The Newsletter73217 oct. 2016

La Lettre

Charles de Marcilly

17 October 2016

The Bratislava Summit of 16th September 2016 brought together the heads of State and government, without the UK, in a bid to provide new impetus to Europe. Regarding the external chapter on economic measures the 27 have simply asked for the assessment of the means available "to introduce a robust trade policy which capitalises on the open markets whilst taking on board concerns expressed by the citizens." This might sound surprising on the part of the world's leading trade power because of its lack of ambition. But opinion and certain governments are divided, and even disconcerted by the agreements that are under discussion at present with Canada and the USA. Behind a feeling of impotence in the face of the dangers of globalisation, misconceptions of the institutional machine and split accountability accentuate the feeling that agreements that are being negotiated "behind the scenes", and even against the citizens, whilst the States are prescribers and decision makers of last resort. The interest of a common trade policy is facing internal challenges which are undermining the collective capacity for negotiation.

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Europe under the test of the crises

17 October 2016

Thierry Chopin, Research Director for the Foundation will be speaking on 21st October at the conference "L'Europe à l'épreuve des crises" organised at the University of the Sorbonne in Paris.

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Inaugural Seminar Euronaval

17 October 2016

Jean-Dominique Giuliani, Chairman of the Foundation, is taking part in the seminar Euronaval on 18th October on the theme of "Together, let's make the oceans safer".

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Asylum Seekers: facts and figures one year on

16 October 2016

The European Asylum Support Office (EASO) published data on 12th October showing how the relocation system functions.

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Negotiations to facilitate visa delivery and readmission with Tunisia

16 October 2016

On 12th October in Tunisia negotiations started which aim to reach an agreement that will relax visa procedures and short term visa delivery and also establish readmission procedures for illegal immigrants.

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Migrant arrivals in Germany in the third quarter

16 October 2016

On 12th October the German Home Affairs Minister published figures regarding migrant arrivals in Germany in the third quarter. In September 2016 there were 76,400 new asylum requests in Germany. Between January and September 2016 the German administrative services took decisions on 462, 314 requests.

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The European Security Programme: first report

16 October 2016

On 12th October the European Commission presented the first of a series of monthly reports on the progress achieved in the introduction of an effective, sustainable security union.

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Airbus: the European Union appeals against the WTO's decision

16 October 2016

On 13th October the EU appealed against the WTO's decision which deemed that the EU and some of its Member States had not brought their subsidies to Airbus in line with the WTO's rules.

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Agreement on Fishing in the Baltic Sea

16 October 2016

On 10th October 2016 the Fisheries and Agriculture Council decided unanimously on the definition of total admissible captures for the coming year in the Baltic Sea.

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Conclusions on Tax Transparency

16 October 2016

On 11th October the 28 Economy and Finance Ministers adopted conclusions on the need to implement coordinated policies at international and European level to counter the large scale dissimulation of capital which impedes the fight to counter tax fraud and the financing of terrorism.

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Conclusions of the "Justice and Internal Affairs" Council

16 October 2016

On 13th and 14th October the Justice and Internal Affairs Ministers adopted a regulation that establishes a single European travel document for the return of illegal residents from third countries. They assessed two legislative proposals: the creation of the post of European Prosecutor and the directive on the fight to counter financial interest fraud.

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Conclusions of the Environment Council

18 October 2016

The meeting of Environment Ministers on 17th October focused on the protection of the climate and water, as well as on international negotiations on bio-diversity that are to take place in Mexico.

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Implementation of the economic partnership with the Southern States of Africa

17 October 2016

On 10th October the economic partnership agreement concluded with the five countries of southern Africa (South Africa, Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia and Swaziland) became effective. To date these five countries now have free access to the EU's market.

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Bangkok Declaration on the promotion of the ASEAN-EU partnership

16 October 2016

During the 21st ASEAN-EU ministerial meeting that took place in Bangkok on 13th and 14th October the EU and ASEAN approved a declaration on the promotion of a partnership pertaining to shared strategic goals.

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Conclusions of the Foreign Affairs Council

17 October 2016

On 17th October the Foreign Affairs Council published its conclusions. In Luxembourg the Ministers met to discuss the situation in Syria, Tunisia, the migratory crisis and the Union's Global Strategy amongst other matters.

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Court of Auditor

European Court of Auditors validates the EU's accounts

16 October 2016

On 13th October the European Court of Auditors validated the Union's annual accounts. It welcomed the fact that there were no errors in the revenue operations that had been assessed and the reduction of the error level in expenditure (3.8% against 4.4% in 2014).

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European Agencies

Arrival of ExoMars on the red planet

17 October 2016

On 19th October the ExoMars mission 2016 will enter into orbit around the red planet and at the same time the Schiaparelli module will descend to the surface. ExoMars is a joint ESA/Roscommos mission which comprises the Trace Gas Orbiter and the entry, descent and landing demonstrator.

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The German Constitutional Court allows the government to sign the EU-Canada agreement

16 October 2016

On 13th October the German Constitutional Court of Karlsruhe ruled that the government could provisionally sign the free-trade agreement planned between the EU and Canada at the end of October. It has however demanded that there be a possibility for Berlin the quit the agreement if it deems it necessary at a later stage.

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Germany and Africa

17 October 2016

On 10th and 11th October the German Chancellor Angela Merkel travelled to Africa where she met the Malian, Nigerien and Ethiopian presidents before hosting the Chadian President in Berlin on 12th October. Support to the African Union, migratory cooperation and development aid were the main issues addressed.

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Wallonia says no to CETA

16 October 2016

On 14th October the Walloon Parliament adopted a resolution asking its Minister President Paul Magnette, not to allow Belgium to accept the free-trade agreement between Canada and the EU (CETA).

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Speech by the Belgian Prime Minister

17 October 2016

In a speech delivered on 16th October to the Chamber in Brussels Belgian Prime Minister, Charles Michel presented the 2017 budget as well as the reform programme as he made a speech on general policy.

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Andrej Plenkovic asked to form the next Croatian government

17 October 2016

On 10th October, a month after the general elections Croatia, President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic has asked Andrej Plenkovic, leader of the HDZ, winner of the elections on 11th September last to form a new government.

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Kersti Kaljulaid takes office as President of the Republic of Estonia

17 October 2016

Former Member of the European Court of Auditors, Kersti Kaljulaid took office on 10th October as President of the Republic of Estonia. She is the very first woman to take up this post.

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Ireland's 2017 Budget

16 October 2016

On 11th October Irish Finance Minister Michael Noonan presented the main outline of a budget that aims to protect the country's economy from the damaging effects expected of Brexit. The 2017 Finance Bill forecasts growth of 3.5% next year and a package of social and fiscal aid of 1.3 billion €.

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Airbus counter attacks the decision taken by the Polish government

16 October 2016

On 11th October Guillaume Faury, the CEO of Airbus Helicopters sent an open letter to the Polish Prime Minister Beata Szydlo in order to reject point by point the criticism made by Poland in justification of its decision to cancel the contract of 50 Caracal helicopters.

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Czech Republic

Results of the Senatorial elections in the Czech Republic

17 October 2016

During the Senatorial by-elections on 14th and 15th October in the Czech Republic, the government coalition managed to retain the majority in the Senate taking 10 seats out of the 27 thanks to the Christian-Democrats.

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Norway and Romania sign a cooperation agreement

16 October 2016

On 13th October Norway and Romania signed a cooperation agreement in the development of businesses, research, energy and justice. Via the European Economic Area and Norwegian subsidies 502.5 million € will be devoted to 12 cooperation programmes under this agreement.

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Scotland: a new referendum project on independence

17 October 2016

Scottish First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon announced on 13th October that she intended to present a new draft bill for a referendum deeming that the vote for the Brexit had changed the terms of Scotland belonging to the UK.

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The party in office wins the general elections in Montenegro

17 October 2016

Outgoing Prime Minister, Milo Djukanovic's party won the general election on 16th October. He won 36 of the 81 seats in Parliament (41% of the vote). The election was marred by violence on the part of pro-Russian activists who were protesting against the country's membership of the EU and NATO.

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Council of Europe

Human Rights Commissioner cancels his visit to Russia

16 October 2016

The Commissioner for Human Rights at the Council of Europe announced on 11th October that he was cancelling a visit to Russia due to "unacceptable restrictions" that the authorities wanted to make to his programme.

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François Hollande speaks to the Council of Europe

16 October 2016

On 11th October François Hollande, President of the French Republic gave a speech to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe in Strasbourg on the diplomatic risks between France and Russia, the duty of the international community in the Syrian and Ukraine affairs and "the rule of law".

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Opinion on the new Polish law regarding the Constitutional Tribunal

16 October 2016

An opinion adopted by the Council of Europe's Venice Commission on 14th October declared that the new Polish law regarding the Constitutional Tribunal did not meet two essential standards of balance of power in government: the independence of the judiciary and the position of the constitutional court as the final arbiter in constitutional issues.

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Antonio Guterres will be the UN's new Secretary General

16 October 2016

On 13th October the UN's General Assembly followed the recommendation of the Security Council and officially chose Antonio Guterres to take over from Ban Ki-moon as Secretary General of the UN. He will enter office on 1st January 2017 for a five year mandate.

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International Goods Trade

16 October 2016

According to Eurostat estimates published on 14th October, with exports to the rest of the world totalling 160.3 billion € against 141.9 billion in imports, the euro zone recorded a surplus in August 2016 of 18.4 billion € in its international goods trade with the rest of the world. The European Union recorded a deficit of 7.4 billion €.

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Employment growth gathers pace in the EU

17 October 2016

On 11th October the European Commission published its quarterly review that confirms employment growth in most Member States, showing that the rate of unemployment has reached its lowest level since 2009.

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The CBI points to the dangers of a hard Brexit

17 October 2016

On 10th October Carolyn Fairbairn, the CBI's Director General declared in an interview with the daily "The Times" that the British government's leanings towards a hard Brexit could endanger the UK's status as an open economy.

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"Hongrie: l'angoisse de la disparition" by Françoise Pons

17 October 2016

Published on 10th October this paper tries to inform, help us understand and decipher the Hungarian people via a historic, political and cultural journey. Journalist Françoise Pons describes the Hungarian people's fear of disappearance since the loss of its territories in 1921.

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Pierre Conesa publishes a book on Saudi Arabia's religious diplomacy

17 October 2016

Robert Laffont publishing house has released "Dr Saoud and Mr Djihad" by Pierre Conesa. This study looks into how Saudi Arabia has developed a religious strategy for decades to conquer the Muslim community and also the West, fostering the religious radicalism which now threatens the latter.

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Gérald Cramer and his artists: Chagall, Miro, Moore

17 October 2016

From 21st October 2016 to 29th January 2017 an exhibition will be taking place entitled "Gérald Cramer and his artists: Chagall, Miro, Moore" at the cabinet of graphic art in Geneva. It is devoted to the works of Gérald Cramer, a gallery owner and major art book publisher of the second half of the 20th century.

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Wildlife Photo Art (WPA) Moncucco

17 October 2016

An exhibition on wildlife is showing in Moncucco (Italy) until 30th October. It offers visitors a mix of photographs and paintings - this event is unique in its kind.

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Frankfurt Book Fair

17 October 2016

From 19th to 23rd October the Frankfurt Book Fair (Frankfurter Buchmesse), the biggest of its kind in the world, will be taking place in Frankfurt am Main, Germany.

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Barcelona: international jazz festival

17 October 2016

From 20th October to 21st December 2016 Barcelona is organising the international jazz festival. For two months the city will move to the rhythm of many concerts whilst meetings with jazz and blues musicians will be organised.

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43rd FIAC

17 October 2016

The International Fair of Contemporary Art (FIAC) will be taking place from 20th to 23rd October at the Grand Palais, in the Jardin des Tuileries, as well as in Place Vendôme with 174 exhibitors from 25 countries. 47 French galleries and 34 from America are also taking part.

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Icons of modern art: the Shchukine collection

17 October 2016

He was one of the greatest patrons of the start of the 20th century and tribute is paid to Shchukine at the Louis Vuitton Foundation from 22nd October 2016 to 20th February 2017. More than 130 Impressionist, post-Impressionist, and modern artists from the Shchukine collection will be on show amongst which will be Monet and Matisse.

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17th & 18th October

Foreign Affairs Council (Luxembourg)

17th October

"Environment" Council (Luxembourg)

18th October

"General Affairs" Council (Luxembourg)

20th October

ECB Council of Governors Meeting (Frankfurt)

20th & 21st October

European Council (Brussels)

23rd October

General Elections (2nd round) (Lithuania)

les 24th-27th October

Plenary Session of the European Parliament (Strasbourg)

Newsletter Archives

The challenges facing European agriculture: Crisis or opportunity for transformation?

European support to the defence industry - Mid-term review of the European Defence Fund

Greenland:a geostrategic challenge for the European Union in the age of Trump 2.0

Polish Presidency of the Council - A paradigm shift in Poland's European policy

De Gasperi-Schuman: the origins of the European Project

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Charles de Marcilly, Helen Levy ,Ester Bonadonna, Léa Degorre, François Frigot,Lucas Mehler, Benjamin Penassou, Athina Reuter

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Eric Maurice

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
Contact Us!

ExoMars, Security, Africa, Guterres/UN


The Newsletter n°732- version of 17 oct. 2016