The Newsletter74316 janv. 2017

La Lettre

Arnault Barichella

16 January 2017

Whilst Donald Trump will take office on 20th January the Foundation has published an analysis of his vision of international politics, which can be divided into three poles. He is against free-trade in its present form, he is convinced that the USA has concluded "bad agreements" with their allies and he believes that he can achieve "better agreements" via bilateral negotiations with authoritarian leaders such as the Russian President rather than via cooperation with democratic allies or multilateral organisations such as NATO and the European Union. These positions constitute a threat. This is why it is vital for the European Union and its Member States to respond firmly to avoid the worst scenario.

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Europeans and the consequences of the Brexit

15 January 2017

On 9th January the Foundation published an exclusive survey undertaken on its request by IFOP in November in five Member States of the European Union (Germany, Spain, France, Italy, Poland) on how citizens perceive the impact and consequences of the UK's exit of the EU.

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Review of Poland's membership of the European Union 13 years on

15 January 2017

On 27th January the Robert Schuman Foundation is organising a conference-debate at the French Senate in Paris with the "Cercle européen de soutien à la culture polonaise" regarding the results of Poland's membership of the European Union. It is obligatory to enrol.

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Frontex: creation of a new pool of experts on migrant returns

15 January 2017

On 10th January the European border and coast guard agency, Frontex announced the creation of a pool of expert designed to help the Schengen Area State in returning illegal migrants to their countries of origin.

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Germany: 280,000 new asylum seekers in 2016

15 January 2017

According to an estimate by the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees, the number of asylum seekers entering Germany decreased in 2016 dropping from 890,000 in 2015 to 280,000 in 2016.

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The Council of Europe concerned about asylum rules in Slovenia

16 January 2017

In a letter addressed to the Slovenian Prime Minister on 11th January, the Council of Europe's Secretary General spoke of his concern about the draft law which will change entry and expulsion conditions for migrants in Slovenia.

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Austria: asylum requests down by half in 2016

16 January 2017

The number of asylum seekers in Austria dropped by half in 2016 but remains "at a high level" according to figures released by the Ministry for Home Affairs on 15th January. Some 42,100 people asked for asylum in Austria last year, ie 52% fewer than in 2015 at the peak of the wave of refugees which witnessed the request for asylum by 90,000 people in the country.

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New stages on the path to the creation of a European data based economy

15 January 2017

As part of its strategy for a Digital Single Market the European Commission suggested on 10th January some political and legal solutions that might free up the economy's potential based on data in the EU.

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The Commission gave the greenlight for the restructuring of Areva

16 January 2017

On 10th January the European Commission concluded that France's project to give aid to Areva in the shape of a capital injection of 4.5 billion € is in line with Europe's rules in terms of State aid.

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A service economy that serves Europeans

15 January 2017

On 10th January the Commission presented measures designed for businesses and professionals in order to facilitate the provision of services: a new electronic service card, guidelines for national reforms in terms of professional regulations, the improvement of project notifications of national law on services.

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Request for European rules on robots

16 January 2017

On 12th January the Legal Affairs Committee at the European Parliament voted in support of a legislative initiative inviting the European Commission to suggest rules in the area of robotics.

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Approval of Gunther Oettinger in his new post at the Commission

15 January 2017

Following the appointment of Gunther Oettinger as Commissioner for the Budget and responsible for "Human Resources", the three parliamentary committees responsible for his audition deemed that he is in a position to take over these two portfolio in a letter addressed to the President of the European Parliament on 12th January.

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Extension of the civil EUCAP Sahel Mali mission

15 January 2017

On 11th January, the Council extended the mandate of the civil assistance and advisory mission of the domestic security forces in Mali. It also allocated a 29.7 million € budget to the mission until 14th January 2018.

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European Commission vision of Malta

15 January 2017

On 11th January the President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker visited La Valette with the College, to attend the official launch of the Maltese Presidency of the Council of the European Union.

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Conclusions of the Foreign Affairs Ministers' Meeting

16 January 2017

On 16th January the 28 Foreign Affairs Ministers discussed the future of Syria and said they supported the organisation of a conference on Syria and the region in the spring of 2017. Moreover they discussed the need for peace and a two-State solution for Israel and Palestine. They also repeated their support for the democratic transition of Lebanon.

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Donald Trump attacks the European Union

16 January 2017

American President elect Donald Trump forecast in an interview in the daily newspapers Times and Bild that Brexit would be "a success" and announced that he wanted to conclude a trade agreement with the UK as quickly as possible. He also said he thought that Angela Merkel had committed a "catastrophic mistake" by opening her country to migrants and accused Germany of dominating Europe.

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New measures in terms of domestic security

15 January 2017

On 10th January, the German Minister for Home Affairs, Thomas de Maizière and Justice Minister Heiko Maas agreed on the need to introduce new security measures.

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More German soldiers in Mali

15 January 2017

On 11th January the German government said it wanted to increase its investment in the UN's Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (UNMISMA). The government also decided to extend the mandate until the end of January 2018.

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Budgetary surplus in 2016

15 January 2017

On 12th January the German Finance Minister presented the provisional budget results of 2016. For the third year running Germany has not had fallen into any new debt and has made a budgetary surplus of 6.2 billion € in 2016.

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1.9% growth in 2016

15 January 2017

The German economy is doing very well as seen by growth figures published on 12th January with the GDP up by 1.9%.

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Creation of a new political party in Bulgaria

16 January 2017

A new political party was created in Bulgaria as the general elections that are to take place in the spring draw closer in the spring of 2017. "Yes Bulgaria" aims to be against corruption and is anti-establishment. It is led by former Justice Minister, Hristo Ivanov.

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Negotiations in view of reunification

15 January 2017

After three days of talks from 9th to 11th January in Geneva negotiations over the reunification of Cyprus ended with an international conference under the aegis of the UN. A working group will be formed on 18th January.

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France steps up its cyber security

16 January 2017

In an interview, French Defence Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian, said that France was as exposed to the dangers of cyberattacks as the USA. He also specified the means deployed by the country to remedy this situation.

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Peace conference for the Middle East

16 January 2017

On 15th January around 70 countries and international organisations met in Paris in a bit to revive the peace process between Israel and Palestine. They re-iterated their attachment to a two State solution.

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Northern Ireland: resignation of the Deputy First Minister

15 January 2017

On 9th January Martin McGuinness, the Deputy First Minister of Northern Ireland and member of the nationalist Sinn Fein handed in his resignation due to tension with First Minister Arlene Foster. This departure will in all likelihood lead to early elections.

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Paolo Gentiloni in France

16 January 2017

On 10th January French President François Hollande hosted Italian Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni for a working lunch. They discussed the priorities of European integration, including defence and security.

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Angela Merkel in Luxembourg and Belgium

15 January 2017

On 12th January German Chancellor Angela Merkel travelled to Luxembourg and Belgium. With her Luxembourg and Belgian counterparts she discussed the main issues in European and international policy, notably regarding the future of the EU and the refugee crisis.

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Parliament wants the government to publish a "Whitepaper" on the Brexit

16 January 2017

On 14th January the parliamentary committee responsible for the Brexit at the House of Commons published a report in which it says that it wants Theresa May's government to publish a "whitepaper" detailing the exit process from the European Union.

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Nikola Gruevski asked to form a new government

16 January 2017

On 9th January former Prime Minister, member of the conservative party, VMRO-DPMNE, was asked to form a new government. He has 20 days to achieve the confidence of Parliament in which his party has 51 of the 120 seats.

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New government coalition

15 January 2017

On 10th January three Icelandic political parties (the Independence Party, Reform Party and Bright Future) formed a government led by Bjarni Benediktsson, Finance Minister since 2013, comprising 10 ministers, four of whom are women.

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Arrival of American armed forces in the East of Europe

16 January 2017

On 12th January more than 4000 American soldiers and heavy equipment were deployed to Poland under the strengthening of NATO's east flank in response to Russian military activity in the region. They will also be deployed to the Baltic States, Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria.

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The EU is still the net investor in the rest of the world

15 January 2017

According to figures published by Eurostat on 12th January the EU remains a net investor in the rest of the world with a balance of 1,000 billion €. Foreign Direct investment stocks held by the EU in the rest of world totalled 6,894 billion € at the end of 2015. Those held by the rest of the world in the EU totalled 5,842 billion €.

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The number of children per woman in Europe is declining

15 January 2017

According to a study by the French Demographic Institute 'INDED' published on 11th January the number of children per woman in Europe is declining.

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Global Economic Growth Forecast

15 January 2017

On 10th January the World Bank published its report "Global Economic Growth Forecast" in which it provides for a slight acceleration in world growth of 2.7% in 2017 (in contrast to 2.4% in 2016).

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2017 report on Global Risks

15 January 2017

On 11th January the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland presented its annual report on Global Risks 2017, two of which are social exclusion and inequality.

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Report on the development of the monetary policy

15 January 2017

On 12th January in Frankfurt/Main the ECB presented the report on recent economic and financial developments in the euro zone. Economic recovery continues at a moderate pace but has grown stronger. Financing conditions remain favourable thereby facilitating the payment of debt.

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Advocating a "significant" reform of the European budget

16 January 2017

On 12th January the work group chaired by Mario Monti spoke in support of a "significant reform" of the European budget. The report "advocating a significant reform" notably for Europe to have its own revenues and to avoid simply counting on direct contributions by the Member States.

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Short film Festival in Vilnius

15 January 2017

From 18th to 22nd January an international short film festival with be taking place in Vilnius, Lithuania with work by directors from the world over.

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Art Fair London

15 January 2017

From 18th to 22nd January the Business Design Centre in London is hosting the 29th art fair with more than 100 participating galleries presenting the work of major names in the contemporary art world.

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BRAFA art fair in Brussels

15 January 2017

From 21st to 29th January the Tour & Taxis is hosting the BRAFA art fair in Brussels. This is one of the most prestigious art and antiques fairs in Europe offering a very wide variety of specialities from Ancient times to the 21st century.

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Exhibition 'Die Brücke' in Berlin

15 January 2017

From 21st January to 3rd September an exhibition is taking place at the Brücke Museum in Berlin entitled "Die Brücke - Gemälde, Plastik, Zeichnungen und Druckgraphik". This exhibition comprising the most important canvasses from the German Expressionist movement "Die Brücke" is being organised to celebrate the museum's 50th anniversary.

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Exhibition devoted to Claude Monet in Basel

15 January 2017

From 22nd January to 28th May on the occasion of its 20th anniversary the Beyeler Foundation, Basel is dedicating an exhibition to one of the greatest painters, Claude Monet.

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Inauguration of the Hamburg Philharmonic

16 January 2017

On 11th January the Elbphilharmonie of Hamburg was inaugurated during a concert devoted to German music. More than 2000 people, including Joachim Gauck and Angela Merkel attended this event.

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16th January

Foreign Affairs Council (Brussels)

16th to 19th January

Plenary Session of the European Parliament (Strasbourg)

19th January

ECB Council of Governors (Frankfurt/Main)

23rd January

"Agriculture and Fisheries" Council (Brussels)

Newsletter Archives

The challenges facing European agriculture: Crisis or opportunity for transformation?

European support to the defence industry - Mid-term review of the European Defence Fund

Greenland:a geostrategic challenge for the European Union in the age of Trump 2.0

Polish Presidency of the Council - A paradigm shift in Poland's European policy

De Gasperi-Schuman: the origins of the European Project

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Charles de Marcilly, Helen Levy ,Léa Degorre, François Frigot,Lucas Mehler, Benjamin Penassou, Athina Reuter

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Eric Maurice

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

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The Newsletter n°743- version of 16 janv. 2017