The Newsletter7196 juin 2016

La Lettre

Dominique Perrut

6 June 2016

Economic governance is revealing its weaknesses, which, in turn is undermining the integration of Economic and Monetary Union. The solutions to remedy the situation comprise a decisive institutional step forward in the establishment of a European Finance Minister to lead economic governance, to lead the euro zone along the path to sustained growth, whilst simultaneously ensuring that economies draw closer together.

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Jean-Paul Gauzes : Chair of EFRAG

6 June 2016

Jean-Paul Gauzes, former MEP, member of the Foundation's executive board was appointed on 30th May after an interview with the European Parliament's Economic Affairs Committee, Chair of the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG).

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Schuman Report on Europe, State of the Union 2016

6 June 2016

The 10th edition of the "Schuman Report on Europe, State of the Union 2016" has now been published and is available in bookshops, on the Foundation's site and in digital format. Order your copy now!

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Financial Crisis

Productivity and inclusive growth

6 June 2016

Slowing productivity growth and rising inequalities are the biggest obstacles to improving economic results according to a new OECD report published on 31st May.

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Council of Europe: the EU must take its responsibilities in the integration of migrants

6 June 2016

On 31st May the Commissioner for Human Rights at the Council of Europe presented a report on the integration of migrants in Europe.

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13,800 migrants saved in the Mediterranean

6 June 2016

On 30th May Frontex announced the rescue of 13,800 migrants in the Mediterranean between 23rd and 29th May. They all landed in Italy.

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Denmark and Sweden extend border controls

6 June 2016

Denmark joined Sweden in their request for an extension to the temporary border controls within the Schengen Area. The Commission approved this request and is extending the controls until November.

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Commission's opinion on the rule of law in Poland

6 June 2016

European Commissioner Frans Timmermans announced on 1st June the dispatch of an opinion on the rule of law in Poland.

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Probable extension of the European Fund for Strategic Investments

6 June 2016

On 1st June one year after the launch of the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI), the Commission reviewed the results and the functioning of these measures positively, saying that the Fund is due to be extended beyond 2018.

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The Commission's Guidelines for the Collaborative Economy

6 June 2016

On 2nd June the Commission presented guidelines in view of raising awareness amongst businesses, consumers and public authorities of the elements of collaborative economy, a potential source of growth and employment in the European Union.

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More transparency and balance in panels of experts

6 June 2016

On 30th May the European Commission adopted new rules aiming to make the representation of interests amongst panels of experts more transparent and balanced.

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EU-Mexico Trade Agreement

6 June 2016

On 30th May the Commissioner for External Trade Cecilia Malmström met the Mexican Secretary for the Economy Ildefonso Guajardo Villarreal for the start of negotiations between the two trade partners.

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Development in European Standards

6 June 2016

On 1st June the European Commission presented the way standardisation should develop, notably together with technological developments, political priorities and general trends. Standardisation is at the heart of the Strategy for a Single Market.

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Amsterdam Pact - the EU's Urban Agenda

6 June 2016

On 30th May the informal ministerial meeting on urban issues adopted the "Amsterdam Pact" which defines the main points in the Union's urban programme.

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EU/USA Meeting on Security

6 June 2016

After their ministerial meeting on 2nd June the USA and the EU repeated their determination to cooperate more closely together for security and citizens' rights. At the same time they signed an "umbrella" agreement on the protection of personal data transferred by the judicial authorities.

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5 million additional euros for EUCAP Sahel Mali

6 June 2016

On 6th June the Council increased the EUCAP Sahel Mali budget by nearly 5 million €, thereby raising the total budget for 2016 to 19 million €. This civilian mission run by the EU provides support to three internal Malian security forces: the police, gendarmerie and the national guard.

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Transport & Energy Council

7 June 2016

On 6th June the Council set down the general guidelines regarding the information exchange mechanism in terms of the agreements concluded between Member States and third countries in the energy area. At the same time ministers debated the security of natural gas supplies.

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EU/Myanmar Relations

6 June 2016

On 1st June the EU's High Representative for Foreign Affairs and the European Commission adopted a joint communication in which they lay out their approach to ambitious future relations with Myanmar just as the country enters a new phase in its transition.

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ECB Council of Governors

6 June 2016

On 2nd June the ECB's Council of Governors decided to maintain its rates unchanged The ECB is waiting for the implementation of a certain number of measures and reforms in Greece before re-establishing a mechanism that facilitates the financing of the Greek banks declared the ECB's President Mario Draghi. The bank also raised its inflation and growth forecasts for 2016.

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Germany: conference on government spending

6 June 2016

German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble gave a speech on 30th May on the occasion of the conference on government spending.

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Bundestag vote on a resolution acknowledging the Armenian genocide

6 June 2016

The German Bundestag voted on 2nd June approving a resolution that acknowledges the genocide of the Armenian population in 1915. The Turkish president announced that this decision would "affect" relations between the two countries.

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Summit on South East Europe Cooperation Process in Sofia

6 June 2016

The Summit of the South East Europe Cooperation Process on 1st June 2016 in Sofia marked the end of the Bulgarian chairmanship whose three main themes were energy, migratory flows and freedom of the press.

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French initiative for peace in the Middle East

6 June 2016

On 3rd June in Paris under the presidency of its Foreign Affairs Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault, France hosted 28 ministerial delegations to discuss peace in the Middle East and the solution of two States between Israel and Palestine.

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Latvia signs a membership agreement with the OECD

6 June 2016

On 2nd June Latvian President, Maris Kucinskis and OECD Secretary General Angel Gurria signed an agreement for Latvia's membership of the OECD. The agreement will enter into force once it has been ratified by the Latvian parliament on 16th June next.

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Saint Gotthard Rail Tunnel

6 June 2016

On 1st June Switzerland inaugurated the Saint-Gotthard rail tunnel, the longest in the world (57km) which will help relieve traffic flows between the north and south of Europe.

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Ukraine adopts a reform of the judicial system

6 June 2016

On 2nd June the Ukrainian Parliament adopted a reform of the judicial system in view of bring it more in line with Western practices.

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NATO's parliamentary assembly asks for a firm stance against Moscow

6 June 2016

NATO's Parliamentary Assembly published a joint declaration on 30th May asking for unity on the part of the Alliance's 28 members for the security of the European area.

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NATO visit to Germany

6 June 2016

On 2nd June during his visit to Berlin NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said he was pleased with Germany's "exceptional contribution" to NATO's operations in Afghanistan and Kosovo. He also said he appreciated Germany's decision to increase its national military staff and also defence spending.

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Visit of NATO's Secretary General to France

6 June 2016

On 3rd June NATO's Secretary General, Jens Stoltenberg met French President François Hollande in Paris to discuss security challenges and the agenda for the Alliance Summit in Warsaw in July.

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Euro zone annual inflation rate -0.1%

6 June 2016

According to a rapid estimation published by Eurostat, the euro zone's annual inflation rate lay at -0.1% in May 2016 up in comparison with April when it lay at -0.2%.

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Downward trend in unemployment is confirmed

6 June 2016

According to Eurostat on 31st May in April last the unemployment rate lay at 10.2% in the euro zone ie the lowest rate recorded since August 2011 and at 8.7% in the EU, ie the lowest rate recorded since April 2009.

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OLAF report

6 June 2016

On 31st May the Union's anti-fraud office (OLAF) published its report in which it appears that OLAF recommended that the EU recover 888 million € that has been used illegally.

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The European Drug Market still dynamic

6 June 2016

On 31st May the European Monitor for Drug Consumption and Drug Addiction (EMDDA) presented its report "European Report on Drugs 2016: trends and developments". This report highlights the new dangers for health, the continuous emergence of new substances and the development of drug consumption habits.

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Annual report by the European Agency for Fundamental Rights

6 June 2016

On 30th May the European Agency for Fundamental Rights published its annual report. The 2016 edition analyses migratory issues in depth.

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Standard & Poor's analyses the dangers of a Brexit

6 June 2016

On 31st May the agency Standard & Poor's published an analysis on the dangers for businesses in the event of an exit by the UK from the European Union. The British real estate, building, aerospace, defence and automotive industries might suffer the most if a Brexit were to occur.

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Jerôme Bosch Exhibition at the Prado Museum

6 June 2016

Until 11th September the Prado Museum in Madrid is showing the work of Jérôme Bosch, one of the most influential painters of the Renaissance.

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Biennale Berlin

6 June 2016

The Biennale of Contemporary Art of Berlin is running until 18th September 2016 in several places in the German capital.

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Architecture Biennale in Venice

6 June 2016

Until 27th November Venice is hosting the Architecture Biennale "Reporting from the Front" directed by Alejandro Aravena.

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Download Festival

6 June 2016

The Download Festival, England's leading rock festival will be taking place from 10th to 12th June in Donington Park, with a sister event at Longchamp, Paris.

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les 6th-7th June

Transport, Telecommunications and Energy Council (Brussels)

les 6th-9th June

Plenary Session of the European Parliament (Strasbourg)

les 9th-10th June

Justice and Internal Affairs Council (Luxembourg)

Newsletter Archives

Europe in a fragmented global economy: making the most of the single market and competition policy

European Defence and Russia

Cyprus: 20 years of membership of the European Union, between singularities and a theatre of geopolitical oppositions.

Review of the 9th Legislature of the European Parliament

What to take away from the European law on artificial intelligence

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Charles de Marcilly, Helen Levy ,Rodolphe Baron, Angéline Garde, Patricia Gautier, Emma Giraud,Guillaume Gorge, Morgane Mounier, Laura Zani

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Eric Maurice

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
Contact Us!

Juncker/Foundation, Tunnel/Switzerland, Poland/Rule of Law, ECB, Outlook/OECD


The Newsletter n°719- version of 6 juin 2016