The Newsletter71617 mai 2016

La Lettre


17 May 2016

30 years after its launch and nearly 20 years after its effective opening, the Schengen Area is under challenge and Member States are sorely tempted to withdraw behind their national borders. To protect the area the challenge comprises the implementation of a series of measures that will enable the strengthening of the external border in its role as a filter and in terms of security cooperation. This requires political determination together with a transfer of sovereignty.

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General Elections Cyprus

17 May 2016

542,915 Cypriots are being called to ballot on 22nd May to appoint the 56 members of the Vouli antiprosopon (House of Representatives), the only house of parliament. According to the most recent poll by PMR&C Democratic Rally (DISY) of the present president of the Republic Nicos Anastasiades is due to win the election with 31.5% of the vote followed by the Progressive Workers' Party (AKEL) with 24.9%, the Democratic Party (DIKO), 14.3% and the Movement for Social Democracy (EDEK), 6%.

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"Schuman Report on Europe, State of the Union 2016"

16 May 2016

The 10th edition of the "Schuman Report on Europe, State of the Union 2016" has just been published and is available now in bookshops or from the Foundation's site and in digital form. Order your copy now!

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Council of Europe: report and recommendations on migrants

16 May 2016

On 11th May the Council of Europe published a report on the situation of refugees and migrants in Greece and Macedonia calling to step up the provision of decent housing capacities.

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Hungary: referendum on migrant quotas

16 May 2016

The Hungarian Parliament gave the greenlight on Tuesday 10th May for the organisation of a referendum on obligatory migrant quotas decided upon by the EU.

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Decline in the number of migrant arrivals in Greece

16 May 2016

In a press release published on 13th May Frontex indicated that fewer than 2,700 migrants arrived in Greece in April comprising a 90% decrease in comparison with the previous month.

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Austria gives up introducing border controls with Italy

17 May 2016

The Austrian government announced on 13th May that it was abandoning its controversial project to introduce border controls on the Brenner Pass, one of the main transit points towards Italy via the Alps, which was being planned to prevent a possible influx of migrants.

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The German Bundestag is voting to rank Tunisia, Morocco and Algeria as "safe countries"

17 May 2016

On 13th May the Bundestag validated Tunisia, Morocco and Algeria's inclusion on the list of "safe countries" in order to limit their citizens' chances of obtaining asylum in Germany.

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OECD Report on Refugees in Sweden

17 May 2016

On 13th May the OECD presented its report on refugee integration in Sweden. This study stresses that there is an extremely effective reception and integration policy in spite of the increasing number of arrivals.

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Financial Crisis

Portugal: low growth and risk of sanctions

16 May 2016

Portugal's economic growth slowed to 0.1% in the first quarter, in comparison with 0.2% in the previous quarter due to a slowing in exports announced the Institute for National Statistics INE on 13th May. The European Commission has to decide on 18th May whether it will sanction Portugal or not for its budgetary excesses.

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Posted Workers: "Yellow Card"

17 May 2016

After Romania, Poland and the Czech Republic, seven other EU Member States have launched a "yellow card" procedure via their Parliament against the draft directive on posted workers under the subsidiarity principle.

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European Parliament: EU/Turkey Agreement is not legally binding

17 May 2016

During a presentation to the members of the Civil Liberties Committee on 9th May the European Parliament's legal department deemed that the EU-Turkey agreement was not legally valid.

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European Parliament in Plenary in Strasbourg

17 May 2016

During the plenary session of the European Parliament in Strasbourg on 9th to 12th May MEPs called for the defence of European industry in the face of Chinese dumping, they welcomed the strengthening of Europol's powers and debated the situation of the Tatars in Crimea.

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G7 Declaration on Education

16 May 2016

On 15th May the G7 adopted the Kurashiki Declaration highlighting the role of education in the fight to counter radicalisation and terrorism, the promotion of gender equality and new stakes linked to the digital revolution.

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Declaration on Libya

17 May 2016

On 16th May the countries neighbouring Libya repeated that they supported the government of national unity and that they wanted the country to recover a strong institutional foundation.

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Development and Trade Council

16 May 2016

European Development and Trade Ministers, who met on 12th and 13th May, discussed the migration issue and development, reform in Afghanistan, progress in the negotiations over the TTIP, the agreement with Canada and the steel sector.

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Conclusions of the Agriculture and Fisheries Council

18 May 2016

During the Agriculture and Fisheries Council on 17th May the 28 European Ministers discussed the role of agriculture in climate change, of animal welfare and the situation of the agricultural market.

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European Agencies

Europol recruits in the fight to counter terrorism

16 May 2016

On 12th May Europol announced the recruitment of 200 investigators in the fight to counter terrorism, who are to be deployed to the migratory "hotspots" in Greece and more widely to the EU's external borders.

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Space Vehicle Orion

17 May 2016

On 11th May the European Space Agency announced the start of the integration of the European service module, assembled at present by Airbus Defence and Space, into the spacecraft, Orion.

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IMF report on Germany

16 May 2016

On 9th May the IMF published its report on the German economy announcing moderate growth this year and has advised to move forward regarding structural reform.

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Increasing staff numbers in the German army

16 May 2016

German Defence Minister Ursula von der Leyen announced on 10th May the recruitment of 7000 soldiers and 4,400 additional civilians in the Bundeswehr, thereby ending the constant decrease in staff numbers since reunification.

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The new Austrian Chancellor appointed

17 May 2016

The Austrian Social Democrats (SPÖ) appointed Christian Kern as the new leader of the party and successor to Werner Faymann as Chancellor on 12th May.

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Bulgaria: resignation of the Employment Minister

17 May 2016

The resignation of the Bulgarian Employment and Social Affairs Minister Ivaylo Kalfin of the ABV (Alternative for Bulgarian Revival) has weakened the government coalition in office since November 2014.

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OECD: economic study of Denmark

16 May 2016

According to an economic study by the OECD on Denmark published on 10th May recovery is underway in the country but reforms are necessary to maintain living standards and to guarantee the long term viability of its social protection system.

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Latvia invited to join the OECD

16 May 2016

On 11th May the OECD countries decided to invite Latvia to become the Organisation's 35th member, after having acknowledged the implementation of vast structural reform by the country since 1991.

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Resignation of the Romanian Healthcare Minister

17 May 2016

The Romanian Healthcare Minister Patriciu Achimast-Cadariu resigned on 9th May in the wake of several scandals in the sector over the last few months.

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Speech by the Romanian Prime Minister on Europe

17 May 2016

On Europe Day and during a meeting organised by the European Union's Representation in Romania, Romanian Prime Minister Dacian Ciolos gave two speeches lauding European integration on 9th May.

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The new US anti-missile shield operational in Romania

16 May 2016

NATO's Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg inaugurated the installation of a new US anti-missile shield in Deveselu on 12th May.

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A Brexit would threaten the UK's security

17 May 2016

Lord Evans of Weardale and John Sawers, both former MI5 and MI6 executives and declared on 8th May that a Brexit would be a real threat for the UK's security. In a joint declaration published on 10th May in The Telegraph, five former NATO Secretaries General adopted the same position.

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Speech by David Cameron on Europe Day

17 May 2016

On the occasion of Europe Day and 45 days before the referendum, David Cameron gave a speech on the future of the UK in the EU.

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Anti-Corruption Summit

16 May 2016

On 12th May London hosted the anti-corruption summit bringing together 18 countries who decided to establish partnerships to improve financial control standards as well as the transparency of governments and encourage the said States to consolidate their laws regarding corruption.

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The IMF report on the UK

16 May 2016

On 13th May the IMF published a report on the British economy in which the negative effects of a possible Brexit on the UK's economy are analysed.

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Resignation of the Swedish Deputy Prime Minister Asa Romson

17 May 2016

Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Löfven has lost two ministers from the ecologist party Miljöpartiet (MP) within the last three weeks. After the Housing Minister Mehmet Kaplan, Asa Romson, Deputy Prime Minister and Environment Minister announced her resignation on 9th May.

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Moldova: a further step towards the implementation of the association agreement

17 May 2016

On 11th May the Moldovan Prime Minister Pavel Filip chaired the meeting of the government mission in charge of European integration. The implementation agenda of the association agreement signed in 2014 with the EU was defined as the top priority for the country's institutions.

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Launch of "Be European" campaign in Ukraine

17 May 2016

On 9th May the "Be European" campaign was launched for the entire month of May in Ukraine on the initiative of the EU's delegation in Ukraine, the Ukrainian Foreign Affairs Minister and the newspaper Ukrainska Pravda.

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Meeting of German, Russian and Ukrainian Ministers in Berlin

16 May 2016

The German Foreign Minister, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, indicated on 11th May that it hoped for progress in terms of an extension of the ceasefire at the end of April in the east of Ukraine, before a meeting with his French, Ukrainian, Russian counterparts in Berlin.

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Rise in the GDP

16 May 2016

According to Eurostat in a report published on 13th May in the first quarter of 2016 the EU's GDP rose by 1.7% and that of the euro zone by 1.5% in comparison with the first quarter of 2015.

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EU and Euro zone trade surplus up

17 May 2016

According to a Eurostat press release on 17th May in March the euro zone and the EU recorded an international goods trade surplus with the rest of the work of 28.6 billion € and 7.2 billion € respectively.

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European Youth 2016

16 May 2016

According to a Eurobarometer survey undertaken in April 2016 more than half of young European aged 16 to 30 feel marginal in their own country because of the economic crisis, but few want to leave their country for this reason.

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Turkey accused of shooting Syrian refugees

16 May 2016

In a report published on 10th May the NGO Human Rights Watch has accused the Turkish border guards of beating and shooting asylum seekers from Syria.

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France less attractive for corporate decision making centres

16 May 2016

The Economic Council published a study on 11th May devoted to France's attractiveness for corporate decision making centres.

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ECB: Annual Report TARGET 2015

16 May 2016

On 12th May the European Central Bank published its annual report TARGET 2015 (the Trans-European Automated Real-time Gross settlement Express Transfer system) which is still the main large-value payment platform in Europe.

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34th 'Puces du Design'

17 May 2016

The 34th Puces du Design (Design Flea Market) is taking place from 19th May to 22nd May in Paris. Around one hundred participants and exhibitors will be offering visitors and potential purchasers the best of vintage 20th century design.

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Pierre Paulin at the Pompidou Centre

17 May 2016

Until 22nd August the Pompidou Centre in Paris is devoting a retrospective to the French designer Pierre Paulin. Around one hundred objects, pieces of furniture, light fittings and models illustrate Paulin's avant-gardism.

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71st Prague Spring International Festival

17 May 2016

The 71st Prague Spring International Classical Music Festival will be bringing together until 4th June the best conductors, soloists and world orchestras.

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Ravenna Festival

17 May 2016

The Ravenna Festival, featuring opera and classical music devoted this year to Nelson Mandela is taking place until 13th July.

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Rock in Rio Festival, Lisbon

17 May 2016

From 19th to 29th May the Music Festival of Brazil, Rock in Rio, will be taking place in Lisbon with many rock, pop rock and metal artists taking part.

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Ukraine's Eurovision song contest victory

17 May 2016

On 14th May the Ukrainian singer Jamala won the 2016 Eurovision song contest thanks to the interpretation of a 1944 song that speaks of the deportation of the Tatars of Crimea by the Red Army in that same year.

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European Museum Nights

17 May 2016

The 12th European Museum Nights is taking place across Europe on 21st May. Nearly 3,000 museums in 30 countries are taking part in this cultural event.

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17th May

"Agriculture and Fisheries" Council (Brussels)

17th May

Meeting of European Defence leaders (Brussels)

20th May

"Justice and Internal Affairs" Council (Brussels)

22nd May

Presidential Election (2nd Round) (Austria)

22nd May

General Elections (Cyprus)

23rd May

"Foreign Affairs" Council (Brussels)

24th May

"General Affairs" Council (Brussels)

Newsletter Archives

The Italian economy and its European outlook

The challenges facing European agriculture: Crisis or opportunity for transformation?

European support to the defence industry - Mid-term review of the European Defence Fund

Greenland:a geostrategic challenge for the European Union in the age of Trump 2.0

Polish Presidency of the Council - A paradigm shift in Poland's European policy

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Charles de Marcilly, Helen Levy ,Rodolphe Baron, Angéline Garde, Emma Giraud,Guillaume Gorge, Morgane Mounier, Laura Zani

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Eric Maurice

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
Contact Us!

Austria/Chancellor, Cyprus/Election, Libya, Posted Workers, Migration, Youth/EU


The Newsletter n°716- version of 17 mai 2016