The Newsletter7265 sept. 2016

La Lettre

Jean-Claude Piris

5 September 2016

Europeans value the fact that the continent is in peace; that it is the world's leading single market and, thanks to its common trade policy, it is also the world's leading force in terms of exports and imports. They take this for granted. They are fully aware that the globalised world in which we live is creating challenges that the European States, even the biggest of these, cannot rise to alone. They are suffering from acute problems. They believe that the European Union, although having declared that it has ambitious economic, monetary and immigration goals, has managed the crises in these areas badly and it is not helping to solve them. This is especially why Europe has been experiencing a rise in nationalism and populism. What options are there to change this situation and for Europe to become popular again?

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General Elections on 11th September in Croatia

4 September 2016

On 21st June last the Sabor, the only chamber in the Croatian Parliament, voted for its dissolution 137 votes in support, against 2 and one abstention. This vote was initiated by the country's main party, the Democratic Union (HDZ) which accused the Prime Minister of destabilising the government with his decisions and acts. After the vote of no confidence, the HDZ had 30 days to win parliament's confidence regarding the name of a new head of government. Having failed to do this by July 16th the President of the Republic, Kolinda Grabar Kitarovic (HDZ) was obliged to convene a snap election that she set for 11th September, the first of this kind organised in the country since independence in 1991. The election will take place slightly under a year after the one on 8th November 2015.

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3rd round of the presidential election in Austria - 2nd October

5 September 2016

On 2nd October the Austrians are being called to ballot for an unprecedented "3rd round" in the presidential election, the previous two rounds of which took place on 24th April and 22nd May. Alexander van der Bellen (The Greens, DG) won the 2nd round with 30,863 votes more than his rival Norbert Höfer (Liberal Party, FPÖ) who then challenged the results. On July 1st the Austrian Constitutional Court annulled the second round indicating that although there was no proof of electoral fraud, irregularities might have marred the election. Just one month before the third round both men are running neck and neck and the outcome of the election is very uncertain.

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Hungary announces the building of a second line of fencing on the Serb border

5 September 2016

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban announced on 26th August that it was to build a second anti-migrant fence to strengthen the one already set up a year ago along the Serb border mentioning the risk of a further influx of refugees.

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Illegal border crossings in the first quarter

5 September 2016

According to data published by Frontex on 25th August 284,525 people were detected in the first quarter of the year as they tried to cross the external borders of the European Union.

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Improving the collation of social data

5 September 2016

On 24th August the European Commission adopted a draft regulation regarding new integrated means to collate and use data from social surveys.

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The Commission puts forward fishing opportunities in the Baltic Sea in 2017

4 September 2016

On 29th August the European Commission presented its proposals establishing fishing opportunities in the Baltic Sea in 2017.

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Gunther Verheugen on CO2 emissions

4 September 2016

On 31st August the European Parliament's special inquiry committee devoted to CO2 emissions measures in the automotive sector heard former European Commissioner Gunther Verheugen.

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Rejection of Commission's proposals regarding protection of investors

4 September 2016

On 1st September the European Parliament's Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee rejected proposals which aimed to guarantee better protection for consumers buying packaged financial products, qualified as "misleading" and "flawed". It unanimously voted to send them back to the Commission for revision.

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The European Parliament returns to work after summer recess

4 September 2016

On 29th August MEPs started back to work in the parliamentary committees. On the programme discussions over the creation of a common list of safe countries of origin, updating firearms acquisition and ownership rules and the European Union's budget.

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G20 Summit

5 September 2016

The heads of State and government of the G20 member States met on 4th and 5th September in Hangzhou in China. The world economy, the situation in the South China Sea, the refugee crisis and the fight to counter terrorism featured amongst the issues discussed.

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Informal meeting of Foreign Affairs Ministers

4 September 2016

On 2nd and 3rd September European Foreign Affairs Ministers met in Bratislava to exchange views on foreign and security policy issues (counter-terrorism, Turkey, candidate countries, the future of the Eastern Partnership).

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Speech by Benoit Coeuré at Jackson Hole

4 September 2016

On 27th August during the annual meeting central bankers who met in Jackson Hole USA, Benoit Coeuré stressed - on behalf of the European Central Bank - that the reforms made in the euro zone were not enough.

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European Agencies

Publication of "guidelines" to guarantee the net's neutrality in Europe

4 September 2016

On 30th August the European web regulators' body presented its final "guidelines" to guarantee the "neutrality of the net" in the EU.

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Record budgetary surplus in Germany

5 September 2016

The German Statistics Office, Destatis, confirmed on 24th August that the budgetary surplus had reached 18.5 billion €, i.e. 1.2% of the GDP, in the first semester of 2016, a record total since Germany's reunification in 1990.

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Angela Merkel's tour in view of the Bratislava Summit

4 September 2016

In preparation of the European Summit in Bratislava on 16th September where the future of Europe of 27 will be discussed German Chancellor Angela Merkel started a tour on 26th August during which time she will be meeting 17 heads of State and government as well as the leaders of Europe's institutions.

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The German population rising

5 September 2016

According to a press release on 26th August by the German statistics office, Germany recorded the highest population growth rate in 2015 since the reunification due to the influx of migrants. At the end of last year 82.2 million people were living in Germany, i.e. a rise of 1.2%, 978,000 people in comparison with 2014.

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Joint declaration by the Foreign Ministers of the Weimar Triangle

5 September 2016

On 28th August the Foreign Ministers of the Weimar Triangle (German, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, Frenchman Jean-Marc Ayrault and Pole, Witold Waszczykowski) met in Weimar to exchange views over the future of Europe.

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No majority in Parliament to form a government

5 September 2016

On 2nd September Spanish MPs did not manage to achieve a majority for the re-election of Mariano Rajoy as head of government, thereby triggering a countdown to a third general election within one year in December.

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Estonia fails to elect a new president

4 September 2016

On 30th August the Estonian Parliament (Riigikogu) did not manage to elect the new president in replacement of Toomas Hendrik Ilves who has completed his second mandate. After three rounds of voting neither Siim Kallas nor Mailis Reps managed to rally two thirds of the vote. Now, as provided for by the Constitution, the Electoral College (Valimiskogu)will be responsible for the election of the future head of State. The election is planned for 24th September.

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Franco-German Initiative on Europe's internal security

5 September 2016

The French and German Home Affairs Ministers, Bernard Cazeneuve and Thomas de Mazière have asked the European Commission for legislation on encrypted telecommunication networks including non-European messaging systems.

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Angela Merkel and François Hollande at the Evian Meetings

5 September 2016

On 2nd September on the occasion of the 25th Franco-German Meetings of Evian between the leaders of the countries' biggest businesses François Hollande and Angela Merkel held met to exchange views. They spoke of the European economy's future and security just two weeks ahead of the Bratislava Summit.

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Illegal State aid by Ireland in support of Apple

4 September 2016

On 30th August the European Commission concluded that Ireland had granted the American company, Apple, unwarranted tax advantages to a total of 13 billion €. On 2nd September the Irish government decided to appeal against this decision.

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Theresa May rejects the possibility of a second referendum

4 September 2016

On 31st August British Prime Minister Theresa May firmly rejected the idea of holding a second referendum on the exit of the EU by the UK. However former Prime Minister Tony Blair, who was guest on the French radio station Europe1 on September 1st indicated that everything was "possible".

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Debate over the independence of Scotland starts again

4 September 2016

On 2nd September Scotland's First Minister Nicolas Sturgeon addressed MPs of the Scottish National Party to launch a new campaign in support of Scotland's independence.

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Jens Stoltenberg in Germany

4 September 2016

On a visit to Germany on 2nd September NATO's Secretary General, Jens Stoltenberg approved the "White Paper" which confirms that Germany wants to invest more in the implementation of a global security policy. He insisted on the importance of NATO-EU cooperation, notably as part of continued dialogue with Russia.

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Unemployment down in the EU

4 September 2016

According to data published by Eurostat on 31st August, the unemployment rate is down to 8.6% in the EU. This is the lowest rate since March 2009. As for the euro zone unemployment lay at 10.1% in July.

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Inflation stable in the euro zone

4 September 2016

According to data published by Eurostat on 31st August the euro zone's inflation rate was estimated at 0.2% in August 2016.

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The European Union in the world

4 September 2016

On 2nd September on the occasion of the G20 meeting, Eurostat published the new report "The European Union in the world" which draws a picture of the EU in comparison with the world's major economies covering thirteen statistical themes.

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Citizens' priorities for Europe

4 September 2016

On 2nd September Eurobarometer revealed the priorities citizens define for Europe. Amongst these feature the fight to counter terrorism, tax fraud and unemployment.

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International trade is rising again according to the OECD

4 September 2016

For the first time since 2014 international merchandise trade is rising again in the second quarter in the G20 countries due to a rise in oil prices, according to a OECD published on 30th August. After eight consecutive quarters of decline, exports progressed by 1.5% and imports by 2%.

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Lithuania, Slovenia, Estonia using European funds more effectively

5 September 2016

According to the auditors KPMG, amongst the countries of Central and Eastern Europe that have used European funds more effectively over the period 2007-2015 feature Lithuania, Slovenia and Estonia.

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Brussels Design September

5 September 2016

From 8th to 30th September the 11th Brussels Design Festival will be taking place promoting around one hundred cultural and trade events (exhibitions, conferences, debates).

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International Literature Festival of Berlin

5 September 2016

From 7th to 17th September novel writers, essayists and poets from the world over will be meeting in various cultural venues for the 16th International Literature Festival of Berlin.

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Dali and Joann Sfar meet in Paris

5 September 2016

From 9th September 2016 to 31st March 2017 Joann Sfar is presenting the exhibition "Joann Sfar-Salvador Dali, une seconde avant l'éveil" - a meeting with the painter Salvador Dali. The original backdrop of the exhibition offers a combination of surrealist works by the famous painter and drawings by the French illustrator and novelist.

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Celebration of art in Munich

5 September 2016

From 9th to 11th September "Open Art" in Munich heralds the start of the new modern and contemporary art season with 65 exhibitions Munich galeries.

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International Film Festival of Venice

5 September 2016

The 73rd Film Festival of Venice (Mostra), organised by the Venice Biennale, will be taking place until 10th September.

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Peter Lindbergh exhibition at Rotterdam's Kunsthal

5 September 2016

From 10th September 2016 to 12th February 2017 the Kunsthal Museum of Rotterdam is organising the first exhibition ever devoted to German photographer Peter Lindbergh, deemed to be one of the most striking fashion photographers of the last 40 years.

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Exhibition on the 1960's at London's Victoria & Albert Museum

5 September 2016

From 10th September 2016 to 26th February 2017, as part of the exhibition "You say you want a revolution? Records and Rebels 1966-1970", London's Victoria & Albert Museum is proposing the rediscovery of the British cultural revolution of the 1960's via music, art, fashion and design.

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From 6th to 9th September

Meeting of the European Parliament's committees and groups (Brussels)

8th September

Meeting of the monetary policy of the ECB Council of Governors (Frankfurt/Main)

9th September

Eurogroup Meeting (Bratislava)

11th September

Snap general election (Croatia)

Newsletter Archives

The Italian economy and its European outlook

The challenges facing European agriculture: Crisis or opportunity for transformation?

European support to the defence industry - Mid-term review of the European Defence Fund

Greenland:a geostrategic challenge for the European Union in the age of Trump 2.0

Polish Presidency of the Council - A paradigm shift in Poland's European policy

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Charles de Marcilly, Helen Levy ,Léa Degorre, François Frigot, Lucas Mehler,Benjamin Penassou, Athina Reuter

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Eric Maurice

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

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The Newsletter n°726- version of 5 sept. 2016