The Newsletter7159 mai 2016

La Lettre

9 May 2016

The declaration of 9th May 1950 is believed to be the founding text of European integration. Delivered by Robert Schuman, the French Foreign Minister, in the Salon de l'Horloge at the Quai d'Orsay in Paris, this declaration, inspired by Jean Monnet, the first Planning Commissioner, lays out a European organisation that would be responsible for pooling the French and German production of coal and steel.

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"Schuman Report on Europe, State of the Union 2016"

8 May 2016

The 10th edition (7th in English) "Schuman Report on Europe, State of the Union 2016" has just been published and is now available on the Foundation's site and in digital form. Order your copy now!

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The new keys to success

9 May 2016

On 10th and 11th May the 4th Ecorevolution is taking place in partnership with Le Point on the theme "the new keys to success". Two round tables will be devoted to Europe.

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Asylum requests by unaccompanied children

9 May 2016

In 2015 88,300 asylum seekers asking for international protection in the EU's Member States were deemed to be unaccompanied minors, said a Eurostat publication on 2nd May.

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Bulgaria and Croatia together for a European migratory policy

9 May 2016

Bulgarian and Croatian Foreign Ministers, Daniel Mitov and Miro Kovac made a joint declaration on 3rd May regarding the European migratory policy in the Balkans. On 5th May the Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borissov called on the countries of Eastern Europe to show more solidarity.

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New measures to solve the migratory crisis

8 May 2016

On 4th May the Commission put forward measures to help solve the migratory crisis with the implementation of a common European asylum regime that will be sustainable and fair. It suggested the establishment of a "solidarity contribution" of 250,000€ per personne for any country that refused to automatically take on asylum seekers in the EU, the lifting of the temporary controls on the internal borders and the liberalisation of visas for Turkish and Kosovar citizens.

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Hungarian Supreme Court allows a referendum on the relocation of refugees

9 May 2016

On 3rd May the Hungarian Supreme Court formally allowed the government to organise a referendum on the European plan for the distribution of refugees in the EU's Member States.

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The UK will take in Syrian refugee children

8 May 2016

The British government announced on 4th May that it was setting up an initiative to take in unaccompanied Syrian refugee children registered in Greece, Italy and France.

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J-C Juncker qualifies the closing of the Austro-Italian border as a "political catastrophe"

9 May 2016

On 7th may during an exclusive interview with the German media group Funke Mediengruppe, the President of the Commission Jean-Claude Juncker warned that the re-establishment of border controls to counter the influx of migrants on the Brenner Pass on the border between Italy and Austria would be a "political catastrophe" for Europe.

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Financial Crisis

The European Commission's economic forecasts

8 May 2016

On 3rd May the European Commission published its spring economic forecasts 2016. It notably forecasts a slight decrease in growth to 1.8% in the EU and to 1.6% in the euro zone in 2016.

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OECD study on the Hungarian economy

9 May 2016

On 6th May the OECD published a study regarding the state of the Hungarian economy.

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Adoption of tax reforms and retirement pensions

9 May 2016

On 8th May the Greek parliament adopted reforms on retirement pensions and income tax that involve the reduction of the highest pensions and an increase in taxes on the middle and highest incomes.

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Transatlantic trade agreement contested

9 May 2016

Cecilia Malmström, European Trade Commissioner spoke on 2nd May to clarify some points in the TTIP negotiations. The French government said it was against the conclusion of an agreement as matters stood at present. Moreover the regular survey by DeutschlandTrend of the ARD radiophonic consortium revealed that a majority of Germans rejected the project (70%).

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Crowdfunding as an alternative to financing businesses

9 May 2016

On 3rd May the European Commission published a report on crowdfunding deemed vital in view of diversifying business financing sources in Europe and for an improved connection between savings and growth.

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New financial contribution mechanism

9 May 2016

On 3rd May the European Union, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway agreed on a new financial contribution mechanism for the period 2014-2021.

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The basis of an agreement defined between Greece and its creditors

10 May 2016

On 9th May an exceptional Eurogroup meeting took place in view of finding an agreement between Greece and its creditors. The Finance Ministers of the euro zone defined a package of measures that Greece is due to adopt as a condition for the validation of the first review of the ESM programme: a first package of measures equivalent to 3% of the GDP and a second one in the shape of a precautionary mechanism, if the goal of a budgetary surplus of 3.5% is not achieved in 2018. Regarding the country's debt the Eurogroup meeting enabled the definition of some main principles: facilitating Greece's access to the markets, smoothing the reimbursement profile, stimulating the country's adjustment process including after the end of the programme, and the promotion of flexibility in support of uncertain GDP and interest rates.

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Meetings between the Japanese Prime Minister and European leaders

8 May 2016

From 2nd to 7th May Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe met his European G7 counterparts (Angela Merkel, David Cameron, François Hollande and Matteo Renzi) in preparation for the G7 summit that will take place on 26th and 27th May in Japan. He also met his Belgian counterpart Charles Michel in Brussels as well as Jean-Claude Juncker and Donald Tusk.

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Court of Justice

The Court validates the Union's new directive on tobacco

8 May 2016

On 4th May the Court of Justice declared the 2014 directive on tobacco products valid in a bid to protect health and meet obligations under the framework convention of the WTO to counter the use of tobacco.

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The ECB announces the end of the 500€ note

8 May 2016

On 4th May the European Central Bank decided to stop producing and distributing the 500€ bank note by the end of 2018 in a bid to counter illegal and fraudulent activities.

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Angel Merkel recommits to the climate

9 May 2016

During the 49th meeting of the Asian Development Bank on 3rd May in Frankfurt the German government and the bank agreed to establish closer cooperation in terms of the climate.

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Defending the borders against the return of nationalism

9 May 2016

On 5th May in Rome German Chancellor Angela Merkel called on Europe's main leaders to "defend the external borders" in order to prevent "a return of nationalism".

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Resignation of Austrian Chancellor Werner Faymann

9 May 2016

Austrian Chancellor Werner Faymann, also leader of the Social Democratic Party SPÖ, resigned on 9th May from all of his posts.

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Spain: dissolution of parliament and new elections

8 May 2016

The King of Spain Felipe VI signed the dissolution of Parliament on 3rd May. The electoral campaign is therefore officially underway. The election will take place on 26th June next.

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Franco-German initiatives in the Sahel

9 May 2016

Jean-Marc Ayrault and Frank-Walter Steinmeier, the French and German Foreign Ministers, jointly visited Mali and Niger from 1st to 3rd May. On 4th May they took part in a UN meeting in Berlin on the situation in Syria.

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New Irish government

8 May 2016

Enda Kenny was re-elected as Prime Minister of Ireland on 6th May after his party Fine Gael reach agreement on 29th April with Fianna Fail and the independent MPs. He received the support of 59 MPs.

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Demonstration in the face of a new Polish Constitution

9 May 2016

On 7th May more than 250,000 people demonstrated in Warsaw against the government's measures with the watchword "we are and will remain in Europe". On 2nd May the head of the party in office, Jaroslaw Kaczynski declared that he wanted to modify the Constitution. Several opposition parties announced on 5th May that a "coalition" was being created to "defend the rule of law in Poland and its place in the European Union."

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Czech Republic

Summit between the Visegrad Groups and the countries in the Eastern Partnership

9 May 2016

On 3rd and 4th May the Foreign Affairs Ministers of the Visegrad Group and the Eastern Partnership met in Prague to establish a review and address the future.

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Election results: new mayor of London

9 May 2016

On 5th May the British were called to renew 2,743 town council seats in 124 local councils, MPs in the Scottish, Welsh and Northern Irish Assemblies and the Mayors of London, Bristol, Liverpool and Salford. Sadiq Khan, a Labour Party member was elected Mayor of London. In Scotland supporters of independence came out ahead with 63 seats out of 129.

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Turkey concemned by the ECHR

9 May 2016

On 3rd May the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) condemned Turkey for not having investigated adequately into the murder of a Kurd political leader in 1994 in the east of the country.

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Turkey: resignation of the Prime Minister and refusal to reform

9 May 2016

On 5th May Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu announced that he would not stand for re-election during the AKP party congress that convened on 22nd May. At the same time Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan refused to reform the anti-terrorist law. However this had been a request on the part of the EU under the agreement for the management of refugees and the granting of short-stay visas.

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Award of the Charlemagne Prize to Pope Francis

9 May 2016

On 6th May the Charlemagne Prize was awarded to Pope Francis. In a speech advocating opening he strongly recalled that "Europe was able to provide impetus to a new humanism founded on an ability to integrate, undertake dialogue and create," stressing that "creativity, genius and a capacity for rebirth and renewal are part of the soul of Europe."

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Montenegro's membership of NATO would help its security

9 May 2016

By the end of the month of May the Foreign Ministers of NATO's member countries will sign Montenegro's Accession Protocol.

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Publication of the Destatis report on the state of Germany society

8 May 2016

The German national statistics institute published its annual report on 3rd May on social issues in Germany with a particular focus on migrants.

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EIB report in Africa, Caribbean, and the Pacific

9 May 2016

On 4th May the EIB published its annual report on its work in Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific and in overseas territories.

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IMF report on the countries in Eastern and Central Europe

9 May 2016

On 6th May the IMF published a report on the economic situation in Central, Eastern and South East Europe (CESEE) covering 22 countries.

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Donald Tusk reviews the results of his first mandate

9 May 2016

On 9th May the President of the European Council Donald Tusk published a report on the European Council's work between December 2014, when he entered office, and April 2016.

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Publication of the work "Un nouveau pont sur l'Atlantique"

9 May 2016

The University of Quebec has published "Un nouveau pont sur l'Atlantique" under the management of Christian Deblock, Joël Lebullenger and Stéphane Paquin, which covers the negotiations for an economic and trade agreement between Canada and the EU.

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Cannes Festival

9 May 2016

The 69th Cannes Festival will take place from 11th to 22nd May with 21 films running in the competition. George Miller, an Australian producer will be chairing the jury.

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Vienna Festival

9 May 2016

From 13th May to 26th June, Vienna is hosting classical music, opera and dance performances for its 65th festival.

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Exhibition on Charles Gleyre, the reformed Romantic

9 May 2016

From 10th May to 11th September the Orsay Museum is hosting the first solo exhibition to take place in France devoted to Charles Gleyre. Placed under the sign of spleen and the ideal, the exhibition is an opportunity to delight once more in the illusions of academicism.

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Turner and Colour

9 May 2016

The Centre of Art Caumont in Aix-en-Provence is hosting some of Turner's paintings until 18th September. Turner was a major figure of English 19th century painting.

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The Macchiaioli in Rome

9 May 2016

Until 4th September the Bramante Cloister in Rome is showing the most typical works of the Macchiaoli the biggest revolutionary Italian artistic movement of the 19th century.

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The Qur'an unveiled at the Pergamon Museum

9 May 2016

Until 24th July the Pergamon Museum is offering its public an introduction to the complex nature of the Qur'an through a selection of rarely exhibited objects.

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7th "Chantiers d'Europe"

9 May 2016

From 11th May to 4th June the Théâtre de la Ville, Paris is hosting the 7th "Chantiers d'Europe" - a place to discover artists and groups who have come from small countries which are not very well represented on stage or in the TV studios and which bring a specific view of past, present and future Europe.

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les 9th-12th May

Plenary Session of the European Parliament (Strasbourg)

9th May

Europe Day ()

9th May

Eurogroup Meeting ()

les 12th-13th May

"Foreign Affairs" Council (Brussels)

17th May

"Agriculture and Fisheries" Council (Brussels)

Newsletter Archives

The Italian economy and its European outlook

The challenges facing European agriculture: Crisis or opportunity for transformation?

European support to the defence industry - Mid-term review of the European Defence Fund

Greenland:a geostrategic challenge for the European Union in the age of Trump 2.0

Polish Presidency of the Council - A paradigm shift in Poland's European policy

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Charles de Marcilly, Helen Levy ,Rodolphe Baron, Angéline Garde, Emma Giraud,Guillaume Gorge, Morgane Mounier, Laura Zani

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Eric Maurice

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
Contact Us!

Europe/Day, Resignation/Austria, Government/Ireland, Pope/Europe, Poland, Turkey...


The Newsletter n°715- version of 9 mai 2016