The Newsletter7303 oct. 2016

La Lettre

Jean-Dominique Giuliani

3 October 2016

Brexit cannot go without response. The United Kingdom must maintain its strong links with the European continent whose history and fate it shares. The European Union must adapt to new developments fast without destroying its acquis. This draft treaty puts forward three innovative suggestions which a Anglo-Franco-German treaty might introduce for the defence and security of Europe: - Strengthening the effective solidarity between Europe's leading three powers, since they should be setting the example, which would remain open for membership by other European States, in order to provide mutual assistance in the event of engagement by their armed forces, - Committing in real terms to increasing their defence efforts to prevent any instability that might arise because of their disarmament, - Rising beyond the NATO-EU issue, acknowledging the freedom of each to organise as he thinks fit from a bilateral point of view or under the auspices of the European Union. This proposal aims to encourage thought as much as it does real action.

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Foundation attends hearings on the follow-up to the UK's withdrawal from the European Union

3 October 2016

The Foundation's Chairman Jean-Dominique Giuliani attended a hearing organised by the Senatorial Group on the UK's withdrawal from the European Union on 27th September. Jean-Claude Piris, the Council's former legal director and member of the Foundation's Scientific Committee, spoke as part of the information mission on the consequences of the British referendum and the monitoring of negotiations of the National Assembly on 29th September.

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Preparation of the dismantling of the Calais Jungle

3 October 2016

On 26th September French President François Hollande called on the British authorities to "take their share of the humanitarian work that France was undertaking and will continue to undertake." Humanitarian conditions accelerating the dismantling of the Calais Jungle.

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Report on the state of progress of EU relocation and resettlement programmes

3 October 2016

The European Commission called on 28th September on the Member States to "step up their work" to receive asylum seekers from Greece deeming it "possible" to distribute some 30,000 eligible migrants according to the so-called "relocation" plan by the end of 2017.

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The quorum not reached to validate the Hungarian referendum

3 October 2016

On 2nd October 98.34% of the Hungarian voters voted against the binding decision to relocate asylum seekers in the EU during a referendum. But the election was not deemed valid since only 40.41% of those registered on the electoral rolls deemed it necessary to vote.

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Financial Crisis

Rise in unemployment in France

3 October 2016

According to a study published by the Employment Minister on 26th September in August 2016 the number of job seekers in France lay at 5,820,400 ie an increase of 1% over three months (+36,500 people) and 1.4% over one month (+50,200 people) according to figures published on 26th September by the Employment Ministry.

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Greece: Parliament adopts further rmeasures demanded by the creditors

3 October 2016

On 27th September the Greek Parliament adopted further measures demanded by the country's creditors regarding the transfer of the State-run water and electricity companies over the Privatisation Agency.

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The Commission proposes an obligatory transparency register for all EU institutions

3 October 2016

On 28th September the European Commission proposed an obligatory transparency register common to the three EU institutions, the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission.

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In-depth investigation in the proposed merger between Deutsche Börse and LSE

3 October 2016

The European Commission opened an in-depth investigation on 28th September in virtue of the EU's Merger Regulation in order to define if a merger between Deutsche Börse AG (DB) and the London Stock Exchange (LSE) would reduce competition in several financial market infrastructure areas.

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Reduction of milk production: the EU's aid programme subscribed to by 98.9%

3 October 2016

On 28th September the Commissioner for Agriculture Phil Hogan announced that the European aid programme to encourage dairy farmers to reduce their production has fulfilled its objectives. The package of 150 million € has been subscribed to by 98.9%, ie 52,000 farmers.

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Panama Papers: first hearings by the Inquiry Committee

3 October 2016

On 27th September the inquiry committee into the laundering of capital, tax evasion and fraud heard several investigative journalists involved in the revelations over the "Panama Papers".

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MEPs reject budgetary cuts by the Council

3 October 2016

On 28th September the MEPs of the Budgets Committee rejected the reductions put forward by the Council to the draft EU budget for 2017 in order to rise to the challenges of the migration crisis and economic growth. They also increased the financing to counter youth unemployment and to support research and infrastructure projects.

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Mario Draghi speaks to the European Parliament

3 October 2016

On 26th September Mario Draghi, the President of the European Central Bank (ECB) spoke to the Economic and Monetary Committee of the European Parliament. He notably addressed the state of the euro zone as well as the development of the integration of the financial markets.

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Informal meeting of Defence Ministers

3 October 2016

On 26th and 27th September the 28 European Defence Ministers discussed the implementation of the EU's Global Strategy for the Common Foreign and Security Policy as well as stepping up cooperation with NATO in the Sahel and Libya in view of remedying illegal migratory flows.

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Conclusion of the Competitiveness Council

3 October 2016

On 29th September the 28 Ministers responsible for competitiveness discussed the collaborative economy, the most recent developments in the steel sector and access to financing by businesses.

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Conclusions of the Environment

3 October 2016

On 30th September the 28 European environment ministers decided to step up the ratification process of the Paris Agreements, the world agreement on climate change.

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A partnership strengthened and increased support towards democracy

3 October 2016

The EU adopted a joint communication on 29th September which reveals a series of measures that the EU might take collectively to strengthen its support to the work undertaken by Tunisia to foster democratic transition.

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European Agencies

Europol insists on the development in cybercrime in its latest report

3 October 2016

In a report published on 28th September Europol recalls that cyber crime one of the main threats, has developed towards "ransomware" which entails blocking an IT terminal and asking for a ransom in exchange for release. Trojan Horses or other viruses seem less fashionable, the bait of easy gain is now privileged by cyber crimes.

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Mission accomplished for the European space probe Rosetta

3 October 2016

On 30th September the European Space Agency (ESA) announced the end of the European space probe Rosetta's mission. Remote controlled by ESA the latter was crashed onto the Comet Churi, heralding the end of a 12 year space odyssey.

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The Digital Agenda a priority in Berlin

3 October 2016

On 28th September the German Chancellor invited the President of the European Commission, the French President as well as the ERT delegation to Berlin to discuss the acceleration of digitalisation of our societies.

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Mario Draghi speaks to the Bundestag

3 October 2016

On 28th September the President of the European Central Bank (ECB) Mario Draghi, spoke to the Bundestag. He defended his zero rate policy deemed by the German MPs as a disguised rescue plan, stressing the effectiveness of the measures that have been implemented.

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Kristalina Georgieva officially candidate for the post of UN Secretary General

3 October 2016

On 28th September Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borissov officially appointed Kristalina Georgieva - the present Vice-President of the European Commission as Bulgaria's candidate for the post of Secretary General of the UN.

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Resignation of the opposition leader

3 October 2016

Pedro Sanchez, the leader of the Spanish Socialist Party (PSOE) was forced to resign after finding himself in the minority on 1st October. His opponents accuse him of preventing the formation of a government. This departure might lead to the abstention on the part of the Socialists during the investiture vote of a new government led by Mario Rajoy.

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Presidential election in Estonia

3 October 2016

Kersti Kaljulaid was elected on 3rd October, 81 voted in support out of the 101 MPs present in the Riigikogu (Parliament), as President of the Republic of Estonia. Aged 46, this former member of the European Court of Auditors will be the first woman to take this post on 10th October.

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Draft 2017 Budget in France

3 October 2016

French Finance Minister Michel Sapin presented the draft Finance bill 2017 on 27th September. The High Council for Government Finance criticised the main outline of this project qualifying the return of the deficit of the GPD to 2.7% as "unlikely".

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Referendum on the modification of the Italian Constitution on 4th December

3 October 2016

After the Italian Council of Ministers on 26th September, the President of the Council, Matteo Renzi, indicated that the referendum focusing on the modification of the Constitution will take place on 4th December.

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The Contract for Hinkley Point power station signed

3 October 2016

On 29th September the British government and the French energy giant EDF signed an £18 billion contract for the creation of the nuclear power plant at Hinkley Point.

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The Brexit timetable starts to take shape

3 October 2016

On 2nd October Theresa May, the British Prime Minister, announced during the Congress of the Conservative Party, she would trigger procedures and negotiations for the exit of the European Union provided for by article 50 of TEU by the end of March 2017.

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Slovakia updates its White Paper on Defence

3 October 2016

On 28th September the Slovakia Minister of Defence Peter Gajdos announced that the government had adopted the updated version of the White Paper on Defence.

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Half the EU's trade in goods is carried by sea

3 October 2016

According to Eurostat estimates published on 28th September in 2015 the value of merchandise carried by sea traded between the European Union and third countries lay at nearly 1,777 billion € ie 51% of the Union's goods trade.

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Rise in inflation rate in the euro zone

3 October 2016

The euro zone's annual inflation rate is estimated at 0.4% in September 2016 against 0.2% in August said a rapid estimation published by Eurostat on 30th September 2016.

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Unemployment rate at 8.6% in the EU and 10.1% in the euro zone

3 October 2016

According to figures published by Eurostat on 30th September the unemployment rate lay at 8.6% in the EU and at 10.1% in the euro zone in August 2016. This is the lowest rate registered since March 2009 in the EU and since July 2011 in the euro zone.

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Slowing of agri-food trade in the Union

3 October 2016

On 27th September the European Commission published the EU's agri-food trade figures in July 2016. The monthly value of exports totalled 10.5 billion € ie 700 million less than in July 2015.

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Trade in 2016 will be slower than it has ever been since the financial crisis

3 October 2016

On 27th September the WTO published its statistics and outlook for trade the growth of which in 2016 is revised downwards (1.7% against a previous 2.8%) worldwide. In 2017 growth will lie at between 1.8% and 3.1% instead of an initially forecast 3.6%. According to the WTO trade in 2016 will experience its slowest growth rate since the financial crisis.

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World Bank: economic growth dynamic in South East Europe

3 October 2016

On 27th September in its economic report on South East Europe the World Bank declared that economic growth had increased in this zone last year and that unemployment had started to decline. Hence in 2016 economic growth forecast in Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Macedonia (FYRM), Serbia, Montenegro and Kosovo is due to reach 2.7% against 2.2% in 2015.

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Study of the European Council and the Common Security and Defence Policy

3 October 2016

The European Parliament's research department published a study on the European Council and the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) written by Suzana Elena Anghel and Jean-Paul Perruche, former General Director of the Military Staff of the EU, member of the Foundation's Scientific Committee.

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"Anim'est" Festival in Bucharest

3 October 2016

From 7th to 16th October the 11th International Cartoon Film Festival, "Anim'est" is taking place in Bucharest in Romania.

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Barcolana: discovering the sea in Trieste

3 October 2016

Until 9th October Barcolana is taking place in Trieste - this is an event that mixes regatta, the discovery of the sea, gastronomy and the maritime world.

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Picasso and Giacometti Exhibition in Paris

3 October 2016

From 4th October 2016 to 5th February 2017, the first exhibition devoted to the work of two of the greatest artists of the 20th century will be presented to the Picasso Museum. More than 200 works will be presented at this exhibition.

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Jazz Festival in Stockholm

3 October 2016

From 7th to 16th October the Jazz Festival of Stockholm in Sweden will be taking place. For ten days artists from the world over will be performing 160 concerts in 36 different venues in the Swedish capital.

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Festival of Lights Berlin

3 October 2016

From 7th to 16th October the 12th Festival of Lights will be taking place in Berlin. Illuminations and artistic installations will be decorating Berlin's monuments and buildings for the time of the festival.

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Francis Bacon Exhibition at the Guggenheim Museum of Bilbao

3 October 2016

Until 8th January 2017 the Guggenheim Museum of Bilbao is hosting the exhibition: "Francis Bacon: from Picasso to Velazquez" which offers visitors more than fifty of Francis Bacon's most well-known works, with around 30 paintings by other classical and modern artists who influenced his career.

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Joan Miro Exhibition in Porto

3 October 2016

Until 28th January 2017 the exhibition "Joan Miro: materiality and metamorphosis" at the Serralves Museum of Porto. On this occasion 84 painting created over six decades and owned by the Portuguese State will be on show.

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3rd to 6th October

Plenary Session of the European Parliament (Strasbourg)

5th October

Conference on Afghanistan (Brussels)

6th October

Meeting of G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors (Washington DC)

9th October

General Elections (1st round) (Lithuania)

10th October

Agriculture and Fisheries Council (Luxembourg)

10th October

Eurogroup Meeting (Luxembourg)

Newsletter Archives

The challenges facing European agriculture: Crisis or opportunity for transformation?

European support to the defence industry - Mid-term review of the European Defence Fund

Greenland:a geostrategic challenge for the European Union in the age of Trump 2.0

Polish Presidency of the Council - A paradigm shift in Poland's European policy

De Gasperi-Schuman: the origins of the European Project

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Charles de Marcilly, Helen Levy ,Léa Degorre, François Frigot, Lucas Mehler,Benjamin Penassou, Athina Reuter

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Eric Maurice

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
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The Newsletter n°730- version of 3 oct. 2016