The Newsletter73110 oct. 2016

La Lettre

10 October 2016

On 8th March 2016 twenty years after the adoption of the directive on posted workers, the European Commission presented a revised targeted version of the facility designed to take into account the consequences of an increasing use of this practice and to cancel out its adverse effects. This new text follows on from the implementing directive adopted in May 2014 that aims to counter fraud. At the time debate underscored the deep divergence in opinion between the countries sending posted workers and the host/receiving countries. The European Commission's intervention focused on the principle of equal salary in the same place of work, which led to tension and finally to the adoption of a "yellow card" by 11 national parliaments who denounced the infringement of the principle of subsidiarity.

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Lithuanians vote for change

10 October 2016

The main opposition party, Homeland Union-Christian Democrats (TS-LKD and the Peasant and Green Party (LVZS) came out ahead in the first round of the general election organised on 9th October in Lithuania with respectively 21.62% of the vote and 20 seats and 21.58% and 19 seats. They beat the Social Democratic Party (LSP) of outgoing Prime Minister Algirdas Butkevicius which won 14.45% of the vote and 13 seats. The second round will take place on 23rd October.

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Kersti Kaljulaid, elected President of the Republic of Estonia

10 October 2016

Kersti Kaljulaid was elected on 3rd October, 81 voted in support out of the 101 MPs present in the Riigikogu (Parliament), as President of the Republic of Estonia. Aged 46, this former member of the European Court of Auditors will be the first woman to take this post on 10th October.

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Conference: 20 years under the Channel and beyond?

10 October 2016

On 12th October Michel Foucher, French geographer and diplomat, member of the Foundation's Scientific Committee will be discussing the submarine border separating France from the UK during a conference entitled "20 years under the Channel and beyond? Rethinking migration and the borders" at the Brunel University on the Uxbridge Campus.

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Forum: what consequences for the Brexit on Brittany?

10 October 2016

On 17th October a forum will be taking place in Rennes organised by the Regional Council of Brittany on the consequences for the region of the UK's Brexit from the Union. The Chairman of the Foundation, Jean-Dominique Giuliani will be speaking to conclude debate and to assess the future of the Union.

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Migrants: Hungary wants to amend its Constitution

10 October 2016

On 5th October Hungarian Minister for Justice Laszlo Trocsanyi declared during a press conference that it was going to amend its Constitution. The text will be put forward on 10th October to Parliament which aims to prohibit all obligatory relocation of migrants within its territory.

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Financial Crisis

Greek Draft Budget 2017

10 October 2016

In 2017 Greece is forecasting a return of growth with a 2.7% increase in the GDP and a primary budgetary surplus (apart from servicing the debt) of 1.8% of the GDP, according to an initial draft budget submitted to Parliament on 3rd October.

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Outllook for economic growth by the IMF and the World Bank

10 October 2016

Euro zone growth is due to remain moderate in 2016, then slow in 2017 in spite of slight inflation, this is due to be well off the European Central Bank's goals announced IMF forecasts published on 4th October.

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Meeting of G20 Finance Ministers

10 October 2016

On 6th October the Finance Ministers and governments of the central banks of the G20 countries discussed the global economic risks and possible impact of monetary policies.

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Council Agreement on Fishing in the Baltic Sea

9 October 2016

On 10th October 2016 the Fisheries and Agriculture Council decided unanimously on the definition of total admissible captures for the coming year regarding 10 types of most commercially important fish in the Baltic Sea.

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Cohesion Policy: investment results 2007-2013

9 October 2016

On 7th October the European Commission published the results of an independent assessment of the EU's investments undertaken during the period covering 2007-2013 as well as a specific report for each Member State.

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The Commission steps up its trade defence against China

9 October 2016

On 7th October the European Commission decided to impose temporary anti-dumping rights on two Chinese steel imports. It thereby responded to unfair Chinese competition implementing European anti-dumping legislative tools.

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Trade negotiations EU/USA

10 October 2016

On 7th October the 15th round of negotiations over the EU/USA trade agreement was completed. They notably focused on the theme of regulation and on the setting out of specific sectors of cooperation.

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MEPs approve the ratification of the Paris Agreement

10 October 2016

Following the accelerated ratification procedure decided by the Council on 4th October the European Parliament approved the ratification of the Paris Agreement by the EU with Jean-Claude Juncker and Ban Ki-moon in attendance.

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MEPs step up ban on torture goods

10 October 2016

On 4th September MEPs approved European rules to prevent the trade of goods and services that can contribute to torture or execution.

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Informal meeting of European Healthcare Ministers

10 October 2016

On 3rd and 4th October the 28 European Healthcare Ministers focused their discussions on the means to increase the availability of medicines, vaccinations, tuberculosis and food reformulation.

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Eurogroup Meeting

1 January 1970

The 19 Finance Ministers of the euro zone deemed on 10th October that Greece has made all of the necessary reforms thereby opening the way to the disbursement of a further tranche of 2.8 billion €.

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Signature of a Partnership Agreement between the EU and New Zealand

10 October 2016

On 5th October in Brussels the EU's High Representative Federica Mogherini and the New Zealand Foreign Affairs Minister, Hon Murray McCully signed a partnership agreement for relations and cooperation between the EU and New Zealand.

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Brussels Conference on Afghanistan

10 October 2016

On 4th and 5th October the 75 countries and 26 international organisations that met in the Brussels Conference on Afghanistan renewed the partnership for peace and prosperity between the Afghan national unity government and the international community.

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Court of Auditors

The Member States pay enough respect rules regarding State aid

10 October 2016

In a report published on 4th October the European Court of Auditors concluded that more work was necessary to raise awareness of and to gain more respect of the rules regarding State aid in the Cohesion Policy, the EU's leading investment policy.

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European Agencies

Ariane 5 equals Ariane 4's record

10 October 2016

On 5th October Arianespace announced the successful launch into orbit of two telecommunication satellites from Kourou. This was the 74th successful launch in a row for Ariane 5 which equals the record of Ariane 4.

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Launch of European Coast and Border Guard Agency

9 October 2016

On 6th October Commissioner Dimitris Avramopoulos officially launched the European Coast and Border Guard Agency less than one year after the Commission's proposal. It aims to control the EU's external borders in close cooperation with the Member States.

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German Growth Perspectives

9 October 2016

On 7th October the German government published its forecasts for the growth of the German economy. The German GDP is due to grow by 1.8% in 2016, by 1.4% in 2017 and by 1.6% in 2018.

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The Commission, the OECD and the Greek government join forces against corruption

10 October 2016

On 5th October the European Commission together with the OECD and the Greek government launched the same initiative to step up the fight to counter corruption in Greece.

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Summit of Benelux countries

10 October 2016

On 3rd October Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg repeated that they wanted to work on several projects for the development of a true "Digital Benelux" in a joint declaration adopted during this annual summit organised by the three countries in Schengen, Luxembourg.

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The Polish parliament rejects the text on the ban on abortion

10 October 2016

On 5th October given the turnout en masse by Polish women the Polish government rejected the text on the ban on abortion, 352 votes against 58 and 18 abstentions.

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Poland cancels 50 Caracal Airbus Helicopters

10 October 2016

On 7th October the Polish Defence Ministry confirmed that it was cancelling the call for tender won in April 2015 by the European industrialist which included 50 Caracal helicopters, a transaction estimated at 2.4 billion €.

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Czech Republic

Regional elections and 1st round of senatorial elections

10 October 2016

On 8th October, the centre-right party, ANO, created in 2011 and led by the Finance Minister Andrej Babis won the Czech regional elections and the first round of the senatorial elections with around 21% of the vote. ANO came out ahead of the social democratic party (CSSD) of Prime Minister Bohuslav Sobotka, who won 15.3% of the vote. The second round of the senatorial elections will be taking place on 14th and 15th October.

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Towards a liberalisation of visas for Georgia

10 October 2016

On 5th October the Council accepted a negotiation position on the liberalisation of visas for Georgia. It confirmed the Commission's proposal so that European citizens can travel to Georgia without a visa and vice-versa for a duration of 90 days.

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Results of the general election in Georgia

10 October 2016

On 8th October the party in office Georgian Dream won the general elections with 48.61% of votes against 27.04% for the opposition party, United National Movement (UNM). The OSCE declared that the election had generally taken place in the respect of fundamental freedoms.

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The IMF releases a billion dollars for Ukraine

10 October 2016

On 3rd October the IMF completed its analysis of the economic situation in Ukraine and has asked for more continuity in terms of fiscal policy and recalls the importance of a reform of the retirement system. This report also enabled the release of one billion dollars.

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Council of Europe

The Council of Europe publishes its report on the European Judicial Systems Assessment

10 October 2016

The Council of Europe's European Committee for the Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ) published a report on 6th October together with a new interactive database on the main trends observed in the judicial systems of 45 countries.

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Rise in hate speech and racist violence in the UK

10 October 2016

The Council of Europe has observed a "rise in hate speech and racist violence" in th UK where the Brexit referendum seem to be leading to "exacerbated xenophobic feelings". In a report published on 4th October the Committee against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) points to "the intolerant number of political discourses" which are oriented particularly towards immigration."

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The end of the Turkish State of Emergency by the Council of Europe

10 October 2016

The 3 month extension of the state of emergency by the Turkish government led the Council of Europe's Commissioner for Human Rights, Nils Muiznieks called on Turkey to bring this state of emergency to an end as quickly as possible. The return of ordinary procedures and guarantees is imperative, he said in a memorandum published on 7th October on the consequences of the emergency measures taken by Turkey in terms of human rights.

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Antonio Guterres recommended to be the next Secretary General of the UN

9 October 2016

On 6th October the UN's Security Council chose to recommend former Portuguese Prime Minister Antonio Guterres to take over from Ban Ki-moon as the UN's Secretary General as of January 1st 2017.

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The OECD publishes Society at a Glance 2016

10 October 2016

On 5th October the OECD published its 8th "Society at a Glance" - its overview of developments in social indicators. This year there is a special chapter devoted exclusively to young people on the labour market.

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World Bank: reform of the Services Sector would be beneficial to the EU

10 October 2016

On 5th October in a report on the EU the World Bank indicated that a reform of the services sector would increase European output by 5% which would in turn help improve the employment rate and investments.

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Commission Report on Agricultural Prospects 2016-2017

9 October 2016

On 6th October the European Commission published a report on the short-term prospects for European arable, dairy and meat markets in 2016 and 2017.

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Nobel Chemistry, Physics and Economy prizes go to Europeans

10 October 2016

On 10th October the Nobel Prize for Economy was awarded to Finn Bengt Holmström and to British/American Oliver Hart for their work on the Contract Theory. On 5th October the Nobel Prize for Chemistry was awarded to Frenchman Jean-Pierre Sauvage, to Briton Sir James Fraser Stoddart and Dutchman Bernard Lucas Feringa for their work on the design and synthesis of molecular machines. On 4th the Nobel Prize for Physics was awarded to two Britons David J. Thouless and F. Duncan M Haldane as well as to Briton J. Michael Kosterlitz for their work on the topology of exotic materials.

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Exhibition "Surrealist Objectiveness" in Berlin

10 October 2016

From 13th October 2016 to 23rd April 2017 visitors of the Scharf-Gerstenberg in Berlin will be able to view the exhibition "Surrealist Objectiveness".

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Patchlab Digital Art Festival in Krakow

10 October 2016

The fifth Patchlab Digital Art Festival will be taking place from 11th to 16th October 2016 in Krakow, Poland. On the programme there are interactive installations, workshops hosted by professional as well as an international conference.

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Modernity à la Belge

10 October 2016

More than a century of Belgian art is on review via the exhibition "Modernity à la Belge" from 14th October 2014 to 22nd January 2017 in Brussels. Apart from showing paintings it also presents drawings and sculptures from the Modern Art Collection of the Royal Museums of the Beaux-Arts of Belgium.

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Signal Festival in Prague

10 October 2016

From 13th to 16th October the SIGNAL festival, the largest cultural event in the Czech Republic will be taken place, bringing modern art and new technology to the wider and technical public. The streets and public spaces of Prague, its most famous historical landmarks, and even a few lesser-known nooks and crannies will be transformed for four nights under the leadership of Czech and global personalities in light art and design.

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Caravaggio Exhibition at the National Gallery in London

10 October 2016

From 12th October to 15th January 2017 the National Gallery in London will be hosting the exhibition "Beyond Caravaggio". Focussed on the painter Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio, the exhibition will be showing its main works as well as those of different European painters who were inspired by this artist.

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Exhibition on the Immaculate Conception at the Prado Museum in Madrid

10 October 2016

The Prado in Madrid is hosting an exhibition on the Immaculate Conception until 19th February 2017 with works by Spanish painters like Francisco de Zurbaran, Mateo Cerezo and Juan de Valdes Leal.

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Lumière, Film Festival in Lyon

10 October 2016

The Lumière Festival is running until 16th October in Lyon. On the programme this year there will be 390 screenings and 180 films.

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10th October

Agriculture and Fisheries Council (Luxembourg)

11th October

Economic and Financial Affairs Council (Luxembourg)

13th October

Employment, social policy, healthcare and consumers Council (Luxembourg)

13th and 14th October

Justice and Home Affairs Council (Luxembourg)

14th and 15th October

Senatorial Elections (2nd Round) (Czech Republic)

17th & 18th October

Foreign Affairs Council (Luxembourg)

Newsletter Archives

The challenges facing European agriculture: Crisis or opportunity for transformation?

European support to the defence industry - Mid-term review of the European Defence Fund

Greenland:a geostrategic challenge for the European Union in the age of Trump 2.0

Polish Presidency of the Council - A paradigm shift in Poland's European policy

De Gasperi-Schuman: the origins of the European Project

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Charles de Marcilly, Helen Levy ,Ester Bonadonna, Léa Degorre, François Frigot,Lucas Mehler, Benjamin Penassou, Athina Reuter

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Eric Maurice

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
Contact Us!

Coastguard, Estonia/President, Perspectives/IMF, Nobel Prize, UN/Guterres, Clima...


The Newsletter n°731- version of 10 oct. 2016