The Newsletter7429 janv. 2017

La Lettre

Fondation Robert Schuman, IFOP Institut français d'opinion publique

9 January 2017

The Foundation ordered an exclusive survey from IFOP in November in five EU Member States (Germany, Spain, France, Italy, Poland) regarding how citizens perceived the effects and impact of the UK's exit from the EU.

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Front page!

Europe's necessary strategic autonomy

8 January 2017

In the new international context the Foundation's Chairman recall in an editorial on his site the need for Europe to be autonomously strategic.

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Review of Poland's membership of the European Union 13 years on

9 January 2017

On 27th January the Robert Schuman Foundation is organising, together with the European Circle of Support for Polish Culture, a conference-debate on the results of Poland's membership of the EU. It will take place at the French Senate in Paris. It is obligatory to enrol.

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Hearing in the Senate over Europe's borders and the future of the Schengen Area

9 January 2017

The Senate's Committee of Inquiry regarding Europe's borders, the control of flows of people and merchandise in Europe and the future of the Schengen Area received Jean-Dominique Giuliani, the Foundation's Chairman on 3rd January.

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The number of migrants arriving via the sea decreased in 2016.

8 January 2017

According to a press release published on 6th January by Frontex the number of illegal immigrants arriving by sea in the Schengen Area totalled 364,000 out a total of 503 700 in 2016, ie a reduction of 2/3 in comparison with 2015. It should be noted that arrivals have increased sharply in Italy. (+20%) and have decreased by 79% in Greece thanks to the agreement concluded with Turkey.

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Adoption of a new plan to facilitate the cross-border movement of trains in Europe

8 January 2017

On January 5th the European Commission adopted a new deployment plan for the European Railway Traffic Management System (ERTMS). The aim of this new plan is to offer greater guarantees to rail companies and to facilitate investment so that around 50% of the Europe's strategic rail network will be equipped by 2023.

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Erasmus is 30 years old

9 January 2017

In 2017 the mobility programme Erasmus+ is celebrating its 30th anniversary. On this occasion the Commission has issued an information bulletin which covers the events organised across Europe to celebrate this anniversary throughout the year.

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Priorities for 2017

8 January 2017

On 4th January the European Parliament presented its priorities for 2017. MEPs want notably to work on a fairer distribution of asylum seekers, the fight to counter terrorism, the single digital market, the fight to counter tax fraud and the reduction of greenhouse gases.

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Seven candidates for the Presidency of the European Parliament

9 January 2017

On 17th January the election of the President of the European Parliament will take place in Strasbourg. The 7 candidates running to take over from Martin Schulz are Italians Antonio Tajani (EPP), Gianni Pittella (S&D) and Eleonora (GUE/NGL), Belgians Guy Verhofstadt (ALDE) and Helga Stevens (ECR/N-VA), Briton Jean Lambert (the Greens) and Romanian Laurentiu Rebega (ENF).

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Malta to preside over the Council of the European Union until 30th June 2017

8 January 2017

Since January 1st, Malta has been presiding over the rotating Council of the European Union. Its priorities are migration, security, Single Market, a more inclusive European society, the Brexit negotiations.

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New transparency rules on tax rulings

8 January 2017

Since January 1st the Member States are obliged are obliged to exchange automatically information on all new cross-border tax rulings that they issue

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Entry into force of the agreement between the EU and Ecuador

8 January 2017

On 1st January the free trade agreement signed between the EU and Ecuador entered into force. This completes the agreement established with Peru and Colombia.

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European Agencies

The hidden secrets of Orion's cloud

8 January 2017

A nursery of stars lying 1350 light-years from earth has been photographed in detail by a telescope. The European Southern Observatory published a spectacular picture of the famous Orion cloud on 4th January. It was taken by VISTA, that is established in the Atacama desert in the north of Chile.

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The redesign of its security services

8 January 2017

On 3rd January in a column published in the daily Frankfurther Allgemeine Zeitung German Home Affairs Minister, Thomas de Maizière, laid out the major guidelines for the redesign of the security services.

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Parliament grants its confidence to the government

8 January 2017

On 4th January the two chambers of the Romanian Parliament granted their confidence to the new government led by Sorin Grindeanu, 295 votes in support, 133 against. This government comprises 26 ministers including 8 women. 22 ministers are members of the Socialist Party and 4 of the ALDE (Alliance of Liberals and Democrats).

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Resignation of British Ambassador to the EU

8 January 2017

On 3rd January Ivan Rogers, British Ambassador to the EU handed in his resignation due to disagreements over the way the UK's exit of the European Union is to be managed. He was replaced by Tim Barrow, Political Director at the Foreign Office. who has already held office in Brussels on two occasions.

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Nicola Sturgeon: a "soft Brexit" or a 2nd independence referendum

8 January 2017

On 6th January Nicola Sturgeon, Scotland's First Minister declared during a speech on the BBC that a bid for independence by Scotland might be avoided if a "soft Brexit" were to be adopted by the UK.

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Referendum in Iceland on the European Union?

9 January 2017

Negotiations regarding the formation of a government in Iceland are about to be completed between the Independence Party, Reform and Radiant Future. The idea of a possible referendum on Iceland joining the EU might feature in their government programme.

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Antonio Guterres makes his first speech as Secretary General of the UN

8 January 2017

In his first official speech as UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres called for the world to make "peace our absolute priority."

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Rise in inflation in the euro zone

8 January 2017

According to an estimate published by Eurostat on 4th January the euro zone's annual inflation rate totalled 1.1% in December 2016 against a previous 0.6% a month earlier.

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Drop in Unemployment

9 January 2017

According to estimates published by Eurostat on 9th January the unemployment rate totalled 8.3% in the EU and 9.8% in the euro zone in November 2016. This was one of the lowest rates recorded since 2009 for the Union and since July 2009 for the euro zone.

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Report on the European Social Fund

8 January 2017

On 5th January the European Commission presented an assessment report of the European Social Fund. Between 2007 and 2014 the FSE helped, 9.7 million Europeans to find a job and enabled 8.7 million Europeans to achieve a diploma or qualifications.

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Dance Days in Berlin

8 January 2017

From 5th to 15th January Berlin's "Tanztage" are taking place. This is an inevitable venue for the world of dance and choreography in the German capital. In this 26th edition audiences will be able to see in eight premieres and four revivals of past productions.

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Barnett Newman Exhibition in Copenhagen

8 January 2017

From 6th January to 17th April the Museum of Louisiana of Copenhagen is organising an exhibition devoted to Barnett Newman, one of the most important representatives of abstract Expressionism.

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Exhibition on Giorgio de Chirico in Milan

8 January 2017

From 12th January to 11th February the 29 arts in progress gallery of Milan is running an exhibition on Italian sculptor and painter Giorgio de Chirico, reviewing the work of this 20th century artist.

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Robert Rauschenberg at the Tate Modern in London

8 January 2017

Until 2nd April the Tate Modern in London is running an exhibition devoted to Robert Rauschenberg who opened up new paths for art in the second half of the 20th century.

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Exhibition of the work of Amadeo de Souza-Cardoso in Lisbon

8 January 2017

From 12th January to 26th February the Chiado Museum in Lisbon is organising an exhibition devoted to painter Amadeo de Souza-Cardoso for a retrospective of the 114 pieces of work on show as under the title of "Abstraccionismo" in 1916.

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Graphic Design Festival in Paris

8 January 2017

From 11th January to 22nd February the festival of graphic design is back in Paris. With exhibitions at the Musée des Arts Décoratifs, as well as meetings and conferences, Paris will become the capital of graphic design.

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16th January

Foreign Affairs Council (Brussels)

16th to 19th January

Plenary Session of the European Parliament (Strasbourg)

Newsletter Archives

The Italian economy and its European outlook

The challenges facing European agriculture: Crisis or opportunity for transformation?

European support to the defence industry - Mid-term review of the European Defence Fund

Greenland:a geostrategic challenge for the European Union in the age of Trump 2.0

Polish Presidency of the Council - A paradigm shift in Poland's European policy

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Charles de Marcilly, Helen Levy ,Léa Degorre, François Frigot,Lucas Mehler, Benjamin Penassou, Athina Reuter

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Eric Maurice

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
Contact Us!

Editorial, Hearing/Schengen, Romania/Government, Erasmus, Orion


The Newsletter n°742- version of 9 janv. 2017