The Newsletter7142 mai 2016

La Lettre

Barack Obama

2 May 2016

The Robert Schuman Foundation has published the speech delivered in Hanover on 25th April by US President Barack Obama to the people of Europe.

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"Schuman Report on Europe, the State of the Union 2016"

1 May 2016

The 10th edition (7th in English) of the "Schuman Report on Europe, the State of the Union 2016" has just been published and is now available in bookshops, on the Foundation's site and in digital version. It was presented to the European Parliament on 26th April in Brussels and on 28th to the Senate in Paris. Order your copy now!

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A world without Europe?

2 May 2016

In an editorial published on his site, Jean-Dominique Giuliani, Chairman of the Foundation, recalled that the world would miss the European Union should it no longer exist.

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Financial Crisis

Negotiations between IMF, ESM, the BCE and Greece suspended again

2 May 2016

Discussions between Athens and the representatives of the IMF, Eurogroup, the ECB and the European Stability Mechanism (ESM) started again on 25th April but were then suspended on 26th.

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New approach to support refugees and displaced populations

2 May 2016

On 26th April the European Commission proposed a new approach in terms of support of refugees and displaced populations.

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IOM study on economic migration in the EU

1 May 2016

The International Organisation for Migration (OIM) published a document on the future of the EU's economic migration policy on 25th April.

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Austria restricts its asylum law

1 May 2016

On 27th April the Austrian Parliament adopted a draft law limiting the initial right to asylum to three years and which also provides for the possibility of a "migratory state of emergency".

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Ban Ki-moon "concerned" about the toughening up of migratory policies in Europe

1 May 2016

The UN's Secretary General Ban Ki-moon said he was "concerned" about the adoption of "increasingly restrictive" policies vis-à-vis migrants, as he gave a speech to the Austrian Parliament on 28th April.

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European Action in the Horn of Africa

1 May 2016

On 28th April the Commission announced 10 new actions to a total of 117 million € to counter illegal immigration and forced displacement in the region of the Horn of Africa.

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17th round of negotiations of the TTIP (Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership)

1 May 2016

On 27th April, the European Commission published the report on the 17th round of negotiations over the agreement on the trade of services.

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Status of the negotiations on the Transatlantic trade and investment partnership

1 May 2016

On 27th April the Commission published the most recent developments in the TTIP negotiations.

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Draft directive on working conditions in the fisheries sector

2 May 2016

On 29th April the Commission approved a draft directive to improve working conditions in the fisheries sector.

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"Europe in my region" campaign

1 May 2016

On 29th April the Commission launched the "Europe in my region" campaign which aims to encourage citizens to discover the projects that are being financed by the EU near where they live.

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Reduction of telephone roaming fees

1 May 2016

Since 30th April the tariff applied to calls, for sending an SMS or for surfing from another Member State (roaming) other than one's own has been reduced. As of 15th June 2017 Europeans will be paying the same price whatever the country they are in when they use their mobile phones.

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Entry into force of new customs union rules

2 May 2016

On 1st May new customs duties rules will be entering into force. This will help companies trading in Europe and provide better protection to consumers against illegal or counterfeited merchandise.

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Adoption of the Union's new integrated policy for the Arctic

1 May 2016

On 27th April Federica Mogherini presented the Union's new "integrated policy for the Arctic."

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Meeting of G7 Energy Ministers

2 May 2016

On 2nd May the G7 Energy Ministers agreed on improvements to be made in terms of energy security and on methods to speed up investments to counter instability due to the collapse of oil prices.

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ECB: report on financial integration

1 May 2016

The European Central Bank published a report analysing financial integration in Europe on 25th April.

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Interview with the ECB President

1 May 2016

On 28th April the German daily "Bild" published an interview with Mario Draghi, President of the European Central Bank on Europe's economic and financial situation.

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European Agencies

Prize awards at the European Institute for Innovation and Technology

1 May 2016

On 26th April the European Institute for Innovation and Technology awarded prizes to the best European innovators of the moment.

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Meeting of G5 in Hanover

2 May 2016

On 25th April in Hanover Angela Merkel organised a meeting with François Hollande, David Cameron, Matteo Renzi and Barack Obama to discuss the crises of the moment.

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Croatia promises "difficult" economic reforms

1 May 2016

On 28th April the Croatian government promised to launch "difficult" economic reforms after having been reprimanded by the European Commission for the "excessive" imbalances in its economy.

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The King recommends new elections for 26th June

2 May 2016

On 26th April the King of Spain, Felipe VI, announced that the Spanish Parliament would be dissolved on 3rd May and that new parliamentary elections would take place on 26th June.

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Australia chooses France to build 12 submarines

1 May 2016

On 26th April Australia chose the French company DCNS, specialised in the naval defence industry to build 12 submarines.

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Agreement to form a government

2 May 2016

The centre right party, Fine Gael, of outgoing Prime Minister Enda Kenny found support on 29th April with Fianna Fail to form a minority government.

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Three former Polish presidents call for the "defence of democracy"

1 May 2016

Three former Polish presidents, Lech Walesa, Aleksander Kwasniewski and Bronislaw Komorowski, as well as other personalities, accused the party in office, Law and Justice, of destroying the constitutional order and called for the defence of democracy in Poland.

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A loss of income for Britons if there is a Brexit

1 May 2016

The OECD's Secretary General Angel Gurria warned on 27th April that if the Brexit should go a head there would be a loss of income for all Britons.

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Residential criteria for the referendum

1 May 2016

The UK's High Court confirmed on 28th April that Britons who had not lived in the UK for over 15 years will not be able to vote on 23rd June.

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30th anniversary of the Chernobyl catastrophe

1 May 2016

On 26th April Ukraine commemorated the 30th anniversary of the catastrophe in Chernobyl, the world's worst nuclear accident to ever occur.

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Ukraine doubles the prize of gas to households

1 May 2016

On 27th April Ukraine announced that it was revising its gas tarifs, a measure demanded by the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

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Council of Europe

Democracy in Europe threatened by nationalism and populism

1 May 2016

Democracy and Human Rights are being threatened by the rise of populism and nationalism in Europe warned the Secretary General of the Council of Europe Thorbjørn Jagland on 27th April.

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Turkey condemned for religious discrimination against the Alevi faith

1 May 2016

On 26th April the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) condemned Turkey, deeming that the Alevi were the victims of "different treatment that was without objective, reasonable justification."

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GDP growth

1 May 2016

Economic growth accelerated in the 1st quarter of 2016, with the GDP rising by 0.5% in the EU and by 0.6% in the euro zone indicated the European Statistics Office Eurostat on 29th April.

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Unemployment drops to 8.8% in the EU and to 10.2% in the euro zone

1 May 2016

Unemployment declined in March 2016 in the EU to 8.8% and to 10.2% in the euro zone announced Eurostat, the European Statistics Office on 29th April.

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More women on executive boards in Europe

1 May 2016

Between 2011 and 2015 the share of women on European companies' executive boards almost doubled rising from 13.9% to 25% on average according to a publication by the EWB.

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Quarterly report on the euro zone

1 May 2016

On 27th April the European Commission published its quarterly report on the euro zone.

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Publication of confidential documents in the TTIP

2 May 2016

On 2nd May Greenpeace Netherlands published 15 confidential documents regarding the TTIP negotiations in a bid to achieve transparency and citizen information.

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50th Brighton Festival

1 May 2016

From 7th to 29th May the Brighton Festival will be hosting both British and international artists will be taking part in many events around the town.

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Normandy Impressionist Festival 2016

1 May 2016

The Normandy Impressionist Festival is being organised for the third time and will last until 26th September. Several hundred cultural events and shows are on the programme in the region.

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James Bond 007 exhibition in Paris

2 May 2016

Until 4th September the Grande Halle at the Villette is hosting the "James Bond 007, exhibition" that brings together more than 500 original objects taking visitors into the aesthetic universe of the world's most famous spy.

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International Cartoon Strip Fair

1 May 2016

From 5th to 8th May Barcelona is hosting its 34th international cartoon strip fair.

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Illusions: science or magic?

2 May 2016

Until 5th March 2017 the Museon in The Hague is hosting the exhibition: "Illusions: science or magic?" presenting to the public the most surprising optical illusions and scientific experiments.

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George Baselitz at the White Cube

2 May 2016

The White Cube, the London gallery, a reference in terms of contemporary art, is hosting the work of Georg Baselitz, German painter and sculptor, until 3rd July.

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4th May

USA-EU Council on Energy (Washington)

5th May

Elections of Scotland's Parliament - Elections of the Parliament of Northern Ireland ()

6th May

Award of Charlemagne Prize to Pope Francis (Aachen)

8th May

European Parliament's Open Days (Strasbourg)

les 9th-12th May

Plenary Session of the European Parliament (Strasbourg)

9th May

Europe Day ()

9th May

Eurogroup Meeting ()

Newsletter Archives

Europe in a fragmented global economy: making the most of the single market and competition policy

European Defence and Russia

Cyprus: 20 years of membership of the European Union, between singularities and a theatre of geopolitical oppositions.

Review of the 9th Legislature of the European Parliament

What to take away from the European law on artificial intelligence

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Charles de Marcilly, Helen Levy ,Rodolphe Baron, Angéline Garde, Emma Giraud,Morgane Mounier, Laura Zani

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Eric Maurice

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
Contact Us!

Telephone/Roaming, Arctic, Ireland/Agreement, Obama/Europe, Trade/TTIP


The Newsletter n°714- version of 2 mai 2016