The Newsletter72518 juil. 2016

La Lettre

Michel Foucher

18 July 2016

Geographer and diplomat Michel Foucher, member of the Robert Schuman Foundation's Scientific Committee, provides his thoughts on the return of the borders in a neighbourhood in crisis in this week's European Interview, he also comments the trend within the European Union itself whilst geopolitical dangers are on the rise.

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"Schuman Report on Europe, State of the Union 2016"

18 July 2016

The 10th issue of the "Schuman Report on Europe, State of the Union 2016" is now out and available in bookshops, on the Foundation's site and in digital form. Order your copy now!

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Financial Crisis

Long term recession forecast for Italy

18 July 2016

On 12th July the IMF announced that Italy was starting to recover from a long term recession whilst remaining weak however. There was also a forecast of growth below 1% for 2016 and 2017.

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The British Finance Minister is not planning for an emergency budget

18 July 2016

Philip Hammond, the new British Finance Minister declared on 14th July that there would not be an emergency budget for the time being and that the government would wait for the autumn. He met the governor of the Bank of England who announced shortly afterwards that interest rates would remain at 0.5%.

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Proposals to complete the reform of the European asylum system

18 July 2016

On 13th July the Commission put forward proposals in view of completing the reform of the European asylum system. Amongst other things it is proposing the creation of a common Union wide relocation framework to strengthen legal paths of entry and to guarantee people international protection.

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Most Europeans associate refugees with the risk of terrorism

18 July 2016

Most Europeans believe that the influx of refugees onto the continent is increasing the risk of attacks and a high proportion are concerned about their jobs, said a survey published by Pew Research on 11th July.

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Strengthening of measures taken by the Commission against Google

18 July 2016

On 14th July the Commission adopted further measures as part of its investigation for the abuse of dominant position by Google. The two communications focus on the advantage granted by Google to its price comparison service and on the artificial limit placed on third party web sites to place advertising by Google's competitors.

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New documents published on the TTIP

18 July 2016

On 14th July, on the occasion of the 14th round of discussions between the EU and the USA regarding their trade agreement, the Commission published a new set of documents on the ongoing negotiations

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New legal framework to protect personal data "Privacy Shield"

18 July 2016

On 12th July the European Commission announced the official launch of a new legal framework to protect the personal data of European citizens that have been communicated to the American authorities - the Privacy Shield.

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European Ombudsman hopes to strengthen the rules governing former Commissioners

18 July 2016

European Ombudsman Emily O'Reilly demanded on 12th July a strengthening in the rules to manage the activity of former Commissioners. She believes that the case of José Manuel Barroso shows that at present they do not protect "the citizens' interests."

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New step towards Capital Markets Union

18 July 2016

On 14th July the Commission put forward a proposal in support of investments in capital-risk and social projects, under the launch of Capital Markets Union.

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European Parliament's Inquiry Committee on the Panama Papers

18 July 2016

Werner Langen (EPP, DE) will chair the work of a European Parliament Inquiry Committee into tax evasion and optimisation as well as laundering. Four Vice-Chairs have also been appointed Ana Gomes (S&D, PT), Pirkko Ruohonen-Lerner (ECR, FI), Fabio de Masi (GUE/NGL, DE), Eva Joly (Greens, FR).

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Conclusions of the "Economic and Financial Affairs" Council

18 July 2016

On 12th July the 28 Finance Ministers decided to trigger the sanctions mechanism against Spain and Portugal since they have not corrected their excessive deficits. They also adopted new rules regarding tax evasion by businesses and discussed the Slovakian Presidency's programme.

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Tax transparency: EU and Monaco signed a new agreement

18 July 2016

The European Union and the Principality of Monaco signed an agreement on 12th July regarding tax transparency which will take effect as of 2018 and will lead to the automatic exchange of tax information.

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Conclusions of the Agriculture and Fisheries Council

18 July 2016

During the Agriculture Council on 18th July the 28 Ministers discussed the potential impact of on-going trade negotiations with third countries on European agriculture. In terms of the agricultural market the Commission is putting forward a third package of support measures totalling 500 million € mainly in support of the dairy sector. The Slovakian Presidency also presented its working programme and its priorities in the areas of agriculture and fisheries.

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Central African Republic: EU military training mission (EUTM RCA)

18 July 2016

On 16th July the Council launched an EU military training mission in Central African Republic. This involves the reform of the country's security sector.

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EU-China Summit

18 July 2016

On 12th and 13th July during the 18th EU-China Summit in Beijing European and Chinese partners addressed the importance of international cooperation and agreed to counter the worldwide migratory crisis, as well as deciding on a series of discussions on Human Rights in Brussels in 2016.

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Conclusions of the Foreign Affairs Council

18 July 2016

On 18th July the 28 Foreign Affairs Ministers notably reasserted their determination in the fight to counter terrorism and condemned the attempted coup in Turkey; they adopted the EU's strategy regarding China for the next few years and held informal discussions with John Kerry, the USA's Secretary of State.

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Asia/Europe Dialogue (ASEM)

18 July 2016

During the 11th Asia-Europe Summit on 15th and 16th July heads of State and government as well as European and Asian institutional representatives reviewed their relations on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of this summit and addressed the future challenges that they would have to rise to together.

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The Hague's Arbitral Tribunal declares the Beijing's claim in the South China Sea is invalid

18 July 2016

The Permanent Arbitral Tribunal of The Hague deemed that there was no legal base to China's claim to historic rights in the South China Sea or "regarding resources in the maritime zones within the Nine-Dash-Line."

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Publication of a White Paper on German Defence

18 July 2016

The German Council of Ministers adopted a new White Paper on defence whereby Germany confirms that it wants to play a role in international security once more.

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Sanctions: Spanish government response to the Council and the Commission

18 July 2016

On 13th July the Spanish Economy Minister defended Spain's economic performance of the last few years in response to the Commission's decision, which deems that Spain and Portugal have not corrected their excessive deficit.

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French initiative in support of European Defence

18 July 2016

French President François Hollande announced on 13th July that a proposal to "strengthen European Defence" was going to be put forward on France's initiative.

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Europe supports France

18 July 2016

The terrorist attack of 14th July in Nice led to 84 deaths during Bastille Day celebrations. The French President reasserted his determination that France would counter the "terrorist plague" by stepping up its action in Syria and Iraq, as well as stepping up the number of military staff in his own country. At the same time the Presidents of the European institutions as well as many leaders in Europe and from around the world expressed their solidarity and compassion. A tribute was made to the victims on 18th July at midday.

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Meeting between Angela Merkel and Enda Kenny

18 July 2016

On 12th July German Chancellor Angela Merkel and her Irish counterpart Taoiseach Enda Kenny called on British Prime Minister Theresa May for a rapid clarification of her intentions regarding leaving the EU and the type of relations she foresees in the future.

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Status of European citizens living in the UK

18 July 2016

The British government published an official press release on 11th July regarding the status of European citizens living in the UK and British citizens living abroad.

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A new British government

18 July 2016

Theresa May was officially appointed Prime Minister by Queen Elizabeth on 13th July. She unveiled her new cabinet and government which includes Boris Johnson as Foreign Secretary and David Davis who will be responsible for the matters pertaining to leaving the European Union.

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Nicola Sturgeon meets the Chief Minister of Gibraltar

18 July 2016

Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon travelled to London on 14th July to meet Fabian Picardo, her Gibraltan counterpart, to discuss maintaining their links with the European Union.

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Meeting between Theresa May and Nicola Sturgeon

18 July 2016

British Prime Minister Theresa May travelled to Scotland on 15th July to meet Scotland's First Minister Nicola Sturgeon. Theresa May declared that she would not trigger article 50 as long as Scotland's position in the negotiations with the EU had not been settled. Nicola Sturgeon repeated that she wanted to remain in the EU and had not given up the idea of holding a Scottish referendum.

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Attempted coup d'Etat

18 July 2016

Following the attempted coup d'Etat on 15th July by part of the Turkish army against Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan more than 6000 arrests were undertaken. There has been discussion of re-introducing the death penalty. The EU and the USA are calling on Turkey to respect the rule of law.

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Ukraine and Canada sign a free trade agreement

18 July 2016

Ukraine and Canada signed a historic free-trade agreement on 11th July that is designed to strengthen trade relations between the two countries.

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France criticised by the ECHR regarding the detention of children

18 July 2016

On 12th July France was sanctioned by the ECHR for its non-respect of the conditions surrounding the detention of children.

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NATO-Russia Council

18 July 2016

On 13th July a NATO-Russia Council meeting took place during which several issues were addressed: the Minsk Agreements, transparency and reduction of risks and the situation in Afghanistan.

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EU-China: goods trade deficit but surplus in services

18 July 2016

As part of the EU/China Summit on 12th and 13th July Eurostat published EU-China trade data on 12th July. In 2015 the EU recorded a goods trade deficit of 180.1 billion € but a services trade surplus of 10.3 billion €.

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Trade surpluses up for the euro zone and the EU

18 July 2016

According to a Eurostat press release on 15th July the EU recorded a trade surplus of 6.4 billion € in May as well as extra-EU exports of 142.7 billion €. The euro zone recorded a goods trade surplus of 24.6 billion € and extra-zone exports of 167.4 billion €.

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EU annual inflation rate up to 0% and euro zone 0.1%

18 July 2016

The EU's annual inflation rate lay at 0% in June 2016 against -0.1% in May. That of the euro zone lay at 0.1% in June 2016 against -0.1% in May. One year ago it lay at 0.2%.

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The European Union - the world's leading agro-food exporter

18 July 2016

On 14th July the Commission published the 2015 report on agro-food trade. The latter confirms the EU's position as the world's leader in this sector with exports to a total of 129 billion € and a trade surplus of 16 billion € in 2015.

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Innovation: the Union is moving forward, with Sweden still in the lead in the EU

18 July 2016

The 2016 results regarding innovation published on 14th July by the Commission indicate that the EU has improved its results on a world scale.

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ECB studies on the competitiveness of the euro zone

18 July 2016

On 15th July the ECB published two studies on the role of price-competitiveness and cost-competitiveness in intra and extra euro zone trade, and on the way competitiveness shocks affect the macro-economic performances of countries in the zone.

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Harry Potter in Brussels

18 July 2016

Brussels is hosting the "Harry Potter" exhibition until 11th September. It is designed for fans who want to explore the magic universe of the sorcerer's apprentice.

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Exhibition "Modern Japan" at the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam

18 July 2016

Until 11th September the Rijksmuseum Amsterdam is hosting a collection of objects on Modern Japan (kimonos, pictures and engravings) that are from the Elise Wessels Collection.

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FNAC Live Festival

18 July 2016

From 20th to 23rd July the FNAC Live Festival is putting on 31 free concerts in Paris.

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Summer Festival Brussels

18 July 2016

From 5th to 14th August Brussels will be hosting the Brussels Summer Festival which will host dozens of artists.

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Sziget Festival - Budapest

18 July 2016

From 10th to 17th August the Sziget Festival will be taking place bringing together numerous artists of all genres.

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Arenal Sound Festival

18 July 2016

From 2nd to 7th August the rock, pop and electronic music festival, Arenal Sound is taking place in Burriana in Spain.

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Salzburg Festival

18 July 2016

From 22nd July to 31st August the lyrical art festival of Salzburg will be taking place featuring concerts, theatre plays, as well as operas.

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Bayreuth Festival

18 July 2016

On 25th July the lyrical art festival of Bayreuth was inaugurated and will go on to 28th August.

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Jazz Festival of Marciac

18 July 2016

The town of Marciac will be hosting the 38th Jazz Festival from 29th July to 15th August.

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50th the holy music festival of Chaise-Dieu

18 July 2016

The holy music festival of Chaise-Dieu will be taking place from 16th to 28th August.

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18th July

"Foreign Affairs" Council (Brussels)

18th July

"Agriculture Fisheries" Council (Brussels)

21st July

ECB Council of Governors (Frankfurt)

Newsletter Archives

The Italian economy and its European outlook

The challenges facing European agriculture: Crisis or opportunity for transformation?

European support to the defence industry - Mid-term review of the European Defence Fund

Greenland:a geostrategic challenge for the European Union in the age of Trump 2.0

Polish Presidency of the Council - A paradigm shift in Poland's European policy

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Charles de Marcilly, Helen Levy ,Rodolphe Baron, Angéline Garde, Patricia Gautier, Emma Giraud,Guillaume Gorge, Morgane Mounier, Laura Zani

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Eric Maurice

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
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Nice/Attack, Turkey/Coup d'Etat, Government/May, Commission/Google, EU/China


The Newsletter n°725- version of 18 juil. 2016