The Newsletter72411 juil. 2016

La Lettre

Corinne Balleix

11 July 2016

The migratory crisis that the European Union is experiencing right now has brought to light serious weaknesses in the Common European Asylum System (CEAS), which aims to define the Member State responsible for the assessment of an asylum request , to establish common procedures and reception rules for asylum seekers and to distinguish between those who really need international protection from economic migrants . In answer to this challenge and in the wake of emergency measures, the European Commission has already put forward and will present proposals for the structural reform of this system in the next few days thereby aiming to make it "more human" and more effective.

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"Schuman Report on Europe, State of the Union 2016"

11 July 2016

The 10th "Schuman Report on Europe, State of the Union 2016" was published and is now available in bookshops, on the Foundation's site and in digital version. Order your copy now!

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NATO Summit and European Security

11 July 2016

On 12th July in Brussels the Martens Centre, the Adenauer and Seidel Foundations are organising a public debate on "The NATO Summit in Warsaw and European Security" hosted by Charles de Marcilly, the Manager of the Foundation's office in Brussels.

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Financial Crisis

Risks to financial stability after the British referendum

11 July 2016

On 5th July the Bank of England explained that the exit from the EU was threatening financial stability. It also decided to lighten the capital constraints that banks are obliged to respect.

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Spain and Portugal still have excessive deficits

11 July 2016

On 7th July the European Commission declared that Spain and Portugal would not be able to correct their government's excessive deficit within the given time span.

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The IMF is forecasting a decline in economic growth for the euro zone in 2017

11 July 2016

On 8th July the IMF declared that the euro zone's economic growth will be down in 2017 from 1.6% to 1.4%, one of the main reasons for this instability being the British referendum.

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Italy - arrests of migrant smugglers

11 July 2016

On 4th July the Italian police announced that it had made a great number of arrests amongst a network of migrant smugglers across the entire country thanks to an Eritrean, the first foreign smuggler to integrate a reform programme.

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Referendum on 2nd October on the relocation of refugees

11 July 2016

Hungarian President Janos Ader announced on 5th July that a referendum would be held on 2nd October next on the European plan to distribute refugees via quotas within the Member States of the EU.

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European Border and Coast Guard

11 July 2016

The proposals aiming to establish a European border control system bringing together the European agency Frontex and the national authorities gained the support of MEPs on 6th July.

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Integration of refugees into the labour market

11 July 2016

A resolution adopted by MEPs on 6th July believes that the integration of refugees into the labour market is vital to restore their dignity and that this is positive for the economy of the host country.

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European List of safe countries of origin

11 July 2016

MEPs of the Commission for Civil Liberties approved the establishment of a common European list of safe countries of origin on 7th July which should replace the present national lists after a transition period of three years.

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Strengthening cooperation with the countries of origin

11 July 2016

A study by Corinne Balleix for the OECD presents the main tools available to the EU for cooperation with third countries in the context of economic immigration.

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Agreement in the cybersecurity sector

11 July 2016

On 5th July the European Commission signed a new public/private partnership with the cybersecurity sector that is due to generate 1.8 billion € in investments by 2020 and help make the sector more competitive.

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The agreement with Canada -CETA- a mixed agreement

11 July 2016

On 5th July the Commission proposed the conclusion and signature of the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement -CETA- between the EU and Canada with the status of "mixed" agreement.

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Security and Development of Partner countries

11 July 2016

The Commission and the High Representative delivered a communication on 5th July on the reform of the sector of security and a proposal to step up security and development in the partner countries.

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More fiscal transparency to counter evasion, laundering and terrorism

11 July 2016

On 5th July the Commission suggested strengthening rules to counter capital laundering that is contributing to the financing of terrorism and to encourage greater fiscal transparency.

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Initiation of an anti-dumping procedure in steel

11 July 2016

On 7th July the Commission announced the initiation of an anti-dumping procedure regarding "the import of certain hot-rolled flat products of iron, non-alloy or other alloy steel originating in Brazil, Iran, Russia, Serbia and Ukraine" which might be damaging European industry.

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Financial instruments to stimulate investments in young businesses

11 July 2016

On 11th July the European Commission launched two new financial instruments with the aim of stimulating investments under the ESI funds enabling young businesses and promoters of urban development projects to ease access to financing.

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Robert Fico visits the European Parliament

11 July 2016

Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico, whose country took over the presidency of the Council on 1st July, presented the programme his country intended to undertake to MEPs on 6th July.

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Long term budget and work programme for 2017

11 July 2016

On 6th July MEPs called for a revision of the Union's long term budget in order to rise to the present challenges. At the same time they drafted recommendations for the Commission's 2017 work programme.

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Approval of the data protection shield EU/USA

11 July 2016

On 8th July the Member States approved the EU/USA data protection shield regarding transatlantic data flows, which will be to the benefit of both citizens and businesses.

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Eurogroup Conclusions

1 January 1970

On 11th July the Eurogroup ministers discussed the economic situation, the results of the supervisory programmes in Portugal and Ireland, of the budgetary situation in Portugal and Spain as well as improvements in investments.

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Stepping up relations between the EU and Argentina

11 July 2016

On 4th July Federica Mogherini stressed and welcomed the stepping up of relations between the EU and Argentina.

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G20 Trade

11 July 2016

During the G20 Trade on 9th and 10th July Ministers said they were determined to boost international trade to stimulate the economy, but they said they were concerned about increasing protectionist barriers.

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New 50€ note

11 July 2016

On 5th July the European Central Bank unveiled the new 50€ note that will be put into circulation on 4th April 2017.

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Germany: integration rules for refugees

11 July 2016

On 8th July Germany adopted an unprecedented law governing the integration of refugees, their rights and their obligations following a record number of arrivals in the country last year.

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New presidential election on 2nd October

11 July 2016

After the invalidation of the second round of the Austrian presidential election of 24th May last by the country's Constitutional Court the Austrian government announced on 5th July that a new 2nd round with the same candidates will take place on 2nd October.

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Mariano Rjoy wants to form a government as quickly as possible

11 July 2016

The leader of the Spanish People's Party and outgoing President of the government, Mariano Rajoy said on 7th July that he wants to form a government as quickly as possible.

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The port of Piraeus now owned by the Chinese Cosco

11 July 2016

The cessation of 67% of the company of Piraeus (OLP) the biggest port in Greece to the Chinese maritime transport giant 'China Ocean Shipping Company' Cosco, was validated on 1st July by the Greek Parliament. Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras then travelled to China.

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Portugal, European Champions

11 July 2016

On 10th July following a goal by Eder in the 109th minute Portugal won against France 1-0 and are now the Euro2016 champions.

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Move towards the merging of the London Stock Exchange - Deutsche Börse

11 July 2016

Shareholders of the London Stock Exchange Group (LSE) gave the go-ahead on 5th July to the merger with Deutsche Börse, the manager of the stock exchange in Frankfurt.

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Theresa May appointed Prime Minister on 13th July

11 July 2016

David Cameron announced on 11th July that Theresa May would take over as Prime Minister as of 13th July after the announcement that Andrea Leadsom was withdrawing from the race. Mr Cameron also said that he would present his resignation to the Queen on the same day after Question Time in parliament.

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Julian King put forward as new European Commissioner

11 July 2016

On 8th July David Cameron put forward Julian King, the present Ambassador to France, to become the new British European Commissioner following the resignation of Jonathan Hill.

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Conclusions of the NATO Summit in Warsaw

11 July 2016

On the occasion of the NATO Summit in Warsaw on 8th and 9th July the heads of State and government announced the enhancement of collective deterrence and defence measures and addressed the situations in Afghanistan and Ukraine.

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Agricultural Outlook 2016-2025

11 July 2016

On 4th July the OECD and the FAO published the Agricultural Outlook 2016-2025.

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Employment Outlook

11 July 2016

The OECD's Employment Outlook offers an in-depth assessment of the recent development of the labour market and its short term outlook in the OECD countries.

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EU population rising, but with negative natural change

11 July 2016

According to Eurostat on 8th July the EU's population reached 510.1 million residents on 1st January 2016, ie +1.8 million in comparison with 1st January 2015. This rise is mainly due to a positive migratory balance whilst natural change was negative for the very first time.

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Consolidated banking data 2015

11 July 2016

On 6th July the ECB published consolidated banking data in the euro zone and the European Union for 2015.

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Publication of the Chilcot Report on the UK's role in Iraq

11 July 2016

On 6th July Sir John Chilcot published an incriminating report regarding the role played by the UK in Iraq in 2003 and by Tony Blair, the then Prime Minister.

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Caravaggio Exhibition - Madrid

11 July 2016

The Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum is hosting an exhibition on the Italian Baroque painter Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio until 18th September.

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Jazz Festival Perugia

11 July 2016

The music festival Umbria Jazz is taking place until 17th July in Perugia.

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Vieilles Charrues Festival

11 July 2016

The music festival Vieilles Charrues is taking place from 14th to 17th July in Carhaix-Plouguer, Brittany.

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Shakespeare Festival Cambridge

11 July 2016

The Cambridge Shakespeare Festival is taking place until 27th August.

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Arts Festival of Galway

11 July 2016

The town of Galway in Ireland is hosting the 38th Arts festival until 24th July.

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Jazz Festival Nice

11 July 2016

The Jazz Festival of Nice is taking place from 16th to 20th July.

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International Festival of Benicassim

11 July 2016

The international festival of Benicassim devoted to independent pop, rock and electronic music is taking place from 14th to 17th July.

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Dour Festival

11 July 2016

The Dour Festival for alternative, independent, multicultural music is taking place in Belgium from 13th to 17th July.

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Chagall Exhibition at Forte di Bard

11 July 2016

The Forte di Bard near Turin is hosting an exhibition on the poetic nature of Marc Chagall's art until 13th November.

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David Hockney exhibition London

11 July 2016

The Royal Academy of Art in London is hosting an exhibition on David Hockney until 2nd October.

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11th July

Eurogroup (Brussels)

les 11th-13th July

EU-China Summit (Beijing)

12th July

Economic and Financial Affairs Council (Brussels)

15th and 16th July

Europe-Asia Dialogue Summit (ASEM) (Ulan Bator)

18th July

"Foreign Affairs" Council (Brussels)

18th July

"Agriculture Fisheries" Council (Brussels)

Newsletter Archives

Review of the 9th Legislature of the European Parliament

What to take away from the European law on artificial intelligence

A "commissioner" responsible for defence issues

European agriculture and Ukrainian agriculture complement each other

Ukraine's accession to the European Union brings added value and serves historical justice

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Charles de Marcilly, Helen Levy ,Rodolphe Baron, Angéline Garde, Patricia Gautier, Emma Giraud,Guillaume Gorge, Morgane Mounier, Laura Zani

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Eric Maurice

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
Contact Us!

Borderguards, Trade/Canada, Cybersecurity, IMF/Forecasts, Women/UK, Summit/NATO


The Newsletter n°724- version of 11 juil. 2016