

10 April 2017

On 6th April the ECB President Mario Draghi maintained that nothing would justify a change in direction as far as the monetary policy is concerned. "There is not enough evidence that would push us to review significantly our analysis of inflation," he declared.

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Germany, supporting Ireland in the face of Brexit

10 April 2017

On 6th April German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Irish Prime Minister Enda Kenny discussed the approach to be adopted post-Brexit. Germany will help Ireland to protect its interests in the Brexit negotiations.

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Faroe Islands want a fishing agreement with the UK

10 April 2017

On 5th April the Faroe Islands' government - an autonomous archipelago that belongs to Denmark said that it wanted to come a fishing agreement with the UK after the country's exit of the EU in order to be able to continue export their fish there since this is a vital economy for the islands.

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Tension between Spain and the UK over Gibraltar

10 April 2017

Since the publication on 31st March of the post-Brexit negotiation guidelines by the President of the European Council Donald Tusk, establishing that no agreement will apply to Gibraltar without an agreement between Spain and the UK this disputed territory has again become a source of tension between the two countries.

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Disarmament of ETA

10 April 2017

Following the announcement made by ETA in 2011 regarding the relinquishment of armed conflict, 8 arms caches have been revealed which led to the organisation handing over 3.5 tonnes of arms to the French authorities on 8th April.

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Meeting between Theresa May and Donald Tusk

10 April 2017

On 6th April British Prime Minister Theresa May hosted the President of the European Council Donald Tusk in London to discuss the follow-up to the triggering of article 50.

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Attack in Stockholm

10 April 2017

On 7th April in Stockholm a lorry drove into the crowd killing four and injuring about 15 people. The drive was arrested along with another man who was detained for "complicity in a terrorist act".

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Visa exemptions for Ukrainian during short stays

10 April 2017

On 6th April MEPs adopted a resolution enabling Ukrainians to be exempted from visa obligations when on short stays in the EU.

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Security Forum Kyiv

10 April 2017

On 6th April the Prime Ministers of the Baltic States travelled to Kyiv on the occasion of the Security Forum. They reiterated their support of Ukraine in the face of Russia and declared that they supported the deepening of links between the EU-Ukraine notably via visa exemption for Ukrainians travelling to Europe.

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Finland's programme against illegal immigration

10 April 2017

On 3rd April Finland adopted its third programme to counter illegal entries and stays within its territory for the period 2017-2020 as part of its immigration control policy.

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Schengen: enhancing border controls

10 April 2017

As of 7th April the Schengen Border Code provides for a strengthening of security measures on the entry and exit of the Schengen area. During a control the border police must systematically consult police databases and not simply control the validity of the identity document.

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Council of Europe

Concern about human rights defence organisations

10 April 2017

On 4th April the Commissioner for Human Rights for the Council of Europe said he was concerned about the "regression in terms of the right to assembly", "repression" and "administrative and legal harassment" that is affecting organisations and human rights defenders, notably in Russia, Turkey, Serbia, Bulgaria, Romania and Slovakia.

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UN Report on renewable energies

10 April 2017

In the UN's report on renewable energies published on 3rd April "more than 70% of experts interviewed ... deem that the world transition over to 100% renewable energy is both feasible and realistic."

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Travelling safely in Europe: strengthening Schengen

10 April 2017

The investigative committee on European borders, the control of flows of people and merchandise in Europe and the future of the Schengen Area at the Senate delivered its report on 4th April after having heard 31 people including the Foundation's Chair, Jean-Dominique Giuliani. Given the terrorist threat and the migratory crisis the Schengen Area must be protected and reformed in order to strengthen safety. The investigative committee of the Senate has put forward 32 measures in this direction.

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"Misteria Paschalia" Festival Krakow

10 April 2017

From 10th to 17th April Krakow is hosting the "Misteria Paschalia" one of the biggest European Renaissance and Baroque music festivals, which accompanies the Easter celebrations various musical concerts. Famous artists will be performing in the famous Saint-Cunegond Chapel of Wieliczka that is sculpted in salt.

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Holy Week in Spain

10 April 2017

Until 16th April, Spain is organising some major celebrations for Easter during the Holy Week. Daily and night processions, with Biblical scenes and even concerts will take place across the entire country.

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Documenta in Athens

10 April 2017

For the 14th year Documenta is taking place in Athens until 16th July. The exhibition unveils the work of over 160 artists in more than 40 public institutions.

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Easter Festival Aix-en-Provence

10 April 2017

On the occasion of its Easter Festival and until 23rd April the town of Aix-en-Provence is organising many classical music concerts.

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Newsletter Archives

The challenges facing European agriculture: Crisis or opportunity for transformation?

European support to the defence industry - Mid-term review of the European Defence Fund

Greenland:a geostrategic challenge for the European Union in the age of Trump 2.0

Polish Presidency of the Council - A paradigm shift in Poland's European policy

De Gasperi-Schuman: the origins of the European Project

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Charles de Marcilly, Helen Levy ,Laurent Boulay, Hanna Létang, Béatrice Manole,Elise Mathevon, Lorène Weber.

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Eric Maurice

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

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The Newsletter n°755- version of 10 avr. 2017