The Newsletter71723 mai 2016

La Lettre

Thierry Chopin, Jean-François Jamet

23 May 2016

The major challenges which the Europeans face such as terrorism, migratory crisis and on a different level the euro zone crisis, the risk of the "Brexit", the rise of anti-European populism, all call for the redesign and the revival of European integration. These different challenges must not be treated separately, but rather more in perspective, in a more articulated manner.

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Results of the general elections in Cyprus

23 May 2016

The general elections took place in Cyprus on 22nd May and were won by the Democratic Rally (DISY) led by President of the Republic Nicos Anastasiades with 30.6% of the vote and 18 seats.

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Presidential election in Austria

24 May 2016

Former spokesperson for the ecologist party (1997-2008), Alexander Van der Bellen (Die Grüne - DG) finally won the 2nd round of the presidential election in Austria on 23rd May after a tense 24 h wait. He won 50.3% of the vote against 49.7% for Norbert Hofer (FPÖ). He will take office on 8th July next.

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"Schuman Report on Europe, State of the Union 2016"

23 May 2016

The 10th edition of the "Schuman Report on Europe, State of the Union 2016" has just been published and is available in bookshops, on the Foundation's site and in digital form. Order your copy now!

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Financial Crisis

Greece: the parliament adopts measure to receive a new loan

23 May 2016

The Greek Parliament adopted new measures demanded by the European Union and the IMF on 22nd May. The text notably provides for an automatic adjustment mechanism in the event of any budgetary excesses and additional measures to step up privatisation and increase indirect taxation.

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Interim report on the relocation and resettlement process

22 May 2016

On 18th May the European Commission adopted its most recent report on the relocation and resettlement process. Overall progress is unsatisfactory and has to be accelerated.

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Report on Migrant Trafficking Networks

22 May 2016

On 17th May Europol and Interpol published a joint report on the migrant trafficking networks whose "turnover" is estimated at 5 to 6 billion $ in 2015 which places this activity as one of the most profitable organised crimes in Europe.

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Report on the economic benefits brought by the refugees to Europe

23 May 2016

A report by the Tent Foundation and the Open Political Economy Network (OPEN) published on 18th May reveals that the wealthy countries of the EU who are hosting refugees can draw huge economic benefit from them.

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Draft Opinion on the situation of the rule of law in Poland

23 May 2016

On 18th May the College of Commissioners assessed a draft opinion on the rule of law in Poland which structures and frames the present situation. This draft opinion was adopted on 23rd May.

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European Semester: Per country recommendations by the Commission

22 May 2016

On 18th May the European Commission published its country specific recommendations as part of the European Semester. It recommends that the Council should end the excessive deficit procedure against Cyprus, Ireland and Slovenia and recommends that Spain and Portugal make a long term adjustment to their excessive deficit in 2016 and 2017.

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28th May, come and discover Europe!

23 May 2016

On 28th May the European Parliament and the other European institutions in Brussels will be opening their doors to the public. You will be able to discover Europe in all its diversity!

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Defence of European Trade

23 May 2016

By means of a joint declaration the German and French Ministers for Trade asked the EU to reform its trade defence tools.

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Conclusions of the Justice/Home Affairs Council

23 May 2016

On 20th May the 28 Justice and Home Affairs Ministers studied proposals made by the Commission regarding the liberalisation of visas; they discussed the migratory situation and the implementation of the EU/Turkey agreement. They also addressed the issue of the European Border Guard.

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Conclusions of the Foreign Affairs Council

24 May 2016

On 23rd May the European Foreign Affairs Ministers repeated that they wanted to stabilise the regions of Syria and Iraq but also to step up their action to counter terrorism. Concerning migration they stressed the need for joint action and prolonged the operation Sophia in the Mediterranean against human trafficking for a further year. Finally they met their Eastern Partnership counterparts and said they were pleased with the progress that had been accomplished.

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Bilateral meeting between Angela Merkel and Président Erdogan

23 May 2016

On 23rd May during the Humanitarian Summit in Istanbul German Chancellor Angela Merkel spoke with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan for an hour and raised her concern about the most recent political and societal developments in the country.

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Launch of the construction of the Trans Adriatic Pipeline

23 May 2016

The ceremony for the launch of the construction of the Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP) took place on 17th May in Thessaloniki. The 878km long pipeline will transport gas from the Caspian Sea towards the markets of Europe as of 2020.

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OECD: study on education in Latvia

22 May 2016

On 19th May the OECD published a report on education in Latvia in which it emerges that since independence the country has improved its education system significantly. However the OECD recommends that it do more to support the quality of education.

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IMF Assessment Report

22 May 2016

The IMF published an assessment report on 16th May on the Polish economy. Convergence with the EU continues even though reforms still have to be undertaken.

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Polish President visits Italy

23 May 2016

From 16th to 18th May the Polish President Andrzej Duda visited Italy where he spoke with the leaders of Italy of the refugee and security issues in view of the NATO summit in July next in Warsaw.

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The Queen's Speech

22 May 2016

On 18th May the British government unveiled its legislative programme for the coming year whilst uncertain of the outcome of the referendum on 23rd June next.

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The British Treasury warns of recession in the event of a Brexit

23 May 2016

Leaving the EU would cause years of "recession" in the UK warned the British Finance Minister George Osborne on 23rd May as he presented a study by the British Treasury.

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The President of Slovenia supports a Constitution for the EU

23 May 2016

On 18th May the President of the Republic of Slovenia Borut Pahor spoke in favour of the creation of a federal European Union.

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Kosovo: the UN wants peaceful transition to appease political tension

23 May 2016

On 16th May during a Security Council meeting devoted to the situation in Kosovo the Secretary General's Special Representative Zahir Tanin hoped for a peaceful transition of power in order to appease domestic political tensions.

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Postponement sine die of general elections on Macedonia

23 May 2016

The Macedonian Parliament delayed the contested general elections set for 5th June until further notice as it adopted on 18th May a modification of the electoral law.

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Meeting of the Moldovan Prime Minister and MEPs

23 May 2016

On 19th May the Moldovan Prime Minister Pavel Filip met with members of the Moldova- European Union Parliamentary Association Committee as they visited Chisinau. MEPs delivered a "unequivocal message of support" to the government's work to reform the country.

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Montenegro signs the NATO membership protocol

22 May 2016

The government of Montenegro signed the NATO membership protocol on 19th May.

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Appointment of the new Turkish Prime Minister

23 May 2016

On 22nd May Turkish Transport Minister Binali Yildirim was appointed head of the AKP (Justice and Development Party) and was asked to form a new government.

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The IMF will continue its aid to Ukraine

23 May 2016

On 18th May the IMF announced that the executive board wanted to continue aiding Ukraine financially with a new loan of 1.6 billion $.

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Launch of the "Association4U" project in Ukraine

22 May 2016

On 19th May the event "European Projects Fairs" that promotes European action at local level was launched in three Ukrainian towns. It marks the start of the "Association4U" project that will run until January 2019.

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Meeting of the Foreign Affairs Ministers

23 May 2016

On 19th and 20th May NATO Foreign Ministers discussed the Warsaw Summit of July 2016, stability in the Organisation's neighbourhood and decided to support the NATO mission in Afghanistan beyond 2016.

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Member States which have not yet adopted the euro

23 May 2016

In May Eurobarometer published a survey on the Member States which have not yet adopted the euro.

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Electronic communication and the single digital market

23 May 2016

On 23rd May Eurobarometer published a study on electronic communication and the single digital market.

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Annual euro zone and EU inflation down to -0.2%

23 May 2016

The EU's and euro zone's annual inflation rate lay at -0.2% in April 2016, against 0% in March.

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Current account surplus and agricultural exports up

23 May 2016

According to Eurostat on 20th May, the EU and the euro zone recorded a current account surplus in March of respectively 17.6 and 27.3 billion euro. Moreover agricultural exports rose to 11.3 billion euro.

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The fight to counter human trafficking

22 May 2016

On 19th May the European Commission its first report on the progress achieved in terms of the fight to counter human trafficking.

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EU Charter of Fundamental Rights

22 May 2016

On 19th May the European Commission published a report on the application of the EU's Charter of Fundamental Rights in 2015.

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Towards private arbitration?

23 May 2016

According to the network Seattle to Brussels on 19th May a group of five European countries, including France, is proposing the establishment of a jurisdiction of European exception for businesses that want to challenge State decisions.

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Europe: ending constructive ambiguity

23 May 2016

France Stratégie published a study on the quadruple crisis that Europe is now experiencing: euro crisis, refugee crisis, breakdown in economic and social integration, existential crisis.

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International Music Festival in Bath

23 May 2016

The town of Bath is hosting the 68th edition of the International Music Festival until 29th May.

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Photomonth Festival in Krakow

23 May 2016

The Photomonth Festival is taking place in Krakow until 12th June.

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Exposition Maria Callas in Verona

23 May 2016

The Arena Museo Opera of Verona is hosting an exhibition on Maria Callas until 18th September. It is the first of its kind to be devoted to the Greek opera singer.

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Summerburst Festival in Sweden

23 May 2016

On 27th and 28th May the Summerburst Festival is taking place in Göteborg, a Scandinavian contemporary music event. On 10th and 11th June the same event will take place in Stockholm.

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"The World in a Village" Festival in Helsinki

23 May 2016

On 28th and 29th May the festival "the World in a Village" Festival will take place in the Kaisaniemi Park and at the station. It will offer free shows from the world over as well as intercultural meetings.

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Monumenta 2016 at the Grand Palais

23 May 2016

Until 18th June the spectacular sculptures by Huang Yong Ping will be on show at the Grand Palais during the Monumenta exhibition.

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Exhibition 2.0 at the MIMA Brussels

23 May 2016

The MIMA Museum of Brussels is hosting "City Lights" until 28th August. This exhibition brings together several artists and gives a multi-dimensional image to the 2.0 culture.

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23rd May

"Foreign Affairs" Council (Brussels)

24th May

"General Affairs" Council (Brussels)

24th May

Eurogroup Meeting (Brussels)

25th May

"Economy and Finance" Council (Brussels)

les 26th-27th May

G7 Summit (Japan)

26th May

"Transport, Telecommunications and Energy" Council (Brussels)

les 26th-27th May

"Competitiveness" Council (Brussels)

les 30th-31st May

"Education, Youth, Culture and Sports" Council (Brussels)

31st May

Dialogue with Jean-Claude Juncker (Paris)

Newsletter Archives

Europe in a fragmented global economy: making the most of the single market and competition policy

European Defence and Russia

Cyprus: 20 years of membership of the European Union, between singularities and a theatre of geopolitical oppositions.

Review of the 9th Legislature of the European Parliament

What to take away from the European law on artificial intelligence

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Charles de Marcilly, Helen Levy ,Rodolphe Baron, Angéline Garde, Patricia Gautier, Emma Giraud,Guillaume Gorge, Morgane Mounier, Laura Zani

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Eric Maurice

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
Contact Us!

Cyprus/Elections, Austria/President, European Semester, Poland/Law, NATO/Montene...


The Newsletter n°717- version of 23 mai 2016