The Newsletter71830 mai 2016

La Lettre

Julien Zalc

30 May 2016

Beyond the economic and strategic amputation implied by an exit of the UK from the European Union, "Brexit" would also boost the Europhobic discourse of certain national political movements. If the UK did leave the EU might we fear a domino effect amongst other Member States?

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Analysis just one month before the UK referendum

29 May 2016

British citizens are being called on 23rd June to answer the following question: "Should the UK remain a member of the European Union or should it leave the European Union?" Just one month before the election the most recent polls predict a slight lead for the supporters of the camp to remain in the Union.

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Parliamentary elections in Spain 26th June

30 May 2016

The Spanish Parliamentary elections of 20th December did not enable the formation of a clear majority government and so the Spanish are being called to ballot again on 26th June. According to the most recent poll by IBES, published on 26th May the People's Party is due to come out ahead with 30% of the vote, followed by Unidos Podemos (25%), the PSOE (20%) and Ciudadanos (14%).

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"Schuman Report on Europe, the State of the Union 2016"

30 May 2016

The 10th edition of the "Schuman Report on Europe, State of the Union 2016" has just been published and is available in bookshops, on the Foundation's site and in digital form. Order your copy now!

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Will the UK remain in the EU?

30 May 2016

On 2nd June in Paris there will be a debate on the British referendum of 23rd June notably with Thierry Chopin, Research Director for the Foundation.

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So, let's talk about Europe

30 May 2016

In an editorial on his site, Jean-Dominique Giuliani, Chairman of the Foundation calls for debate about Europe.

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Financial Crisis

Financial Stability Review

29 May 2016

On 24th May the European Central Bank published its financial stability review as well as a press release on the state of the euro zone's financial system.

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Agreement concluded between Greece and its creditors

29 May 2016

Euro zone Finance Ministers came to an agreement on 24th May on Greece in view of finalising the macro-economic adjustment programme from which the country is benefiting. This agreement will enable the European Stability Mechanism to release a further tranche of financial assistance of 10.3 billion €, of which 7.5 billion in June.

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G7 Summit

29 May 2016

The G7 heads of State and government, who met in Japan on 26th and 27th May (Germany, Canada, France, Italy, Japan, UK, USA) exchanged views on the present main issues and published a joint declaration.

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Facility in support of refugees in Turkey

29 May 2016

On 26th May the European Commission announced the grant of 20 million € to increase the capacity of the Turkish Coast Guard and 27 million € to facilitate refugees' access to education.

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Integration Act adopted in Germany

30 May 2016

After a two-day meeting in Meseberg, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Sigmar Gabriel announced agreement on 25th May over the "Integration Act", based on the principle whereby the State will provide assistance to new arrivals but expects the latter to contribute in return to their integration.

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Meeting between Beata Szydlo and Frans Timmermans

29 May 2016

Polish Prime Minister Beata Szydlo met European Commissioner Frans Timmermans on 24th May in Warsaw following the ultimatum set by the European Commission regarding the rule of law in Poland. Agreement was found and the Polish government will have more time to settle the constitutional crisis.

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E-trade, audiovisual and on-line platforms

29 May 2016

On 25th May the European Commission presented measures aiming to help consumers and businesses purchase and sell products and on-line services more easily, in a totally safe manner across the Union. It also proposed an update of European audiovisual rules as well as a new approach to on-line platforms.

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The King of the Netherlands expresses his wish for the upkeep of the UK in the Union

29 May 2016

The King of the Netherlands, Willem-Alexander, expressed his with for the UK to remain in the European Union during a speech given to the European Parliament on 25th May.

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Strategy for the Single Market

30 May 2016

On 26th May MEPs adopted a resolution that aims to increase the potential of the single market of goods and services to the benefit of consumers and businesses.

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Conclusions of the Economy and Finance Council

29 May 2016

On 25th May the European Economy and Finance Ministers adopted the directive on country per country reporting and intra-Member State information exchange and conclusions on the Commission's action plan on VAT.

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Conclusions of the General Affairs Council

29 May 2016

On 24th May the 28 European Affairs Ministers held their second annual dialogue on the rule of law, notably insisting on the challenges generated by the present migratory flows regarding the upkeep of European values.

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Decisions of the Telecommunications Council

29 May 2016

On 26th May the European Ministers adopted a guideline on the draft decision on the use of UHF in the Union (470-790MHz).

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Conclusions of the Competitiveness Council

29 May 2016

On 26th and 27th May the European Ministers agreed on the main principles to maintain the portability of on line service digital content and adopted conclusions on digital technologies as well as on research and innovation.

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Education, Youth, Culture and Sport Council

31 May 2016

On 30th May European Ministers adopted conclusions regarding the role played by the youth sector in preventing and countering violent radicalisation amongst young people, as well as regarding the promotion of education to the media and the critical approach adopted to the means of education and training. They also debated the modernisation of higher education.

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Normandy Format discussion on Ukraine

30 May 2016

On 24th May the French, Russian and Ukrainian Presidents as well as German Chancellor Angela Merkel discussed the implementation of the Minsk Agreements. Notably the potential role to be played by the OSCE in the Donbas region was discussed.

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Free trade agreement EU/Japan

30 May 2016

On 26th May on the sidelines of the G7 European and Japanese leaders recalled their firm intention of stepping up negotiations for the economic partnership between the EU and Japan.

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Economic and financial dialogue EU-Balkans-Turkey

30 May 2016

The economic and financial dialogue between the EU, the Western Balkans and Turkey took place on 25th May. On this occasion participants expressed their satisfaction with the timely submission of the Balkans' programme for economic reform (ERP) but regretted the delay suffered by Turkey's ERP.

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Sanctions against Syria and North Korea

30 May 2016

On 27th May the Council extended the restrictive measures taken by the EU against the Syrian regime until 1st June 2017 and adopted further restrictions regarding North Korea.

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European Agencies

Launch of two Galileo satellites

29 May 2016

The Russian launcher Soyouz lifted off on 24th May from French Guiana with two new satellites on board that are destined for the European navigation system Galileo.

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Frank-Walter Steinmeier visits the Baltics

30 May 2016

German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier travelled to the Baltic States on 26th and 27th May. He discussed migratory and security issues and emphasised the importance of the integration of the Russian minorities in these countries.

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Commemoration of the Centenary of Verdun

30 May 2016

On 29th May French President François Holland and German Chancellor jointly commemorated the centenary of the battle of Verdun.

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NATO Secretary General Visits Italy

29 May 2016

On 24th May NATO's Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg met the President of the Italian Council, Matteo Renzi. He said he was pleased with the Italian contributions made to the Alliance's missions and welcomed the Italian proposal for greater coordination in the Mediterranean.

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Economic Festival Trento

30 May 2016

From 2nd to 5th June 2016 the Economic Festival of Trento will be taking place. This is the festival's 11th year and will focus on the theme of "Where growth takes place".

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The Visegrad Group is to deploy military forces in the Baltics

29 May 2016

The Visegrad Group (Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary) announced the dispatch of a military force to the countries of the Baltic as of 2017 as part of the plan to strengthen NATO's presence in eastern Europe.

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Sweden's rapprochement with NATO

29 May 2016

On 27th May Swedish MPs ratified the NATO partnership agreement put forward by the government.

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Russian President visits Greece

29 May 2016

Russian President Vladimir Putin travelled to Greece on 27th and 28th May as part of the Russia-Greece year organised by the two countries to strengthen bilateral economic relations. He travelled to one of the 20 monasteries on Mount Athos, a holy Orthodox site.

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Release of Ukrainian Pilot Nadia Savchenko

29 May 2016

Held by Russia since June 2014 Ukrainian pilot Nadia Savchenko was freed on 25th May in exchange for the amnesty of two Russian prisoners who had been found guilty of terrorism.

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NATO helps Ukraine eliminate obsolete weapons

29 May 2016

On 26th May NATO sent material to Ukraine to enable the removal and destruction of obsolete weapons in the regions of Donetsk and Lugansk.

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IMF Reports on France and Italy

29 May 2016

On 24th May the IMF published its economic reports on France and Italy. In France the economy is recovering but work has to continue. Italy is due to achieve 1.1% growth in 2016.

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Publication of the Economic Attractiveness Barometer in Europe

30 May 2016

The annual report by Ernst&Young on France's economic attractiveness was published on 24th May. Focusing on 2015 and all 42 countries in the European Economic Area it draws up an extremely dark view of French attractiveness.

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EIB 2015 Activity Report

29 May 2016

On 24th May the European Investment Bank published its 2015 activity report presenting the main events of the past year as well as future prospects.

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2016 WTO Report

29 May 2016

On 27th May the WTO published its 2016 annual report covering its activities in 2015 and at the beginning of 2016.

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Fourvière Nights Lyon

30 May 2016

From 1st June to 31st July in Lyon there will be a feast of music, circus and theatre productions on the historic site of the Romain amphitheatre of Fourvière.

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The Festival of the Old Town of Tallinn

30 May 2016

The Festival of the Old Town of Tallinn will be taking place between 1st and 5th June. Organised since 1982 the festival takes place in the squares, streets, cafés and bars which are brought to life with music, artistic productions and theatre plays.

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"Francis Bacon: Invisible Rooms" at the Tate Gallery Liverpool

30 May 2016

The exhibition "Francis Bacon: Invisible Rooms" is running until 18th September at the Tate Gallery of Liverpool. The exhibition reviews the central leitmotif in the British artist's work.

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Film Festival in La Valette

30 May 2016

La Valette is hosting its second film festival from 3rd to 11th June.

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"Holland Festival" Performing Arts Festival

30 May 2016

The performing arts festival "Holland Festival" is taking place from 4th to 26th June in Amsterdam. The programme includes dance, theatre, concerts and films.

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Ai Weiwei at the Museum of the Cycladic Art

30 May 2016

Until 30th October the Museum of Cycladic Art -MCA- in Athens will be running an exhibition by Ai Weiwei, a first for the artist in Greece and in an archaeological museum.

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les 30th-31st May

"Education, Youth, Culture and Sports" Council (Brussels)

les 30th May-3rd June

Green Week 2016 (Brussels)

31st May

Dialogue with Jean-Claude Juncker (Paris)

1st June

Open of the Saint Gothard rail tunnel (Switzerland)

2nd June

ECB Council of Governors (Vienna)

les 6th-7th June

Transport, Telecommunications and Energy Council (Brussels)

Newsletter Archives

The Italian economy and its European outlook

The challenges facing European agriculture: Crisis or opportunity for transformation?

European support to the defence industry - Mid-term review of the European Defence Fund

Greenland:a geostrategic challenge for the European Union in the age of Trump 2.0

Polish Presidency of the Council - A paradigm shift in Poland's European policy

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Charles de Marcilly, Helen Levy ,Rodolphe Baron, Angéline Garde, Patricia Gautier, Emma Giraud,Guillaume Gorge, Morgane Mounier, Laura Zani

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Eric Maurice

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
Contact Us!

Editorial, Elections/Spain, Agreement/Greece, Galileo, G7/Japan, Digital, VAT


The Newsletter n°718- version of 30 mai 2016